
Resolutions Quotes

There are 315 quotes

"We don't need to wait until January to make a resolution. There is no quota or threshold we have to meet before we can qualify to make real, concrete change in our everyday life."
"One of my New Year's resolutions—every year, I try to do something uncomfortable for me."
"Resolutions may come and go, but a well-groomed you is here to stay with Manscape's latest and greatest."
"One of my New Year's resolutions is to spend less time on social media."
"Yes, it would be hypocritical of me to sit in front of all of this food and say in 2023, 'New year, new me. I'm trying to eat healthier.'"
"Holding yourself accountable to the things that you've said you want to change is just a way of taking a positive step into the year."
"I was thinking yesterday I was like, what do people who are already fit choose for their New Year's resolution? I don't even know because that's been my resolution for an eternity."
"Most people that say 'I'm gonna start January 1st' fail. But it doesn't hurt to just try. I mean, a lot of people fail all through the year when they're trying to lose weight."
"The new year does just feel like a fresh start and the perfect time to break old habits, make new ones, and really set your goals for the rest of the year."
"This alignment breaks old patterns and allows for resolutions to long-standing issues."
"You don't have to wait until New Year's Eve to make a resolution. You don't have to wait until January to start planting these seeds."
"Celebrate look in life you got to celebrate small wins I don't don't only celebrate the big wins celebrate small wins that's one of my new year's resolutions"
"No more cheating until new year's—we're gonna cheat again, but no more after that!"
"It's not a resolution of 'I gotta get my life on track.'"
"I don't have New Year's resolution. I just tried to be more at peace, become more happier."
"You make a resolution that you can actually keep and then convince yourself how much this is necessary for your spiritual life."
"Remember those New Year's goals that you promised yourself you would stick to?"
"My new year's resolution this year is to be more in the moment."
"Maybe I only cheat about two, three times next year."
"Please let me know what your guys's resolutions and goals are."
"New year's resolutions are often arbitrary, often vague, and they're often about aesthetics or things that we think we should be rather than what we truly authentically want to be."
"Granting Smith his wish was quite difficult but ultimately doable."
"Therapy helps you find your strength so you can ditch the extreme resolutions and make changes that really stick."
"Do my eyes deceive me? It's been 30 minutes and y'all are breaking your resolutions!"
"All of us have these resolutions of getting fitter and healthier and eating cleaner."
"Resolutions will not resolve the issue that you're going through, only hard work will."
"Let me down there with all my non-alcoholic beers shortly. How's everybody doing with those resolutions so far, huh?"
"I hope y'all got some I don't really do New Year's resolutions um New Year resolutions because I usually don't stick to them but I do."
"Start your new year's resolutions on Thursday, the day before New Year's Eve."
"New year, new start. New Year's resolutions."
"The new year is right around the corner. I am curious if you guys have any New Year's resolutions."
"Happy; The holidays are over. Everyone's already forgotten about their resolutions already."
"But that's the nature of this line of work. Things don't get wrapped up and topped off with a neatly tied bow."
"And I’m ready to take these five major new year’s resolutions, enjoying cultural experiences, trying new and local foods, becoming a student of the world, relaxing more, and practicing mindfulness in all situations, and expand upon them back home."
"New year's resolutions or midday resolutions, whatever. If you need a framework to reinvigorate your life, you can give yourself that."
"People get so confused with the New Year's resolution they almost think that it's Lent."
"I think about my new year's resolution six months in advance because I give up my new year's resolution two weeks after the new year."
"My New Year's resolution is to do what I did in 2022 but better."
"You're burdened and challenged here because you're like all right, I need to end, stop, or complete this."
"I hope the new year is a great year for you and get started at breaking your new year's resolutions you want to break them early right not not wait till march or june."
"Traditionally with New Year's resolutions, experts advise to really stick to one... but we're treating this as an ongoing process."
"We're going to try and get some healthy food in and obviously as we've been talking about getting some of those New Year's resolutions started as well."
"It's a new year, new me. I'm vlogging every day of February, but I guess that means it's not a new me because I'm doing the exact same thing that I did in 2020."
"New year, new me is just like the most annoying, cringiest thing ever now."
"New Year's resolutions kind of suck and put a lot of pressure on us."
"It's still the new year, you're still trying to figure out what can I do better this year"
"Hope y'all have some New Year's resolution some New Year goals tackle them complete them anything you believe you can achieve amen."
"I feel like I'm gonna start getting ready a little bit more in this new year."
"Realize our rights. Implement our resolutions. 1,000 resolutions have been adopted we are asking to implement just one just one resolution."
"A new year calls for new resolutions and our society's resolution for 2021 is to increase the diversity of economic topics."
"New year, new me. I'm gonna win every single house rule, every single one."
"Anyone who has ever failed a New Year's resolution knows all too well that motivation alone won't cut it."
"Instead of resolutions, I think we should think about making new rituals for our life."
"Take it at your own pace if you didn't start your New Year's resolutions right at the beginning of the year it's not too late okay girl it's not too late you can pick yourself up you can start slowly."
"Always make sure to check again and break at least one solemn promise before about mid-February of each year."
"I haven't made resolutions cuz they feel a little superficial to me."
"Do you have anything in particular that you do in January?"
"I want us to craft these resolutions and not just resolutions but true shifts, true lifestyle shifts that last."
"There is something different about a New Year's resolution. You know it, I know it, don't lie."
"The key to keeping your resolutions is to have a good support group around you."
"Don't make new year's resolutions, make new year's systems."
"Let's work on some New Year's resolutions for today. This is so that we can seek self-improvement and be the better versions of ourselves."
"This year, my New Year's resolution is going to be huge. I am going to make a difference in the world and make a mark in the history books."
"Just because the New Year's passed it does not mean it is just time to forget about everything and all the intentions that we set at the beginning of the year."
"I do do a little bit more healthy eating in January."
"Something about the New Year makes people want to re-evaluate their entire lives."
"What a great thing to start in the New Year, just this."
"There are over a dozen U.N resolutions that articulated the concern about the potential threat."
"Those resolutions are pretty amazing."
"It's a new year and an opportunity for a fresh start."
"Try anti-resolutions instead of resolutions."
"It's not too late to start your New Year's resolution if you haven't done a resolution or if you chose one that's like, 'I'm just going to lose weight,' well, choose something a little bit more ambitious spiritually because that's what God wants for you."
"I think my resolution is probably the same as every other middle-aged man, which is to lose the Christmas kilos."
"Most people burn out of their New Year's resolutions by like January or mid February."
"My only New Year's resolution for last year was to learn how to wheelie properly, maybe do a bigger Bunny Hop and, well, obviously I've had to roll that on over to 2024 as well so we start again. That's new me."
"...I didn't accomplish even a single one of those things this year, yeah, you know what, you got to go into the year with the hope and you try your best."
"I don't believe in resolutions I believe in habits."
"I don't really do New Year's resolutions. I don't see it as any reason to make something happen that I wanted to have happen anyway."
"My new year's resolution was to get rid of my demons. We all have demons, don't we?"
"It's only been one month into the year and already all my plans for a spectacular new year have completely dissipated."
"Setting yourself better than setting yourself hard and fast resolutions but instead to kind of put out into the world your the wishes and hopes that you have year ahead and maybe just some some casual goals that you would like to achieve."
"You don't always have to think 'new year, new me', it's more of just like a new year, better me."
"Every single year, we make these incredible robust resolutions."
"Instead of the old New Year's resolutions of like, 'I want to lose weight' and 'I want to change my entire life,' I feel like people make these huge goals and it's almost like we set ourselves up for failure."
"New Year's resolutions don't have to be New Year's resolutions."
"I really do see the new year as a fresh start, right? Some people are like anti-new year's resolutions, but I love to like clean everything, make goals, kind of just revamp some stuff."
"Heading into the new year, maybe you have some new goals you want to make."
"I love a good New Year's resolution. I love all things kit. I love a goal. I love love as well."
"I would love to hear your guys' New Year's resolutions and your goals for this year."
"Reflection ought to lead to rejoicing, but reflection ought also lead to some resolutions, some decisions, and desires to change your life."
"Benjamin Franklin was so impressed with these resolutions of Edwards that he wrote a set of his own."
"I'm hopeful because I thought we passed really good resolutions."
"I don't do resolutions at all, personally or professionally."
"I want to start 2024 fresh, open for a new life, for a new beginning."
"Most resolutions don't make it. You have a picture of you're either sitting in a field, spinning your wheels, or you're in a vehicle headed in the right direction."
"It's not about starting New Year's resolutions. It's about seeking God's word for your life."
"Good resolutions are useless attempts to interfere with scientific laws. Their origin is pure vanity."
"Resolutions are nothing more than empty promises to yourself."
"I'd love to know if you've got any kind of goals or any mantras for them for the new year anything you're looking forward to improving to do in any trip you've got going on any work stuff any family stuff whatever it is I'd love to know in the comments."
"New Year, a new set of resolutions and the fact is only 9% of you will actually realize them. Scary, it should be."
"I know with it being the beginning of the year, a lot of people are looking for a fresh start."
"I've got no resolutions for you other than to keep on not [ __ ] up if possible."
"If you haven't tried a craft show yet, you should try one. New Year's coming up, maybe make a resolution that you try a craft show in 2024 or whatever year it is that you're watching this video."
"I don't really know that I have any New Year's resolutions."
"If you have any resolutions, let me know in the comments down below."
"I love New Year's Eve and I love the whole new year new me thing."
"We are all perfect anyway so why do we even need resolutions, right?"
"...the Mother of all resolutions."
"New year, new word. It really works out."
"I had plans for the new year. I was going to change myself, become a better, healthier, smarter, and stronger me."
"I don't do New Year's resolutions but I definitely have focuses in other words I start the new year with a focus."
"Our New Year's resolution was to get God just the way we get what he's gonna get."
"New Year's resolution come around the year."
"Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Not talk to you as much."
"Build and erect all your resolutions and conclusions for heaven and God's service upon that strong and purest pillar of Christianity,"
"I feel like I want to actually achieve resolutions."
"Let me know if you have any New Year's resolution or goals or things that you want to accomplish in the New Year too let's all encourage each other and lift each other up."
"Don't set resolutions that are dependent on other people."
"New Year's always mean sort of new intentions matching new goals."
"New year, new you, right? You have all kinds of resolutions."
"Most people start off the year with resolutions, goals, aspirations. Not us. I just go ahead and apologize in advance for my failings."
"Therapy can help you find your strengths and maybe help you check off those extreme resolutions."
"If you're resolved to get healthier in 2024, it starts with Field of Greens."
"Please do not give up your resolutions in January, stick it out till March like I do."
"It's a new year, and I know a lot of you are going to have new New Year's resolutions."
"Three keys to discipline: Number one is to make concrete resolutions."
"It's the start of a new year, a lot of us set goals, resolutions, whatever that looks like for you."
"I never really believed in things like New Year's resolutions, but for the first time in my life, I remember thinking that dreams can come true."
"I'm going to teach you what a New Year's resolution is."
"This is the time of year we all make noble resolutions."
"New Year, new resolutions; New Year means new you."
"I love New Year's because we all get to say, 'Ah, this didn't work last year,' or 'We should probably work on this a little bit more,' and make some resolutions."
"I want to go into the new year the right way."
"I think New Year's resolutions are powerful."
"With every new year that rolls around, the self-promise of people to do a new year new army is kind of shooting yourself in the foot financially."
"It's time for me to change my life in a brand new year, live better, be a better husband, be a better friend."
"In January, people make New Year's resolutions to start a business."
"It's the new year, and people are ready to make changes in their life."
"Everyone wants to kind of be healthy in January."
"HelloFresh cuts back on time spent in the kitchen so you can spend it on your other resolutions."
"It's the New Year, and it's time for a change."
"I just like to have goals for the new year because I feel like it gives me some sort of like structure."
"I like the thought of setting an intention rather than a resolution or a goal."
"May all your troubles last as long as New Year's resolutions."
"January is the time of year when fresh start, new beginnings, we all like to make maybe some New Year's resolutions."
"Deep down, I want to be a good man, I make new resolutions every day."
"I like to add other people's resolutions to my resolutions because I just think you can always improve."
"Tonight is the time for new year resolutions."
"All too often our resolutions go down the drain once real life creeps in."
"People would make vows for the new year."
"Let us know your new year and new decade resolutions down below."
"Another one of my New Year's resolutions is actually to take better care of not only myself but also my surroundings."
"I am so excited; it's a new year, and I've already made so many New Year's resolutions."
"Whenever I feel a burst of motivation, that's when I make resolutions."
"Those are the best kinds of resolutions because those are the sustainable changes."
"My New Year's resolution is not leaving the house looking a hot mess."
"The new year is the perfect time to set some new goals and resolutions."
"If you have got your expectations and needs under control, you don't really need a New Year's resolution because you stay on top of your life anyway."
"I hope y'all been working. I hope y'all New Year's resolutions ain't just dried up."
"My New Year's resolution was to be in a better mindset."
"We have many tools to help you be successful with that New Year's resolution and that diet and exercise program."
"It's a brand new year, it's a brand new start, and everybody is making resolutions."
"I'm not normally a fan of New Year's resolutions, but I genuinely hope that whatever goals people set, they hit them this year."
"I'm going to make a resolution for next year, listen to more music."
"We told you guys in our New Year's resolution that we wanted to just travel and just do everything."
"Whatever God's mercies are new every morning; the Book of Lamentations says so you can set new year's resolutions anytime you want."
"I want to talk about all of our goals and New Year's resolutions."
"This is a perfect opportunity to engage in some New Year's resolutions to learn, to study, and to invest ourselves in our Jewish thinking and Jewish life."
"Everybody uses the start of a brand new year to set New Year's resolutions to recalibrate."
"With a brand new year, maybe one of your New Year's resolutions is to expand your cooking skills, save money by skipping takeout, or finding more free time."
"A New Year's resolution is something that comes in one year and goes out the other."
"Unlike just about every other New Year's resolution I've ever made that evaporated after two weeks, I found no problems staying committed to this one."
"Resolutions really are about making a change."
"I love making New Year's resolutions, like I honestly love it."
"With the new year, there has been a lot of talk about new year resolutions and how you want to better yourself."
"I'm not a fan of New Year's resolutions. I feel like why are you going to wait until Monday, why are you going to wait until January 1st, like you should just start today."
"I hope everyone can meet their resolutions or their goals for 2023."
"I decided I just don't do resolutions. I'm terrible at them."
"I don't think anyone ever looks back at their New Year's resolution and says, 'Yep, checked that one off fully.'"
"I'm bad with resolutions. I've never made one that I stuck to, ever."
"My New Year's resolutions is to journal every week."
"You don't have to set yourself all these goals and resolutions."
"New year, new me, new goals, new things to see."
"Every New Year's Eve, I make a resolution... I see January and the New Year as really a symbolic chance to succeed and do things different."
"I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. Do the thing that you want to do when you think of it."
"My new year's resolution is to be more organized and pack lunches."
"My New Year's resolution this year is to do with boundaries."
"It's that time of the season when we start making New Year's resolutions."
"I use the word intentions as opposed to New Year's resolutions because it's a little bit softer."
"Every year, people make resolutions and they think about what they've done in their life so far, and in the following year, they hope that something will be different."
"Happy New Year! I hope that you've made some good New Year's resolutions."
"This was the New Year's resolution that changed my life."
"Resolutions are generally about one of two things: they're either about letting something go or inviting something in."
"It's a new year for me, I'm doing a clean out, freshen up, new habits, new everything."
"I don't believe in New Year's resolutions. I just do something, and I'm like, let's do it now."
"New Year's resolutions... I hope you guys have some healthy resolutions for next year."
"I don't do New Year's resolutions. I personally don't believe in them. If I want to do something, I do it."
"I don't really do New Year's resolutions. However, I don't knock anyone who does them because hey, if January 1st rolls around and that's when you do want to make a difference, who's to judge you?"
"I feel like so many times at the beginning of a year we make this list of intentions, resolutions, goals, and then we just forget about it."
"My New Year's resolution: less drama, more naps."