
Policy Quotes

There are 4823 quotes

"No subsidy on any sugar whatsoever. There needs to be no federal money spent on sugar."
"It's a sensible infrastructure deal; it's all about infrastructure, which is what it should be."
"Words are not enough. What we want to see is actual change in policy."
"Healthcare is a human right, not a natural right, but should be a right given to every citizen."
"Sure, we want to understand the motive, but I think this is also an opportunity to look forward to policy."
"Instead of paying $400 a month for insulin...I want to cap the cost of insulin at $35 a month for every American who needs it."
"Every child should start by providing access to preschool for four-year-olds."
"Let's continue increasing the Pell grants to working and middle-class families."
"The Affordable Care Act...is still a very big deal."
"Policy matters because it affects our future."
"An optimal policy has the property that whatever the initial state and initial decision are, the remaining decisions must constitute an optimal policy with regard to the state resulting from the first decision."
"Joe Biden's horrible divisive vision for the future includes more people having healthcare, wages being higher, a more equal set of opportunities for people, less income inequality, lower prescription drug cost, a livable planet for our children and grandchildren."
"We want people to come into our country, but we want them to come in legally through a process."
"I'm a big fan of banning social media for kids, 18 and up only."
"We shouldn't kick 700,000 people out of their homes."
"We are introducing a three-tiered system of local COVID alert levels in England, set at medium, high, and very high."
"We will continue to make our decisions meeting by meeting and communicate our thinking as clearly as possible."
"This is deterrence is the fundamental national security framework upon which all post-World War II policy is built."
"Making sure there's a safe and a secure and a strong border."
"At its heart, what we're talking about is the ability to confiscate weapons when there is clear evidence that violence is about to be committed."
"Wars of aggression generally bad. Never again to me means something."
"We believe this is a one-time opportunity, a generational opportunity that we have to truly create transformational policy and pass it through the reconciliation process."
"This was a vote for change. And when it is a vote for change, it's not just change of faces, it also invites revisiting policies and looking at things differently."
"The idea of a minimum tax on billionaires so billionaires pay their fair share the way teachers and firefighters do."
"It creates this enormous opportunity to invest in America: new bridges, new factories, more prescription drug costs decreases."
"Comprehensive approaches that address the root causes of migration, enhance border security, and provide a clear pathway for legal entry into the United States are crucial."
"We have the power to make changes, small and big, both in policy and our own lives, that will ultimately help us depart from this trajectory."
"The real problem was American schools: underfunding, racism, zero-tolerance policies, and resegregation."
"Our response has been based on the latest available science and advice from our world-class health professionals."
"My MS meds cost $6,208 a month in USA. Same company sells the same drug in Europe for one-tenth of the price and still profits. Without the ACA, the taxpayer pays most of my costs. Socialism isn't the problem; for-profit companies writing the regulations are."
"We've committed to small businesses; we should top up that program now."
"Policy secondary to the values, the policy that supports that."
"We need to make health care a right in this country."
"By making sure that we invest more in education, we can ensure human capital development."
"We protected your pre-existing conditions very strongly. You don't hear that, but we very strongly protected your pre-existing conditions."
"Medicare for all... it will cost 32 trillion dollars over 10 years... but here's the problem, if we didn't do Medicare for all, the cost of our private health care system over that same time period would be 49 trillion dollars."
"This course will have a distinct sort of policy angle to it. I sort of do economic policy, government policy is my thing. So I think it's what makes economics exciting and it sort of offers, I think, an interesting angle to understand why we're learning what we're learning."
"Social Security for all... I'm a big proponent now."
"This isn't an argument towards what's good or bad...This is an issue of Public Health and what is required to keep society with some form of stability."
"Our laws as it pertains to substances are Draconian and bizarre."
"Our government is supposed to be areligious."
"The path that China pursues is one of peace and development, not plunder and colonization."
"It's very important to reform how public health and science operate."
"Our goal here today is to look at how our key policy plans will dramatically reduce poverty and return Nigeria to a place of strategic relevance in a world that needs a thriving and well-governed Nigeria."
"Calling climate change an existential threat to humanity, congressional Democrats introduced a policy proposal called the Green New Deal."
"The president stated that to remain the strongest economy in the world, we need the best education system in the world."
"At the end of the day, the ultimate goal is policy. That's what we want. We want to get policy through Congress to make changes in people's lives."
"There are three qualities of healthcare that you can have: affordability, universality, or quality. And you can have two of those three things, but not all three."
"Bernie Sanders policy was over a four-year transition period. Four years is nothing."
"The most powerful step that can be taken now is to pass the American Rescue Plan because that is a step that economists across the board have said would help expedite economic recovery, expedite getting people back to work."
"The successful defense of a misguided and censorious infringement claim furthers the policies of the Copyright Act and warrants an award of fees."
"The answer is to expand Social Security, not to cut it. That's what the American people want, and that is what the right policy is."
"There are three qualities of healthcare that you can have: you can have affordability, you can have universality, or you can have quality, and you can have two of those things but not all three."
"If you have a belief and you're trying to implement it into policy... just be very careful with what it is that you're doing."
"Every bit of evidence we have towards the value of immigration has pointed in favor of continuing it."
"Bail out the goddamn communities that need it. Simple as that."
"We've made huge strides with LBJ's War on Poverty in the 60s, but then we just parked the bus and let the problem persist."
"For too long, going back decades, the immigration system has been broken. It's time to fix it."
"We're going to need every tool that we have in the toolbox to address rent affordability."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Sometimes you have good intentions on making communities better, and they have negative policy outcomes."
"The policies that we fight for... the whole point of those policies is to make it so you give people a fair shot, an equal opportunity, not equal outcome."
"We want a broader welfare state in certain ways, more global trade."
"The only way to look at that is to look at polling based on specific issues. And when you look at polling based on specific issues, the American people lean towards left-wing policy."
"Most people in the country...are cool with [abortion] less than 20 weeks."
"The harm being done here to U.S. security is much greater than the benefit that the senator believes will be gained."
"2 million people now have access to affordable health care thanks to the reopening of the special enrollment period."
"You don't need to defund the police to do stuff in the community. All you have to do is start funding the community."
"Our Administration remains fully committed to reducing gun violence and to advancing safety, inclusion, and belonging for all."
"The Fed's response to this crisis has been guided by our mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"Emotional intelligence is one of the strongest weapons someone can have in their arsenal."
"The best way to deal with gun crime in inner-city areas would probably just be to address the economic equality there."
"The best way to stimulate and grow our economy is to let people go back to work."
"We can't put a pause on climate change. Eight out of ten Canadian families get more money back than they pay in carbon pricing."
"We're confident that working together with Congress, industry, labor, and other stakeholders, we can chart a new path that emphasizes resilience, security, broad-based growth, and sustainability."
"The one thing that comes over clearly from all of these moves in Germany and France is that the political class...are not going to change the underlying policies."
"Our whole response thus far has been a response to a crisis."
"NATO is not supposed to be an aggressive alliance. It's a defensive alliance, at least on paper."
"This marks the first time that the NSC will include an official dedicated to climate change."
"We need to be bolder when it comes to housing assistance to make sure that people can stay in the apartment or the home that they're living in."
"We should use science to guide our laws and policies instead of just doing things out of fear or because they feel right."
"America wants this fixed; this is not complicated."
"We must build our economy back better so that it lifts up everyone."
"Products whose production causes damage to the environment... should be more expensive, not less expensive."
"The president has indicated a strong support for increasing the minimum wage in our country from seven and a quarter now to fifteen dollars an hour."
"When you hear about the end of carbon-based fossil fuels or global tax regimes or corporate-governmental cooperation, a lot of that is coming from Davos and the World Economic Forum."
"President Biden is set to make a huge pitch for bipartisanship."
"Medicare for all is the right direction to move in because it represents a more efficient system."
"I do believe that a single-payer environment is probably the right answer in the long term."
"For the first time ever, we will create true competition in healthcare."
"The USDA is considering a big change to school lunch menus that many kids may not be happy about."
"You cannot engineer equality of outcome without destroying equality of opportunity."
"The US federal tax credit on electric vehicles... may be extending that from being the first 200,000 vehicles to now being about 600,000 vehicles."
"Climate exchange has developed their own State climate policy dashboard, helping every state to track climate policy with links to tons of resources."
"We have to do the work not just to enact policies that reflect our values of equity and fairness."
"Honesty is the best policy when it comes to this stuff."
"The census is more important than ever as census data is needed for apportionment and redistricting; it is used for federal, state, and local governments to develop policies and allocate billions of dollars for programs and services reaching millions."
"If you think that the policy that you're proposing will reach a certain conclusion, produce a certain result and it doesn't, I think you should acknowledge that."
"There are pockets of hidden leverage in this economy and financial system that policymakers have not yet identified."
"There is a difference between freezing funds and confiscating them."
"I do not believe it is with race-based quotas. I believe it is economically empowering all Americans."
"We need to put kids in a place of absolute protection. They should be the first and last thing we think about when we are devising any kind of policy."
"Every state now is a border state... every state is affected."
"We're prioritizing America over foreigners, American energy over foreign oil, our borders over Ukrainian borders, our veterans over illegals, and our children over teachers."
"I fully understand that a gas tax holiday alone is not going to fix the problem, but it will provide families some immediate relief."
"Lockdowns have to be a dirty word. We have to shudder in fear whenever we think about the concept of lockdown and say we should never do this again."
"We should let a lot of people in legally and make it much easier to get citizenship."
"We can make policy based on our scientific understanding, decide how to live on our planet, and go to space without risking the future of humanity by a single point catastrophe here on Earth."
"Scientific ideas need to come forward from scientists, and then have political leaders, when you are looking to make a policy decision, say we’re doing this because here is what our top scientists have said."
"If you're addressing the issue of crime and you're trying to fucking say that we need to cut off immigration, why don't we actually try to address crime rather than target the fucking population that is less likely to cause crime."
"Safe, legal, and rare was a formulation that at least most Americans could feel okay about."
"The greatest example that comes to mind is abortion. It was such an insane thing to do, and yet places like Kentucky...overwhelmingly voted in favor of codifying and protecting abortions."
"After 60 days of my governorship, nobody sleeps on the floor or streets of California anymore. That ends in 60 days."
"UBI is...a very good idea but it can be a very bad idea as well."
"Joe Biden... talked about making serious investments in mental health services, drug treatment and prevention programs, and services for people experiencing homelessness."
"The governance and integrity policy... if you can insulate institutions from rent-seeking and ensure that frameworks of efficiency and accountability are there, then you can layer them up with any programmatic aspiration."
"Don't just research policy, research your heart. Consider not just what benefits you, but what's right for everyone."
"By 2 to 1, Republican voters told us they wanted Trump policies but they didn't want Trump as the nominee."
"I think that it helps everyone if they end race-based affirmative action in college admissions. It restores merit in the United States."
"To address these dangers, it's important for policymakers, researchers, and industry leaders to work together to develop ethical guidelines for the development and use of AI."
"Investments in infrastructure would be great for the economy."
"If you just want to look at economic efficiency, man, you've got to invest in infrastructure."
"In the workforce, education and training policies that support workforce participation are crucial."
"The single most important policy to getting those sectors reopened and getting people back to work, of course, is bringing the pandemic to a decisive end as soon as possible."
"Left-wing populism does have key views such as Medicare for All and raising the minimum wage and even to some extent universal health care that garners substantial support among the entire US population, if not a majority."
"All policy that's not based on voluntarism is to be regarded, at minimum, as suboptimal."
"A nuclear war can never be won and should never be fought."
"The Monahan report was about investing in the black family, but its rejection led to the incentivization of its destruction."
"Finally, for low-income students getting grants, those grants will be doubled from $3,000 to $6,000 going towards, meaning depending on what province you're in, you might end up having your tuition near free for the year ahead."
"The bigger problem that can be solved through laws and policies is regulating corporations."
"Bill S-233 calls for the government to establish a framework for studying the possibility of a universal basic income program in Canada. So not doing something, not planning to do something, just establishing a framework to study the possibility of maybe doing something, someday in Canada."
"Every billionaire is a policy failure, and every precarious household is also a policy failure, and the two are connected."
"I'm looking for real environmentalist policy."
"I said, I know, I'll get involved in policy. So then I get deeply into policy and I find out, huh, what do you know, behind the closed doors, there's reasonable agreement across both sides about what are the policies to solve our most pressing issues; there's just no political will."
"Zero-tolerance policies are completely wasteful... It also damages children's psychology."
"Our focus remains squarely on our dual mandate to promote maximum employment and stable prices for the American people."
"Anti-racism is a collection of anti-racist policies leading to racial equity that are substantiated by anti-racist ideas."
"The AFFH is essentially a rule created by the Obama administration that gives federal power over local zoning."
"Doing what you say you will do has to be the cornerstone of your policies."
"The risks of overdoing it, the risks of providing too much stimulus, are smaller right now."
"There's no place in Canada for guns specifically designed to kill the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time."
"Guns designed to kill the largest amount of people in the shortest amount of time have no place in Canada."
"The policies that I'm in favor of are policies that empowers the people within the country to make their own demands."
"Economically, immigration is good for a country. It's really, really simple. It just is."
"Most democracies work really well, and you will see policy track public opinion pretty closely."
"By creating the Gender Policy Council, President Biden fulfilled a campaign promise to create a White House team backed by the whole of government for defending women's rights and advancing equality."
"We are going to restore the rule of law in the United States."
"We do not need new laws. We will work within the existing system and framework."
"If what they were doing worked, Chicago would be a Utopia."
"Twitter is setting a lot of policy...it's almost like the forefront of thought."
"I do think that you can add benefits without taking them away from current subscribers."
"Singapore’s leaders seem to have ‘solved’ the problem of housing: That it can be affordable, high-quality, or plentiful - but not all three."
"We need to disarm the population to a certain degree or cut the circulation of guns that are currently in the market."
"If you don't explain your policy clearly and concisely, and you don't take seriously concerns, nobody is going to pay attention to you."
"We're talking about taking steps to reduce it, so with amnesty and legal abilities, we make human trafficking harder on every single level."
"I think allowing these people to carry in a place where... people are sitting ducks is a step in the right direction."
"There's no way in the world it ought to be this easy for somebody to walk out with a semi-automatic weapon. It just shouldn't be this easy."
"There is what I call the creepy line, and the Google policy on a lot of things is to get right up to that creepy line but not cross it."
"As we move further into the year, we'll start seeing some of those inflationary pressures abate, which will allow us to not be so dramatic in our policy actions."
"I want to talk about healthcare, Social Security, jobs, the economy... Let's solve the issues at the border with a bipartisan solution. Let's actually be solution-oriented and come up with ways to solve things."
"I want to do smart things on crime, I don't want to just be cruel for no reason."
"I think the countries that did not close schools probably did the best response."
"Seventy percent of voters support access to safe and legal abortions."
"This election is a choice. It's a choice about how we keep our economy strong because when you have a strong economy, you can deliver on your plans."
"You all know that the cost of everything is going up but your wages aren't. That's why we need to lift wages."
"If the Fed breaks something, it's 100% guaranteed they will come in. They will support the banks."
"The executive order would be the first of its kind for the right to repair initiative in the U.S. anyway and would direct the Federal Trade Commission...to draft new rules and regulations regarding consumer repair laws."
"We do have immigration laws, that's correct, it's just they're not being correctly enforced."
"Human life is precious, and every decision we are making is with that in mind."
"Imagine a world where the only cigarette that future generations of kids could experiment with could no longer create or sustain addiction because of a single policy."
"It's about making sure we have a strong economy."
"We are the only major country on Earth that doesn't guarantee healthcare to all people as a right."
"Nations do bear collective guilt... because nations mobilize national resources on behalf of policies that have to make up for, to the extent possible, national sins, national crimes."
"Your political opposition is not your enemy; they are someone who has good reasons for thinking differently about what is the best policy."
"Optimism started to grow... We're gonna have this boom, we got the policy just right."
"These measures are not against individual international students; they are to ensure that as future students arrive in Canada, they receive the quality of education that they signed up for."
"Discipline in spending in defense, capping healthcare costs, and managing Social Security and Medicare payments are crucial."
"Policy must be based on a dispassionate analysis of problems... it's rare enough that somebody will tell you explicitly what they think and why."
"Our cost of climate crisis is only getting worse no matter how much my colleagues try to ignore it."
"Pass an anti-racist constitutional amendment... to fix the original sin of racism."
"Racial inequity can also be a product of implicit or explicit bias with no policy, and it can also be evidence of historical inequality that is not addressed by race-neutral policy."
"With a Beijing hukou, you can access high-quality education and medical resources, benefit from housing policies, and increase their chances of being admitted to prestigious institutions like Tsinghua and Peking University."
"The existence of billionaires is a policy failure akin to the existence of a single homeless person."
"To be anti-racist is to view the inequities between all racialized ethnic groups...as problems of policy."
"The US military has now banned hazing in any form and has a zero tolerance policy for those caught doing it."
"We've got to start thinking about healthcare as a national security issue."
"It's about what we fundamentally believe in, and that goes right into the policy detail itself."
"Probably Scientology's most toxic policy...requires that any member of the church who wants to stay in good standing with the church has to cut off all ties with someone who's been declared suppressive by Scientology."
"We're taking on powerful interests to bring health care costs down so you can sleep better at night with more security."
"We pay more for prescription drugs than any major nation on Earth. Not anymore."
"We need to fix the rules, make them tougher, with a simple, clear, single mission: to protect consumers."
"A judge must apply the law as written. Judges are not policymakers, and they must be resolute in setting aside any policy views they might hold."
"We need to interpret the data because we can't just go with the efficacy of policy without considering the societal impact."
"I am absolutely committed to working with you on these issues, but it can't just be political assertions that aren't substantiated when it comes to the actual details of policy."
"With interest rates at zero, this is the time for a long-awaited bill, and it should be very big and bold."
"The president's Build Back Better agenda would ensure parents earning up to 150 percent of the state's median income pay no more than seven percent of their income on child care."
"I've long said that we need to reward work, not just wealth in this country."
"We believe strongly that coding should be a requirement in the United States for every kid to have before they graduate from K-12."
"A decision was made to reverse the draining policy and embark on an ambitious mission to restore the marshes to their former magnificence."
"In life, take any chance to celebrate. I think that's a good policy."
"Bad policies cause you to lose great people; great policies cause you to gain great people."