
Self-judgment Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"If we consistently interrupt our old thought patterns with new ones, and we resist the urge to judge ourselves for how long this process takes, we won't waste our lives waiting around for a eureka moment that might never come."
"Every ideal is a judge. So you posit an ideal and instantly you're in an inferior position in relation to that ideal, and that can be crushing."
"My beloved child, break your heart no longer. Each time you judge yourself, you break your own heart."
"Give yourself some time and really try not to judge yourself for falling short here and there."
"Instead of judging yourself, being like, 'Who am I to think about doing this? Am I even worthy of this?' it's more like capturing that inner confidence, that inner curiosity, and saying, 'You know what? I think I can.'"
"Probably the biggest thing I overcame was the judgment of self. Like, am I good enough to do something? Are people going to care about what I have to say?"
"I sometimes tell myself that I'm lesser of a person because I have to take antipsychotic medications."
"We're judging ourselves against too many people. You have to judge yourself against yourself."
"Just because you have an evil thought, even if you really want it and even if you really believe it on some level, doesn't make you an evil person."
"It is much more difficult to judge oneself than to judge others. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a wise man."
"Nobody's going to judge you on it but yourself so... hold yourself accountable for your actions."
"If you're pointing judgment towards yourself in any way, to actually receive the support that you need in life can be self-imposed."
"There is no one judging you... You judge yourself."
"If you judge yourself, nobody will have to judge you."
"Meet yourself with compassion or meet yourself with blame. How do you want to handle this?"
"Because I think a lot of us do judge ourselves, a lot of us have maybe been through a lot of therapy, have been through a lot of self-help, might even consider ourselves really insightful."
"I do deserve to be executed. Bottom line. I ain't going to candy coat it. I deserve to be executed."
"You've got a king of Pentacles inside of you, you're an excellent judge of character, great intuition, great businessperson."
"If it's already in the form of self-criticism and judgment and guilt and shame, that's not the place to begin."
"How we judge ourselves, how we grade ourselves, determines what is a threat and what is expectable."
"I love making these videos for you guys and I love the fact that you enjoy them."
"Don't let anyone judge you and what you do, you're your best critic."
"If you have mixed feelings, that makes you human. It doesn't make you a failure."
"Who am I to judge, right? Needless to say, I was sad that I had already lost my first dragon."
"Only the almighty can forgive yourself. I was going to actually say that. That's your only hope for salvation. I have committed no sin, the puppet I am condemned for is a child's play thing, nothing more."
"Happy is the man that condemns not himself in the thing in which he allows." - Romans 14:22
"Happy is he that doesn't condemn his own self in that thing which he alloweth."
"Have the self-love the level of self-love to release patterns of self-judgments around what you are feeling empathically."
"If you catch yourself judging your emotions and avoiding your emotions, distracting yourself from your emotions, then you've really got to get back to that skill number six of willingness."
"You cannot stop judging yourself if you continue to judge other people."
"Given what I've done, I'll never be a good man. I just tried to be a better one."
"Sometimes, I feel guilty because if I don't accomplish that, then I feel kind of shitty at the end of the year, and I don't want to go into the new year feeling like I failed the other year, you know what I mean?"
"The highest intelligence is the ability to observe yourself without judging yourself."
"Accept where you're at with your pain tolerance and don't judge yourself for it. It's all part of your unique journey in BDSM."
"If you judge which parts of me the divine wants to use, I have cast myself out of the garden of Eden."
"It's hard enough to find the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. Why are we always judging others and judging ourselves for who that is or when that is? It's hard enough."
"We're messed up, our hearts condemn us, but God is greater than our heart, he knows all things."
"Realize how harsh your own judgments are as a result of how you perceive yourself."
"The judgment of you how do you judge yourself how do you see yourself how do you feel about yourself how do you love yourself how do you manage and handle yourself that's the judgment that's the jihad that's the battle every day."
"Stop judging yourself against other [ __ ] up people who have hidden it better than you."
"Shame is also very much an illusion. It's not the truth. What you're feeling right now is probably like people are either gonna judge you, shame you, right? Those are just decisions that you made at that time."
"I think not, Presence. I am Thor and thou shalt judge for thyself whether I am pretending!" - Thor
"Let go of their anger, let go of the judgment on themselves."
"Start with compassion, one of the worst things we can do to ourselves is judge ourselves."
"God is not judging them. I don't have proof. I don't know how to pray. They're judging themselves."
"Follow your own life plan without judging yourself or being envious of others."
"Trust your intuition and go with what feels right exercise your freedom of speech release judgment of yourself and others your destiny awaits."
"We should judge ourselves that we should not be judged by God."
"You've been kind of judging yourself a little bit harshly... have more compassion for yourself and again more trust in your choices."
"We're all socialized to care about how we look but then also socialized to think it's dumb."
"No one will ever judge you as harshly as you judge yourself."
"The only person in the world who is judging you is you. No one else is going, 'Oh, look at you and look at what you're doing.'"
"God was not judging me, God was loving me. I was judging myself and I was a far harsher judge than anybody could ever be."
"Judge yourself only based on your actions."
"Do not judge yourself for feeling the way you feel."
"Do not judge yourself too harshly for thinking negative sometimes. It's okay. However, we shouldn't let it become the majority. But it's okay to go there sometimes."
"How to stop ruminating and judging myself for the mistakes I made?"
"Don't judge yourself for when it sticks or what it doesn't."
"We all got to stop judging ourselves so much. Take a deep breath in, as you exhale let out all the judgment of yourself that you hold yourself accountable to every single day of your life."
"I would rather judge myself on the value we have in the lives of others."
"The biggest judgment individuals do is they start judging themselves from what other individuals have told them."
"The minute you start judging yourself for a pattern that you've noticed that you want to improve, imagine a big red stop sign."
"Never stop in that sense. And when you judge yourself, you tend to stop."
"You bring that lack of judgment because you're not judging yourself."
"The only person who can judge you is yourself."
"The problem of an insecurity isn't that other people are judging, it's that you yourself are judging."
"It's so easy to...say people don't see it, but the problem of an insecurity isn't that other people are judging, it's that you yourself are judging."
"The worst thing that can happen is you judging yourself, limiting yourself."
"Imagine if all the judgments you have of you just melted and never came back."
"The only person who is truly judging you right now is you. When you embrace that, when you realize you're the one in your way, it can spark a fire in your gut."
"Your best may vary from day to day, but as long as you're giving it your all, you can avoid self-judgment and regret."
"If you do not condemn self, there will be no man in your world to condemn you."
"If I can judge myself before others can judge me, then I never have to feel the guilt that comes along when somebody points out something that I'm doing wrong."
"The only thing you'll have to do is let go more of your own judgments on yourself."
"It's okay to be angry sometimes. That's okay. You're not a terrible human being if you got angry in certain situations."
"I don't call myself a sinner because I feel like I would be condemning myself if I were to speak and think in that way, and I don't have the authority to do that."
"He's going to die unless he judges himself, and the main thing is to judge himself on love."
"Get into judging yourself right now so you can actually feel the sense of the inner judge when it's activated."
"When we're depressed, we make unrealistically negative judgments about ourselves, devaluing ourselves and putting ourselves down."
"Don't judge yourself by how you feel, judge yourself by what you do despite how you feel."
"A mind at peace is heaven. Self-condemnation is hell, restriction, and bondage."
"The important thing is to try to judge yourself as little as possible and try to just do, get a lot of input from reference, and from gesture drawing practice."
"If you judge yourself, yeah, you're going to run into a lot of creative blocks. But if you treat yourself like a dumb little kid in a candy store and you just want to have all the candy in the store, then like it's hard to be creatively blocked."
"I'm spending all my time judging another man's servant and not judging the person that I'm actually responsible to judge, and that's me. I'm responsible to judge me."
"We win and we lose, I got their back. We win and we lose, I'll tell them, I tell them you want to be on this big stage, just... Do what I've just talked about and be your own judge."
"You should have a high ideal but not too high a standard to judge yourself."
"Acceptance seems like giving up, but if we aren't accepting ourselves, usually we're on the other end where we're judging ourselves."
"...my greatest judge is my future self. My echo chamber is not other people's voices, because they're going to be dead soon."
"Start judging how you really think about yourself based on your actions."
"I tell them, I don't care how they judge me. Judge yourself also, man."
"We need to be less judgmental to ourselves and also to other people as well because we are judging other people by their good days."
"Many of us, we've heard so much about judging ourselves and cleansing ourselves, but it must be based on the foundation of being clothed in the righteousness of Christ."
"Let people help you and don't be judgmental of yourself."
"We are constantly judging ourselves, we are constantly measuring, even on your days off like on the weekends, how productive were you?"
"Stop judging yourself so much and maybe second guess all these rules that you have in your head."
"Of all the judgments we pass, none is as important as the one we pass on ourselves. Self-concept tends to be destiny."
"You shall judge yourself. If you succeed in judging yourself rightly, then you are indeed a man of true wisdom."
"When you are practicing these four agreements, there will be many judgments coming from all around you, and mainly from yourself. Then, focus your attention on what makes you happy."
"God wants us to be aware of our thought life but not under condemnation."
"Shame is a really hard emotion for me to cope with like I feel like I'm ashamed of things I shouldn't be ashamed of."
"...judging ourselves is one and also in the actual don't judge a book by its cover."
"If we judge ourselves rightly, we will not be judged."
"If we judge ourselves rightly, we will not be judged. It's a promise."
"Don't judge yourself by where you are at any point in time on the emotional scale, just understand that your guidance system is working."
"I have the ability of self-perception and judging myself, that clearly points me to the fact that there's more to me than just instinct."
"I know that that doesn't make me a bad mom."
"I think parents kind of judge themselves a bit harsher because you understand that there's so much about your kids you don't know."
"The ultimate barrier is just self-judgment."
"We're so quick to judge others and slow to judge ourselves to see what we have really become."
"Take the gavel out your own hand and let yourself be free."
"You have the power to remove the judgment and add in kindness."
"A guilty conscience needs no accuser."
"We judge ourselves by our intentions, but we judge other people by their actions."
"You're working as hard as you're capable of at the time, don't always focus and try to judge yourself on what you could be doing, what you should be doing."
"The first step to overcoming your fear of being judged by others is to stop judging yourself so harshly."
"It is well rather to realize that a life well spent spares no effort to be of service but does not judge itself harshly for that service which seems to have gone awry."
"Your worthiness does not depend on any reflection you might be given from the world concerning any excellence to which you may aspire."
"God is not being as hard on you as you're being on yourself."
"Integrity was everything, moral rectitude and independence of character were the standards by which he wanted to be judged and to judge himself."
"Judge yourself... you know very clearly what you did wrong."
"In your heart is where a man should judge himself, not on the bars or in a ring, or in a battlefield."
"This face is the least I deserve for everything I've done."
"You don't need to beat yourself up for the result on the target."
"If we deliberately act against it, we condemn ourselves."
"How are you judging yourself? Are you judging yourself with what you know or what you believe?"
"I was just constantly looking in the mirror and just judging myself and not appreciating the things that make me beautiful."
"I've been up, I've been down, feel like I've moved mountains, can't judge me but me, I was born free."
"Having these intrusive thoughts does not mean that you're a bad person."
"That's a reminder to be nice to yourself because no one is going to judge you as hard as you will."
"Honor: Warriors have only one judge of honor and character, and this is themselves."
"It's not some God imposed judgment, but rather the natural consequences of our own actions."
"Parenting is an area that people feel judged, but actually, most of that judgment comes from ourselves."
"You don't want to judge yourself for the things that you want."
"If our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart."
"I am so small that I cannot damn myself; little children are not damned."
"24 years of guilt finally caught up with me today. I climbed the ladder, something I said I'd never do. I faced myself, and I was judged unworthy."
"Judgment says you are being too hard on yourself and others, let go and let God."
"The sinner's own thoughts are his accusers, and there can be no torture keener than the stings of a guilty conscience."
"If you're always judging yourself on how much you made... you're never gonna be happy."
"Sometimes judging yourself only makes it worse."
"Everything that I do from now on need not be judged by other people, especially you."
"Oftentimes if we are judging ourselves very harshly for something, it's definitely something to look deeper into."
"Don't judge yourself prematurely."
"Everyone has their own values, judge your own life."
"The second you stop judging yourself, you'll feel confident, you'll feel happier."
"I don't need a moral anchor to judge myself, but I am my own judge because I go by my own standards."
"You're shedding all these layers of guilt and grime and dirt and things that you have judged yourself for."
"It helps me ground myself so that I can stop judging what I'm doing and just do it."