
Social Contribution Quotes

There are 241 quotes

"Maybe there are benefits to being part of a community project...maybe there's a place for everybody in this community."
"Life is about giving to others, doing for others, being of use to others. True value and influence come from when we are around other people."
"Shout out to all the women out there, all our lady supporters, that's a fact. Our mothers, my wife, shout out to everybody, man. We appreciate your contributions not only to our lives but to the world."
"You make a difference, not just by showing up but by stepping up and making an impact."
"Dedicating and committing yourself to swapping out even a tiny bit of the time that you spend doom-scrolling...to doing something tangible to help make that next thing better is one of the best things you can do for your own mental health and for the world around you."
"Find some way to create meaning...it's about others and it's about who you build your life with."
"Giving back and like I said, giving these guys some really good options."
"Meaning is basically how your job or your career, what you do, is helping the world in your own unique way."
"The great secret of humanity: people love to do things that help others."
"Two in five Gen Zers and millennials said they would take a lower paying salary if it meant that they were purposefully contributing to society."
"Everybody has a role to play, and this is mine."
"If you're not ever doing anything for others, it's very hard to feel any sense of value."
"An elegant woman is one who has enriched herself enough to give back to society, a lady who is intelligent and possesses the right knowledge."
"It's all for charity, the immune deficiency foundation, so it's all for a good cause."
"Why are people doing this? Why are they doing this work for free? Challenge and mastery along with making a contribution."
"He did benefit the community and the people around him, and basically, that's what you want to be known for."
"Spread your light, share your talents. Your skills are needed by the world."
"Thank you for all the work that you're doing."
"How do I channel all of this connection into being an efficient human being in society, into giving back? Because for me, love is everything."
"If some day they say of me that in my work I have contributed something to the welfare and happiness of my fellow man, I shall be satisfied."
"Make things better wherever you are, however you can."
"Reshaping the genre into a more nuanced social contribution."
"The more you contribute, the more you help people make their lives easier, more convenient, or maybe just happier."
"If you leave this world better than when you came into it then you actually made a difference."
"I just want to be a good person, you know? Any time that I could put something out that someone could donate to or anything, even maybe just humor." - Hangman Adam Page
"You are valuable. People need you in their lives. You are here for a reason. You can do big things and make big moves and always protect the kids in your life."
"There we go, just a gamer, gives back to society, cares so much about people. He's a cancer survivor, just an amazing man."
"Getting the sense of contributing to society is fulfilling."
"I'm so glad I've done it because you know there's a lot of rich people around, got a lot of rich friends, but they can't help and they can't do what I've done in terms of helping this country."
"It's gross, but I'm glad we have people like Chris Shelton who are dedicated to asking good questions."
"I'm doing my part for society by playing Minecraft."
"She is literally pouring into her community, pouring into her society."
"Whether you are a superstar or you are somebody who nobody knows, in some small way you can make a contribution."
"I'm doing this program, because if I can impact one person and change one life with my story, that's everything to me."
"But if we're at least trying to make a difference, and I think we definitely have here, and I think everybody sitting here would agree that we've had positive impacts, it's huge."
"It's just a good thing to contribute positively to the world to the environment and all that good stuff."
"It's the extras that put you over the top: the clubs, charities, volunteering, you know."
"I never expected this restaurant to be such a success... It's an honor to truly feel part of something and giving back to the community."
"Everyone has something to contribute and we're all better off when we're betting on everyone in America to pursue a good life and make a contribution."
"American Muslims add beauty to the already beautiful and diversified American social fabric."
"Focus on others, contribution to your community, to cope with any wobbliness."
"You are an exemplar of a rule of life. Good people are divided into three groups: those who fight, those who help the fighters, and those who do nothing."
"I used government aid in the right way because I used it to get on my feet and now I'm a productive member of society giving back through taxes."
"Making a difference for another human being."
"You just have to approach things with... okay, what's the problem? What exactly am I contributing to society... Is this something that can help me?"
"I am driven by passion and the desire to give back to this country or to my Society what this country has done for me."
"Being a Miss World isn't about how beautiful you look or how well you dress, it's about using your beauty to do something good."
"You want to stumble around and be useful to other people... it's useful to be useful to other people."
"That is what it means to give back to society - to be good physically, mentally, and spiritually prepared for what's to come."
"If you want to make more money, give more value. If you want to achieve more respect, help more people."
"How can you be a help to anybody other than yourself unless you go and work?"
"Don't take it for granted... you're changing lives and saving lives."
"I think if you don't figure out where your shortcomings are and your attributes are, you can't really be helpful to others."
"Each individual is a potential helper in the perfection of civilization."
"There are others who will benefit from your success."
"What if you truly being you, warts and all, with no apology, is the gift, the change, and the possibility this world requires?"
"Help other people...pay it forward...at the end of the day."
"To help other people... to contribute to something... not for yourself... gives you something."
"Inspire you today, inspire you to inspire somebody with autism."
"You're doing something for the world, bringing joy, putting smiles on people's faces."
"Strive to be part of the solution, not the problem."
"Every single one of us has made a difference, and if you sit in for a moment and think, 'I'm only one person,' you are one person and one person is enough."
"It's an asset-based perspective... people already kind of want to do well, they want to impress others, they want to be meaningful, they want to contribute."
"All it takes is for one person in the household or perhaps just the local community who is able and willing to read aloud for other people to be able to consume and understand written text."
"For us to be able to do something for the community is a real privilege."
"Giving back to society and making a positive impact on the world is a core belief."
"By helping others, we often help ourselves; contributing to our community can make us feel more fulfilled in life."
"Some of us are willing to live and die for the people with a smile on our face because what the people have done for us is beyond language it's beyond words."
"Thank you so much for watching and remember until next time you cannot do all the good that the world needs but the world needs all the good that you can do."
"Perseverance and patience are called forth in you."
"It's okay to have been part of the problem if you dedicate yourself to being part of the solution."
"Perpetuating ways to help the community and bring a little more light into the world."
"I want to be able to do the same thing, give back to this community."
"Footballers should be connecting with the fans, lifting spirits in difficult times."
"It feels like I'm doing something good in the world, you know? And it feels like I have an impact. That's all we want, right? We want to give, and that is my main priority."
"If you make someone laugh, you've made the world a better place."
"I just appreciate what they've been doing and helping out the community."
"The point of a company is to produce useful products and services for your fellow human beings."
"Every little step you make or take, you're helping repair a piece of someone's life."
"You're using those skills to help people out."
"Always be careful and mindful that you are contributing to other people's mindsets in the most positive way that you can."
"It's your way of contributing to a bigger cause."
"You need to be in it enough to make a difference, to contribute, but out of it enough that you actually have a difference to make."
"We've been doing well. We decided to join the travel Association to contribute to the community."
"Part of that repair also has to be remembrance, right? So as I'm reading... what people don't know, we talk Black Wall Street Tulsa, Oklahoma, but there were a lot of Black thriving communities why? Because Black people built the country."
"Everybody out there can do something. You can find one more friend, one more family member, one co-worker."
"You will be able to make a significant contribution in whatever aspect of your personal unique circumstances, removing the conflict that has previously held other people back."
"Thank you for all you've done for the community."
"I found every day that I left there, I felt richer by serving someone that was poorer than me." - "I felt richer by serving someone."
"We're going to have an opportunity to make a major contribution to the awakening mass consciousness."
"Imagine all those smiling faces of those small children, beautiful little children that you're gonna help to change their life."
"If we all just educate ourselves and we have the awareness, we all have a superpower, we can all help, we're all heroes."
"No matter how much I try, the world will never be perfect. Well, gotta get back on the horse because we need people like you to do all that work so that people like me don't have to."
"Tom didn't have to go and bartend but he's a king so he did."
"Everything that we do to support these children is made possible by this community."
"You're doing a real service to the world by being yourself."
"Your career might be your biggest opportunity to make a difference in the world."
"You cannot save the world, but providing clean water is a great service."
"You will never ever truly know how much you are helping people."
"Our contribution to society is to improve it. Islam brings peace and safety."
"All I can do is use JP Foundation as a vehicle that can be a positive vehicle."
"How can we serve as well... something to give back to the world in a bigger way."
"Somewhere there's a kid that needs structure in his life."
"I'm sorry, but I think that you're kind of worthless to the left if you can't even engage."
"Thank you for everything you add to this community."
"I put it out there, I want more people building communities and helping others and caring about people. I really hope this book has a very positive impact on people."
"I'm trying to make something positive about this."
"You've got the most charitable community in the world; they... it's pretty... it's pretty incredible."
"Your contributions are really helping the community, so thank you so much, much appreciated."
"The world needs you and you are very important."
"It's like honestly, I want to just hand it to Sarah Gaul for doing the Lord's work."
"Making a difference was really what I see a lot like every day."
"I wanted to promote the work of this great charity."
"I'm just so grateful for the opportunity to help and be involved."
"Some people even just came and bought gift certificates and didn't want to take them. They said you guys can do whatever you want with them, we just want to contribute."
"People who live their purpose are always providing value to others."
"I can be happy as long as I become a better person... then I serve the world in a better way."
"Blue apron has a positive impact on the community."
"Every one of us that's actively trying to help society move forward it's more important than we probably realized."
"I believe that the root of happiness is to get out of yourself and to help another fellow human being."
"The wider message is we're contributing to condemning racist symbols."
"Passionate work serves the world and you well."
"I always bring [__] to the table everybody normal life for the party when I come in I always push the line up let's do something together."
"Who will be successful? Who will get the best from the year? Those who do the K2 neptunian activities, those who serve others selflessly, those who think about other people, giving to them - they will get enormous happiness during this year."
"Putting into your community where you live is so important."
"We are here to build generational wealth and try to give back to our own communities."
"Being in service is not just donating financially, being in service is having a YouTube channel, having a TikTok account, making an Instagram, sharing inspirational messages, or helping people in some ways."
"To this guy man you're awesome... a genuine thank you for your contribution to society because that [__] really goes unnoticed."
"What kind of person would I be if I didn't try to help other people have a good life?"
"You're the reason there's a little girl with a heart disorder in Phoenix who'll get the surgery she needs because an insurance company can't limit her coverage. You did that."
"Until next time, you cannot do all the good that the world needs but the world needs all the good that you can do."
"How should you try to make this world a better place? Being positive and trying to help people who are in need and who are asking for help."
"As an amplifier, as a megaphone to the work that others are doing."
"We're helping the poor when you subscribe, when you help, when you listen, when you donate."
"I feel helpful, I want to feel helpful by doing the thing."
"We want to raise a lot of money for no kid hungry."
"I feel like a lot of people recently have really been contributing so much to the community. I feel bad when I don't have the energy to show up."
"That's what keeps me going: the passion, the love, and hoping that the betterment of the community wealth and well-being of others." - Andrew Raider
"Everyone is needed and I think what we try to do is make the case of the different ways that people can get involved in the movement."
"Postal workers have in society they are the social value as well as um you know really sort of strong contributors to the UK economy."
"We're all unique and contribute differently to society."
"They're literally saving the country. They're doing the jobs that even politicians wouldn't even dream of doing for a single day, and yet they themselves are unprotected. The government failed them, the nation failed them."
"That field so it's all part of this to be honest the only thing that i do is this and the art is a mean to this end to arrive at this."
"I'm just doing my part, what I came in to do, and that's to help people."
"To me, the Child Tax Credit is paying for the work of being a parent, which is work that benefits us all."
"Let's just be nicer people. The world is full of horrible stuff right now, so I just want to do my bit to hopefully spread a little bit of positivity and kindness."
"The world needs you; honor your deep desire to be of service to humanity."
"I've been looking for a way to give back to our community."
"It was amazing to see the breakthrough that she had at the homeless not toothless charity function."
"It seems inconceivable that an organization making such a positive contribution can be allowed to do anything but go from strength to strength."
"You help the community and when you help people, people end up helping you."
"Be ready for the responsibility, but also be aware that you may not have rights to that responsibility. That's a lot of these statistics."
"You have to get out of here and bring something to society that's worthy of bettering them."
"Moms have passion, moms have needs to give back to the world too."
"Humans evolve to basically want to feel like they're being useful contributors to their environment, socially, to show that we're doing something and contributing to the tribe."
"He just gives a lot to the community."
"We actually only really flourish when we're needed."
"Part of staying young is being vital and being relevant to the world. For me, this is what I need to be relevant, to be helping people in some way, shape, or form."
"... use your degree... to make things a little better for other people."
"Despite people telling me not to, I changed things on a local level, I changed things on a national level that is going to help countless people."
"I feel good about my day today; I just made the world a better place."
"They are also strong contributors to the society."
"It is so important to me because that is how I know that I am actually contributing my small quota to help people back at home."
"At least this is somebody who is actually standing behind something and actually doing something right."
"Applying one's talents in interesting and socially useful work is rewarding in itself."
"How do we add value to other people's lives?"
"Can I contribute to the greater good?"
"The important part is doing what you can to help people."
"I would also like to start something for the community."
"They're more likely to go help people out in society."
"My greatest long-term goal is to be an excellent social environmental contributor in my home country."
"The pie-growing mindset inspires us to think about what is in our hand and use it to serve society."
"All I look at is what they've done and who it's helped."
"I want to provide for young kids what I never had."
"I'm very involved in the community in Atlanta."
"Every Myers-Briggs type brings something special and unique and imperative to the social ecosystem."
"It's about giving back to the community, meeting amazing people, and really learning about what I can contribute to the community."
"Support people that are doing contributions in your community."
"We really want to build a strong community and not only for ourselves but for the greater community around us."
"Contribute to your society, don't destroy your society."
"You're alive to help and contribute to society that you're in."
"It's the onus is on us to be seen to be giving back to society."
"I was going to buy that Lambo that year and I said, 'Listen, I'm not going to buy that car, I want to take that money and I want to donate it, I want to help, what can I do, how can I help?'"
"I'm not a scrounger, as Yasmine just said, I am contributing."
"We just wanted to do something together for charity."
"We were very conscious of the fact that Northern Ireland was going through a problem, and that we could help make people happy."
"You are doing the world a disservice if at the next Halloween party you do not dress up as Billy."
"I began to yearn for a way to make my livelihood help make the world a better place."
"We are here to contribute, not necessarily to just enjoy our own fruit."
"Sometimes you feel like you're making a difference when people indicate that to you."
"For every mile that I bike during this 10-day period of time, I'm gonna be donating 50 cents to charity."
"There's a direct correlation between people's happiness and the amount that they're doing for other people."
"I honestly think that me choosing the path I have in life has already given me more opportunity to help more people in bigger ways than having kids ever could've."
"If I could help one person, then I did good."
"We need to be proud of our names and we need to be proud of putting our name out there and saying I want to do good in the community because that's really why we are on this Earth."
"As someone who has always been passionate about contributing to society and serving patients."
"I believe in doing charitable stuff."
"If you're not truly contributing to their own progress as a society, how can that last?"
"Your utility to other people is what constitutes your value."
"I want them to think about what they're going to do... to contribute good to society."