
Bliss Quotes

There are 1113 quotes

"The natural state of the human psychology is total bliss and happiness."
"Meditation is giving you access to your bliss and fulfillment inside of you."
"Existence only, consciousness only, bliss only. Sat-Chit-Ananda."
"Deep sleep state gives us that experience of bliss and beyond all suffering."
"The Anand of the self is the foundation of all bliss."
"Anandam is not a particular feeling; it is that unlimited reservoir of bliss which is our very nature."
"It gives her the feeling that she's in heaven."
"When the self is realized to be this infinite existence, consciousness, bliss, this one witness beyond the three states of waking, dreaming, deep sleep, you go beyond sorrow."
"Moksha, which is Sanskrit for enlightenment, is translated as both Bliss and freedom because you are happy with pleasure or pain, acceptance or rejection."
"Stage two is called bliss, and this is such a beautiful stage because this is usually the stage of bliss comes right after your wake-up call."
"Bliss is a necessary condition for life to flower to its full potential."
"You deserve happiness, you can do it, and the bliss which is beyond your control is worth it."
"Peace and bliss are available right now, and every human being at the root of it is really only chasing peace."
"When you get to that place where you're experiencing that incredible bliss, you can't hold on to negative judgments or emotions."
"Being in love like that was tantamount to experiencing heaven on earth."
"The true business is that which will bring you the contentment of the soul, that which will lead you into eternal bliss."
"The most popular Pure Land of Mahayana Buddhism, often simply referred to as the Pure Land, is the Pure Land Sukhavati, the Land of Bliss."
"This beautiful moment is going to offer you a lot of memories, a lot of bliss."
"Follow your bliss, the right opportunities and the right people will stay by your side."
"Bliss is a state in which we allow ourselves to experience the world. To really live the world."
"To experience spaces and stages of bliss, to experience ecstasy, to experience moments of heightened consciousness...that helps us understand that we can actually enter into sublime realms."
"Bliss is the function of the activation of potential."
"Accept ecstasy, bliss, and belief; embrace the euphoria awaiting you."
"I felt plugged in... Like a Joseph Campbell says, 'Follow your bliss.'"
"I am of the nature of bliss and consciousness."
"Live your life as if this is the way it is, live in bliss, live in peace, live in non-duality, non-distraction."
"Make bliss your obsession, make peace your obsession."
"The goal of Vedanta and the goal of our lives coincide - the complete cessation of suffering and the attainment of bliss."
"Happiness from the world outside obscures our inherent bliss within."
"They feel immense pleasure and bliss with you, they're in heaven with you."
"Eternal bliss has a price, and the price is to give up instant gratification."
"They will forever be in ignorance of the galaxy. After all, ignorance is bliss."
"And when He is there, I am not there. And when I am not there, it's bliss."
"Love is not painful, it's blissful, it's meaningful."
"In those moments when someone's being truly authentic in the present moment in real time for you with you through you, that's when we feel that sense. It's almost a sense of bliss."
"Close your eyes if that's what heaven is like."
"At first I thought this, but then when I finally surrendered, it was pure bliss."
"Existence in a state of Eternal Bliss and Oneness with the universe."
"I am the awareness existence consciousness bliss."
"An enlightened sage becomes content in the ocean of eternal bliss."
"Your soul desires only to joyfully serve and to swim in a constant stream of bliss."
"Thank you for being here. Expressing the information I've received for a living is my highest bliss state."
"The love in my life swells to overflowing, and I do not try to contain it. I am satisfied to be washed away in bliss as I serve the great beloved in this divine romance."
"Lead with beauty and grace in your own unique way and reconnect with your absolute bliss."
"Consciousness is experienced in conscious thoughts, feelings, emotions."
"Ignorance isn't always bliss, but sometimes it's better for you if sanity is something you care about maintaining."
"True Freedom he found, no judgment, no cares, just pure Bliss."
"I hope you enjoyed getting to know me a little bit better... I love you. Bye."
"When fragrance meets France, it's a match made in heaven."
"Enjoy the bliss of holiday time together."
"It was like this beautiful, blissful just this feeling of love surrounding my body."
"It's a state of being in heaven on Earth and witnessing heaven on Earth all around you."
"If you follow your bliss, you follow your dream, yes the future's uncertain, but it's giving you the potential to really succeed."
"We are being co-revealed in the same bliss; we are joined in oneness with Him."
"You are not the body, not the mind, you are that existence, consciousness, bliss."
"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls."
"Grief, suffering, lamentation, and stress come from one who is dear, from those who we love, but true bliss comes from not clinging, from not craving, from nonattachment to all things."
"I must have died and gone to heaven."
"It is a deep Samar like State unaffected by anything or anyone, a state of Timeless Sait inanda, being awareness, Bliss."
"This is heaven, this is heaven right here."
"Ignorance is bliss, and I think that's paying dividends now for Oscar."
"Everybody should know the pure bliss that this style can bring when made properly."
"This is someone who brings you a lot of bliss, a lot of joy."
"If you're willing to be blissful, joyful, do something worthwhile about yourself."
"All existence is sat Brahman, all conscious experience awareness is chit Brahman, all meaning, value, beauty, love in life is Ananda Brahman."
"So whenever you feel very nice conversation unfolding with them they are saying that they love you and they understand and everything is feeling like really really blissful they are operating from their soul space."
"Ignorance is blissed, my friend. Don't burden yourself with the secrets of scary."
"It's gonna feel like Bliss. It's gonna feel so good. Harmony is definitely gonna hit."
"Being here now...this is where you experience true Bliss Enlightenment joy and most importantly peace."
"Anyone who has true Bliss wouldn't want it to end."
"I'm truly living in blissful days."
"Our ignorance is our bliss in a sense because not knowing means we still think we're making choices."
"both in Hunger Games then in this we see the main character in like a naturey sort of place and and they're like they're like yeah I guess I have trauma but I'm also feeling pretty Blissful at the moment"
"If your Chemistry itself is blissed out, how can you be unhappy?"
"You can't drive like me, but you could meditate like me. Nothing to stop you. You can be joyful like me, you can be blissful like me. Nothing to stop you."
"It's like going to heaven, coming back, going to heaven, coming back."
"The universe is a big explosion of joy and ecstasy and bliss."
"That was honestly heaven, heaven on Earth."
"Bliss was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen or ever will."
"It's going to expand the beauty and bliss in your married life as well."
"Let us acknowledge love not of wife or child or country but love of God. God is love, love of love, that same feeling of kindness, sympathy, and joy of life which constitutes man's natural blissful true life which knows no death."
"One of the favorite stages that people go through during their spiritual awakening is this bliss stage."
"It's bliss. It's heaven on earth."
"There can be bliss in ignorance. If you choose to ignore that advice and actually become a good woodworker, I highly recommend this trick right here."
"Follow the law of virtue, the virtuous rests in bliss."
"Having known the absolute, having got the absolute, having attained the absolute, you get this great bliss."
"Not only is the goal bliss, but the means must also be bliss. Be happy right now."
"I'm never, ever aware I've been blissfully unaware."
"Bliss is the best word I can use for it."
"The only way these people get on with their happy lives is they do not know about it."
"It's like bringing a little bit of heaven down to Earth."
"Beyond pleasure, engagement, and meaning lies the pursuit of Moksha: complete transcendence of sorrow and attainment of infinite bliss."
"It's pure bliss and joy and you feel more free then you ever have, and at the same time you feel more scared than you ever have."
"It's intrinsically satisfying, intrinsically blissful."
"To struggle for 120 years to enjoy an eternity of bliss is certainly worth it."
"Devotion is which is a source of supreme Bliss."
"Follow your bliss... because that's the best chance you have at living an authentic life."
"Being with you is like a shortcut to heaven."
"That is heaven. I don't have any other words."
"Love can be painful but I'm willing to risk heartbreak and regret for a slim chance of bliss with her."
"Knowing who you are is a pathway to both bliss and blessing."
"Bliss or extreme happiness, which is the highest state of being."
"This is like heaven on Earth. Oh my my!"
"They feel extremely blissful with you and see the possibilities of building a life together, wanting the honeymoon phase to never end."
"Bliss is found in the difficulty."
"...if I close my eyes or if I simply move my attention back, I found myself in an endless space and whenever I would put myself in that endless space, bliss would run up through my body."
"Feelings of Oneness with you, overwhelming bliss."
"The Bliss of truth seeking in life is attainable for anyone who follows the path of unselfishness."
"They really are just an hour of absolute Bliss."
"Meditation makes us realize that the Lord alone can constitute our Bliss."
"Moving out of stagnation into absolute bliss state is what's coming through. It's beyond and bigger than happiness actually, it's like it's moving into bliss and ecstasy."
"Let yourself be supported and find bliss in vulnerability."
"Heaven is amazing, and it's certainly not boring."
"When you two come together, it's just going to be like heaven on Earth."
"This is perfect, it's like heaven."
"It's a little Slice of Heaven on Earth."
"Sometimes ignorance is bliss. Right."
"You know what they say, ignorance is bliss."
"Making music is the closest thing to heaven."
"Ignorance is bliss because thinking takes effort."
"The universe brings me all I need to feel blissful."
"If you want to experience what is my idea of pure Bliss than this is honestly it."
"I had the experience of pure bliss. It's not falling. It's flying, right?"
"Since that time to this time, it has been total bliss."
"Catching a whiff of freshly brewed coffee is pure bliss."
"Bliss is everywhere you just have to unwrap it, new Hershey's bliss chocolate"
"You can change... make it blissful."
"I closed my eyes, basking in the warmth of the sun and lost track of time."
"Ignorance is bliss. Especially when everything is going fine, you don't really think to investigate, you don't really think to dig deeper."
"Sometimes Awakening can be beautiful and magical and Blissful."
"That was the biggest moment of bliss in my entire life."
"Real spirituality is about experiencing overwhelming joy and Bliss."
"I'm trembling with bliss all the way to the tips of my hair."
"You just want to follow your bliss, that's all you want to do."
"The next morning was just Blissful Wait, nothing planned, no work commitments to worry about, it was just me, him, and a weekend of coziness to look forward to."
"That to me is bliss and one of life's simple joys that I just cannot adequately describe at all."
"Having them all put together, it's simply amazing. It's like ice cream is good, sprinkles are good, hot fudge is good, whipped cream is good, cherries are good, but you put them all together in a sundae, oh, blissful."
"It's like you're walking on clouds."
"That is beautiful, let me taste that. Oh, it's heaven."
"It was like a fleeting moment of pure bliss."
"The fourth, the pure consciousness, is eternally free of suffering, always blissful."
"She is wisdom, bliss, and consciousness incarnate."
"You feel a state of pure bliss, lying, drifting"
"The only way to attain real Bliss is through presence."
"The unlimited ocean of bliss is you."
"This gradual incremental process of making life better a tiny bit at a time culminates in the Divine Bliss felt just after the breakup of the body and psyche."
"Ecstasy so Bliss. I just heard of bliss."
"Your bliss is the most important thing. Happiness fuels productivity."
"From the most complete simplicity comes the greatest bliss."
"There's such a thing as being a kid, having that phase like ignorance is bliss."
"It's just a little bit of heaven."
"I'm boneless, Jane has taken me to a state of pure bliss and I never want to leave it."
"Making love to what is present, which is your desire, right? Right. So it actually brings you into the present moment which is where all the bliss is anyway."
"Those moments are just like God nothing could be bad right now because this is just amazing you know I agree."
"In the meeting with Papaji... I have been overwhelmed with the bliss of being, not always happy bliss... the despairing, the anguishing stories... it is perfect peace, perfect fulfillment."
"It seeks only to expand that bliss into all phenomena."
"Almost like a feeling of Nirvana."
"Every time you go out in public with four children there's just a potential for four things to go wrong at once or there's a possibility of everything just going right and that possibility is very slim but when it happens oh my goodness it's just Blissful."
"I was so blissfully happy, it would have been enough to die at that moment."
"I want to feel bliss. I want to smell fresh air."
"...nirvana, it's kind of that place where you exist where you're neither sort of in heaven or earth or just kind of in this place of bliss."
"It's very nice to experience bliss occasionally, but it's really not what it's about at all."
"The virtue of childhood which as yet has nothing passed to deny, playing between the fences of past and future in blissful blindness."
"This is honestly the closest thing to Heaven that they have here on Earth."
"I am living like I'm living in heaven. I'm in the environment of Heaven, brother."
"I feel like I died and gone to heaven."
"This is heaven this is like heaven."
"It felt like some version of what heaven feels like."
"Ignorance is bliss in a lot of situations."
"Follow your bliss, follow your blisters, and go forth."
"Following one's Bliss, following one's dream... the idea of... meaning in life..."
"I've done 20 miles this morning, just super bliss, beautiful start along the beach and then some nice gravel."
"It's just heaven, it's really extraordinary."
"It's like a little piece of heaven on earth."
"It was bliss. Like I've read more of my book in that than I have at any point."
"Picture this: you are lying in the sun on holiday, enjoying all the warmth from the sun rays. You're feeling really relaxed, and that feeling of like pure bliss is what this perfume is about. It's like pure bliss in a bottle. I absolutely adore it."
"It's just really is truly a little piece of heaven."
"The Bliss I feel in those moments thinking about those things, it's improved my day."
"Once you're blissful by your own nature, your life becomes an expression of your blissfulness, not in pursuit of happiness."
"Tummo mimics intense blissful excitation from sexual orgasm but redirects experiential flows of bliss to stimulate bliss-infused consciousness."
"It literally Feels Like Heaven there."
"Bliss is not happiness; happiness is always for a reason."
"Bingo, innocence is bliss, you know?"
"Pure bliss, the world is his eyes."
"Follow your bliss. In order to follow your bliss, go with your heart."
"The suggestion to finding your bliss is to always be a beginner on the path. Never become an expert."
"Your bliss cannot find you as long as you're filled up or clogged up with something else."
"Follow your bliss, follow your happiness."
"Ignorance is bliss. There's a part of being ignorantly dumb that would probably be better even to be massively intelligent."
"Bliss and ecstasy emanate from the activation of potential."
"I dwelt in states of such undescribable bliss and sacredness."
"When they're together, it's just like heavenly."
"If you realize your true nature... you will be in complete bliss."
"To him shall be the glory and to thee shall be happiness and bliss forever and ever."
"Bliss is a consequence of an awakened mind."
"I've just died and gone to heaven."
"I feel like I'm in heaven on Earth all the time."
"All the physical Bliss, the worldly Bliss, is nothing but a manifestation of that underlying Ananda."
"Heaven is living in bliss, complete satisfaction, no sorrow, suffering, death."
"It has been for me heaven on earth."