
Thought Patterns Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"If we consistently interrupt our old thought patterns with new ones, and we resist the urge to judge ourselves for how long this process takes, we won't waste our lives waiting around for a eureka moment that might never come."
"Thought patterns become emotional patterns become behavioral patterns."
"As soon as you become more interested in the thought patterns you have over the thoughts that you have, that is when your life will change forever."
"What you call your life is a narrative. It's a sequence of thoughts in your mind that are repetitive."
"Anytime you think the same thing five times, you're not thinking, you're worrying."
"Your thoughts reflect your life, and your life also reflects your thoughts."
"You're not a screw-up, you're not weak, you're not handling it terribly because you're having these thoughts."
"Breaking your thought patterns has enormous benefits not just for all those things I just talked about but also just getting some clarity about what is important in your life."
"What comes into your mind tends to come out in your life."
"We have 60 to 80,000 thoughts per day, but 80% of them are repeated."
"Synchronicity is where your most consistent thoughts align with your life and become your most consistent reality."
"Overthinking isn't about thinking too much; it's about being stuck in a loop of thoughts."
"The problem of your anxiety, disappointment, or pain is a thought-based delusion that needs to be unraveled."
"There's absolutely no benefit to you at all. You should be forcing your brain to think thoughts that are beneficial for you." - Hamza
"You cannot in the same moment of thought, want to harm someone and want to do good."
"That should thinking is actually a cognitive distortion."
"Someone whose behavior is aggressive and violent will tend to have aggressive thoughts as well as consistent patterns."
"Unstable was an undeniable success both in terms of reception for magic players but also financially."
"Your thoughts are running rough shot over you."
"CBT deals with recognizing irrational thoughts that maybe a person is having."
"95% of our thoughts are completely subconscious."
"Thoughts with repetition equal beliefs, and then thoughts with repetition and added emotion are even stronger."
"We're in a prison of our own thought forms unless we become aware."
"If you're just in an average feeling, it is going to continue to make you think the same thoughts, take the same actions, do the same things every day."
"See thoughts become things see thought patterns is the only access that the enemy got to God's people if you think it he know what you're trying to do he know how to control you."
"It's easy for people to fall into reactionary thought patterns."
"The overactive mind, creating chaotic thoughts."
"The thoughts that rise and fall during meditation aren't necessarily the core thoughts that are causing your suffering."
"Having your default mode network is kind of the foundation to all this and will influence what your mental thought patterns are like."
"Why do we love to catastrophize? If I... constantly keep being like 'okay you can't go down this pathway of like everything is awful'..."
"The repetition of thinking and feeling caused me to feel guilt."
"The most beautiful and powerful thing in the world is a repetitive thought, but sometimes the most dangerous thing in the world is a repetitive thought."
"80% of our thoughts are negative and 95% are repetitive."
"When you catch yourself drifting into a thought pattern that just doesn't feel good, you have a choice about whether or not you continue to think that."
"There's no real way to directly stop while iMac thoughts but there is a way to stop them and it's this indirect method where the clients consciously thinking of pre-planned thought an adapter response and applying it in situations they recognize."
"The universal addiction is an addiction to our own thought patterns."
"Mindfulness kind of shows you the script that you're running in your mind."
"Whatever we frequently think about and ponder becomes the inclination of our minds."
"Who do you think might benefit from this book? Anybody with a stuck thought that they're struggling with could get a lot out of this book."
"If you change your first thought enough, your second thought will eventually become your first thought."
"It removes all of the negative thoughts from your head."
"Not only are we having the same thoughts over and over again but we're actually addicted to our thoughts."
"I think people, especially in the city context, think in fragments opposed to a country person who thinks far more in a linear form. Sentences entire, center, farm. While city folks think far more in terms of maybe a thousand different images at any given time."
"...negative thoughts may come to you all day long...you don't have to dwell and overly identify."
"Mental health is more based on our relationship with negative thoughts rather than our relationship with positive thoughts."
"Even our very sense of self or identity or ego is a product of the same canalization or identifying with thoughts."
"Certain neural pathways are literally being strengthened or created when we think certain thoughts or talk to ourselves in a certain way."
"Cognitive Behavioral Therapy... helps to stop feeling drowned in those thoughts that continually repeat themselves."
"What you watch becomes what you think, and what you think becomes what you do."
"Worry is a thought process... a collection of multiple thoughts."
"Whatever's living in your mind is how you're gonna keep thinking and thinking and thinking."
"These loops are however very real patterns of thought that Komi and I both go through in any given social situation."
"This is about how to use your thinking patterns, use your own mind free to improve your English speaking fluency."
"Once we become aware of these voices, we can then develop insight into the sources of these destructive thoughts."
"Everywhere you go, there you are, and if you don't change your thoughts, your thoughts will be wherever you arrive."
"We habitually seek safety and control by living in our thoughts."
"Your beliefs are only thoughts that you keep thinking."
"The more you think on a thought, the easier it is to think that way."
"You want to create new thought patterns in the mind; that's what it means to renew our mind."
"We have to start by finding out a little bit about the habits of our own thinking."
"You have 60 to 80 thousand thoughts a day."
"The subconscious mind is like a computer; it doesn't differentiate, it cannot judge or optimize and pick thoughts, it looks at a pattern."
"You can't force yourself to think a certain way, but you can absolutely consistently change the way that you think."
"Obsessive-compulsive disorder... is not a fear of a real life thing, it's purely fear of the person's own thought."
"We think in two ways: a fast way and a slow way."
"Overcoming negative thoughts about yourself, healing your mind."
"Starve them of attention and focus, and the old stories and dead thoughts will fall away."
"Even a thought is gonna change everything because it's going to dictate the behavior you move into."
"I'm feeling angry because I am telling myself... and then to look for what kind of life alienated thinking is going on within our head that is creating our anger."
"See how thoughts and feelings move in particular ways."
"Things that occupy your thoughts on a routine basis, things that you deeply care about, are things that motivate your behavior and decisions."
"It is the most freeing thing in the world that you can do to learn that you don't have to think the way that you think."
"The primary difference is that successful people think differently than unsuccessful people."
"Negative or unwanted conditions and thoughts cannot persist and exist in your life unless you believe they can."
"Every single person on this planet has the same thoughts, they just deal with them differently."
"Take an inventory of what you're eating, what you're thinking, and realize that your thoughts are just a result of what you're really allowing your mind to consume."
"The reason why it feels normal to doubt yourself and to have low self-worth is because you've thought this so long it's become a pattern."
"Having more mindfulness to not get wrapped up in negative thought patterns."