
Meal Timing Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"When you trigger mTOR at that first meal, we know that it's still stimulated five hours later. So, why do you need leucine for mTOR at lunch if it's still stimulated? You don't."
"You have to eat late in the day. And that's certainly not a sin."
"Meal timing is known to be a dominant zeitgeber, influencing your body's circadian clock system."
"Intermittent fasting is not a diet, it is a meal timing pattern."
"Intermittent fasting isn't a diet, it's a meal timing plan."
"Eat three meals a day, no snacking...eat all your meals within a certain window so that you allow yourself that long period of fasting in order to prevent the insulin resistance."
"Eat at the proper time, a variety of natural, non-processed foods, and quantities for ideal weight."
"The best time to eat something sweet is as dessert at the end of a meal, not first thing in the morning when you're fasted."
"You cannot just sit there and say I don't have any non-negotiables."
"Do you think that trying to give somebody a really hearty, fatty, meaty meal at the beginning of the day is like their body's not ready for it?"
"Optimize your fast with strategic meal timing and mindful consumption."
"It's very important that you don't snack and you go periods of time without meals."
"Timing is important: breakfast, post-workout, and evening meals."
"You could essentially eat however you're eating now... it's a timing system."
"Front loading those calories earlier on the day seems to have a metabolic benefit."
"One meal and the next meal, there must be an eight-hour space. That's it."
"It really does make a massive difference, especially to my digestion."
"Meal timing is increasingly being used as a tool to improve glucose control and reset circadian clocks."
"The very word itself actually tells you it's what meal that breaks your fast."
"This just is not breakfast... It's a snack, and she says that but she doesn't really have breakfast that day so to me it is breakfast."
"If having dessert at bedtime over having rice at lunch makes you happy then that's what's going to work again calorie deficit is going to override any circadian rhythm benefits that we briefly discussed."
"You can have as many meals as you want as long as they fall within the 8-hour window."
"Eat at off times... late lunch or early dinner... avoid crowds... much less crowded..."
"Having a big meal in the middle of the day oh man it just knocks you out."
"This one is thicker, denser, richer - I love this. But like if I'm looking to have this like early early day midday dinner, I'm hitting this up every time."
"Eat more voluminous meals earlier in the day."
"The timing of meals optimizes how our bodies were evolved to metabolize nutrients."
"Fasting through dinner is going to actually yield greater metabolic dividends than fasting through breakfast."
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a queen, and if you have anything at night, it really should be maybe a vegetable juice or a herb tea."
"The bottom line was timing of food integrally determined the health of the organism irrespective of nutrition."
"In addition to what and how much people eat, when they eat might also have a huge impact on metabolism."
"...there have been studies that show if you tell people to eat meals at regular times, that actually improves their cardiovascular health and their metabolic health."
"Don't snack, consolidate your meals. Having a rest and digest period between meals is critical for our gut health."
"I realized one day that I was eating too late in the afternoon and too late in the night so I started having my dinner for 5:00 p.m. made a huge huge difference for me."
"You know, the one thing about intermittent fasting is this goes against sometimes the recommendation to eat breakfast. If you tend to be a breakfast eater, sometimes we say do your eating from 12 to 8."
"Eat lunch and dinner at off-peak times of the day, early or late depending on your preference."
"...if people do want to intermittent fast I'd suggest they skip dinner not breakfast."
"When you eat actually does matter. Breakfast like a king, eat lunch like a prince, and eat dinner like a pauper."
"I really just go off when I'm hungry and what I'm craving at the time rather than having set meal times."
"Consume protein first and then 60-90 minutes later, consume a little bit more relaxed meals."
"You can eat whatever you want with Omad; it's not about what you eat, it's more about when you eat."
"It's more beneficial to consume regular servings of protein throughout the day rather than having all of it in one sitting."
"This is well needed 'cause y'all, it's like 7:00 out here, and this is my first meal today."
"People found it relatively easier to adopt because they were not going to buy a new diet; they just had to remember what time was the first meal."
"I'm so hungry, this is such a late lunch."
"Human beings should be able to go 3-4 hours without eating until their next meal."