
Individual Rights Quotes

There are 669 quotes

"If you're living in a democratic society that protects individual rights, you have Kant to partially thank for that."
"The individual is sovereign in relationship to the state, which is a remarkable idea and one that's fundamentally religious."
"We as a civilization have sort of lost our way in terms of these fundamental Western values. All of this is the basis for a Western civilization that actually believes in human rights and individual rights."
"All people are not created equal in every single way; we are created equal in the sight of God. That means that we have individual rights before God."
"I believe in the importance of markets, I believe in the primacy of free speech and individual rights."
"Everybody's entitled to believe what they want to believe."
"Everyone has a right to have an opinion. I might not agree with your opinion, but that's just how it is."
"Bring the sovereignty back down as close to the individual as possible."
"When the founders crafted the constitution, the first thing they did was make sacred the rights of the individual to share ideas without limitation by their government."
"I'm a big fan of liberalism. I think we should support people's individual rights, and if that's what people want, I don't really see any harm in it."
"It is a legitimate demand on the part of each individual that he have enough."
"The only legitimate purpose of government is to ensure that these individual rights are protected."
"In the end, the political sphere under socialism will consist of a bedrock of individual rights that are guaranteed to all people."
"You must protect the individual because there is no collective without an individual."
"Every individual has the right to life, liberty, and justly acquired property, and the freedom to pursue their own self-interest without coercion."
"I believe in your individual autonomy. I believe in your right to be who you are."
"If you're doing the right thing and you're a good person and you're not depriving anyone else of their liberty, you should be able to do what you want, when you want, and how you want, as long as you're not hurting anybody."
"We ought to give people the freedom to believe or to disbelieve."
"Individual freedom is what defines humanity."
"Every individual is guaranteed the protection of the free exercise of individual rights for the fulfillment of any end considered to be a fitting value to them."
"Everybody has their own rights and their own freedom to do whatever it is that they want to do."
"He was not elected to run your life; he was elected to protect your individual rights."
"Free speech is put into place to protect the individual against the government."
"Everybody in society has a right to dress as they wish because they're human beings."
"There are certain fundamental individual rights that are so important that no government, even a democratically elected government, can override them."
"Every man has a property in his own person; this nobody has any right to but himself."
"What freedom really is about is your freedom to do stuff I don't like."
"A Libertarian party that respects the rights of the individual, that enshrines the rights of the individual, guarantees them within the confines of the law, and recognizes they have to be threatening to those that would seek to destroy and steal the power from the people."
"The individual is the smallest minority and people have these rights and here's the Bill of Rights and we're going to war with Britain to secure them."
"The privacy of whether it's an individual or an organization needs to be protected and the conditions under which it is not should be transparent."
"There's no place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation."
"The government should protect an individual's right to live his life as he sees fit and not subject him to oppression on the basis of the arbitrary preferences of others."
"Classical liberalism is the political lens that most of us view the world through... you first believe in individual rights... you should be treated equally under the law."
"The European civilization, the land on which individual rights were born, those rights are now being killed piece by piece."
"Nobody should be forced to do something that they're not comfortable doing."
"Christopher Hitchens once said, 'If someone's voice is silenced, then I am deprived of the right to hear.'"
"The default is towards freedom. People should be able to do what they want unless it's proven that it hurts other people."
"I want people to be able to do whatever they want as long as they aren't constraining or hurting others."
"It took hundreds of years and gallons of blood to get to a position where individual rights were the purpose of the state."
"The sanctity of the individual, the sanctity of individual life, and the autonomy of every individual were at the absolute base of the desire first of all to ban slavery in the British Empire."
"The maximum amount of freedom for the most people is my political operation."
"People's privacy as an individual should pretty much be paramount to everything else."
"One's body is inviolable, subject to one's own will alone."
"The U.S. government has never been very good at protecting the rights of an individual to control what happens to their own body."
"The right to refrain from speaking is concerned with preventing government from compelling individuals to mouth support for views they find objectionable."
"The Fulton County, Georgia, District Attorney announced yesterday that the arrested legislator, Georgia State Representative Park Cannon, will not be charged with any crime."
"It is better that 10 guilty persons go free than one innocent suffer."
"I support an individual's right to hold a personal conviction or belief."
"Everyone has a right to believe the way they want to believe."
"This isn't a left versus right issue; this is a power versus the individual issue, and that affects all of us."
"It's only wrong if we're sovereign individuals right with some intrinsic worth who are not to be subject to arbitrary tyranny."
"It turns out that anglo-american jurisprudence is about the rights of the individual... those people tend to be victimized along racial and religious lines."
"Everyone has the right to love and hate what they want; that's the beauty of being free."
"Harry has a right to write his book. Harry is a citizen and Harry has rights."
"The rights of the collective do not outweigh the rights of the individual."
"There's a very American ideal that I will die for freedom, I will die for the right to make my own decisions."
"I'm gonna vote for freedom, I'm gonna vote for individual liberty, civil liberties."
"To deny the product of a man's mind is to deny the very concept of property itself."
"To deny someone autonomy is to deny them respect as an individual."
"Our freedoms don't end where your fear begins. Freedom is scary; deal with it."
"I'm not willing to sacrifice any individuals for some kind of utilitarian end goal."
"I think people should be able to do whatever they want if it makes them happy."
"Preach brother preach like that is right he makes the clear philosophical arguments related to our constitution related to what our rights are and individual rights."
"Without more information we need to be allowed to do that right."
"Our rights are given to the only person to whom we kneel, which is God. The government doesn't grant rights."
"The power should be with the person, not the state."
"Everybody has the right to live their life how they want to live their life."
"People's rights to define themselves as they want to be defined."
"There's not an argument... to carry out its functions of promoting individual rights, the government must forcibly bar others from using force."
"Freedom is my god-given birthright, then no man could ever take."
"Voting should be seen as a form of individual self-expression rather than as an act to be judged on its likely consequences."
"Our rights don't end where your fear begins. Freedom is scary. Deal with it."
"Britney, like anyone else, should have the freedom to live the life that's most authentic to her."
"Liberty is the right of every man to be honest."
"How do you create a society where people are free as individuals to live in and choose as they see fit?"
"The couple stuck to their guns and presumably horns and cloven hooves and won the battle to name their child after the Lord of Darkness."
"Individuals do. Disagreement is not discrimination."
"Libertarianism is the unrestricted respect for the life project of others based on the principle of non-aggression in defense of the right to life, liberty, and property."
"As long as you're not harming anyone else, you can do whatever you want."
"Restricting certain individual rights to advance the common good is by no means outside the domain of democracy."
"If we do not defend the rights of the individual, then there is no point in trying to preserve the Petro dollar or any kind of Global Order."
"So long as we do not cause harm to others, we should have sovereignty over our own consciousness."
"You can't police what people think and believe."
"I may disagree with your views, but I respect your right to speak." - Name We
"I support freedom, individuality, and meritocracy."
"The smallest minority in the world is the individual."
"When you scream that you want justice for somebody, you gotta realize that this officer, he's got the right to justice, too."
"That is not something I'm willing to do as a free American who has not sinned against black people." - Ben Shapiro
"Conventional conservatives have only been focused on that as it applied to private corporations, whereas they needed to apply it more importantly to ordinary everyday individuals."
"I'm arguing for ordinary, everyday people's right to choose for themselves."
"Your ability to do what you want or put what you want in your body is not my right to tell you what to do."
"It's down to us individually and collectively to demand the free speech of those we disagree with."
"Everyone is entitled to their expression of themselves."
"The basic idea that you have an individual right against other individuals... springs from the Ten Commandments."
"We should be allowed to do whatever we want to do to our bodies."
"Once you start believing that rights that adhere to you as an individual and pre-exist government no longer exist because we don't like what you're saying, now you have entered the realm of tyranny."
"Everyone is entitled to their personal preferences."
"Every single thing people can chip away at when it comes to our individuality of freedom is one less thing we have in our toolbox for when things fall apart."
"No one can take what you have as an individual."
"I think it's totally fine for people to live their lives in the way that they would like to."
"Liberty, the absolute right of each person to go his own way."
"The one thing that man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by a world government, a new world order."
"It's his right to do it, the moment you start to censor someone's freedom."
"Everyone has the right to live the way they live."
"Any individual has the right to exist and no one, no one has the right to tell someone else that I was right to exist."
"We still value our freedoms, our individual liberties."
"The decision to be vaccinated should be the individual but it's also about the ability for this country to remain a world power."
"It is my right as an individual, a free individual, to be able to make choices for myself and for my family."
"We support the right of each individual to believe or disbelieve as they choose."
"It's freedom of conscience that these things should not be forced on individuals and especially on Christians by the government."
"It's not good so long as it involves you know genocide against a population or so long as it involves socialism and communism and destruction of the rights of the individual."
"We are free individuals to choose as we see fit."
"I don't care that she does it, she's allowed to do it. It's America."
"You cannot force people to live where you want them to live in a free country."
"I'm not willing to sacrifice individual liberty of any defendant, even someone who's probably a criminal, just for purposes of the efficiency of the system."
"I'm unvaxxed and I'm actually very proud that I fought the machine and did what I thought was right for myself and my family."
"The individual is respected and the individual rights are respected, and that's how it's supposed to be."
"Refusing to be vaccinated does not violate Mill's harm principle."
"My idea of social justice is I keep what I earn and you keep what you earn."
"Extreme political centralization over your individual rights..."
"Celebrities and athletes need to speak up for individual liberties."
"The law should look at a case between individual X and Y, regardless of their identities."
"If you impose on the rights of one white man, you're gonna start imposing on the rights of all of us. What's the purpose of living if I can't be a free white supremacist?"
"Free markets assume at their root that you as an individual have rights and have duties free markets assume that you are a person of Worth and that therefore you have charge of your own labor."
"People own themselves and should be able to decide what they do or don't put in their own body."
"The right to keep and bear arms exists; it is of the people." - Clarence Thomas
"May I quote Stephen Fry? Stephen Fry said, 'You're offended? Well, so what?'"
"The declaration of independence gives us the right to pursue our own happiness free from government interference."
"More important than safety is our individual rights and our individual liberty."
"I truly believe that Tommy Robinson is a kind of political prisoner and this case touches on freedom of the press."
"Mr. K remained relatively calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"My view is government is there to protect individual rights. Otherwise, leave you alone."
"A government that protects individual rights properly is a government that leaves you alone to live your life as you see fit."
"Freedom of speech is the number one thing. We're allowed to say what we want, no matter how we feel."
"Individual rights are predicated on individual innocence, not group guilt."
"Identity politics: the trumping of individual rights by group identity."
"The textual elements of the Second Amendment's operative clause guarantee the individual right to possess and carry weapons."
"I respect you as an individual and your property, your life, as inviolable as mine."
"Don't force your daughters into a marriage they're not happy with don't say on their behalf no no she's happy we know we know her you don't know her she's not happy."
"Everyone is a sovereign being with the right to choose."
"I'm for personal freedom, for personal choice."
"You're responsible for your own life, individuality, life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness."
"I believe in Freedom. I think that everybody has should have a chance to determine their own destiny and not have to live under a boot."
"This is America. You are free. You are free. I am free. We the people."
"If they're two legal adults of sound mind, then I think they can do whatever the [ __ ] they want."
"The sovereignty of the individual's Choice should be absolutely Paramount."
"Because people should have the right to make decisions that other people might not agree with. That's why I support freedom. That's why I love freedom."
"People have to be able to make their own choices about their own lives."
"I can't live for other people and I can't be silent on things that matter to me."
"One site that in my opinion tops all of the above structures so uniquely Japanese and rooted in history that their very existence makes them stand out as perhaps the most iconic symbol of Japan and its feudal past."
"There's very few things I think that you should be restricted from doing as an individual."
"I think people should be free to do what they feel like doing as long as they're not hurting somebody else."
"I do find it completely insane that a state government could dictate what an individual citizen can and cannot protest or boycott on their own time and with their own money."
"You're either for individual liberty, the right to do with your body as you want, or you're not."
"If somebody decides that they want to wear a mask because it makes them feel better they should absolutely be allowed to wear a mask."
"But if somebody else has a medical condition or a religious reason or a personal belief or for whatever reason doesn't want to wear the mask then they shouldn't have to wear it."
"Government of the People, by the people, and for the people."
"The basis of our government, the Constitution, is the individual."
"Luffy's freedom is not letting anyone else decide what is right or wrong for you, but rather determining that for yourself."
"The Second Amendment wasn't talking about the government, it was talking about you."
"Everyone is allowed to think however they want."
"You can do whatever you want to do so long as you don't harm anyone."
"I'm just trying to exercise my rights peacefully."
"There is a cultural element to individual rights."
"It's not about neutrality, it's about standing up for individual liberties."
"We are watching a radical redefinition of the relationship between the individual and government."
"Prioritizing freedom of the individual is so, so important."
"Liberty is the right to make your own choices in your own life."
"We've had this in the kind of Creative Commons everything is a remix stuff but we still have mostly focused on giving creators individual rights."
"At the end of the day, your life, do you. You have a right to take any kind of risk you want to. It's your life, your freedom, whatever it is, your right."
"Details matter because this is a man, an American citizen, a Navy veteran, a human being."
"My conception of Liberty is not that the majority enforces good things upon people."
"If you don't respect individual rights, you cannot be said to respect minority rights."
"Everyone deserves a right to live their life the way they believe they're meant to and figure out for themselves where they're right and where they might be wrong."
"People have to get used to other people doing things they don't understand. I mean, we all have rights in this country. Like, if you decide you want to do something, I don't have to approve of it."
"Government should defend the rights of the individual."
"Freedom means you're free to do whatever you want."
"You're entitled to your own belief system at the end of the day."
"The time for apathy is over; people need to stand up for individual rights."
"You're entitled to your opinion... respectful disagreements."
"The dividing line is the people who believe in free speech because free speech is the expression of the individual."
"The sovereignty of the individual is paramount."
"Freedom is supposed to be real. It's supposed to be a real thing where I get to choose what goes into my body like what medicine I take. I get to choose that."
"Compelled action is tyranny. Period. There cannot be any 'but's. Public health? No. Screw the public. The public derives its rights from my individual rights. Always and forever."
"Free speech and choice should come at the heart of an individual's life."
"Perhaps it's a good thing for individuals to have the ability to defend themselves."
"Yeah, you should be able to make decisions for your life according to what you decide. And if you decide differently than me, that's what America is supposed to be about."
"We're all entitled to believe what we want to believe while we're on this earth."
"Give people the ability to have the freedom to have as many choices as possible."
"Each individual American participating in the free marketplace of ideas, not the federal government, decides what is true or false."
"There is no minority smaller than the individual."
"No American should be forced to choose between the dictates of the federal government and the tenets of their faith."
"Everyone has the right to feel the way they want."
"Don't judge others for their beliefs or what they think is right, and don't let others judge you or steer you from what you think is right for you."
"Nobody wants to be told what they can and can't do and what they can and can't enjoy that's just all there is."
"If you genuinely care about freedom, then you should let every human being live their life in a way that brings them the most fulfillment."
"Freedom is people doing things that you don't agree with... Even if you don't agree, you need to stand up for it."
"You don't have to approve of it, you just have to mind your own goddamn business."
"Central to individual liberty is individual privacy."
"True freedom is the freedom to both protect yourself and express yourself."