
Individualism Quotes

There are 4320 quotes

"Each person must never be treated only as a means to some other end, but also be treated as an end themselves."
"If you're talking about health and wellness, but you're only talking about the health and wellness of the individual without addressing the health and wellness of the larger society, then that's not a full-on health and wellness conversation."
"It's a soul-searching card, a card about spiritual growth and following your own path. That's what's most important."
"To be able to follow through on this strategy, you're going to have to turn yourself into a leader, not a sheep."
"Your number one priority in life is to be you."
"Why would you ever let your own thinking be decided by a democracy? You decide what you agree with and what you disagree with; nobody else gets to tell you what you are okay with and not okay with."
"Nobody mediates between you and God. That's a very, very important thing."
"My personal happiness overrides the duty of marriage."
"No matter what you do, someone's going to make fun of you... That's why I do whatever I want."
"Never just follow the crowd, always make up your own mind."
"We endorse free thought. We want people to think for themselves."
"The purpose of life is to live for yourself, to live the best life you can, and make the most of your own life without sacrificing to other people or asking other people to sacrifice to you."
"Individualism doesn't mean living on a desert island. It's in your self-interest to live in a society, to have relationships, friendships, love."
"The belief that we're shaped by ideas, individually we're shaped by ideas, has profound significance."
"The individual is the only moral agent. I need to decide how to live my life, and the purpose of my life should be my life."
"The only political system consistent with a morality of individualism is a political system of freedom."
"Everything seems to be going well as if they are going to win; individualism will take over, until they are called back by tradition and what tradition is more obvious than that of family."
"We have to approach people as individuals... if we do that, then a person can get to the place they want to be."
"The people who voice that idea on us have an agenda. 'Be kind, don't be prideful, be humble.' You know what that keeps us? Small."
"The point of view that says we should live for ourselves, focus on ourselves, and find happiness in our own pleasure and amusement."
"The answer to the problem of humanity is the integrity of the individual."
"Be yourself because everybody else is taken."
"I am a devout individualist and I am very much invested in the private sphere of life as opposed to the public sphere."
"I believe in order for me to be a true free thinker, I need to view myself as an individual."
"It's time to unleash your inner hippie and step out of that man-made box."
"It's a wonderful thing to learn to be able to stand up and yell because so much is being slung and nobody is talking about the primacy of experience and the dignity of the individual."
"Everyone has a different perception of what's right and wrong in life, and not everyone's going to support me, and I respect that and it doesn't really matter because I am my biggest cheerleader."
"You shouldn't let the worry of what other people think stop you from doing stuff you like doing."
"Step out of line, feel that freedom and power of stepping out of line and saying, 'Wait a minute, hold on, what you're saying doesn't make sense, what you're saying is not right.'"
"Take steps at your own pace because everybody goes at their own pace."
"In the end, what matters is if you enjoy it. That gets to the second kind of cool."
"It is a sin to write this. It is a sin to think words no others think and to put them down upon a paper no others are to see."
"A modern day woman is someone who wants to do what they want when they want and doesn't want to feel guilty for it."
"The greatest right we have as individuals is bodily autonomy."
"Americans live under the illusion that they're incredibly different from other people."
"Atomization is the idea that society strains down the social structures until every individual is wholly and utterly on their own."
"True liberals and true conservatives are united in one respect: we believe in the sovereignty of the individual."
"Merida is fearless, she's determined, she's tough, and she's not afraid to walk her own path and write her own story."
"I believe people have the right to do that, as long as you're not imposing on other people's freedoms."
"The conflicting dynamics is between group identity, where one is promoted on the base of one's membership in a collective, and individual identity, where one has the right to choose what collective identities one wants to belong to."
"In individualism, the individual is more important than the group... in collectivism, the most important thing is to belong to a group and maintain harmony."
"Each individual is an atom responsible for its own success and conduct."
"Most adventurers work in teams, but Ren often works solo...the main one is that he sucks at being an adventurer."
"Don't accept the walkthrough that the boomer generation has given you. Create your own walkthrough."
"You have one life and they are your terms and no one else's terms."
"To suggest that this system can be broken through individual will is not just optimistic, it is delusional."
"The individual against the collective. Our country, the noblest country in the history of men, was based on the principle of individualism."
"Individualism is often defined as the opposite of totalitarianism."
"Embrace your individualism and don't put how you feel life should be for you to the side in order to be accepted by the masses."
"Meritocracy and individualism... just reinforce hierarchies that end with disparate outcomes."
"The fundamental idea of the individual in the West isn't predicated on rights... it's predicated on responsibility."
"The antidote to collectivism is individualism, but it's not the individualism of the privileged person with rights; it's the terrible burden of the individual who determines that he or she will shoulder their responsibility."
"You're to be treated, above all, as an individual."
"The fact that when asked to imagine THE future, you imagine YOUR future says a lot about the contemporary world."
"If you're oriented toward the future, delay gratification, hard work, rugged individualism, a belief in data and science, like these are the preconditions to success in a free country."
"Many of our current problems can be traced back to our incorrect understandings of things like individualism and collectivism."
"I fundamentally reject this concept of individualism that we've all been sold because it's been a disaster for the human race."
"If you don't have one, find a community... It would be very hard to do this alone. No man is an island."
"Creativity, free thought, and the pursuit of your own happiness is the antidote to both social justice and socialism."
"The ability to function as a private and free individual to me is everything. If you're controlled, tracked, monitored, you have no privacy, then the Constitution of the United States is shredded."
"We all have to take responsibility for our own individual actions."
"You're totally free. Do exactly what feels right to you."
"There are no real individual solutions to structural problems."
"It's grounded in the individual—it's the idea that you have moral worth and protection from those who deny you it, not by virtue of the decrees of some monarch, not by virtue of a supernatural creator, but by virtue of being a person who is capable of suffering."
"Social media needs atomized, lonely individuals."
"We need to think for ourselves. We need to be free thinkers."
"The hidden reality in a dysfunctional family system is that each person is pursuing their own interest and nobody is reliably interested in anyone else's well-being but their own."
"The guiding tenet for this entire exploration came from Mark Twain: 'So whenever I found myself on the side of the majority it was time to pause and reflect.'"
"I just want to post stuff and not care what people think. I'm just going to post stuff and have a great time."
"Live your life how you want to, and you'll have so much more fun and peace."
"I am first Gad Saad before I'm a member of a tribe. So judge me for all my qualities and faults as an individual."
"It was far more optimal to invent the idea of the individual, and from that comes the idea of individual property."
"Individualism rightly understood is perfectly compatible with community and equality."
"Canadians just want to be left alone." - Mr. Roman Babber
"We believe in the dignity of the individual, not the iron grip of the state."
"Where no one is special, everyone is the protagonist of their own life, and we can all be what we want to be with a little hard work and a lot of support."
"The American way is to let each person live his life and seek to better himself so that the whole nation rises on the force of individual decisions."
"What makes Bill so fascinating is being that he's chaotic neutral and he's doing his own thing more than anything else."
"I get literally one life, and I could sit around worrying about what everybody thinks about it, or I can just live it."
"Liberalism is a worldview, an ideology, that thinks that the source of all authority and all meaning in the universe is the individual human, the individual of the species Homo sapiens."
"Life is too short to worry about what other people think. Do it."
"The system is imaginary. It is not who we are; it's not what must happen; it's a choice."
"The individual is of supreme worth regardless of group characteristics."
"I just want to be remembered as a man who did whatever he wanted."
"For me personally, I don't think there's anything wrong with an individual maximizing their outcomes within an unethical system like capitalism."
"Live your life how you want to live it; follow your bliss."
"Live your life to make yourself happy. And like, as long as you're not hurting other people, why does everyone seem to have a problem with that?"
"The average U.S. citizen rates individualism as a highly admirable trait."
"You think, therefore you are. You have an independent consciousness, you have your own mind and body that you have a right to."
"The property developers offered her a staggering $1 million to give up her home, but she still refused."
"You are people who really have a strong belief system and you're not scared to tell other people about it."
"You're not someone who's easily swayed by what someone else says or what someone else believes; you stand very strong in your morals."
"The whole point of rejecting alienation was to basically maximize the freedom of the individual."
"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos."
"Millennials and younger generations are hyper individualistic in many ways. They do like free market products and services."
"If you truly want to level up to the next level of being a thinking human being who's not a sheep, understand this: everybody has incentives."
"I swear by life, and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
"You are born with natural rights. You are born a free man or free woman."
"The sovereignty of the individual is not a political idea; it's a philosophical idea, it's actually a theological idea."
"The great idea of the West is that even for the sake of the group, the individual has to be sovereign."
"Individuals have a fundamental right to liberty."
"Whether it's a winter power outage or an earthquake, each prepper is getting ready for risks that are specific to their geographical and personal risk factors."
"The most powerful acts and the most radical act we can do is to think for ourselves."
"You come first, the society does not come first."
"The strong shall not be limited by the weak."
"I didn't come here to make friends; I'm here to win for myself."
"Culture is pushing the sexual revolution, expressive individualism."
"Being free is when you're free from having to be normal, free in being able to express yourself however you feel."
"When people die, they go alone. People leave this world; can they still gang up and form a group to go together?"
"Allowing every man to pursue his own interest his own way, upon the liberal plan of equality, liberty, and justice."
"You have no idea how limitless it is when you're not afraid of what other people think or say."
"You have the right to live your life and as long as you don't hurt another person physically, alter their life in any way, then you should have the ability to live your life however you want."
"Meritocracy is also essentially a form of liberal individualism. It says that individuals should be judged on the basis of their own efforts and abilities."
"Everybody prioritizes their wants and needs differently and generally we’d say that’s not only their business but their fundamental right of self-determination, so long as it can be plausibly met without inconveniencing the rest of us too much."
"The ideal form of government is one that affords the individual maximum personal freedom."
"On Instagram, I posted a photograph of somebody that I'm sure most people did not know. Her name was Grace Jones. And Grace Jones was the original 'I don't give a f***' woman."
"Human flourishing is our moral concern, but flourishing of what? Not groups, not tribes, not races... it's the individual."
"The personal in my opinion is never political; it's always philosophical at its roots, and that's something that is very personal and that's something that you have to take responsibility for."
"If the world does nothing but reject her, she's entitled to do the very same to the world."
"You are not defined by what you got on; it is not the name you wear, it's the name you have."
"Rights are inherent in your person, and if there were no people around, you would still have your rights."
"At the end of the day, it's singles, man, not teams. Got to look out for number one."
"The only person that you want to please with it is yourself."
"Who do we think we are to tell people how to live their lives?"
"He did things his way, not always right, not always wrong, but he always followed what he believed in."
"At the end of the day, baby, whatever makes you happy, you feel me."
"We are a country that has basically decided that all social bonds are forms of repression of you and that the best thing that you can do to find yourself, to find your true center, is to ignore all the roles and institutions that society has traditionally placed around you."
"You can't make everybody happy, and you shouldn't try. If people don't like what you're doing, so what?"
"America offers an unparalleled experience for being an individual, an unparalleled experience for doing your own thing."
"Be kind to yourself and forget what anyone else thinks."
"There's one true justice, and that's individual justice."
"I think there's one true justice and that's individual justice. All the other qualifiers are not justice."
"The core of socialism is deeply individualist in all of the best ways."
"The reason I win is because I'm in this ring for myself. I don't give a fuck what anybody says about me, nobody."
"You didn't get put on this planet to please anyone else; you didn't get put on this planet to live your life according to others' expectations of you."
"The best revenge against the collectivist leftists is to live a stalwart, meaningful, and high-quality individual life."
"We have socialism for the very rich, rugged individualism for the poor."
"You got to put yourself first; you got to do you, and life will shape itself around you."
"All in all, you're just another brick in the wall."
"Don't be trapped by dogma, which is living with the results of other people's thinking."
"Each human should have the right to exercise some autonomy over their own life."
"This is your life, and you've got to live it the way that you want to."
"It doesn't matter what everyone else says; if you have that confidence within yourself, you can win."
"You can't live your life trying to make people happy all around. It's just not what's going to happen."
"My reward, my purpose, my life, is the work itself. My work done my way! Nothing else matters to me."
"I swear by my life and my love of it that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine."
"This world, there's nothing tying her down. She would trade anything for this freedom."
"We're living in times where people have never been more self-obsessed."
"Stick true to your ideals, say what you want to say, it doesn't matter what people are going to accuse you of being a good friend."
"What you're describing to me is what you perceive to be a culture that's not working for you. But if that culture isn't serving you, then create your own culture."
"Sometimes people see the forest through the trees and just because there's a top-down decree doesn't mean that you have to fall in line."
"Consensus is not a scientific word. It has no place in science...it only takes one person to see, and that's how science works."
"We value individual freedom and autonomy, the ability to live your life without being punished or having your choices diminished if they don't impact the lives of others."
"It was a complete jungle...every man for himself."
"It's the ultimate individualist philosophy because they're saying there's something in you when you're born that you were meant to achieve."
"You see, I don't need to follow the crowd...sometimes, no part of the time, is better to follow yourself rather than the crowd, because the crowd is going in the wrong direction."
"The West is founded on the principle that the individual is sovereign."
"No matter how much we might fantasize about being iconoclastic, self-reliant individuals, the reality is that that is largely a fantasy."
"People think they themselves are responsible but they take away responsibility from other people."
"Save yourself, but that's love, that's just love."
"We're not going to remain silent, and if you want to not hire me because I couldn't answer your dumb question about how I'm ending systemic racism in America, then guess what? I'll just go work at a different bank."
"The reality is that you have to stop caring what other people think of you."
"Be a free thinker in the true sense of the term, and ultimately that will make you what I sometimes call a very dangerous American."
"I like heretics. I like dissidents. I like the people who say the thing that no one else will say."
"The beauty for me of America is it's a place where your destiny is constructed by you."
"I think we want to get away from making everything a race or a gender or whatever issue and just treat people like individuals."
"Everybody took care of themselves; the world would be a much better place."
"This is about pouring your heart and soul into what you want to pour your heart and soul into, and not listening to what anybody else has to say about that."
"Liberal democracy... assumes that we are individuals, self-responsible, that can think about very important political, cultural matters."
"The ultimate minority is the individual, and the fairest society is one where individuals are allowed to rise to the level of their ability."
"Make the day what you wanted for you and yours."
"Fast approaching the day when you're going to need to depend on yourself."
"This rising individualism is a huge part of what the problem is."
"The importance to the Puritans of individual understanding of the Bible spurred them to promote widespread literacy."
"We do not need anyone to tell us what to do. Not Savonarola, not the Medici. We are free to follow our own path."
"There's a rebel in all of us, especially in high school."
"We've got to passionately affirm the American ideal of treating people as individuals, which we are in danger of losing forever."
"I believe that the person should be judged on their individual merits and should be held accountable only for their own deeds. These are, of course, radical opinions in the 21st century, which is sad."
"You should never just blindly accept anyone's authority."
"Nobody disagrees with my two main claims: that you should treat all individuals as individuals and avoid anything that statistically looks like a bad idea for you personally."
"You want to go fast, go by yourself. You want to go far, go together."
"I can no longer be an active participant in any culture or movement that encourages groupthink, outrage on demand, fear and violence, revamped segregation, fabricating history, cancellations masked as accountability."
"When I have other black people telling me that I've given them some kind of permission slip to think differently... it's about what that represents."
"At the center of the West, there is this heroic impulse: your life matters, you are on an adventure, and you are the hero at the center of it. But you need to center that within the institutions that allow that to not just be destructive."
"I'm not righteous. I'm not above you or below you. This is just me saying hey, no, I'm opting out of this game, and we all get to opt out."
"Stop giving a [explicit] about what other people think."
"You can never really be you if you're living your whole life based on other people's opinions."
"Don't Outsource Your Truth. Do your own thinking."
"During World War II, every American was on board with trying to win the war... and now it's like, 'I don't want to wear a mask'."
"It's the classic 'if you have nothing to hide then you'll be fine', which is no, I want my privacy."
"Become your own person, become your own researcher, start asking questions."
"It's very much how I do things; I don't believe in there being a right and wrong way when it comes to drawing."
"Millions of Americans... standing up and saying 'I can do what I want, I can say what I want, and if you don't like that, you can go to hell.'"
"One with God is a majority; one with the right idea is a majority."
"Physically manipulate our bodies and alter them is to say I don't want to be in your image; I want to be in my own image."
"Maybe if we awaken individually, we can do something powerful collectively together by telling the truth, by allowing opposing opinions to be discussed in an open forum, by maintaining our hope and our strength."
"Treating people as individuals is a better thing than treating people as members of groups."
"Life is what you want it to be, you are your own God. In fact, to the nihilist, God is dead or useless."
"We're here to interact with people and live in harmony. We're not here to impose our ideas or I impose my ideas on you."
"Most people with my views just want to be left alone to be able to pursue our own destiny as we wish, to leave everyone alone to pursue their destiny too."