
Persona Quotes

There are 693 quotes

"The Persona is incapable of receiving love; it can only receive praise."
"The danger is that they become identical with their personas — the professor with his textbook, the tenor with his voice."
"For me, it's just theatrical. I get to embody a totally different persona."
"The character of Frank is a kind of persona rooted in deep psychoanalytical themes."
"Master Asia, in a nutshell, is G Gundam personified."
"At the end of the day, we are characters. My job is to be the most hated character ever, and I thrive in that situation."
"It's so funny, man, you kind of get caught up into the persona that they're creating and you're like, 'Yo, this is a really good guy.' And then when you start working with them, you find out through their behaviors that this person is a [ __ ] psychopath."
"I had to put on was one of fearlessness, strength."
"Celebrities almost kind of are fictional characters, right? These personas are indeed based on the real human being inhabiting them, but they're often exaggerated and archetypical."
"For a lot of us, this facade of charisma and affability can hide deep pain."
"The first thing you have to understand with regards to trying to come to terms with the conception of the shadow is to understand the idea of persona and persona is the you that you present when you want people to accept and like you often like."
"I love that Brad Pitt has leaned into the thing that we expect him to be."
"My name is Maxwell Jacob Friedman and I'm better than you and you know it."
"He had a rockstar sensibility, which is something important to convey to audiences."
"That's what I do to these people: bed hitman SB."
"In 1972, David Bowie took all the elements he'd learned about performing arts and fused them together to create a daring new stage persona: Ziggy Stardust."
"Ziggy Stardust did indeed rise and fall just as predicted."
"Cobain became the exact reference point for the word 'cool.'"
"I'm here to make wrestling great again. Shut your mouth and show me some respect."
"He hypnotized his audiences, screeching like a shaman. He even invented an alter ego, the Lizard King."
"I'm like one punch man, I'm the hero for fun but I make videos."
"Thanks everybody, that's gonna do it for me. I'm Tim Dodd, The Everyday Astronaut, bringing space down to earth for everyday people."
"He's playing this changed character... kind of molding it into this new messiah-like gimmick."
"Narcian's design captures his flamboyant persona perfectly."
"Most of the things that people know about me are made up. My own life is backstage."
"Nicholson embodied the contradictions of the Jack Nicholson persona."
"Embrace your villain role, embrace the bad guy persona that you are."
"It's just good to see Johny Depp still keep his character and the guy, the cool guy that we believe him to be."
"The largest misconception is that Lady Gaga is a persona or a character. I'm not. I am a hundred and fifty thousand percent Lady Gaga every day."
"He was just naturally cool and his rhymes were something that nobody could adjust to. People were getting flat out roasted by John Cena with the rapper gimmick."
"Almost no content creator is fully themselves on camera... we oftentimes take on personas and act in a way that we believe will be most entertaining."
"Clyde fancied himself as a modern Jesse James."
"He might have the perfect video game persona."
"How you gonna name yourself after a damn gun and have a man bun?"
"Hello, welcome to my room. Please take off your shoes. This is the most ominous image of me I ever did see."
"Sometimes, people put on a persona. Remember, perception is a person's reality, but that's not always the truth."
"Welcome to the new face of the WWE, Chris Danger."
"I feel like I'm 21 Savage. Yes, I pull up and [ __ ] on your daughter." - Ugly God
"Suddenly start introducing videos like that out of nowhere, all the new viewers will be like, 'Who is this interesting and mysterious person?'"
"He's turned himself into the ultimate bad boy, the ultimate heel, and everyone is watching to see him get his ass whooped."
"Sam Elliott: the man men want to be and women want to be with."
"It's not surprising that Sam Elliott was wanted by both men and women."
"He is the jaon beating pie eating trailblazing eyebrow raising all around smack it down people's champ boo boo."
"I feed off their hate like a professional wrestling heel."
"Margot Robbie beautiful, cultured, well-spoken, perfect. Yet she makes a living being not Margot Robbie."
"Never taking off the mask, it's such a better show."
"Discarding your persona at the drop of the slightest trouble and coming back a week later with a new character is something unique to vtubing." - Pingu
"I was trying to make myself into as close as I could get to like Hollywood... charismatic, knowledgeable, funny."
"That's the legend and the reality of Cody Paul."
"What's the better game series to pick up, Xenoblade or Persona?"
"Filthy Frank is the embodiment of what a person in society should not be."
"The hail fellow well-met persona... never really been that happy a person."
"Beautiful, dangerous, and Danish, stepping up here late."
"What happens is when you are winning you actually don't have to be liked right people will accept you as the villain."
"I am basically the Joker... doing it to the rich and the famous."
"Ronald is never allowed to reveal his true personality."
"He seemed like any other charming entrepreneur."
"You know, he's kind of like Australia's Bruce Willis in a way."
"Macron is a hollow man, a slippery snake oil salesman with a winning smile and nice suits."
"People often refer to me as Chris Danger... it ended up becoming something that I'm branding off of, a danger zone."
"The performance of the persona is quite all right as long as you know that you are not identical with the way in which you appear." - Narrator
"I'm a cat Williams when they trying to get funny again."
"I'm an absolute genius. I'm an absolute show."
"If personality is an unbroken series of successful gestures, then there was something gorgeous about him."
"Steve Austin perfected this anti-hero persona."
"Santa Steve became the official YouTube Santa, like the Santa of YouTube."
"When the show's over, the show's over. That persona of being a rock star on stage, it's effing over. You're a normal human being dealing with normal people."
"Drake is known for giving people their flowers on stage and telling the world how great they are, basically kissing and hugging them without actually physically doing it."
"I was going to be the singer singer, the approachable everyday guy."
"Bronson's onscreen portrayal of violence seemed not just an act but a reflection of the man himself."
"If you ever see someone that is super alpha dog, they're probably putting on a front."
"The young man in public looked like a loving husband, caring father, and an exemplary family man."
"He says he's the antichrist to professional wrestling and he's come back to save wrestling."
"I love Roddy Piper but he was the one that always protected his image the image of him as Roddy Piper."
"Bruce Wayne is actually the mask, and Batman, believe it or not, is the guy's true identity."
"Marilyn Monroe was an invention. And a really fucking good one."
"Humanizing the Undertaker actually helped prolong his run, especially during an era that was less reliant on supernatural shenanigans or cartoonish flair."
"Mark William Callaway, professional alias Mean Mark Callous, would henceforth be known as The Undertaker."
"Henry Winkler embodies the tough guy image with his jukebox slapping and pocket comb wielding antics causing a frenzy among the ladies for Fonzi."
"I'm telling these rather bawdy jokes, but I'm actually quite a sensitive kind of guy."
"Hey gems, it's your girl Mishima, and we are back at it again with another video."
"He's able to blend the ferocity and power of Batman along with the modesty and the good nature of Bruce Wayne."
"I'm a lady in the street but a freak in the bed."
"Create the role of someone with a personality you like and live it off stage."
"You have a persona that will live forever."
"I'm only allowing people to see the parts of me that I want them to see."
"Can you work as a heel? Sure, I'd love to."
"It's one thing to show the in-ring thing versus the onscreen personality."
"A superstar who is hidden behind his forbidding game face, but beneath his on-court persona lies one of sport's most compelling personal stories."
"Understand the idea of persona... the you that you present when you want people to accept and like you."
"I am Pina Palmer. Keep it pink and spooky."
"Brian Pillman's loose cannon persona expertly blurred the lines between fantasy and reality."
"I'm Lily Mad Whip, mother of monsters."
"Miller is a living embodiment of the potential for success found in the phrase 'fake it till you make it'."
"The 'we are Venom' line should feel deserved. It's about the two entities of the host and the Symbiote coming together, fusing together, creating this new persona solely dedicated to making Spider-Man's life hell."
"You're gonna have to blend into all these opportunities as a different type of person."
"...if you'll never have to be that person on the news after a horrific event, saying, 'He was such a nice guy, very quiet.'"
"I adopted my bossy older sister persona."
"It elevates capitalism, honors wealth, wholly consistent with who Donald Trump wanted to be and who he became."
"I'm a real good thinker I play dumb to a lot of people."
"I'm myself, gang. I'm gonna be me with or without a that's how I'm coming already."
"Respectfully, what's good y'all, it's your boy Justin LaBoy, the king of toxic himself."
"Expected is constantly contradicting himself pretending to be dumber than he is walking back on things that he says telling people to not take him seriously and that everything he does is just jokes and it's probably all just because he is bored."
"People loved Cody. He was a massive star and really the face of the non WWE contingent in professional wrestling."
"You got to build the percentage that people want to like and you gotta build a person people want to dislike."
"What makes Walter, Walter and I think that's the thing is what makes like the change of him becoming Gunther and like the music change and all that stuff makes it much more palatable is he is exactly the same wrestler in the ring."
"Tyler embodies all the things the narrator wishes he could be: confident, assertive, charismatic."
"Sabu prides himself for being homicidal, suicidal, and genocidal and would like to politely request that fans not commit gimmick infringement by becoming homicidal themselves."
"Stone Cold Steve Austin is who and what I am 24/7."
"...the doctor of thugonomics was born and John Cena was on the fast track to Mega stardom."
"You create an aura of danger and chaos around this guy."
"Let me tell you something, dude. 'Chris-amania' has been running wild, brother!"
"The gimmick was so powerful it made Terry Bollea a better person."
"China's persona inspired young girls to embrace their strength and individuality."
"Good evening. I am Dr. Dark, terror of terrible."
"He's got such like a lovable persona."
"Integrity then is consistency between your public Persona and your private identity."
"Jesse James looks good wow and geez."
"Jesse James, like an old outlaw, except this Jesse James doesn't really shoot guns, he just shoots workouts and handsomeness."
"He specialized in acting like an idiot but in real life he is far from it."
"Undertaker grabs the microphone and says no one threatens the Prince of Darkness."
"This really has like not Coastal Grandma but Rich stepmom who has a yacht but doesn't brag about it that's the energy."
"The chad Paul Harrell: proudly has killed a man, dressed like a cool dad."
"The Persona they've given Superman throughout the years."
"Appear high value, appear cool, even if you're not yet because that's what we're going to respond to."
"Selena Gomez wears two masks, one for the public eye and another she conceals revealing her real self."
"One of the most enigmatic performers in wrestling history and one of the greatest heels, Randy Savage was a pretty good fit for the nWo."
"...he doesn't know about the mr. negative persona he just kind of switches over to it."
"Main character energy. You gotta fake it sometimes, even if you're faking it. You know?"
"The goddess herself, the epitome of a drag queen."
"Known in the ring as the Samoan bulldozer but behind the curtains he was known as one of the most sweethearted men in the industry."
"The shadow compensates the persona, what we don't want people to know about us."
"In the WWF though things were different and that was why he was able to spend the second half of the Attitude Era developing an all-new aura for himself as Latino Heat."
"After years of fan demand in 2004 at WrestleMania 20 he'd finally cave and return to his old Dead Man incarnation."
"You can make a YouTube channel with that persona, you're blowing up I'm telling you right now."
"That that's the real Shaq man that that's not a facade bro you see on TV from Shaq that's who he is that's who he is man."
"Because you know when you're doing the TV show is you know I gotta be you can't show that side on YouTube so that's why YouTubes are different."
"Your personal brand is the way in which your personality, unique skills, and values as a designer intersect with your public persona."
"I'm not a bad boy. I like to think that people think I'm a scallywag. And scallywag's the word that I use because it's I think it's something that came through the 90s. And that we had a lot of skellywags."
"I do think the idea of persona becomes more complicated especially when you do look at the fact that Elizabeth is an actress."
"Effie became an influential person in the Capitol and many people started to regard her as a fashion icon."
"Bad guy is a song about pretending to be someone you're not."
"Have a unique and memorable persona and motivation that you can use to bring your Lich to life in your roleplay."
"You're going to attract a very specific kind of energy to yourself."
"Oliver Tree's entire Persona is a performance art. He's like the music's equivalent of Andy Kaufman. You don't know what's real, you don't know what's fake."
"There's an idea of dooby doo bop some kind of persona, but there is no real doobie, only an entity, something illusory."
"My tactic is to be a villain. I'm just going to continue being the bad guy."
"Ice Cube's commitment to his family, his enduring partnership with Kimberly, and his thoughtful approach to Parenting shed light on the artist's multifaceted Persona."
"When every other hero puts on a costume, it's their persona. But when Bruce Wayne puts on bad ears, that's the real deal right there."
"The blade persona is like what he wants to be but his real self comes out once he turns into Will Smith from Independence Day."
"There's just this energy of naturally putting on like a game face and naturally putting on a face just to protect the softness that's inside you."
"Introducing Lady Gunplay, yeah, on the game."
"We need to be as authentic as possible because too many times in this life we allow false personas or masks to come up around us and we show those different masks to different people."
"Come on it's got to be stage personality keep motivated."
"If MJF becomes a nice guy, you're taking it away from him. He has to stay who he is."
"Keep the shroud of mystery. Become an enigmatic figure."
"We all carry a persona - it's the version of you that you show in front of, say, your spouse's parents, or your boss. But if one over-identifies with the persona, when they begin to sell the illusion to themselves rather than to others, it becomes self-destructive."
"Hulkamania Hogan eight days a week."
"And then there's some who just adopt really well and their new persona becomes something they're truly remembered for."
"MJF's character on-screen is the exact same persona fans will encounter in public."
"Watching that promo just watch even when he's kind of being nice to people there's a bullying cuz of his size and his look and the way he delivers his lines and then you see him wrestle he's an in ring bully he's great"
"Jack Harlow was fun as a relaxed, effortlessly self-confident bro, but as a guy trying to sell you on the prospect of dating Jack Harlow, he suddenly jumps way out of his depth."
"A part of me wonders how much the trauma's real, whatever happened is real, but how much of it is just him, the perennial worker outside the ring exploiting people's emotions."
"She had a very appealing look on television and had a very authentic persona."
"The quiet storm is the perfect name. She is gentle in her demeanor but vicious in her persona in the cage."
"Flair styled and profiled his way to the top in the 1980s and never looked back."
"The man is hilarious and could easily get laughs just from using his own laugh."
"Putting on a facade of any form is very difficult for me."
"No Will is angry and he's ready to show you that he's not the soft bubble gum rapper you thought he was."
"I feel like nowadays you know it's this orchestrated thing and nobody cares about the authenticity of the person anymore."
"You have such a good brand image online and you're like oh thanks but like you're also so much more in person."
"Outside of the ring, they see a man. But when they step in the ring with me, it's completely different."
"Flair's relationship with money his extravagant lifestyle and the subsequent Financial hardships he faced paint a complex picture of a man whose onscreen Persona and real life identity became indistinguishably intertwined"
"Boy, howdy there! It's Mike the Gorilla Murphy, attorney at law, and I'm here to help all of you scalawags!"
"...Drake is putting on this tough guy persona that really represents everything that he's not."
"I kind of play the fool sometimes, but like, I'm really The Evil Genius, come on."
"Magnus am taking over the show...science Magnus, that is my effect."
"If the other Taylors we saw in the Look What You Made Me Do video are all actualized versions of who she’s been, these new characters are parallel-universe versions - people she may have become had things turned out differently."
"But what’s unusual about her semi-autobiographical style is that there are actually multiple versions of her self-proxy -- an array of Taylor-heroines."
"He was a mass of contradictions Indiana Farm Boy New York intellectual Hollywood movie star he so immersed himself in his roles that he never let us know where the screen character ended and the real James Dean began."
"I don't think any of us will ever really know the real Marilyn Monroe. I think she was a whole lot of different people rolled into one."
"He had an odd temperament, fearing that rumors about his family would impact his crafted persona."
"Another way to create this air of mystery is being someone who merits attention. You're good at something, you're beautiful, you have this, you have that, but acting as though you don't want the attention. That makes you even more mysterious."
"People will say, 'Are we sure we know the same person?' because when that achiever was with their Lodge buddies they acted one way."
"He carefully crafted a master plan that he executed over three years to build up his music career through the beloved Filthy Frank character, then killed him forever at the peak of his popularity."
"I always act like a perfect gentleman."
"If you want to put on a character, if you want to put on a persona, why not?"
"The Fonz was coolness personified: awesome leather jacket, could kick anyone's ass, rode around on a motorcycle, was the ultimate ladies man."
"Flamey was a great spokesperson when he was working, but off-camera or offstage, he was only there for the benefits."
"Maintaining a certain veil of mystery around oneself is a deliberate choice to weave one's narrative with care and consideration."
"Out of all of The Undertaker's guises, none were more utterly unhinged than his reign as the Lord of Darkness."
"When the cameras go off, be you. Don't be in character."
"Gloria realized that people were expecting her to react differently, to provide them with a bigger-than-life scene."
"...the version of me that is reserved for my close friends, my wife gets the version of me that is reserved for her, the people who consume my content get the version of me that is reserved for them... Even the Patreon gets a different version of me than everybody else."
"WWE is a baby face promotion again and Cody is the perfect leader for that."
"The most important thing is to create a persona that suggests you're being honest, isn't that right Paul?"
"Your stage persona is the same guy off stage."
"the Kardashians know how to play the caricature that they've like painted for themselves oh they crush it"
One's online persona, and I would be like, "I wish I didn't see this. I wish I didn't know this. I wish I could just have known them as they are in person during our interactions and that's it, and it's that simple."
"She always puts on a show, oh my God, if anything, she's absolutely entertainment."