
Virgo Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"The change that I see shifting for you, Virgo, is showing your authentic self to other people."
"A Virgo who knows their worth is truly unstoppable."
"Romantic chance for the Virgo? Marriage, very good."
"The truth shall set you free this week Virgo."
"You stay true to you Virgo and you know what, wow wow."
"Virgo, get ready for an exciting and transformative month ahead in March 2024."
"There's divine protection around you at this time, Virgo."
"Lots of messages coming in for Virgo, something's about to give."
"First of all, I'm a king, I'm a queen. I need somebody that's gonna match my fly."
"Virgos really do value perfection, they do value things all being in order."
"Happy family, happy home, happy life with Virgo."
"Virgo, stand your ground. Break the toxic trauma bond and protect your heart."
"Virgo, it's okay to cry. It's a rite of passage to feeling better."
"Virgos are cautious and deliberate, preferring to do things right."
"Virgos recognize value and elevate it to the next level."
"Virgos are the ones who can figure out the broken part."
"Virgos like things to be in order, but not obsessively so."
"Putting things in order, that's a good overarching Virgo keyword."
"Publishing to some extent is kind of a Virgo thing as well."
"Virgo energy is very in service of others, sometimes to a fault."
"Focus on creating something new... look ahead, Virgo."
"This is probably like a true soulmate coming in for you, Virgo."
"Virgos: overthinkers, but don't miss a thing."
"Who are they? Virgo is going to pull it out."
"The foundation for all spiritual life is Virgo high octave Virgo is devotional service."
"Their heart belongs to nobody but you, Virgo."
"Deep down, the heart only burns for you, Virgo."
"Get prepared, Virgo. I don't think that you have any idea what's about to happen."
"It's a very blessed time for you here, Virgo."
"Virgos are known for being practical, sensible, and loyal. They make excellent friends and partners."
"Virgos are known for being perfectionists and can be meticulous and single-minded in their pursuit of improvement."
"Virgos will do anything for you that they feel will help make your life better."
"Virgo the Virgin is a pure sign, a sign of perfection and perfecting, and the quest to constantly become better, more knowledgeable, more prepared, more organized, and give off a better vibe."
"This is a big month for you, Virgo, it's a really big month for you."
"Virgo doesn’t need the credit. It just wants a job well done."
"Virgos are manifesting money, a new stream of income from a creative idea or endeavor."
"Romance angels are helping you, Virgo, preparing you for love."
"Your intentions are being taken very seriously right now Virgo."
"Be ready and open to the changes that are about to flood through for you Virgo."
"This is a life-changing month for you Virgo."
"Mercury's in retrograde in Virgo tomorrow till September 15th."
"Follow the good path because Virgo is supposed to be somebody who's clean."
"Virgo, either be with me or leave me alone, either commit to me and that's it because I'm not going to sit here and be juggled or be put in competition with anyone."
"Money is looking really good for the Virgos for sure."
"You're a Chosen One, Virgo. You came here to help people awaken to what it is the Divine is trying to get you to awaken to right now."
"2022 is about to be a year of deep transformational change, Virgo."
"Virgo... successful and creative."
"It's your world, Virgo. We are just living in it."
"Someone could really appreciate you Virgo and you're going to begin to believe it."
"Destiny is calling you, Virgo, you're on the right path."
"I'm a Virgo so definitely have to stay organized with everything that I need and everything that I'm running out of."
"Virgos are very picky people, man. It is very difficult for Virgos to be in relationships because we are very picky."
"Pisces and Virgo are like the lock and key of the zodiac."
"...what do we mean by the spark I'm a big look maybe this is the practicality of a Virgo and just me being grounded but the Spark's not always going to be there it's just not you know you're not going to always feel."
"Virgos are all about the facts, so they can be judgmental towards people, they can have very high expectations for things around them because virgos don't have as much of this human touch all the time."
"By staying grounded and adopting prudent financial strategies, Virgos can weather any monetary uncertainties and work towards strengthening their financial stability."
"Virgos may encounter both promising prospects and potential obstacles in April 2024, but by remaining adaptable and proactive, they can seize opportunities for growth and advancement."
"Someone here could be a Virgo... there's a Virgo that's a HomeTown friend of yours that you don't talk to anymore that might reach out to you. Don't answer."
"Having the mental strength to not allow them to get into your head Virgo, this is key here."
"...Virgos are the only sign that is allowed to consistently for the entire 30-day period shout from the rooftops that it is their season."
"Virgos are known to be perfectionist which is great when it comes to daily life until it consumes you but it's even better when you're a murderer."
"To know that the universe is your partner, how can Virgo meet this challenge?"
"Completion and fullness, roots of abundance, 2024 will be an abundant year for you, Virgo."
"Everything that you try to cast onto Virgo is going to come right back to you."
"You are good enough, Virgo energy."
"How can you tell if a Virgo likes you romantically? Physical touch. Usually, they hate physical touch, so if they're physical touching, they must really like you."
"Virgo is the sign that connects the mind and the body into one unit, the mind-body connection is at play."
"Virgo has tremendous treasures to offer, indispensable."
"Any creative Pursuits in this time are highly favored for the Virgo Collective"
"Virgos are very good at communication."
"Once you actually get to have a deep conversation with a Virgo, they'll give you a lot of constructive criticism."
"Virgos are phenomenal at communicating; that's where their strength is."
"Virgos take their word and honoring their word very seriously."
"Be straightforward and honest; Virgos value clarity and what is real."
"With Virgos, everything matters when they're engaged in a task."
"Virgos tend to think more with common sense and logic than with pure emotion."
"Virgos are very health-minded and pay attention to diet and eating habits."
"The curiosity intellectually is fantastic, there's a practical nature and a methodical nature that is so genius in Virgo."
"Virgo is very practical. These are the doers, the motivators, the initiators."
"Virgo is a sign that is all about logic, it's all about linear logic, it's about perfection."
"Virgos are very good listeners; they care about other people."
"They love to create order out of chaos."
"Virgos in their best energy are the truest saints of the zodiac; they are angelic, they are so beautiful."
"Capricorn and Virgo represent a treasure trove of goodies, two mysteries that are only preserved for them."
"Virgo doesn't want to do that, she just wants to be beautiful, stand still, poised, and reflect the beauty of the trees, the flowers."
"Virgos are lovely, efficient, practical, generous, very generous, intelligent, dedicated, humble, sensual, extremely trustworthy, they're perfectionists, classy, organized."
"Virgos are perfectionists in every aspect of their lives."
"I'm a Virgo, so shout out to my fellow Virgos."
"The full moon is happening in the sign of Virgo which is your Eighth House, so there could be some sort of news or illumination coming up."
"Virgos in general are great. I like keeping secrets and stuff."
"I feel like Virgos are like some of the greatest friends ever."
"Virgos bring balance, stability, and groundedness."
"Virgos tend to be extremely detail-oriented."
"Direction is better than speed, remember that for the Virgo man."
"If you want to really get a Virgo man, all you have to do is be a lady, be sweet."
"Virgos have an eye for discernment."
"Nobody in the entire zodiac is better at that than Virgo."
"Virgos must feel like their ability, their contribution, their service is making an impactful difference somehow."
"Virgos and Virgo moons are the fixers, so they're looking for the flaw, they're looking for the mistake, they're looking for what they can improve."
"I like the Virgo moon. It is one of my favorite moons."
"Virgo moons are very careful and they're very critically observant."
"They have a humility that other signs just don't have."
"Virgo brings us a lot of detail-oriented focus, organization, systems, and grounded practical energy."
"Virgos are modest, meticulous, reliable, practical, and shy."
"Virgos are very attracted to beautiful things, they are beautiful themselves."
"Virgos prefer to be with someone that loves them for exactly who they are inside and out."
"The Virgo cluster is thought to contain between 1300 and 2000 galaxies, including 150 large galaxies and a large majority of dwarf galaxies."
"Virgos do better than any other sign of the zodiac is giving something their all."
"Virgo is sort of the really picky but super knowledgeable type of sign."
"A Virgo will give you this sense that you want to be a better person, you want to be in a better place than you are right now."
"Virgo wants the ideal, Virgo is searching for that sort of idealized idea of love and romance."
"Virgos... skip the small talk and jump straight to the deep talks."
"Virgo is a very practical, technical intelligence, very good with details."
"Virgos are our devoted earthy Sun Signs, analytical, they appreciate categorizing things."
"Virgos are charmers; they get the attention of a lot of people around them."
"Virgos in a relationship are super loyal."
"Virgo... they're always very deep and I love how interesting they are."
"Virgos can be super fun and surprisingly have a wild child side to them."
"If you're around a person who's personally interested in to work, health, routine, or practicality, nine times out of ten, you're probably dealing with a Virgo ascendant."
"This new moon energy in Virgo is really about doing things for our best and highest good."
"Virgo is mutable, being able to adapt to your own or other people's ways."
"I found out a lot about star signs... I was told that I have the best one, a Virgo."
"The wheels are turning in Virgo's favor."
"Virgo's being gifted for all of Virgo's hard work."
"I hope that helps. I love you, Virgo, onto Libra."
"Virgo appreciates acts of service and thoughtful words of affirmation."
"This week is all about that new moon in Virgo, new opportunities, new beginnings, new possibilities, and the beginning of a new cycle."
"Mars going into Virgo is very analytical, very detail-oriented."
"You're about to move to a whole new different level, Virgo."
"Hi, this is Virgo the Oracle, and I'm here to do a reading for the sign of Virgo."
"You're happy, you're happy, you're happy, Virgos."
"Happy Friday everybody. Today we are going to take a look at this weekend's full moon in Virgo."
"Mercury in Virgo is very powerful, it's very profound."
"Let's see what messages will show up for you today, Virgo."
"Stay true to your path because I do sense a lot of you Virgos are exactly where you need to be."
"There's a reason why people go to Virgos for advice; you're good at your job, you're good at problem-solving."
"My Virgo brother, stylish beyond belief."
"Make a wish, Virgo, because it's going to be granted."
"You're so peaceful, Virgo, it's so easy to be around you."
"We've learned our lessons here, Virgo, and we're taking all those lessons with us, no matter where we go."
"Keep moving forward, Virgo, everything's going to be just fine."
"I'm a classic Virgo... we don't like to have any attention drawn to ourselves; we like to just participate and have fun."
"Stay strong Virgo, courage, strength, leadership."
"This week is huge, we have the new moon in Virgo."
"Happy birthday, Virgo, you're amazing."
"Someone here feels really good about you, Virgo."
"You make them feel complete, they can be themselves with you, Virgo."
"Judgment is about changing your life for the better, Virgo."
"Virgos, this Taurus season looks like it's going to be an expansive, explosive energy for you, and just what you've been looking for."
"I think Virgo is going to have a nice time with people that they care about."
"Come through Spirit, what messages surround Virgo? What do you want to say to Virgo?"
"You're becoming so strong, Virgo, you're becoming so strong."
"Everything is turning in your favor, Virgo, this is your time to shine."
"Embrace being the hermit because you're Virgo."
"Everything is lining up for you, Virgo."
"Virgos shine really brightly in their work environment; you're diligent, you keep to yourself."
"The beauty of the Virgo is the beauty of nature."
"This is your energy Virgos, this is the mystical moments, this is a card of self-mastery."
"Going after everything with love and it's coming in towards you, you are attracting things with love Virgos."
"You will be celebrating here, Virgo."
"Abundance and blessings for everything that you've been through, Virgo."
"It's time to decide, Virgo, make a decision based on your heart's true desires."
"Thank you for all your love and support, Virgos. I am truly grateful."
"Miracles are endless for you here, Virgo."
"It's good to be a Virgo right now."
"Liberate yourself, Virgo, liberate yourself."
"Everything you need is within you, Virgo, and I feel like you're powering up at this time."
"You're not just waiting for it to come to you, Virgo; you're working damn hard to get what it is that you truly desire."
"Virgos have a superpower in being able to discern people's motives."
"I hope you have an absolutely awesome month of September, Virgo, and know that I wish you many blessings and peace."
"You do really good for yourself, Virgo, very financially secure."
"A lot of good fortunes coming your way, Virgo."
"I'm hearing 'ride or die,' and that's kind of the energy that they feel with you, Virgo."
"Go in business for yourselves, Virgo. Come on, listen, go in business for yourselves."
"That Virgo full moon is going to help you get some things done."
"Just do you, Virgo, because the direction that you're going is very empowering."
"You're leveling up, you're evolving, Virgo."
"Life as you know it is about to change, Virgo."
"It's a very productive energy, the energy in Virgo, it's a hard-working energy."
"Virgo wants to build something that's gonna stand the test of time."
"A lot of luck is coming to you, Virgo."
"Let's go ahead and dive into this Virgo full moon."
"Your total happiness is coming in for you here, Virgo."
"This is a year that Virgo is going to be appreciated."
"It is the year of appreciation for our beautiful Virgos."
"Some of you Virgos are going to be getting involved in some kind of job, business, or especially a project that's going to be very lucrative for you and pay off."