
Repentance Quotes

There are 4721 quotes

"The strong believer is better and more beloved to God than the weak one, but there's good in everyone."
"Every son of Adam is a sinner; the best of those are those that repent."
"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins."
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise... but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
"Repentance... it's to change your mind... You change that mind, everything else changes."
"Repentance is when I say, I'm breaking up with all the things that drove the nails into my Lord's hand because I love Him."
"The kindness of God leads you to repentance."
"I'm gonna live my whole life repenting for cheating, and I'm just so sorry."
"Lord Jesus, I'm sorry that I turned my back on you. I went my own way. Tonight, I repent. I turn back to you."
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise."
"All the children of Adam make mistakes... the best of those who make mistakes are those who constantly repent."
"Never ever so remember this. Allah will never reject your sincere repentance, never ever."
"The one who repents from a sin, it is as if he has never committed the sin in the first place."
"If Allah has covered you whilst you were sinning, do you think he's going to expose you when you have repented?"
"Let us forsake our sin as servants of the Lord, as we serve in the name of Him who was forsaken upon Calvary’s cross."
"The goodness of God leads you to repentance."
"The best thing you can give God is yourself. Repent."
"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus."
"Repentance is not passing the buck off on someone else. Repentance begins with taking ownership of what you have done, owning it and confessing it, not blaming someone else."
"If you want God to intervene in your circumstances, you must understand repentance."
"The word 'repent' does not mean feel really bad about yourself; it means change your mind."
"Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death."
"Whatever you have done in the past, Tawbah (repentance) will take care of it, but never allow your previous mistakes to hinder you from moving forward."
"The patience of God is never a sign of weakness on his part. God is only being patient so that everyone would come to repentance."
"It's the kindness of God that leads to repentance."
"Behold he who has repented of his sins, the same is forgiven, and I, the Lord, remember them no more."
"Repentance and the gift of grace given by Yahshua, who died for our sins, ensure that as long as we believe in Him, He will be our advocate to the Father, and we will be saved."
"Repentance is a heartfelt sorrow for sin, a renouncing of it, and a sincere commitment to forsake it and walk in obedience to Christ."
"Repentance is not just sorrow for past sins, but a change of attitude about sin in general."
"Allah forgives all sins...Allah did not create us to be Angels. Allah loves the repentant."
"When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil ways, God changed His mind about the calamity that He had said He would bring upon them, and He did not do it."
"True deliverance is when one is brought to a place of true repentance and where one surrenders to the Holy Spirit his or her life."
"God is a righteous judge; God is merciful. If we repent, God knows how to fix our fallacies and yet build our faith."
"We need to turn our backs on the world and on what it has to offer, we need to turn away from sin and walk with Jesus."
"I repented from castigating people and criticizing people."
"The real Gospel of Jesus Christ... it will challenge you, it will convict you, it will lead you to a change in your sinful habits, and it will cause you to desire to repent."
"The true gospel... changes the heart of the hearer, it can pierce any hardened heart and calls people to obedience and to repentance."
"All you've got to do is give up the fight, stop the rebellion, repent and trust in the savior, and God promises He'll reveal Himself to you."
"Cease from your sins and forget your iniquities, never to commit them again, so God will lead you forth and deliver you from all tribulation."
"The Lord isn't really being slow about his promises as some people think. No, he is being patient for your sake. He does not want anyone to be destroyed but wants everyone to repent."
"It's God's goodness that leads a man to repentance."
"You are called of God to preach the word unto this people... that you may bring souls unto repentance, that the great plan of mercy may have claim upon them."
"Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death."
"Real repentance bears fruit, a genuine godly sorrow per Second Corinthians chapter seven comes number one when God grants it."
"Repentance is change. If you live in repentance, then you live in daily changing your life to reflect more of the Savior in your life."
"There will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine just persons who need no repentance."
"For Godly sorrow produces repentance leading to salvation not to be regretted."
"Repentance is about a change of life, a change of direction."
"Repentance isn't just being sorry; repentance means being sorrowful under the conviction of the Holy Spirit to the point that I make a change."
"Repentance is my willingness to let God turn me around and send me in a whole different direction."
"What might be impossible for man is not impossible with God; that God can break through even a hard heart and cause some things to happen in our lives to get us back to the place where we experience godly sorrow and godly repentance."
"The scriptures are full of stories of people who were once fallen and flawed but who repented and became firm in the faith of Christ."
"Repentance is the heartbeat of God. Without true repentance, we cannot be in the rhythm of God's heart."
"God said watch what I'm gonna do in America. I'm bringing America back to the place of true repentance."
"Repentance is turning away from sin and turning to God for forgiveness."
"The big news in the evangelical world right now is that Todd White has repented."
"Time and truth go hand in hand. Let's see if this bears real fruit in keeping with genuine repentance."
"When you repent, you're not getting further from the Lord; you're getting closer to him."
"When you repent, you're telling the Lord, 'I need you. I need you to cleanse me,' and God is bringing you closer to him every single day."
"You have one great repentance that you've made in your life that's foundational... that's the repentance that gives us salvation."
"Repentance means a changing of the mind, where you understand and recognize that the direction you were heading towards was not pleasing the Lord."
"My God, I believe, I adore, I hope, and I love you. I beg pardon for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope, and do not love you."
"The doors of repentance are open until the time of death."
"All the children of Adam are sinners; the best among them are those who turn to repentance."
"Repentance is to go and live with the intention of never doing it again, not in any form, not to any scale."
"If you want to be saved, if you want to make it to heaven, you must repent of your sins, turn from your wicked ways and accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior."
"I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance."
"God now commands all people everywhere to repent because he has set a day when he is going to judge the world in righteousness."
"Repent of your sins and trust in Jesus like you trust a parachute."
"Repentance means you change; you don't do that no more."
"The gift of repentance is an expression of God's kindness towards His children and a demonstration of His incomparable power to help us overcome the sins we commit."
"And if you made a mistake, seek forgiveness from Allah and repentance. If a servant makes a mistake, commits a sin, and then they sincerely repent to Allah, Allah will forgive them."
"We repent for the sins we committed on the way and we ask that you would bring us into alignment with holiness, with righteousness, and with obedience."
"Guilt is not a strategy, but repentance is different than guilt."
"Repentance means change direction in the Old Testament and change your mind in the New Testament."
"Repent and follow Christ, and He is the only one that will ever truly satisfy you."
"Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent."
"If your sins stretch from the earth to the heavens, and if you turn to me with sincerity and ask me for forgiveness, I will forgive you."
"Every good thing that we do, every bad thing that we do that we repent for, it's gone. As far as the East is from the West, God removes our sins from us."
"Dear Lord Jesus, I know that I am a sinner, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe You died for my sins and rose from the dead. I turn from my sins and invite You to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow You as my Lord and Savior."
"It is the kindness of God that leads men to repentance."
"If you make a habit of repentance when you make a mistake, then you can avoid crossing those major lines in your life."
"Experience the strengthening power of daily repentance—of doing and being a little better each day."
"When Jesus asks you and me to 'repent,' He is inviting us to change."
"God loves us and wants us to turn to him; he does not want anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance."
"Repentance is not just some conversion exercise; it is the posture of the Christian."
"Repentance is the only no shame solution to a renewed Christian life because it proves only the obvious: that God was right all along."
"Repent to God; nobody has to die, no blood has to be spilt."
"Repentance is a kind word biblically speaking. It's a word that invites people to change their lives to be in line with the will of God, to bring them into the love of God, into the grace of God."
"Heavenly Father, I realize that I'm a sinner, but right now, I repent of all my sins. I receive the free gift of your forgiveness. Lord Jesus, I believe in you."
"If you believe in Christ and you repent of your sins, you could be saved and you can make it to heaven."
"The goodness of the Lord causes a person to repent."
"Let Souls hear the word of God preached according to what you have outlined in the scriptures, that men and women's hearts might be pricked and repent."
"You repent of your sins, then come out of these churches and get your soul right with God."
"The loving kindness of the Lord leads us to repentance."
"When you turn from sin to God by means of the Holy Spirit... there is a reversal of consequences."
"The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance."
"Without repentance, there can be no revival."
"You want revival? You know what I learned? You can't have revival without repentance."
"As often as my people repent I will forgive them their trespass against me."
"A single moment of repentance can bring you all the way home."
"Repentance is an invitation from God to right living."
"My desire for people, if I think they're doing something wrong, is for them to repent, turn to God, have a good life, and get to heaven, not to die a horrible death."
"With self-recognition comes repentance, asking for forgiveness, and no longer doing the mistakes as well as granting forgiveness to everybody who we think has harmed us."
"Because of Jesus Christ, we can repent and be forgiven of our sins. Because of Him, each of us will be resurrected."
"God is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance."
"God will often give us time to repent before he chooses to discipline us. The key is for you and I to pay attention to those signs."
"Part of being a Christian is also to forgive, and you can't forgive unless you ask for repentance."
"God has made a provision if you repent, for you to be forgiven and delivered from that sin. That's where you talk about the person and work of Christ."
"Mourning your sin... allows you to turn again fully to God."
"Among the penitents acts, contrition occupies first place."
"Contrition is sorrow of the soul and detestation for the sin committed, together with the resolution not to sin again."
"The cleansing gift of repentance allows us to leave our sins behind and emerge a new creature."
"All you have to do to find everlasting life, according to the Bible, is repent of your sins and trust in the Savior."
"This is likely a call for the church to repent, to seek God, to put Christ first."
"When you want to change, when you want to repent to the Almighty, you never ever say, 'I will do it on Friday.' You say, 'I will do it now.'"
"His kindness is what leads people to repentance."
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways."
"Perhaps a magician who practiced magic when he was a Christian or a Jew or a Hindu or a Buddhist and then later on heard the message of Islam is perhaps the most likely of the people to repent."
"Dear God, I know I've messed up, and I ask you to forgive me for all of my sin."
"Jesus Christ, forgive me for any disobedience. I want to follow you and do your will for my life."
"Allah can forgive all sins as long as we repent."
"I think that that's problematic and there's one thing I hope all of us particularly people who call themselves Christian can turn from and repent of and turn towards God towards Christ and worship Him in spirit and the truth."
"Repent now and call upon the Lord," urged the speaker.
"You knew the truth, but you would not repent."
"The goodness of God leads men to repentance."
"If you want to go to heaven, it's your repentant heart calling out to God and saying, 'Forgive me of my sins.' That's an act of faith."
"True Christian maturity is not that we don't sin, but it's the fact that we turn our eyes back to Jesus when we fall short."
"Cry over your sins, it's a sign of acceptance, turning, and purification of the heart."
"If you live your life a certain way without repentance, there is gonna be judgment."
"He interpreted this vision with repentance from Allah."
"Repentance is all about turning from the sin."
"You have to first repent of sin... and then secondly you commit your life to Christ and Christ alone."
"I lay my sin down, I lay my idolatry down, yes Lord, I'm going to obey you."
"The fundamental stipulation in Christianity is that Christians must, when asking for forgiveness, recognize their sin, acknowledge the sin was wrong, genuinely repent, and genuinely intend to do better in the future."
"Personal genuine repentance is not the work of a day."
"Blessed are they who will repent and hearken unto the voice of the Lord their God, for these are they that shall be saved."
"If you voted for someone who would vote for, approve, sign, whatever terminology you want to use, the Equality Act and you claim to be a Christian, you need to repent." - Speaker
"All the record of our sins are blotted out as long as we have repented of them."
"God forgive me, forgive me, forgive me, forgive me."
"Repent and be baptized in water in the name of Jesus Christ. I'm commanding you to obey that. That's right, repent, repent, repent. Hallelujah."
"I want you to repent of your sins, tell him you're sorry."
"That's what's so amazing about God, is like you do actually need to be able to repent for anything, and he's just like, 'Alright, you're forgiven.'"
"I have regretted all that I have been put into and I have repented."
"The ultimate sense of repentance is to turn towards God."
"Finally, everybody gets to decide: have you repented while you can repent?"
"If you'll say, 'God, I admit I made the mistake,' you turn, not only is He there, but He's running toward you."
"If I'll take responsibility and repent, if I'll turn, then God is able to restore."
"This is my doctrine: repent, believe in Me, be baptized, and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost."
"If we would truly seek God and repent from our ways and turn our hearts totally back to him, revival will come."
"Your blessing hinges on your repentance. All of your blessings hinge on your repentance."
"This is repentance. Now, we're going to do one of just voicemail."
"Repent of this wickedness," Peter urged, calling for a change of heart.
"Repentant people never run out of grace. They always have access to what they need, so please go and do it."
"Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
"Because he’s honest, he owns his sin, acknowledges it, repents of it. God has a lot of room for a repentant sinner."
"As a Christian, your forgiveness depends on a general attitude of repentance towards sin and faith in Christ."
"Repentance is a chance to rebalance ourselves, to turn to God, to recognize His hand, and to make changes."
"We need to repent, Christian leaders need to do a better job."
"Judgment is coming if we don't repent as a nation."
"Repentance is a core value. It's a necessary thing. It's never too late to do repentance."
"Lord, I give you my life. I admit that I am a sinner. I'm sorry. I turn from my sin. I turn to Jesus as Savior and Lord. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Give me power, strength to live a life pleasing to you. In Jesus's name, Amen."
"I'm saying you repent, put your faith in Jesus."
"If you have sinned, go to the Lord and confess your sins."
"The cross says to the world, you're a sinner and you need to repent."
"What is it to be an Orthodox Christian? It means to die daily, to live a life of repentance."
"It's in the Lord's hands now and the justice system's, and he's got to come to grips and repent for his actions."
"We as pastors must speak the truth in love and speaking the truth also demands repentance."
"If you come to Christ in brokenness, cry out to Him, place your trust in Christ, He will save you."
"Amen, he ain't get saved until he repented of his sins, that's right, and got baptized in the name of Jesus Christ."
"The word 'repentance' means more than just changing your mind intellectually. It includes a change in affections, desires, and results in tangible fruit."
"What draws me closest to Christ is repentance."
"God's love in Islam is based on maximal forgiveness because it just takes a human heart to repent to the divine."
"It's time for us to repent, get right with the Most High because over 50 of the earth have already entered the dark side without even knowing it."
"Repentance is acknowledging that your direction is gonna change, where you go, what you do, who you're with, what you say."
"I preached that they should repent and turn to God and prove their repentance by their deeds."
"Come to your senses; why would you die o House of Israel?"
"If you repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ you will be forgiven and you will have life."
"You let God go, he'll let you go. You come back to God, he'll come back to you." - Bill Winston
"If you fear God, if you value your soul, you'll repent and trust Christ."
"But Hezekiah repented and he saw the face of God, and he earnestly repented, therefore God gave him 15 extra years on his life."
"May the Lord help America, especially those in positions of authority, to see their desperate need to repent and seek the Lord for wisdom and guidance."
"Repentance is not a work we do to earn salvation; it is only possible because of his grace."
"As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten; be zealous therefore and repent."
"Repent, Dallas, Texas, and be baptized, every one of you."
"Acts 2 and verse 38, then Peter said unto them, 'Repent and be baptized every one of you all right, in the name of Jesus Christ.'"
"That's right. Come on back to the Bible and repent."
"Repent and be baptized every one of you because to put your confidence and trust in the person and work of the Lord Jesus is actually to believe the gospel."
"God purpose that repentance and remission of sins be preaching His name according to Acts 2:38."
"Acknowledge that you are in sin and then turn to God in repentance. You can lie to everyone else, but the greatest harm you can do to yourself is lie to yourself."
"Peter's preaching repentance, turn to God, turn from your wicked ways, and receive the power of the Holy Spirit."
"We firmly believe that it's the love of Jesus that brings about repentance."
"Warning is a part of the prophetic purpose. God warns people with love and a hope that there will be repentance."
"We serve a forgiving god, please repent your sins and you will be free."
"Only those who repent of their sin and place their trust in Jesus Christ will be saved."
"It was the kindness of Christ that led me to repentance."
"There is rejoicing in the presence of angels of God over one sinner who repents."
"Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you."
"Through recognizing that you have done something in opposition to what God has commanded, you understand the reality of Allah, the forgiving."
"Go repent to Allah, like don't ask for a consequence."