
Research Integrity Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"Every test makes it stronger. So, that's how you believe it. The fact that Kraft or beef funded it is irrelevant. The issue is, everybody who's ever run the study after me shows the exactly same thing."
"The first thing I do when I look at a study is, 'Who paid for the study?'"
"Make sure you trace your sources, because publications aren't always going to do it for you."
"Doing bad research and spreading wrong information is a problem because it wastes resources, it can make problems worse, it can very often destroy a structure that's working, and most importantly, it prevents people from finding a better solution."
"For any research to make sense, we need to always be ready to engage with information that challenges our views and accept what the data tells us, whether we like it or not."
"It is researchers like Chris Spencer...that we need more of, people who document meticulously, who analyze their data, people who search for corroborating evidence, and most importantly, admit that they're wrong."
"The fact that there is 'little research in this area' doesn't give you a green light to base your arguments on bad research, even if you admit it's bad."
"Climate gate... documents show scientists suppressing research going against global warming."
"We need complete data transparency for all studies. We need it in the public interest and we need it now."
"Every single time there's an error in a climate change study, it tends to benefit people who say the climate change is a catastrophe."
"I'm not approaching this topic from a standpoint of legality regarding the way you went about researching your video."
"My unwavering research dynamic is that said subject matter is crucially factual."
"We have a lot of unbiased, unconflicted medical information that's come out of deep study or clinical experience."
"Always good to check the conclusions of a research paper. See what the experts in the field are saying about the data."
"In science, this is the only field where we have the process of peer review and this is a layer of sort of security that can filter really bad and you know propagandizing research from you know the correct and exact research."
"Published literature like Honeycutt's books is usually pretty good, but always check the sources if there's conflicting information."
"Ninety percent of the researchers that call themselves researchers about Bigfoot have never done one day of research."
"Reproducibility is kind of super important in science."
"If everything coffee break had said in his initial email is true, then he shouldn't have worried about his research being undone."
"Good science requires respect for all perspectives."
"Scientists should seek to disprove their findings. They spent 10 years trying to disprove it."
"If you have garbage data, you have garbage analysis."
"Conclusively all three laboratories demonstrated a 95% confidence."
"The Olympic project cabin is full of stories but at the end of the day it is not the stories that will prove the existence of Sasquatch but rather well-documented facts and evidence."
"I do not use other people's documentaries as sources."
"Here's what I'd like you to do specifically: tell me what it is that RFK Jr said that was false, that was incorrect, that was problematic, that wasn't well researched, that wasn't aligned with data and facts."
"We need to ensure that the scientific process and method is free."
"Pursue your damn research, tell the truth about it, and let the chips fall where they will."
"The FTC looked at the study and determined that it was bogus."
"I'm not just trying to stick to a thesis, I'm trying to make sure I get it right."
"When you're looking at research you have to really look at who funded this study how is it structured and does it really show correlation or is it doesn't really show cause and effect relationship or does it just show cause correlation."
"There is no forbidden knowledge if you pursue any research question with the full honesty that is mandated by the scientific method."
"Accuracy and transparency are always indispensable."
"You cannot stop scientists from working, and that's the whole point of being a scientist."
"It's not our imaginations we're not making it up the data is quantifiable."
"All my data is from original scientific reports, magazines, periodicals, and in books. I do not use the internet as a source."
"It's not really about sources, it's about methodology."
"The thinking is rooted in something that's very legitimate, which is that you don't want people making or publishing their own original research."
"Skin color should have nothing to do with the validity of research."
"Not one piece of Jeffrey Tompkins's work with regard to this subject stands up to any kind of scrutiny at all."
"There are still good researchers that are doing good data."
"If you're a good researcher, exaggerated claims without facts won't hold up."
"Trust in my research and my word is more important to me than a quick buck."
"I don't think that's the way science should be done."
"I'm not a college research professor using donor money."
"These aren't theories. Anyone who's read my work, there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of source documents cited."
"Science should be free of government interference."
"Results confirmed by independent reanalysis."
"We're going to be able to trust the organic results from these samples."
"We can be confident that the strong effect identified in the meta-analysis is not compromised even when applying corrections for a severe selection bias."
"The goal here is principally reproducibility, the ability to replicate the studies and documents and analyzes that we create."
"By maximizing the availability of scientific data, we all can work together to enable researchers to rigorously test the validity of research findings."
"We uphold to our own research and our own people."
"We have to take political vested interest out of scientific research."
"This is an example where you could be reasonably confident that there's no evidence of publication bias because you've got a nice symmetrical funnel."
"The analysis of the data can never be better than the data one puts into the database."
"It's absolutely crucial that when you get any sort of book that argues that it does research, you can turn to the back and look and see where this quotation came from."
"Science is very difficult, and even under the very best intentions we will keep making lots of errors and lots of suboptimal choices."
"You've got to be totally non-biased when you do that research."
"Violating the expectation of validity and reliability is a fatal violation."
"You should always be any good researcher is willing to go back and re-look at their data and change their mind based on new evidence."
"Keeping yourself in check is key to making sure that when you are analysing that data at the end of the day that you have something to work with that is meaningful for your originally intended research."
"Whenever you come up with some sort of result, it should be replicable."
"The quality of the research has to be beyond reproach because there's so much at stake."
"Good research isn't about finding what you want to find out; it's about finding out what the truth is."
"We are committed to do it right; it means adhering to the scientific method and the highest standards of research integrity."
"Arrow is committed to the highest standards of scientific research integrity."
"Replication of experiments is extremely crucial."
"In the real world of science, research must be validated and verified by disinterested third parties before anyone takes it seriously."
"Replication means if we repeat the experimentation with the same standard operating procedure, the results must be same."
"If they want valid results, the questions must be totally unbiased and not in any way loaded to encourage participants to give the preferred answer."
"Always make sure that there is enough evidence from the data."