
Scientific Validation Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Every test makes it stronger. So, that's how you believe it. The fact that Kraft or beef funded it is irrelevant. The issue is, everybody who's ever run the study after me shows the exactly same thing."
"I never believe research when I read it until I see it in three more labs."
"Using these standards applied to any other area of science, it is concluded that psychic functioning has been well established."
"Science is now backing up the truth that's encased in these legends and these religions and the truth of the Younger Dryas cataclysm."
"A scientific emergent truth is not the result of any one experiment; it needs to be verified, preferably by a competitor."
"Relativity has been corroborated far beyond reasonable doubt."
"If the dating of this site is legitimate and as I hope I explained I think there are very good reasons to say that it is it proves that humans were in the Americas during the lgm."
"The only thing that I was saying is that if you really want to definitively know if something works."
"Darwin made many specific predictions and some had come true even during his lifetime."
"When the stone tablets start backing up information that modern science is just now finding out, I have to think that they're probably as close to the truth as we're possibly going to get."
"It's truly amazing to see that we're now finally being able to prove Einstein's theories."
"General relativity has passed virtually every test put to it over the past hundred years."
"So, what is it about the Quran that you cannot find anything inside from the scientific journals to contradict it?"
"The evidence from science, but also from archaeology over, and over, and over points to the Bible as history, not as a collection of folktales."
"The fact that the Bible has something in it that's true doesn't mean that every verse in it is true."
"The reason we know verse four and eight are right is because we actually went out and investigated and found out through science."
"Einstein's theory has passed another crucial test, spanning from Horizons to the stars."
"Evolution is true, it makes predictions that are substantiated."
"I love the Word of God! And I love the way science is proving the Word of God, don't you?"
"If this site were to be proven genuine, it would have massive implications for the entire world of archaeology."
"The wisdom is already there, the new science is just rediscovering it."
"The Foucault Pendulum quickly dispelled any lingering doubts the public might have had about the rotation of the planet beneath their feet."
"NSE's mechanisms are scientifically proven for its effectiveness."
"He affirms it has the same effect though he hasn’t conducted any experiments."
"Thankfully, the argument has long been put to rest by countless hours of video footage, photos, and astronaut trips to space."
"If AI comes up with the mass of the electron, then we will know that it's got some validity."
"For scientists, the acid test of their mathematics came when a strange new Comet raced toward Jupiter dream of cosmic bullets that would shock and Amaze Millions here on Earth."
"A strong piece of simulated theoretical evidence."
"I find it pretty cool that would jump started facing my life close to five years ago ended up becoming something that actually had scientific backing."
"Lucid dreaming is testable, reproducible, it is real."
"Apparently both of these species had been known about in the past, but it had never been officially recorded. Well, now they have been recorded."
"When we find out that something is true and is well supported by the data and makes testable predictions and consistently holds up to scrutiny even when entirely new fields of science are discovered that had the potential to completely falsify it."
"Seeing how real science confirms the Bible is exciting."
"This is a remarkably important proof of principle."
"Indeed you see this, the result predicted by the theory that gives you more confidence in the theory."
"In other words, science validates what the ancient Egyptians knew."
"Every prediction that has been tested so far has come back positive meaning the Big Bang Theory has great predictive power."
"Honey has been beating its synthetic counterparts quite handily in many recent scientific studies."
"We have all these predictions of the theory of evolution; they've been verified."
"A 16-year experiment which tried to challenge Einstein's theory of general relativity has come to a not so surprisingly conclusion: Einstein was right all along."
"Managed to confirm the deposit originated on Mars and not one of the many asteroids that pockmarked the surface of the planet."
"Science will prove mythology is actual history."
"Science has caught up with what you and I were writing about years ago."
"The tide raises All Ships and now people will finally believe that gravitational waves are real."
"Science is finally catching up and showing evidence that breathing well can affect our mental and physical health."
"You can't prove Christianity scientifically, but you would be able to if Christianity were actually true."
"There is actual science backing up these effects because a lot of my regular viewers on this channel feel these strong G Magnetic storms and releases of energy into the Schumann residences."
"We have enough information in hand now to go, yes, there is a scientific historical basis to these stories."
"Einstein's famous equation has proved itself to be a remarkable match for reality."
"Once, I thought that fairies connected and protected the forest, and now with my science, I know I wasn't that far off."
"We're going to be able to trust the organic results from these samples."
"This is an area where there's good science that can give us assurances."
"The benefits and appropriate use of biochars in these applications has been demonstrated in science and practice."
"We've shown that the CKM model is correct. It describes the effects, the asymmetries we've seen, and how the weak force operates."
"The images were a boon to Bretz's credibility which shot skyward."
"If you have a docked molecule with the best docking score and all the properties are fine according to the computational methods, can we take them into in vitro and in vivo analysis? Yes, if you are confident enough."
"Babel's teaching methods are scientifically proven to be effective."
"The agreement between Niels Bohr's model and the experimental measurement was nothing short of amazing."
"The flight of the Prussia was important; it reaffirmed the accuracy of measurements that were being done by unmanned sounding balloons at the time."
"Science literally continues to confirm the textual authenticity of the Bible."
"It allowed the scientists to finally confirm a lot of Einstein's ideas and his theories."
"Peer review means that people will accept the results because they've been rigorously tried out."
"Finally, then I'm going to compare it with the experimental data."
"This experiment was seen as a validation for Einstein's prediction of time dilation."
"This development of maser at least proved the point that Einstein made in nineteen seventeen."
"In the real world of science, research must be validated and verified by disinterested third parties before anyone takes it seriously."
"Scientific theories can acquire increasing confirmation as the theories pass more and more tests."
"The laws of hygiene, laws of health, laws of diet; God told us to do this and not do that, and now we know why."
"This isn't a kind of beauty skincare product, this is a real scientifically proven skincare."