
Meaning Of Life Quotes

There are 276 quotes

"Everything is so meaningless and so valueless that it goes full circle into infinite meaning, infinite value, absolute value, absolute love."
"Consciousness gives meaning to our lives. Without consciousness, there'd be no meaning, no true value, no good versus bad."
"The feeling of meaninglessness which sometimes burdens us through the course of life is difficult to contend with."
"Kierkegaard argued that although life is filled with despair, uncertainty, and loomed by death, there remains the possibility for true meaning and purpose."
"Anyone who goes through life with an open mind and heart will encounter moments that are saturated with meaning but whose meaning cannot be put into words...it is as though on the winding, ill-lit stairway of our life, we suddenly come across a window through which we catch sight of another and brighter world...I am not alone in thinking that it is real and important."
"Meaning in life...is about something similar to the way a sentence works, it has an intelligibility to it that connects us to the world in some important ways."
"Responsibility is what gives life meaning. Lift a load, then you can tolerate yourself."
"Everything in life is absolutely meaningless other than the meaning we give it."
"The search for meaning is actually the point."
"Once you find a partner, it gives meaning to your life. As a civilization, humanity needs to find another civilization out there, and then the universe will be meaningful. It would not be pointless anymore."
"What's the point of life, if without meaning?"
"Believing that there was no inherent meaning freed me from a lot of stuff."
"The question isn't can we find meaning in life; we can't not find meaning. It's happening all the time."
"We are living in a society... that is virtually out to satisfy and gratify each and every human need except for one need, the most basic and fundamental need operant in man: the need for meaning."
"Without a divine purpose for our life, we don't really have any meaning to our lives."
"There are some people, many of my colleagues, who say, 'Well, that's a stupid question, the meaning of life.' But I think there's more to it."
"The only way you're going to find the meaning that keeps you sustained through the storms of life is going to be a consequence of adopting responsibility."
"Deep meaning can still be found, but the first thing people need to do is to realize that it cannot be found in the things that are being offered."
"Meaning of life is what's meaningful to you. You can make meaning out of anything. It only matters to you."
"You need a meaning that can sustain you through that, and that's to be found in responsibility."
"I think that human beings by and large are really crappy at defining their own meaning."
"What is the most meaningful? If you're asking questions about what's the meaning of life, you're in a certain sense asking absolute questions."
"I do see a lot of things as being meaningless, but I do think there is meaning to us, why we are here, why humans exist."
"Man is religious by nature; we naturally search for the transcendent truths that will give our lives meaning."
"The meaning of life to me is the struggle to impart meaning to meaning."
"Don't sweat the small stuff; it's all small stuff."
"The meaning in your life isn't the consequence of the claiming of rights. What you're gonna find where you're gonna find your meaning is responsibility."
"What does our life, our existence, mean, when we don't believe we're put here for a reason?"
"I think it's inarguable that to alleviate a child's pain, whatever way you can, there's a meaning. You do that every time you get the opportunity, and that's a meaning that supersedes you."
"I think that's one of the reasons why religion is so effective is that there is this deep longing for meaning."
"Meaning is the most important thing any of us could have... yet no one could quite say what meaning is."
"Kefka gives a cynical speech about the meaningless of life, while the heroes counter, telling of what they've learned through the course of their adventure and the things they hold dear to them: friendship, family, love, freedom."
"Man's search for meaning is about a psychiatrist who's in Auschwitz... and if that guy can find meaning at the end of that journey, we'll be all right."
"Life is hard, but your life can be very meaningful."
"Responsibility, man. That's where the meaning in life is. So, wow, the meaning of life is responsibility. That is something that I have never heard before."
"The illusion of meaning is all we can get, then I guess that has to be enough."
"Does it actually have to mean anything at all it just is."
"Having friends who love you and support you is just about the closest thing to the true meaning of life."
"The instinct for meaning helps you find a pathway through life."
"When a person can't find a deep sense of meaning, they distract themselves with pleasure." - Victor Frankel
"When one cannot clearly recognize God's sovereignty, every day is meaningless, worthless, miserable."
"The single greatest need that the human being has is for meaning. It is even greater than for sex."
"If there's no God then you have to create your own meaning right... mankind has to find his own meaning."
"Learning and looking for answers are the sorts of things that give life meaning."
"If the universe emerged out of just blind material forces, then human life really has no meaning."
"Meaning is the antidote to suffering and evil. It might even be more real than suffering and evil. It's possible. And like I think about this technically, you know, this isn't a metaphysical assumption that I'm making."
"That's life, and that's the thing that for me is like so tough about this, there's no meaning, it just is."
"It's a peaceful assembly. This is what we do as Americans."
"Either all of this means something, or none of it means anything."
"This can't be what it's all about this we're just an arbitrary F of the universe there must be meaning there must be a reason and there must be truth must there must be somewhere that love comes from was also what I was thinking."
"Because life is ultimately meaningless, you have given meaning to your life. You think arbitrarily that your life is significant."
"The question of blackness is being our search for meaning."
"There is only the natural world, so how do you explain things like purposes and meanings?"
"Meaning lies not in ultimate cosmic victory but in the pursuit of that which matters to you."
"For me, meaning is something you create. You have the power to create meaning in your life and in the lives of others."
"Humanistic meaning... if we all were bags of atoms, what would be the purpose or reason for life or death?"
"You need to end the hopeless search of meaning-making and dive headfirst into the void."
"The only concept of meaning we have period is a human concept."
"Everything else is meaningless w the microphones the cameras like bro even if this video gets a billion views it's still meaningless like in a couple years nobody would care."
"The ultimate sense of meaning is composed of the union of fragmentary senses of meaning, which can be overwhelmingly powerful."
"Life is about meaning and the pursuit of meaning. And if you have meaning, that'll carry you through a ton of unhappiness."
"The existentialists ask, can't we find Hope and meaning in our lives no matter how small we may be?"
"Life actually does not have any meaning. Therefore each one of us has to give our own meaning to life."
"We have a whole crucifix we can point to that tells us why our lives matter and why we're loved."
"If the whole universe has no meaning, we should never have found out that it has no meaning."
"What's wrong with wanting to live? Explain that to me."
"We now have a need to understand our relationship to meaning."
"The meaning of life is proportionate to the adoption of responsibility."
"Meaning is not something you think up, but something you discover."
"We are totally insignificant, our lives don't really matter. But the meaning in life is very much what you make of it."
"It's the loss of purpose, the loss of meaning. Now you know why."
"Nothing ultimately matters, gives us the freedom to decide what means the most to us."
"Man's search for meaning is the primary motivation in his life."
"You get to consciously decide what has meaning and what doesn't."
"Any meaning that people inscribe to their lives is just a delusion."
"Life can be really challenging... religion brings meaning to life." - Katherine Stewart
"Meaning is something that we assign not something that exists waiting to be found."
"People gain a sense of meaning when their lives cohere across the three levels of their existence. Finding coherence across levels feels like enlightenment."
"Astrology opens us up to the quest for meaning."
"It's what gives your life meaning. It's what holds a society together."
"When Jordan Peterson... that gave purpose to people." - Search for Meaning and Purpose
"Life is meaningless, and we give our lives meaning to make existence bearable."
"Investing meaning in the here and now, rather than focusing on leaving a legacy."
"The thing about humans is we get to actually decide how we derive our meaning."
"There's no meaning in anything, not inherently."
"Life has no meaning Beyond money and power and whatever they can get right now they're predators."
"We're still meaning-seeking creatures. How do we find it? What do we do? What does it mean to have faith or to believe in anything?"
"But for now, we need to ask what does it all mean?"
"True Life is only found in him true meaning is only found in him."
"Is it possible to have a life of meaning and purpose without believing in God?"
"We live in a world that has meaning, that has another level, that has something that can come into our lives and change."
"Life has meaning because if we can't talk together and actually sort each other out and talk through rational life and how we are actually here and why we should all listen to each other then that is the real reason that we have life."
"People are desperately looking for meaning in life."
"Life has meanings that can't be infinitely malleable."
"Meaning is a concept, you project it onto actuality."
"The world itself is imbued with meaning and significance."
"What's the meaning of my life and what gives my life meaning?"
"The meaning of life is the pursuit of wisdom."
"Every single thing in life is the meaning we attach to it."
"As I get older, the meaning of life is finding those connections."
"The meaning of life is what you make of it."
"It's about a guy who discovers the meaning of life"
"What does life mean? Is there more to life than this? These are questions I see people asking more than any time in my lifetime"
"He defends art as the meaning of life."
"Social status is perhaps not the meaning of life."
"The meaning of life is like look at the hand in front of your face, is the clearest thing there's never any question, there's no uncertainty, it all has meaning tremendous meaning."
"The purpose of life is to search for meaning."
"We mustn't ever give up on the idea that it is worthwhile for a human life, in fact, it is imperative for a human life to be searching for such a reality and such a truth."
"There's more to life than these measures. Has the Enlightenment improved our philosophical grasp of the meaning of life? I don't think so. There's a lot more to life than what the Enlightenment delivers."
"The meaning of life is either the wrong question or that question is answered by paying sufficient attention to any present moment such that there's no basis upon which to pose that question."
"Not only shines lights on some seriously dark topics but it also really just makes you question life in general as well as the unknown meaning of it."
"Whatever the meaning of life is, it can't involve a search for permanence in any real way."
"Ultimately death is about living well, then I think that's something that is under my control and it's a way that I can find meaning in this whole disease."
"Most people expect that the answer to the question 'What is the meaning of life?' will be a story, and that's always the wrong answer."
"The first question is why are you alive. The second question is for what are you willing to die."
"The meaning of life is to live it. Don't save up your whole life to accidentally have something happen, and you never get to enjoy anything."
"To be is a miraculous gift. So, the meaning of life, I think, is like, spread happiness and joy and try not to hurt others."
"The purpose of your life is to find your gift, the work of life is to develop it, the meaning of life is to give it away."
"We don't really know the answer, but if we increase the scope and scale of civilization, then we have a much better chance of understanding the meaning of life."
"One of the things I talk about in the book is the importance of suffering for actually living a life full of meaning and a life full of purpose."
"The ultimate meaning in life has to be spiritual."
"The meaning of life is finding out that lesson that we need to help each other."
"If you accept as a proposition that we don't really understand the meaning of life and we wish to understand the meaning of life, then in order to understand the meaning of life, we should expand consciousness."
"Life's meaning is not given but made; it is up to us to grapple with the absurd, embrace the struggle of existence, and craft our unique path."
"What does it mean to truly live, to live one's life to the fullest? I don't think that's a one-size-fits-all question."
"Meaning in life is not reducible to morality."
"There's something profound about the meaning of life."
"The unexamined life is not worth living for a man."
"We don't need to derive meaning from our own deaths. That's what our lives are for."
"The only people who stayed heroic, the only people who stayed sane, were people whose main meaning in life was not something a concentration camp could take away from."
"Don't look for gimmicks. Life is happy; existence, even if it's really good, is somewhat depressing. We choose life, and because we choose life over existence, we will exist forever because we don't care about our existence; we're busy living."
"Can't find a meaning in life? Allow me to be that meaning."
"The Eucharist is the meaning of life, nothing less."
"The meaning of life is to find your gift; the purpose of your life is to give that gift away."
"That's the meaning of life, I agree."
"We are trying to find meaning in the fact that we exist."
"Life is so much more to it than something that we do or perform."
"The answer to the universe is always 42."
"Does this game mean something? Nah, this is everything."
"That to me is like the ultimate metaphor for life really. It's like that's what we're all doing here. I mean and you can explore it and get deep within and try to connect but we don't have any idea what any of this is about."
"The question is the greatest question in the world: What is the meaning of life?"
"More than ever, she knew the meaning of life."
"What is the point of life? Is it not experience?"
"Connection is the meaning of life."
"I just want to feel like I lived for a reason."
"Finance is not a purpose in itself, it's a tool. And that you should be building your life around some kind of purpose. There's a million different purposes, so that's something for you to create in your own mind. But that's where the meaning of life comes from."
"The meaning of life is to find the love in oneself and exhibit care in every moment of every day with everyone we come across."
"Money is not the meaning of life; happiness is in the heart."
"To find the meaning of life, find the Lifegiver."
"You can't buy the meaning of life, you can't borrow it and you can't manufacture it, you can only discover it."
"The meaning of life is to seek ways to give your life meaning, doing so with gratitude, patience, and compassion for both others and for yourself."
"Life has a meaning and going through my life review, I realized that life has a meaning. In itself, you don't have to ask about it anymore. Life has a meaning."
"What is life worth living? I think that's the message that this book is about."
"I wanted a more meaningful way of life. I got dissatisfied with the secularism and the individualism in our society."
"The search for meaning is, in fact, the very thing that gives our life meaning."
"The only true meaning of life is finding your own way to enjoy it."
"The meaning of life for me is watching your kids grow up and watching them go from in loads of different stages, you know, and growing with your wife is the meaning of life, I think, you know, and just the day-to-day, the trip of life."
"If you're dissatisfied, it means you've been living for the wrong reason."
"The meaning of life comes into physics."
"Are you really okay with the idea that your life is not meaningful?"
"What makes life worth living is what can only be described as a resonance, an encounter with other living beings, with the natural world, and with the greatest products of the human soul."
"Facing obstacles, no matter how difficult, was what gave meaning to life."
"Your future self will be someone who has discovered the meaning of life for them."
"If I say, I believe there is meaning to life, that moves into different territory altogether."
"Life and death can have meaning. One of the problems with suffering in life, disappointment, divorces, sicknesses, losses, and of course death, we always ask why."
"Christianity really does create a meaning in life that would be pretty remarkable."
"Even secular thinkers acknowledge the need for meaning in life, which can be created by making a difference."
"In the unity of love and death in the willing acceptance of death for love's sake and in the renunciation of self for other we glimpse the meaning of human life."
"The purpose of life: What is our objective in respect to why are we here and where are we going?"
"My life has so much more meaning now because we only have this one life here. I just want to interact with human beings on a dignified level and I wanted love without condition."
"It's about finding intuitive reasons for living, intuitive Ways to Live. What does that mean? It means you have to be connected to some sort of sense of meaning in what you do. Life has to be anchored in vision and meaning."
"I think life brings meaning to the universe."
"If we're going to think of that big map of Joseph Smith's plan of salvation as the cosmic law behind the multiverse, what is the meaning of life?"
"I understand the meaning of life, yeah, I get it now."
"Both things are true. We are like dust and grass and flowers, we are immensely fragile, our lives are very very very short, and at the same time, our lives are deeply meaningful."
"The meaning of life is to be a saint, even if it isn't believed in God."
"There is no other meaning to human life other than submission to the Creator, which really is just an acknowledgment of reality itself."
"In the abstract sphere, the only answer to my question 'What is the meaning of my life?' was 'you are what you call your life.'"
"What does it mean to be alive? What is it all for?"
"The connection between wisdom and meaning in life is facilitated by integrating affective components like compassion and care."
"There's a real potential in Sternberg's theory for making deep connections to meaning in life."
"It's extremely difficult to extract meaning from life unless you believe that there's a greater purpose behind your creation."
"This question of whether life has meaning is one of the oldest and most profound questions in philosophy and basically history."
"Everybody, every life has meaning to it."
"That's what really life is all about."
"Life doesn't make sense...maybe sometimes we just let it not make sense."
"To show the deepest meaning of life or how we are within interconnectedness and show it as actual concrete example I think that was most our deepest offering one person can do."
"Either through a curious or inquisitive mind or through a frustrated mind, you reach a point where you want to know yourself, you want to find what is the meaning of life."
"Rehab is a spectacular failure because it tackles the psychological and physiological elements of addiction but does not tackle the lack of meaning in the addict's life."
"The two greatest days in your life are the day you're born and the day you find out why."
"Life has meaning, guys. It's not just cheese, it's cheddar cheese."
"He whose life has a why can bear almost anyhow."
"Society seems to subscribe to the notion that the meaning of life is to get what you want and the more you get, the happier you will be."
"Human connection is the meaning of life."
"...the resurrection of Jesus brought meaning to life and hope... what I did today mattered, that it has Eternal significance."
"All of life itself has reason, it has meaning."
"The meaning of life was eliminating hunger and poverty."
"A sense of meaning and purpose in life energizes you."
"You're not just floating around among 7.8 billion people. There is a reason for your life and God has called you into a hope and a purpose."
"It's human nature to ask the greatest questions, and the greatest question of all is there is a meaning to life."