
Diet Change Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"If you're not happy with your current health, change your diet, and things will get better."
"By changing diets and introducing more prebiotics and probiotics into diets, you can improve people's mental health."
"I completely reversed my Type 2 diabetes in just 3 months."
"We could... feed far more than 10 or 11 billion people... if we reduced our meat consumption and spent more of that land producing fruits, vegetables, and grains."
"Me being vegan three or four years ago and then having this health situation come up and deciding to change my diet is not me lying to you."
"The death rate from diabetes and heart disease plummeted drastically when people had to eat starches, vegetables, and fruits."
"A very common theme is that they got sick... clearly a symptom that something is wrong."
"Prior to going vegan, my health was not great."
"We decided to change our diet and start incorporating more cooked foods."
"What's one change I can make in my diet that is gonna be a little hard but also I think I can do for the forever?"
"When people switch from foods that are so concentrated in calories to those that are bulky and diluting calories, dieting weight loss is effortless."
"We went from eating mostly fresh and nutritious food to most British and American people's diet now consists of processed or ultra-processed food."
"One simple and powerful secret to achieving and maintaining your ideal body weight without feeling deprived or unsatisfied after meals is to eliminate processed foods from your diet and eat as many whole foods as possible."
"Switching from an animal food-based diet to a starch-based diet can actually decrease their production of greenhouse gases by as much as 80 percent."
"Reducing meat and dairy consumption can help reduce carbon footprint."
"Glad you went carnivore and feel better thank you me too."
"If you go from eating junk to eating actual food, you will get healthier."
"When it comes to belly fat, there are two aspects. Number one: it's not your fault."
"If every American cut out one serving of chicken from their diet every week for a year, it would cut down the same amount of carbon emission as taking 500,000 cars off the road."
"If everybody in the US shifted to a plant-based diet, it would reduce agricultural emissions by 73%."
"Reducing meat consumption is just one way to help our planet."
"Once we started eating this way, within about one or two days, we got their lives back."
"The biggest things you can do to reduce your carbon footprint is move more towards a plant-based diet."
"Diet... very low carbohydrate diet... that's really the most important thing you can change."
"This diet changed my life. I had visceral adiposity, pre-diabetes, metabolic syndrome, and this was the only thing that I changed and it had a big benefit."
"It's getting a lot easier to have one less meat meal a week."
"You might not lose all the weight in a couple of weeks but you can change your inflammation markers your hormones your brain chemistry literally in a couple of weeks of changing your diet."
"Giving up sugary drinks is a really good way to start losing weight."
"Switch your liquid diet from whatever you're drinking to milk and water."
"Changing my diet has been paramount to my healing journey."
"If carbohydrates stimulate this much insulin and we want to reduce insulin, that's the first thing we want to change."
"I never thought that I'd be here... talking about how we're not eating any plants."
"The solution to addiction is to simply cut it out, but first, be fat adapted."
"Your health is good, but we gotta change your diet."
"Stop eating fast food and high-fat crappy meat that you know is bad for you and eat the healthier stuff. Simple."
"I realized I don't have any more headaches since adding butter to my diet."
"Going plant-based is a very simple, highly proven, well-supported way to lower your cholesterol."
"Getting rid of those seed oils, processed grains, and processed sugars, changing the quality of your diet, there will be nothing that you can do that will be better for your weight loss than that."
"I'm gonna have to, I gotta get this vegan diet going so I can get visited by aliens."
"I finally stopped eating anything white: flour foods, sugar, and salt."
"Most of the time when your taste buds change, you won't be able to stand all of the sugary commercial dressings anyway."
"Once I stopped eating meat, I very quickly began to feel the difference in my personal health." - Dr. Milton Mills
"Medical education lacks focus on dietary root causes, despite diet's impact on health."
"I really believe that today, becoming more plant-based is not a compromise, it's not a sacrifice, it's simply a better way to live."
"We've got to change from an animal-based diet to a plant-based diet."
"Dr. Andrew Weil recommends adding flax seeds to your diet as the top dietary change."
"As soon as we change the species, imagine the waste that would be reduced in the world if people cut down on the amounts of meat that they actually consumed."
"More greens, more beans, more nuts and seeds means less refined carbohydrates."
"Change in diet and change your life... let's forgive ourselves and do better."
"Wow, ice cream for breakfast in prison? It can't get any better than this!"
"Avoiding meat and dairy is the single biggest way to reduce your impact on Earth." - Oxford University study
"Cultural appropriation, we can't appro something we created."
"Remove all the unhealthy and processed sugar in your diet completely. Okay, that is a game changer."
"Decrease in metabolic syndrome with a low-carb diet."
"The most important change you can do in your life is to eat the low carbohydrate diet. It is crucial and vital."
"The only thing that I have done differently is get my eating habits back on track."
"Switching from animal protein to plant protein has benefits."
"Cutting animal protein in half has benefits."
"Meat and dairy out of the diet, get the fiber up, get the antioxidants and polyphenols, get all the good stuff up and the immune system's gonna be so much stronger."
"Just by going vegan and replacing saturated fat with polyunsaturated fat you significantly reduce your risk for developing cardiovascular disease."
"Know why you're changing your eating habits."
"I've lost some weight and have totally changed how I eat."
"Going carnivore for many means leaving behind a totally different life."
"If you change your diet, you can increase the number of good bacteria in your gut."
"Getting off gluten is why my joint pain gets so much better."
"...just made this real commitment...eliminating sugar grains processed foods and all seed oils...noticed dramatic improvement in their health."
"Eating more plants can be life-changing and it is absolutely worth it."
"We cannot change our genes, but we can change our gut bacteria by eating healthy."
"Make subtle but important changes in your diet... you're still going to enjoy what you're eating."
"I switched to eating more greens and lots of celery and stuff, and lost the weight... it just completely dropped off and I felt a lot better and a lot more satisfied."
"After the breakfast has become plant-based and the snacks have started becoming plant-based, then we start making changes to lunch and dinner."
"Just start eating healthy and then eventually your body will start craving more of the healthy foods."
"After watching that movie, it convinced me... it made me stop eating red meat and made me think I need to get a water filter."
"A whole food, plant-based diet changes everything."
"I switched over to eating a whole food plant-based diet from the standard American diet about three years ago."
"Everything gets better when you stop poisoning your body with a high carbohydrate highly inflammatory standard American crap diets."
"I'm wanting to try to get back into healthy eating mode."
"I cut out sugar and I cut out bread, and I swear to God, man, it changed my mental a little bit."
"If you could feel how I feel, you would go carnivore today."
"Get rid of the animal products, especially the dairy, get rid of the oil, if you can just do those two things, you're really on your way to better health."
"Change your diet at home, eating healthy, and then you will see some changes in your life."
"Changing what we eat can change how we experience illness itself."
"Whenever you switch up the way you eat, it's a good idea to go to the grocery store and make sure you buy the foods that going to fit within your new eating habits."
"Stop thinking of vegetables as your side and start thinking of them as your main course."
"If we could transition to far less meat and dairy in our diet, we could liberate a lot of spare capacity for looking after the biodiversity."
"Simply adding more carbohydrate-rich food and lowering the overall fat content resulted in significantly improved insulin sensitivity."
"You can reverse metabolic syndrome in three weeks of pure dietary change."
"If you have obese children, you don't want to put a child on a diet. You want to change the way you're eating and start eating real food."
"She has now officially cut out the sweeteners and said she thinks it just makes her more in tune with her true hunger and her true satiety."
"Remember, every small change in diet can contribute significantly to your overall health and the functionality of your kidneys."
"I've seen macular degeneration reverse just by cleaning up their diet."
"We love cows, and we're going to eat less of them and we're going to consider more plant-based meals in 2024."
"You don't have to go vegan, but if you want to help the world out, just eat less animal products."
"We reversed these kids' metabolic syndrome just by getting rid of the sugar and substituting starch."
"I'm thinking about reducing the amount of meat in my diet."
"Our biggest side effect was if you were overweight, you lost weight without being hungry."
"Changing my diet and how that's affected my skin from the inside out."
"For every animal product I cut, my health was doing better, and my physique improved."
"A diet change gets your hormones back in balance."
"When I changed my diet, everything fell into place."
"My diet is unrecognizable; really fresh fruit, vegetables, snacking on the right foods."
"I got rid of all my symptoms, all my gut pains, acid reflux, everything by changing my diet."
"I started changing my diet a bit, and the second month I lost like 13 pounds."
"I thought, you know what, I'm gonna try this crazy vegan thing because I also realized, oh you can totally get protein."
"You can actually get significant improvement and potentially even completely eliminate your seizure disorder by changing your diet."
"I am just a regular person changing my diet and whether it's completely how I should be counting my macros or completely wrong, I have seen a really big difference in doing this and so it works for me."
"It's not insane to think that you could just wake up one day and be like, okay today I'm gonna go from eating 4000 calories to 1200 calories."
"A moderate reduction in red and processed meat consumption can reduce total mortality by 13%, heart disease mortality by 14%, cancer mortality by 11%, and type 2 diabetes risk by 24%."
"Try it for like a week, see how you feel, see your energy levels."
"We reverted back to his raw food natural instincts working dog diet."
"It's where people move from mostly eating fresh whole foods that they prepare on the day they consume to mostly eating processed and ultra-processed foods."
"A huge portion of diabetic cats can eventually even come off insulin if they're just switched to a high-protein canned food."
"Fully understanding why you should be eating healthier will definitely change your habits."
"I'm so happy I found them because I'm really, really, really gonna cut beef out of my diet, but I love burgers."
"Reducing saturated fat in your diet reduces risk by 30%."
"Eating less meat will help to reduce carbon emissions because food production is a huge source of carbon emissions."
"I reduced my intake of carbohydrates by 50% and shunned out all processed meals of any kind."
"Even once you get rid of the refined sugar from your diet, you are never going to lose the desire and the taste for sweet."
"It's the most profound thing that could happen to anybody's health is to change from the western diet to a starch-based diet."
"I'm going vegan for 30 days and I'm actually really enjoying that so far."
"If you replace just 3% of your calories from animal-based protein with plant-based protein, that's associated with living longer."