
Moral Philosophy Quotes

There are 632 quotes

"Each person must never be treated only as a means to some other end, but also be treated as an end themselves."
"Our salvation was not earned by moral perfection and therefore cannot be lost by moral imperfection."
"Consciousness is ultimately the line between systems that we have to take into account in thinking morally about how we act and systems for which we don't."
"Economics has to be re-understood as a branch of moral philosophy."
"That which promotes human life is the good; that which destroys human life, that which destroys human flourishing, is evil."
"What I've seen is the significance of family, the importance of having values that are Transcendent of this, the importance of God."
"You might think you can bend the fabric of reality and treat people instrumentally, violate your conscience without cost, but you will pay the piper."
"As long as we can agree that we care about well-being, then we can make objective assessments about whether or not actions are consistent with that goal."
"If we knew enough and if we understood enough about morality and about situations, we should be able to come up with best resolutions in line with what would be considered correct moral applications."
"There must be right and wrong answers to questions of morality and values that potentially fall within the purview of science."
"There are rights and there are duties and these two things are inherently connected."
"There are two things that continue to fill me with wonder: the starry heavens above and the moral law within."
"It would be morally wrong of me to not take care of myself."
"Beings that have free will, you can draw out more goods in that situation than beings that lack free will."
"You always have to be consistent on that because if you can't be, people slip in exceptions whenever it's convenient for them."
"Do not yield to the bad, but always oppose it with courage."
"The moral theory is true regardless of whether anybody will ever act on it."
"Are we born good or bad, a product of nature or nurture, and ultimately, can people change?"
"Ethics is nothing other than aesthetics; an ethical act is a beautiful act."
"I've never read anyone who takes moral questions so seriously as Dostoevsky."
"If we could treat our neighbor as we would like to be treated ourselves, it answers a lot of questions."
"The Golden Rule, 'don't do to others what you would not wish them to do to you,' is perhaps the closest we come to a universal moral absolute, reflecting a basic aspect of human empathy and reciprocity."
"Redemption is to be found in truthful speech."
"I believe the moment we draw lines between good people and evil people, we lose our ability to see that we're all one people in the most fundamental of ways."
"The line between good and evil runs to the heart of every man."
"Act only on that maxim whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law."
"It's wrong to torture babies, even if there are no babies."
"I'm looking for the society that I think produces the most moral good."
"It's always been about what's good and what's bad, but Sam is saying the foundation for what's good and what's bad is well-being."
"If we each live properly, we will collectively flourish."
"It's fascinating how something that is a positive idea and a positive moral philosophy how that gets distorted in its retelling and then becomes something much poorer."
"The difference between moral and immoral is that immoral behavior destroys relationships while moral behavior builds relationships."
"Causing people to suffer because you hate them is terrible; causing people to suffer because you have forgotten how to care—that's really hard to understand."
"Confucius was the creator of a political and moral philosophy that was designed to bring harmony to the chaos of his times."
"What you need to know about politics is that human beings are by nature free and equal, that they take on moral obligations and political obligations on the basis of consent."
"Disgust as a moral emotion is part of our evolutionary inheritance, but it is a very bad machine for producing moral wisdom."
"The predominant Chinese moral philosophy, historically speaking, is Confucianism."
"Aquinas says there are natural virtues that all people seem to embrace...temperance, fortitude, wisdom, and justice."
"None of you is a believer unless you love for your brother what you love for yourself."
"You want to put yourself on firm moral foundations."
"Non-human animals are members of our moral community and deserve to be treated as such, whether we like it or not."
"The wealth of the wicked is stored up for the righteous."
"I believe in good and evil, and I think there's a lot of evil out there that is garnering a lot of power these days."
"My mindset has always been more of a forgiving one where I'm kind of just like, well, I understand what you did is wrong, I don't agree with it, but I also feel like perpetually for life condemning you for your actions there's no way of living either."
"I think with ethics sometimes the question to ask isn't just what should we do, but also who does this make us."
"Natural law is what it is, it's the moral law and so far as we can know it by the operation of our reasons, by the use of our intellect even apart from any special revelation in scripture."
"Morality is not just an expression of disapproval; it's about moral facts."
"I'm talking about the well-being of thinking creatures, and those things which benefit and promote the well-being and thinking creatures are what we call good."
"The discussion on the nuances of coveting versus aspiration highlights the complexity of moral and ethical living."
"It's a huge mistake to confuse morality with legislation."
"Every choice and action we make needs to be directed towards love, kindness, compassion for others."
"The attribute of the people of futura is that if someone does something bad to them, then they do something good in return."
"God is the best explanation for the existence of objective moral values in the world."
"God has morally sufficient reasons for permitting the evil and suffering in the world."
"In reality, nothing is so beautiful as the good; nothing so monotonous and boring as evil. But with our imagination, it's the other way around."
"The desire to do what is right, the innate desire in us to be good, does not exist in simple matter."
"Aim at the highest good that you can conceive of."
"If it is in our power to prevent something bad from happening without thereby sacrificing anything of comparable moral importance, we ought morally to do it."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, is all I'll say about that for now."
"God does not have a political party, but God does have values."
"The act of the moral universe is long but it bends toward Justice."
"The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards evil."
"Wanting the best for people even if they are the worst person alive."
"Clear cut examples of moral evils and moral goods."
"Even the prejudice of the reader is changed... a work of moral philosophy."
"The wretched alone are the good, the poor impotent lowly alone are the good, the suffering deprived sick ugly alone are pious alone are blessed by God."
"If you're gonna punish someone as though they've committed the most heinous of crimes when they've only committed a minutely offensive crime in their mind, there's no incentive anymore not to commit the more serious crime." - Viva Frei
"We must all fear evil men, but there is another kind of evil which we must fear most, and that is the indifference of good men."
"You really shouldn't be able to put a limit on benevolence."
"All sin is a recognition that we have drives that we are supposed to forego."
"You know, the golden rule is not a bad idea. I mean, Jesus said 'test all things and hold fast that which is good.' That's not a bad idea."
"Anyone can be evil. Anyone has the potential to be Eichmann and do what he did."
"The way evil is enacted and by who is banal, not that everyone has a secret evil monster inside of them waiting to be unleashed."
"Satanism doesn't require a Rosemary's Baby altar, it just requires someone to place their own selfish desires above what they're called to be from God."
"Values are facts about the well-being of conscious creatures."
"Morality is not dependent on your group identity."
"Act in such a way that you treat humanity... as an end, never merely as a means."
"He that saith he is in the light and hateth his brother is in darkness."
"It's good is good rules versus good is good ends."
"Circumstance does not change responsibility."
"Logical consistency is one of those moral principles that honestly just gets in the way more than anything."
"There actually is an objective moral order, and we will be accountable someday for the things that we do."
"Inaction without love is meaningless. But when you have love in action and love for the greater good, then things can happen."
"We're talking about how people arrive at a place of evil... it's about our innate capacity as people to do evil acts."
"There's a difference between blame and responsibility."
"The first four rest on the fifth and the second four rest on the tenth. If you honor your father and mother, it is the conduit to God. If you don't have a father on Earth, you won't have a father in Heaven."
"Well, the mission is the improvement of your character, the constant improvement of your character, and I think a lot of that's done in dialogue with your conscience."
"The basic idea that you have an individual right against other individuals... springs from the Ten Commandments."
"A harmless man is not a good man. A good man is a very, very dangerous man who has that under voluntary control."
"The claim that human beings are equally morally valuable is an extraordinary claim."
"Minds are conquered not by arms but by greatness of soul."
"My worldview is more centered around suffering... the consideration of suffering is really important."
"Every grave evil in human history has basically been based on the notion you get to arbitrarily define away life to meet your vision of what the world should be." - Ben Shapiro
"Maybe doing no harm isn't the same as doing good."
"Evil is evil. Lesser, greater, middling, makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary, the definitions blurred. If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all." - Geralt of Rivia
"On what basis can anyone say this action is right or this action is wrong?"
"What we are watching right now is a return to a misunderstanding of civilization... you are not at the mercy of forces around you... you're a free rational actor... you have a responsibility to make good and moral decisions..."
"Every person in the world has a guardian angel. Our Blessed Lord said, 'What does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul?'"
"Each person's own reasoning dictates their moral code, not authority, not you, not me, not anyone else."
"Courage is a prerequisite for all of the other virtues..."
"When dealing with morality, we are dealing with objective facts that are relative to subjects. They are not just opinion."
"If you want to know what's evil and what's good, what are the characteristics of those? Good is characterized by..."
"Spirituality to me is just trying to be a good person."
"Reducing suffering and morality are synonymous."
"The foundation for moral reasoning is: do good, avoid evil, seek one of the basic goods."
"The answer to evil is not more evil... it's love."
"There's a difference between pragmatic advocacy for a political system and the construction of a hypothetical to illustrate the dynamics of a moral system."
"Just think through what went wrong, and when you do that, you'll come to a clearer understanding of what morality is."
"Money's not the root of all evil... the love of money is the root of all evil."
"What are values? Where do values come from? Why do they matter?"
"Why would I respect someone else's life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness? It's because I want them to respect mine."
"Only then did I have a concrete and compelling vision of the moral life."
"Morality can't come merely from society; we have to have a moral standard that transcends time, place, and culture."
"You do not have to be religious to be moral... that moral sense is common to universe."
"Every man should be free to build his own life as long as he doesn't rob others of theirs."
"The strong should protect the weak. It wasn't a naive idealism either."
"The meme variations of the trolley problem just show how important context is to a moral dilemma."
"Human rights instantiate these visions, they're not arbitrary like ironically God's commands are."
"Evil, pure evil, is the absence of compassion."
"Even if your parents made some large mistakes, you can return good for evil."
"There's just change, and change isn't always destructive. Some changes are good, some changes make things better."
"When you act out the proposition that everyone matters you have a functional society."
"We save everyone, even if they don't deserve it. Especially if they don't deserve it."
"Be generous because generosity is reciprocal."
"When surveyed, most people say that they'd pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"If you're familiar with Immanuel Kant's categorical imperative, we haven't entered morality until we're doing good for the sake of good."
"I'm trying to talk about something that helps us tell when someone doing good for good's sake is actually good versus doing good for the wrong sake."
"I believe just as strongly in objective moral truths as I do in God."
"Legal doesn't make right. There's God's law, the law of nature, and then there's laws of man."
"Our unrighteousness demonstrates the righteousness of God."
"When you are fighting evil, flood it with love."
"You see the rudiments of moral interactions even among other species."
"The path to True Redemption is a recognition that it's about others."
"If it is the case that the rational thing to do is to consider pulling the lever and pushing the fat man as just as moral as each other then in this situation it's probably the right thing to do to push the fat man off the bridge."
"I think science informs morality. That's an important connection that I don't think people commonly make today."
"Anything that comes from hurt is always evil. And anything that comes from God is always good."
"Even when we want to do good, our desires pull us astray. We need something bigger than ourselves."
"When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it." - Frederic Bastiat
"Men, women, Godly values, foundational principles, and Truth - the laws of human nature that right and wrong was created by God Almighty."
"There's something Transcendent, something outside of culture, around the world. It's called empathy."
"You cannot determine right from wrong without God."
"There's a difference between personal decency and political decency."
"I believe that killing any innocent human is wrong."
"We've all devolved into self-interested narratives... ethics were always about the other."
"Lust is a very strong and uncontrolled desire for something. It is also known as an excessive desire for something to gratify oneself."
"While fate can be bent by people for unjust means, it will eventually self-correct and favor those who are just."
"What could change your mind about God? If a naturalistic foundation for morality was demonstrated."
"Luffy's freedom is not letting anyone else decide what is right or wrong for you, but rather determining that for yourself."
"You don't need to experience something to have a moral stance on it, that's just silly."
"Evil, as Hannah Arendt has shown us, is the banality often of just doing nothing, following the crowd, following your orders, being informed by outrage..."
"The line between good and evil runs through every heart."
"I think morality is mainly about suffering and what we can do to alleviate it."
"We can't retreat into a private subjectivism, a 'live and let live.' That's just not a biblical take."
"The moral argument is one of the most powerful arguments from God."
"Love them unconditionally, just like God would love."
"I really like how the fifth edition Paladin lets us conceptualize so many different takes on what it means to be a righteous Warrior and that that can take different forms that and that Justice can arrive in unexpected ways."
"Boundless compassion for all living beings is the surest and most certain guarantee of pure moral conduct and needs no casuous tree."
"If God doesn't exist, then all things are permissible in the realm of morality."
"That's a moral obligation. If you're capable of understanding the world, you have a moral obligation to become rational. I don't see how you become rational hoarding gold. Even if it works, you're a jerk."
"The point is to be a good human being, the moral life embraces all of what it means to be a human being."
"The ethics of our world didn't be affected drastically by this anymore..."
"The Triumph of right is inevitable. Victory doesn't amount to besting and replacing an enemy; it's about outlasting injustice."
"Our collective moral progress depends upon the extent to which we are able and, crucially, willing to examine our behavior and most cherished beliefs."
"Predictive of human behavior doesn't make it morality."
"You don't have to be a good person at heart if you're doing good things. Your actions speak louder than what you are as a person."
"Take your time with this stuff, the best deeds are the ones that are consistent, even if they are little."
"That is at the heart, really, of sin, it's self-determination, and rejecting the notion that anyone, even God, should tell me how to live my life."
"Pride is the deadliest sin of all, encompassing the other sins."
"The world is a mess because we keep forgiving unforgivable transgressions."
"The arc of the moral universe bends towards justice, and it's gonna catch up with him."
"I think the most powerful argument against the position for that reason is the intuitive repulsion that we have to an idea like that."
"Light attracts light, kindness attracts kindness, you know, decency attracts decency."
"There's only one crime and there's only one evil in the world, that is limited identity."
"Good and evil are not the same. Repel by that which is better and between two people there is hatred it would turn to intimate friendship."
"Reason itself requires that we act in accordance with reasons."
"Courage is a virtue, courage is the prerequisite for all the other virtues."
"Religion is not an answer to this problem. Belief in God is not only unnecessary for a universal morality, it is itself a source of moral blindness."
"The minimum standard of moral goodness is to avoid the worst possible misery for everyone."
"Morality requires us to believe unprovable truths that must descend from outside ourselves."
"Nobody has made a compelling case for why abortion should be considered immoral."
"When I am weaker than you, I ask for freedom because it is according to your principles. When I am stronger than you, I deny you yours because it is according to my principles."
"Separate the action from the soul. Hold the highest divinity even in the face of wrong."
"It's hypocritical to say it's okay to make a choice in one situation and not in another."
"Intelligently designed morality doesn't say that... it evaluates from the point of view of suffering and benefit."
"If you believe there are moral absolutes then there's got to be some type of God."
"Morality is situational within each situation there is still a best set of possible actions and those aren't subjective they're not a matter of opinion."
"There is no right way to do the wrong thing".
"So when he says 'of this world,' he means having the value system of this world."
"The kindness we have for one person is a measure of the entire universe."
"It's more important to be morally right than factually correct."
"Saving one innocent life is like saving the life of all humanity."
"If you define the term morality as doing what's best to reduce harm and increase flourishing...you can do things to objectively reach that goal."
"That's the best that any of us have, is who do I what do I think is just to do."
"You cannot create more moral order when you abandon the created order."
"Morality's purpose is to alleviate human suffering."
"Goodness is like gold, it's there but you have to mine it."
"Justice is what makes humans human, a virtue that human beings should be proud of."
"If you convince yourself of your necessity... then you can rationalize your way into ignoring what we've been privy to."
"We need to forcefully say no to moral abominations and encourage experimentation for living together."
"Utilitarianism: doing the greatest good for the greatest amount of happiness."