
Natural State Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"You are totally happy and blissful in your natural state when you're not thinking any kind of crazy thoughts."
"Pregnancy is a natural state of being for a woman. It's natural."
"You need to get used to the idea that health and alignment is actually the natural state of your being."
"Transparency is the default state, the natural state of humanity."
"Intermittent fasting, imperfect as that term may be, is probably our natural state of being, and we are unsurprisingly evolved for it."
"Happiness and blissfulness is our natural state."
"The body wants to be healthy; the natural state of the body is health."
"Human beings are free and equal beings in the state of nature; there is no natural hierarchy."
"Health is your most natural state. Look at nature."
"We've been conditioned to not love ourselves... but love is our natural state of being."
"The default way that the body is meant to be is strength, health, and happiness."
"Freedom is our element, it is as water is to a fish, and we cannot be free when we are surrounded on all sides by systems of control and condemnation."
"You're wired for Joy, happiness, connection... That is your natural state."
"I think we can get it back to a harmonious organic loving kind of Garden of Eden."
"Abundance is our natural state... there is more than enough to go around."
"Wellness, joy, liberation, love is our true nature."
"I have no problem with human nudity. We're all nude at birth and we're all nude when we're dead."
"Feelings you don't decide. They come on their own. Just be natural."
"Hypnosis is a very natural state of being. We go in and out of hypnosis about a thousand times a day."
"Happiness, joy, peace of mind are supposed to be our natural States and we have to radically reclaim them."
"If the past is destined to repeat itself, then all we need to do is look back."
"It's a return to your natural frequency, a more pure state of what your energy can be."
"We do have a propensity to feel good in our natural state."
"Flow is my natural way of being... this brings me a heightened degree of clarity and understanding."
"Harmony is your normal, natural state of being."
"I truly believe now that happiness is my natural state of being."
"Your body has an innate desire to be healthy; its default state is healthy, it's not sick."
"Our natural state is at a high energy level."
"Love is way more powerful than fear, that is our natural state. We are going back to the love frequency."
"The natural state of being, that's who we really are when we're not separate, when we're not warring, when we're not deceiving."
"The natural state of humanity, the natural state of all life is that of health."
"Stillness is not a practice, it's just what is."
"Ecological panic or ecological stress or ecological competition... Hitler saw that as the natural state of affairs."
"The natural state for a social being is to elevate states of complexity."
"Your natural state is peace, it's calm, it's loving."
"Your natural state is one of love."
"Rewilding is restoring an area to its natural and uncultivated state."
"The original blueprint of the body is fruit, but even further back, the soul doesn't need food."
"Unconditional love is our natural state of being."
"Inner work is so important because when you start removing... those things, then the natural state that was already there, it's already you, you're not learning how to be joyful, it's already there underneath all the other stuff."
"Being a non-smoker is your true nature."
"Health is the body's most natural state. If you do not have health, then something you're doing is interfering with the body's immune system and its ability to maintain health."
"It's not about achievement, but a recognition of our own natural state seeing itself."
"Leave your mind in its own natural state and relax."
"Simply allow them to dissolve naturally."
"Instead, I found that this body was freed from all those ideation segmentation and started functioning in a very natural way."
"This forest is part of a tiny fraction of the landscape that is still in this condition."
"You're perfect in your natural state."
"The main point of meditation is to recognize or realize this natural state."
"Awareness is a natural state before we ever started thinking we were aware."
"No matter how much we fight, I think peaceful solutions are our natural state; we want to coexist with one another."
"Feel yourself in your natural state of love and energy."
"Let your breath return to its natural rhythm, your body get heavy, and each time your mind wanders, gently bring it back."
"In the natural state, it does not belong to anybody. You cannot say 'I have it.' In fact, you are it more than you have it."
"It's important to know how to defend yourself in your most natural state."
"Financial success is my natural state of being."
"Financial prosperity is my natural state of being."
"When you achieve this, the heart goes back to its natural state which is pure joy."
"Sickness is not anymore a natural state of man than war is a natural state of nations."
"God and nature intended man to be well."
"Our natural state is one of ease and peace."
"We need to be able to return to that natural state of contentment. So it's an alternation in life."
"We don't have to create happiness, we don't have to find happiness, we don't have to seek happiness. That's our natural state, it's our birthright, it's already there."
"You begin to remember that you, like all babies, were born with a healthy relationship with food."
"The state of nature is a state of perfect freedom and equality."
"Marriage is the natural state for human beings; being single is not the natural state."
"Hypnosis is a completely natural state that we all go into and out of every single day."
"Fulfillment is natural, the father assumption of non-fulfillment is unnatural."
"Remember that your natural state is joy."
"Being by yourself in your natural state... isn't that our normal state?"
"Abundance is the natural state of the universe."
"Us being in tune with our feminine side, our soft side, is us trying to get back to our normal, natural loving and nurturing selves."
"Prosperity is our natural state when we align with universal laws."
"This open state that's not reactive, not grasping, not resisting, actually is our natural state."
"This is our natural state; not a created state."
"The body wants to be whole and healthy, that's its natural state."
"The more evolved you are, meaning the more you're living in your natural state, the more genuine positive impact you will have on the world around you."
"The peacefulness does not need to leave, it is so much in synchronicity and harmony with your natural state."
"Go beyond back to your normal, natural, supreme state."
"Let your body melt into the ground and your breath come back to its natural rhythm."
"Abundance is available for you at all times; it is your natural state of being."
"Your body's default setting is to be healthy."
"Our bodies make feel-good chemicals... the natural state of the body is to feel high all the time, but naturally."
"Quantum health is your natural state, this is who you are."
"Manifestation is your natural state."
"We're here to thrive and be the best version of ourselves; that is our natural state."
"Self-attentive being is our natural state and truly requires no effort at all."
"We're just trying to understand certain aspects about the behavior by observing them in their natural state."
"It's actually more natural to be in neutral, in trim and buoyant, neutrally buoyant than not."
"Tenderness is natural. When we are in our natural state, when we are at rest, tenderness is naturally present."
"Isn't enlightenment sometimes referred to as the natural state?"
"Whatsoever he removes out of the state that nature hath provided and left in it, he hath mixed his labor with and joined it to something that is his own and thereby makes it his property."
"Babies are doing the best with what they have, and that's that natural just baby state."
"Our natural state is abundance and flow and joy."
"Separation is unnatural to you; oneness is your natural state."
"Being present and not thinking is our natural state."
"This is our natural state, natural state beyond failure and success."
"What we are fundamentally, essentially, is the natural state, natural self."
"It's such a treat to see the artist in his untouched state."
"Whenever you see these inclusions intact, that tells you that the stone's not been heat treated."
"The mind in its natural state is content."
"Divine beauty is my natural state."
"Freedom is really available to us; that is our natural state, and we can know it in this lifetime."
"Ask me my opinion, my opinion will be, it's a natural situation for a man to be free."
"Love is an energetic state of being; it is your natural state of being."
"That's the way fine animals were meant to be seen."
"We're wealthy naturally; abundance is a natural state of life."
"We can have that feeling whenever; we do all of us can learn how to be natural again because it is natural."
"Our natural state of being at rest is actually feeling okay, we're content."
"Your natural vibration, your natural set point, is to feel high vibrational energy through your body a majority of the time."
"I don't ask anybody to follow any particular path; I just tell them to be what they are in their natural state, spontaneous state, stabilize there in the beingness."
"Your original state is divine; your natural state is to be happy, peaceful, cheerful, joyful."
"I felt really healthy; I felt like this was kind of where my natural body wanted to be."
"Return to what you were before your so-called birth."
"Prior to conception, whatever state exists, that is your most natural perfect state."
"Your natural state is to love, your natural state is to be loved and to give love."
"Gently stretch the tissue, easing into our natural state."
"The immensity of being is your natural original state."
"Hypnosis... it's very natural, and everyone can and is hypnotized on their own several times a day without my help."
"All is well with the world and with me, well-being is my natural state."
"Our initial state, our natural state, is wellness."
"Life wants me to be happy, happiness is your natural state."
"Balance is my natural state of being."