
Body Language Quotes

There are 618 quotes

"You will get the nice confident body language when the rest of your life has resulted in that."
"The most open body language someone could have literally looks like they're going in for a big hug because that's so warm and welcoming."
"Being a human being means we lie, but you know what doesn't lie? Body language."
"Confidence never accusing. The only time I see any lack of confidence is a lip withdrawal."
"Video chat is very common...you are getting body language and you are getting voice tone and emphasis."
"Standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident, can affect our chances for success."
"I just wanted to do something where we're looking at real facial expressions and body language of positive moments because I feel like we focus so much on what looks off that it would be nice to look at what looks right."
"Don't underestimate the importance of body language."
"We don't get to see this often, but feet can still indicate how people feel."
"It doesn't necessarily mean that he's lying here, and instead could be an indication of how uncomfortable or upset he may be by the situation."
"You cannot create that empathy, that rapport, without being able to read body language."
"Less is more. What he didn't say, his body language said everything."
"I'm Greg Hartley, a former Army interrogator, interrogation instructor, resistance to interrogation instructor. I've written 10 books on body language and behavior."
"You can have a poker face, but you can't have a poker body."
"I'm a former Army interrogator, interrogation instructor, resistance to interrogation instructor, written 10 books on body language and behavior."
"Real-world face-to-face interactions are important because we pick up on little tiny physical cues, body language."
"When a person is being less than honest, he may not maintain direct eye contact."
"Only one in 10 people can consciously activate those muscles so they really do happen with authentic happiness."
"When you lean forward two inches, it actually activates a pre-action part of your brain; it literally makes you more motivated."
"The way he's dealt with that is fantastic... It's not very strictly body language, but it's an alpha male mindset."
"Body language, to me, speaks louder than words sometimes."
"Don't cross your hands, you don't close yourself off...that physically creates a barrier between you and the person you're having a conversation with."
"Did you know girls usually can't maintain eye contact with the person they love."
"Social scientists have spent a long time looking at the effects of our body language or other people's body language on judgments and we make sweeping judgments and inferences from body language."
"Whenever we protect our neck or use our arms and hands to protect our vital organs, this is a very defensive kind of closed body language."
"I'm Scott Rouse, body language expert and analyst, and I train law enforcement and the military in interrogation and body language."
"Decoding the body language of murderers...gave me a pair of glasses, a lens to see the hidden messages behind all human beings."
"Language isn't just something that comes out of our mouth. We move our body, we hear, and we speak. It's all connected."
"If you improve your posture or take on the pose of somebody more confident, you actually start to feel more confident."
"Having that kind of nodding, genuine smile, open posture and maintaining eye contact, that is a great way to have excellent conversations."
"If their feet or torso point toward someone else, that's usually who they're really interested in."
"Using confident body language... make sure that you use the stage to your own benefit."
"Open your body language, get your hands out of your pockets, have a nice smile."
"Big deception indicator: hand to head contact, don't do that."
"Pay attention to your body language. Keep your shoulders back and take up space."
"Body language can tell a lot about a person. It is a huge component of communication."
"When we talk about body language we also talk about intentions, so decoding intentions should be our priority."
"That's a tip that you can use in your conversations, when you spot that someone's gestures are not in sync with their words."
"Tilting your head to the side can show I'm engaged, I'm empathetic, I'm listening."
"Our body is reacting to these, whether we know it or not. That's why you could be with someone and be like 'I don't feel good, why do I not trust this person?' Your body is reading these cues."
"Verbal communication alone is not everything. Things such as body language will enhance the conversation."
"Every communication is two conversations—the verbal and the nonverbal. When the two conversations are not aligned, people believe the nonverbal every time." - Dr. Nick Morgan
"Posture, posing, and a smile can make a world of difference."
"When we do a fake facial expression or fake gestures, they're more likely to be asymmetrical because they haven't been tightening those muscles on the face for six million years."
"You kind of feel it out but I would say if a girl is like looking at you you know make that subtle eye contact yeah she's interested."
"Body language is like tapping into a whole new world."
"Body language is just a part of human behavior."
"Our body language is not connected to what we are saying; it's connected to what we're thinking and feeling."
"Keep it open and lean forward to show that you are listening."
"Nodding means you're listening to what they're saying."
"Straight upright posture is one of the number one body language signs of confidence."
"An expansive posture could make you more attractive to others."
"Amusement is the simplest of things when a person's so just on what they're thinking...it's really interesting that one piece of body language can tie in to so many others."
"You wouldn't need to be an expert in body language to recognize the unmitigated terror emanating from the suspect's face at this moment."
"Humans communicate with movement a lot it's not just language there's a lot there's body language there's so many intricate little things."
"Stoic, slow-moving is perceived as authoritarian. It just is. The less you move, the more powerful you appear."
"Steady or prolonged gazes can signify purposeful attraction."
"Body language allows us to have a glimpse into the real emotions of a person."
"Adjusting your body language can make you more attractive and sexually appealing to any woman."
"What I'd like to do today is to start first by telling you a little bit about the actual mechanics of the body language of power."
"These power poses can actually create waves around you that allow you to move through different barriers."
"By simply changing your body language, you can elevate your sex appeal instantly."
"If she's touching you more than she's touching other people around her, then that's a good sign that she might be interested in you."
"She smiles at you. If you see her from across a crowded room and she smiles at you, that's definitely a sign that she's interested in you."
"She half grins and kind of looks maybe bashful a little bit, then that might be a sign that she's flirting with you or she wants you to flirt with her."
"Body language can be submitted as admissible evidence in court."
"Body language should be taught in schools; it's how we communicate."
"Body language is the primary means by which we communicate with each other."
"Detectives to interpret body language and verbal responses in conjunction with the actual physical evidence."
"That's all body language, that's a big man not knowing how to react to being hurt."
"Eye contact makes people back off a little bit in a threatening situation."
"Posture is one of the first things that people notice."
"You're not sitting across the table from her interview style. No physicality, bro."
"David appears absolutely disengaged with his apology. He's not looking anywhere near the camera. He is shaking his head as he says 'I'm sorry,' and I don't know, it just feels so absolutely disingenuous."
"Body language is the management of time, space, eye contact, gesture, facial expression, stance, movement."
"If a girl is attracted to you, she will hold your eye contact and smile."
"Your body language can betray what you're feeling before you can even be aware of it."
"Studying body language could be helpful for someone with Asperger's."
"The No. 1 thing to look for, honestly, is the hands. You wanna see hands, and I always would wanna see hands, open hands."
"A way to make yourself feel more confident is to take your leg and extend it in front of you like so."
"Your physiology is communicating fear, anxiety, nervousness."
"The biggest deviation from Baseline for me is her hair goes back behind her ears... why is she unconfident at this point."
"You remain confident, she can see it in your body language, she can hear it in your tonality."
"Isn't it just obvious in his body language that this clown is just spewing gibberish and hoping people fall for it? For me, it's a fairly obvious explanation."
"It's just his body language, but the fact is, there were some real things he did."
"Body language is so important so obviously like don't look nervous you know like having your hands crossed is a sign of you being nervous or scared so try not to do that."
"He is fighting with body language that says, 'I can't lose.'"
"Emotion is created by motion. Movement affects our body's chemistry."
"By moving like a confident person, you will start to feel more confident."
"I'm all for body language, if she's sending those vibes, just go for it."
"Timing is a complicated beast, interwoven with tone and body language."
"Body language can say a lot about what's going on, and there sure was a lot to study in the newly released Ruby Frankie videos."
"Would you like more videos on signs she likes you and body language signs that let you know if she likes you?"
"Confidence is about body language and self-assurance."
"Your words can say one thing but your body language overrules it."
"Walk like you got confidence, strong eye contact. I'm looking good."
"She's sitting very upright that shows a lot of confidence in her body language."
"The fact they lean into each other and give light touches here and there."
"A good posture is a sign of confidence, a sign of self-assurance, and these are often traits that are generally considered attractive."
"She was enjoying herself she was showing their with her body language with the way that she smiled the way that she laughed and just her overall General demeanor."
"Directional flexing: point your pecs at the strongest man you see. That's how strong men identify each other."
"Seeing an attempt at emulating body language in-game is very cool."
"The general signs of attractions when the person is leaning forward, when they are gazing into your eyes, when they are smiling a lot, when they have open body posture—all these indicate that the person is interested in you."
"Posture can make you look like you're brimming with confidence."
"So when you're looking at body language and you're trying to find a pattern, don't look at the signals, look at the gaps between the signals."
"If a guy really fancies the woman he's with, he's likely to reach up and make little adjustments of his tie."
"My body was my language for me to express emotions."
"I think that a lot of guys don't realize the just sort of the under the surface under the current communication that's happening right then and there."
"Notice how he's always looking at the camera. That's a very strong sign that he's being truthful."
"Micro expressions... really sort of shows exactly what we're thinking and it's very difficult to control."
"Looking up is a very, very strong sign that you're remembering something."
"Body language can give us information about what someone's thinking."
"The way you carry your body dictates your emotional state."
"The way you feel about yourself is expressed in your posture."
"Words can be controlled, articulated, and crafted. Body language speaks more than words."
"According to body language experts, heavy breathing is a sign of deception."
"The narcissist is oblivious to his body language, to his verbal cues."
"Pay attention to how your body reacts in different situations to learn more about yourself."
"Emotions are the language of the body, just as thoughts are the language of the brain."
"You have this type of confidence and body language about you that shows that you know your worth."
"Non-verbal communication can be essential."
"You have to remember how to use all the different parts of your body to create a shape, and then you have to seduce the camera at the same time."
"Body language accounts for fully 55% of your communication."
"Humans communicate in so many ways that aren't verbal."
"The body has a language it's always speaking to us, and one of those languages is inflammation."
"Posture and body language... the minute you stand up, put your shoulders back, walk tall, there's such a lift in your mindset, your mood, and of course your body."
"It's truly an amazing accomplishment how Yamada was able to convey every subtle emotion she was feeling through her body movements alone."
"I didn't do it, honest. My ears don't wiggle when I'm lying."
"Nonverbals is everything that communicates; it's not a word."
"Holding hands is intimate and like you know even those little body language things that people do being overly especially when you're in the limelight."
"What he did find is that 55% of what we communicate is body language, 38% is in our tone, and 7% in our words."
"When we're communicating with someone and we see that hand to chest gesture, we perceive that person as more honest."
"This smile while she was answering with the yeses was quite tight."
"Your thumbs hold surprising power in the world of body language."
"It's like saying hi to her and then like the next time you see her she sees that familiar face and then she'll come up to you and say hi again and then you just kiss her."
"The tongue move, yeah, it's the fairy. We gotta, like, let her know the vibes, like, by the time you lean in, right? Like, I'm not going for, like, a peck or whatever, like, I'm down, you know?"
"It's all about your body language that determines how close you can get and how people will respond."
"Blink, you raise his arms to make himself look bigger when threatened."
"Seventy to eighty percent of communication is nonverbal, and the eyes are really one of the most powerful ways to build that connection visually."
"If she's laughing at your joke, touching your arm, and playing with her hair, those are all signs that she's interested."
"Men will walk into a venue or a bar or a party or an event, they'll scan the room for the woman who is least likely to reject them horrifically right, and that is all through body language, it's all body language."
"Nonverbal communication is another way of saying body language."
"Every woman has a look when she wants a man to make a move on her."
"The impact that proper posture and confident body language can have on a person's life is immeasurable."
"Use your hands. Don't be stiff. Just be natural."
"...you see her staring at you and you're like what it's good it means she's checking you out she's liking you she's feeling her attraction for you."
"What are some body language signs that you've noticed that girls want to be approached with?"
"A lot of his body language, a lot of the way he speaks to everybody is very mature."
"Congenitally blind athletes make the same body language poses when they win and when they lose as seeing athletes."
"Your hair is not going to tell you, girl I don't like that, but in a sense it will notify you I don't like that."
"Make eye contact with them and not intimidating eye contact but feminine eye contact like you're really into it."
"Tilting your head shows vulnerability because you're showing neck and it automatically makes them feel like wow she trusts me."
"You have a very strong body language. Your eyes speak for you."
"Body language is 60% of communication."
"I tell this to my son because I'm not sure if it's a new wave of generation but eye contact seems to be lost but it could also tell a lot as well."
"Anime characters often use exaggerated body language to convey emotions and intentions."
"Yeah, it doesn't take a degree to figure that one out, right? So when you got into trial science a long time ago, what, 740 years ago? Yeah, 1990, '89, '90. Okay, so that was a time when body language wasn't a big thing, no."
"A prolonged eyebrow raise signifies surprise."
"A genuine smile uses 12 muscles and an insincere smile only uses two."
"Standing up is a power move. It is exerting control."
"Women only do that extra bit of head movement if they're into you."
"Your body language tells a story about you the minute you walk in the room. Be sure the protagonist of your story is seen as The Confident hero, even if it's a fairy tale for a while. Eventually, the tale will be true."
"Mini golf's a good one cuz it's a very body language Centric kind of activity and it's also everyone's being silly so you kind of get outside of your comfort zone little but you also have something to talk about."
"There are non-verbal physical signs that this person is into you."
"If she's looking up and down at your mouth, she wants to kiss you. That is a universal."
"If she really pushes your hand away, then you know what's what. If she's into having your hand on her thigh, potentially she's interested in sleeping with you. If she's not interested, there's no reason to prolong the date."
"Posture is the core of all body language."
"Mirroring is where you mimic or copy the body language of another person in order to connect with them better."
"The more aware you become of your own body language, the better you'll become at reading other people's body language."
"When you draw your fist, your fingers all subtly come inward, the back of your hand has a curve to it."
"If your eyes meet four to five times on the same occasion, that's her looking at you."
"I'm a champion of body language when speaking of the holy, which for some people is counterintuitive, because they've been taught the body has nothing to do with what is holy."
"Mirroring someone's body language can help create a sense of rapport and connection."
"Expanding your body posture can make you appear more dominant and confident."
"Good posture is the first aspect to strong masculine body language."
"One of the easiest ways to communicate personality and emotion is by shifting the center of gravity."
"Cultivate stillness within your body. Avoid fidgeting, self-touch, and distracting movements during the interview."
"Body language gives everyone valuable information. As the candidate, you convey your focus, your confidence, your self-assurance in this position."
"Maintain comfortable eye contact, stand tall with good posture, and avoid slouching to convey confidence and assurance."
"The smile knows before the brain; joints talk straight to the smile."
"Incongruent words and body language are often a red flag that someone is being deceptive."
"If you're coming in for a hug, don't make any sudden moves and don't look fearful."
"What a smart play and look how she uses her body."
"Positioning your body so that you are at eye level with the speaker lets the person know that you are interested in what they are saying."
"...body language is very important for communicating what your character does or what type of person they are."
"The trick is, if you do need to look at your notes, put body movement into it."
"Our posture, our gestures, even the way we move through a room, all of it sends signals to those around us."
"If you have open body language, if you make eye contact and smile, these things show him that it's okay for him to put himself out there."
"The way you walk affects your attractiveness."
"The way he avoids making eye contact, the way she seeks it, it says a lot."
"Their body language is confident and powerful."
"If you're having a conversation with someone and they match your gestures, that means that they're listening."
"The body language is very expressive."
"That elevator sweep though, that's kind of telling."
"Half-smiling and willing hands trigger the body to think positively."
"There's no bad body language, just results you wanted or didn't want."
"I've always believed that our body speaks a language that's older than words. A Primitive form of communication that Taps into the instincts we hardly use in the Civilized world."
"There's books on body language and a lot of it's pretty good, and we read body language and we react to it because we need to."
"For in fact we cross our arms mostly in public because it provides us comfort."
"We demonstrate what we think, feel, desire, and intend in real time through body language."