
Inclusion Quotes

There are 4696 quotes

"Maybe there are benefits to being part of a community project...maybe there's a place for everybody in this community."
"This is a collection of all of us right here, chat. I want us to be all a part of this."
"We want fairness, yes, we want equity, we want inclusion, we want a seat at the table."
"There's no American history without African-American history."
"If you become infinite love, you will take everybody with you. There will not be anybody left."
"In America, you are welcomed with open arms, no matter what country you come from. You become an American. You are one of us."
"See yourself as part of the process, something bigger."
"Inclusion means all of us get along and we necessarily put everyone inside the big bubble we call a Melting Pot, and we don't try to exclude anybody."
"I wish we all did get along, right? Obviously, I think inclusion and diversity is great, but it has to be applied equally."
"Diversity means...including or involving people from a range of different social and ethnic backgrounds and of different genders, sexual orientations, etc."
"It's about protecting ourselves and there's a way to include people but doing it the right way."
"Diversity and inclusion are a fundamental part of our values and the culture we continue to cultivate."
"This country is disingenuous. First, they used race to exclude us, and now they are refusing to use race to include us."
"Equity is the goal... diversity and inclusion are the mechanisms."
"The more diverse the game becomes, the more people of different genders and ethnic backgrounds and faiths see themselves in the game, then they go make their own versions of the game, and more players start to see themselves represented in the game."
"People with Down syndrome are still capable of having rich lives; not that they'll all become wealthy, but they can still have happiness, their families can have happiness."
"This race is for the future of every community all across Pennsylvania. For every small town or person that ever felt left behind."
"Telling an intersex kid or a trans kid that their identity is invalid leads to a hell of a lot more confusion than a cis person being told that other identities exist."
"Your strongest gift is the ability to speak an uncommon language where people that don't feel understood or heard or seen finally feel connected to something through you."
"Instead of trying to drag their films from the past into the present, resulting in forced messages that come off as pandering, Disney would be better off telling entirely new stories that are truly dedicated to diversity and inclusion."
"We don't care that you don't have any experience. It is of no interest to us. We don't care. Just run in his place."
"Genetics is the study of families, and sex, and history, and everyone, without question, is part of that story."
"What we're doing tonight with this initiative is all about figuring out how can we work together, men and women both, to move from a culture of harassment to a culture of inclusion."
"There's just so much diversity built into this game."
"The cool thing about the internet is it gave people the opportunity to feel like they belong if they felt like an outsider."
"What I love about living in 2024 is the diversity of voices."
"Equality is for everyone, regardless of our gender, our origins, our beliefs, or the person we choose to love."
"We will occupy the debate space and deny business as usual until there is change. Show trans debaters, trans kids everywhere that they belong."
"We don't want to just be in your community, we want as a person with autism to be a part of your community."
"Diversity is not just something a company should have or ought to have; it's something that virtually all companies already do have."
"You're a big part of the show... You're not, but you are."
"Diversity and inclusion...how that can benefit you when you have people from different backgrounds all coming up with diverse thought and creation."
"Don't let other people tell you that you don't belong here."
"The need to be included is not just a weakness; it's primal."
"Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders have gone too long as the Forgotten ones."
"It's a great honor to address issues of anti-Asian hate crimes, Asian inclusion, and diversity."
"Equality begins when we open up and embrace all of our differences."
"If you didn't like the fact that a game that's supposed to be immersive for World War 2, or in some ways accurate or realistic about World War 2, is so prominently featuring now a woman but one with a prosthetic arm, it's because you're angry. It's because you don't like women."
"I still think you're a worthwhile person who deserves a place on this earth and deserves happiness."
"We need to unlock the full potential of the American people, including making economic opportunities available across our country and for women and for people of color."
"All of us at some point in our lives... might feel a bit ostracized from society in some way, and yet you can play an important role to help the rest of society to thrive and survive."
"Capitalism has created this bastion of free market enterprise...we have to find ways to make capitalism embrace the people that it's left behind."
"When someone, for example, identifies as a woman but is not participating in the performative aspects of being a woman ever, I don't think that precludes them from saying that they are a woman."
"In conclusion, may I please remind you that it does not say RSVP on the statue of liberty!"
"Illusion of inclusion - that's basically what we're being sold in the West. Regardless of what your bank balance is saying, as an immigrant, as an African, we're sold an illusion of inclusion."
"Just because most people land on one side or the other side of the spectrum does not negate the fact that it is indeed a spectrum."
"You can't just lump all of us into a group and have it be like that, it's not the reality."
"We need to create a world where everyone, regardless of differences, is treated as equals rather than subjects."
"Diversity and inclusion make us a better industry for today and most importantly for tomorrow."
"Inclusion is not closing your eyes and pretending like everybody in the world is the same... Inclusion is understanding that the world is diverse... and embracing that."
"The greatest thing a person can be taught is that every single human, regardless of their cognitive abilities, their physical state, their race, their gender, their age, every person has an inherent value that's the same."
"Presume competence. That simply means, have a belief in everybody around you, believe they're capable of growing, believe they're capable of learning, and believe they're capable of making progress."
"If somebody is trying their hardest, we should praise them, we should reinforce them, and we should include them."
"If we're intentional, if we're mindful, and if we're consistent, long after we're gone, we're planting seeds for a more inclusive world."
"You're so powerful, you have to insist on your inclusion."
"In my role at this University, my job is to create a sense of belonging for all students. That is hard and messy and not easy."
"Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten."
"If you have same-sex attraction, God loves you, God cares about you, God has a plan for your life."
"The best things get better when more people have access and when more people are able to participate in the game."
"Diversity is not about how we differ; diversity is about embracing one another's uniqueness."
"We are not above them; we are them, and I would not want to be part of any leftist revolution that precludes their will for our supposed enlightened sensibility."
"The master's house is a good house; it's a well-built house. The problem is we haven't been letting people in it."
"A symphony must be like the world; it must embrace everything."
"The vision that became obvious to us was that we needed to make sure that he felt like he belonged."
"A woman is someone who is included and respected and seen and participates in society, recognized by other women."
"The way to turn this conversation is like you're doing here, is including indigenous voices in the rhetoric and allowing us the opportunity to... it's not that people are getting it so wrong, it's just we need to smooth some wrinkles out."
"Even the weakest person has something valuable to offer; no one is worthless."
"If you want to follow a comprehensive workout where it's all in there... that's all included in this."
"It's important to me everyone feels they can contribute in some way, even if it's just asking a simple question."
"The capacity to see the barriers that others are facing empowers everyone, not only Black Canadians, but everyone, to help remove those barriers."
"Diversity is our source of strength and pride, but with diversity needs to come inclusion."
"We're very proud of our diversity, it's our source of strength and pride, but with diversity needs to come inclusion."
"We need to make sure that First Nations people are at the table where the decisions are being made."
"I thought I was always pretty empathetic before, but after my stroke, it really deepened just how critical it is to make sure there needs to be things like captioning and inclusion."
"Society can be more disabling to the disabled individual than their disability."
"Expanding their definition of who they see as their in-group is entirely necessary to avoid an upcoming civil war."
"If you want to go alone to my show and you buy a ticket alone...I'll give you a free meet and greet."
"You're not an outcast. We're all happy to have you here."
"I appreciate you... have just continued to make me feel a part of things."
"Discussions about race might benefit from having a person of color involved."
"Racism knows no color. Racism can be any person, including you."
"Hey, let me in! Let me in! Let me in the mood!"
"All trans people want to do is to be included in women's spaces because it not only makes us safer but also enables women in general to have a greater understanding of the diversity of means within women's communities."
"Diversity is a good thing, especially diversity of ideas."
"We think that a more plural environment would encourage a wider range of people being able to imagine themselves as powerful figures, as success stories."
"As a black man, I have been told many times that I do not belong... but it is my duty to make sure that I bang on those doors and try to get in those rooms."
"Please hear and lift up autistic voices when they're speaking."
"We've seen large swaths of society getting left behind, which is something that I hope we can change going forward."
"The story of America is the expansion of the founding promises to all the people to whom it originally was supposed to apply."
"We should be really open to bringing these people back into the fold now that they're seeing that they've been lied to. Now that the goal posts are being moved, we should be embracing them, welcoming them back."
"Just because someone has different characteristics or traits that you see that might fit a certain tribe does not mean they identify as a tribe."
"Diversity to me means, I'm gonna get a better product, a better answer. I value different views. And so it's inclusion. So I always say inclusion, diversity's a number, inclusion's a choice. And you can make that choice every single day."
"Even if they were dominating, which they usually aren't, even if they were dominating, who cares? Trans women are still women."
"The conversation we should be having is how to change the structure of sport to be more inclusive to trans men, non-binary people, and intersex people."
"The mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through the Gospel."
"I receive a lot of email from the less fortunate people that they never flew on a plane before, or some people have fear of flying, so the next time, when I go to different countries, especially going to developing countries, I want to bring them together with me next time to fly together, so, I want them to have that lifetime experience of flying, at least once in their lifetime they flew."
"If you know a veteran in your community, try to invite them out to community events and make them feel more involved."
"The power of neurodivergence and, and of incorporating these people more into our lives and accepting them for who they are is the group is strengthened as a whole by the differences within it."
"Promote unity, promote honesty, to promote inclusion, to embrace diversity."
"The virtue of progressive politics is not only are you bringing people with you through the politics and policies of inclusion, but our job as progressive politicians is always to have a radar a decade and plus out, and to prepare us for the next wave of challenges."
"According to the California and federal labor law poster, the policy ensures our company shall actively promote diversity and inclusion within its workforce by preventing discrimination or harassment."
"I made friends with brown and black people and I was like, wow, these are not the people that I read about... These are normal people with some shared values as me."
"Different doesn't mean bad, and it doesn't mean broken."
"There's no right answer; there's stuff that doesn't work, and you'll know when it doesn't work."
"White rappers are guests in hip-hop, never residents."
"We have to be a place where people can come together from lots of different backgrounds."
"There's a place for you to be a part of how God is moving."
"This isn't a date for two anymore, it's a date for three."
"Representation is important in various forms."
"You can't have true diversity without inclusion."
"It's important that we support everybody's identity and recognize when we're speaking to large groups of people, they don't all share the same identity."
"If a black man walks through the door and takes his seat at the table, that's fulfilling a prophecy."
"The show celebrates queer love in a way that Broadway has been waiting for."
"Hey, you're one of us now. That's really, it's really special."
"Accessibility is more than just people being lazy. It's about making things accessible."
"Fundamentally this is a necessary component of this space for the sake of everyone."
"Diversity without total transformation of systems that exclude or suppress marginalized voices is diversity without intent of advancement."
"Mag warmly welcomed Sephi into their group, praising her exceptional talent."
"Accessibility is about how easy it is for someone to get into something."
"We were all outsiders to begin with, every one of us."
"Having diversity in your cast and your stories is really, really, really good."
"Deafness shouldn't be viewed as impairment but rather a difference, a culture."
"It's a divine symbol. To have a seat at the table is to be part of the conversation."
"Pride Month is almost over. Get rid, dump the rainbow flags and bring in the American flags. It's July fourth, it's time to bring the country back."
"I deserve to be included. I'm a Starbucks customer. Hang the American flag. You listen to me and you listen to me clearly."
"Provide a legal identity for all including birth registration"
"Our goal is really about operationalizing inclusion as I said as a business practice not a philosophy anymore."
"We need more diversity in general, more diverse stories."
"Against religious, nationalist and racial purists of all kinds, can you make his story a part of your own?"
"It's not inclusion, it's diversity. They are just filling a quota to shut people up."
"We all belong here, and we all have a voice."
"More Than Peach is also more than about just skin color, crayons and stuff like that. It's also just about inclusion. Including everyone."
"Why not make the case, have dialogue, have debate, don't ostracize people, don't demonize them."
"Opportunity can be there if someone wants to do it."
"Guys, don't make the same mistake I did, go out there and be embracing of people who are different from you."
"Autism Awareness is about inclusion, self-determination, acceptance, and appreciation."
"It is important that we continue to demand for the promotion of gender equality while paying particular attention to the rights of women, children, girls, and the rights of people living with disabilities."
"Religious freedom embodies equal justice under law, supported by a strong separation of church and state."
"So my concern is not about whether diversity is good or bad. It's great, it would be great to see more different types of people, but it is about the approach in which we are taking that leaves out a lot of people."
"It really means a lot to be in something that means a lot to a certain community."
"Every gamer is a true gamer, motion gamers, sitting gamers, everyone... we all serve one master, one king, and his name is gaming forever. May he reign." - Kevin Butler
"Are you making any type of space safer, more inclusive? Because if you aren't, all you believe in is hate." - Megan Rapino
"If we think it's important as a society to not leave people out, then we're going to have to figure out how to pay for it."
"Could our ensemble be more diverse? Absolutely. This points to a bigger issue."
"He loved his sons and daughters. The reasons I say sons plural and daughters is because the three of you became six. And he saw no difference in the ones that married in and the ones that were born in."
"Welcome to the opportunity to bring people together from across the Divide."
"Reading accessibility and book accessibility are a wonderful thing. Widespread literacy is a wonderful thing."
"So absolutely to me from a professional but also from a very personal standpoint I think it's a huge huge deal that we've made this a very big focus of this mission for both women and people of color."
"The hostility towards free-to-play players doesn't make any sense."
"Banning women from women's sports is like banning chicken from chicken soup."
"Black women should not be excluded; our Democratic party has really benefited from the work and the Blood Sweat and Tears of black women."
"Just because they counted me out doesn't mean that I don't count them in. Okay? It's 'cause I'm building a table doesn't mean you can't sit at my table."
"Everybody's still eating whether I like you or not. We all make sure everybody eating."
"His projects near universally include women in important roles and often make explicitly feminist and leftist points attacking patriarchy, capitalism, heteronormativity, and more."
"Women want to feel valued, included, and respected."
"I like your green eyes and you want to be a part of this intro too, okay."
"We cannot let them erase people of color from the narrative of America."
"A female Jedi, completely fine. They had it before. It's not even revolutionary."
"But it's possible if we acknowledge that trans people are real."
"Friends, the Russo brothers put put me in there, somebody CGI me into that pictures, I needed to be a part of that exposure, you're part of the experience now."
"Diversity needs to be more than a box to check."
"If that even means one more woman in the kitchen of Burger King, then I think it's a success."
"It's more about creating what we want to see more of and being welcoming to those who see us and say 'oh I want that.'"
"I want to see more women in that's at the table."
"We're not red America or blue America, we're one America."
"Reptile always deserves a spot on a Mortal Kombat roster."
"You are welcome here and you are loved and affirmed and holy as you are."
"You, a member of Fairy Tail, are also free of your masks because you're accepted for who you are."
"I haven't once been here and been like, 'man, it's just all white dudes, isn't it?'"
"Representation matters. They hired you because you're a black sheep."
"If you're not including the young generation, you're not giving the accurate depiction of the whole."
"When kids can see themselves in the pages of a Marvel comic, I mean wow."
"America is stronger when everyone can contribute, participate, and join in our national revival."
"Let everybody in, be included. Let the motto be meritocracy."
"Everyone deserves the chance to feel beautiful."
"Why all the hate? I thought this was supposed to be about diversity, equity, inclusion. Why are you excluding us?"
"Every voice matters. Great ideas can come from anywhere. Blizzard Entertainment is what it is today because of the voices of our players and of each member of the company."
"If you have a nickname in our group, you are in."
"YouTube is a platform for everybody, don't be a dick."
"Inclusion exists when individuals' simultaneous needs for belonging and uniqueness can both be satisfied."
"You and I actually believe that the power of God is the gospel and that it can save people, homosexuals included."
"It's not about building a subculture, it's about building a movement that allows us to come together as we are into something greater."
"Even if you feel left out, they understand and want to put in effort."
"No matter who you are or where you land on the scoreboard, these are key ingredients that build genuine camaraderie and belonging."
"I just need to know that my contribution was heard."
"The most important kind of diversity is viewpoint diversity."
"JJ Abrams includes diversity with tact and grace."
"We still believe in fairness, we still believe in an Australia that includes everyone."
"Add one more person to that list to get enlightened."
"Christ came to crush that... He sat down and he dined with prostitutes, with adulterers, with tax collectors, thieves, homosexuals. That's what he did. That's the Christ-like thing to do."
"Jihai shares where she has been and asks if she can have some of the eggs too."
"But if your diversity is quite literally not including a certain group of people, then how diverse is that, right?"
"Queer people exist you know they'd be in the zombie apocalypse same as anyone else."
"Just because everybody's unique perspective and what they bring to the table has worth and value."
"I love that they were able to include Tess back into it as well."
"It's okay as long as you look diverse but if you think diverse no no no no you don't get to play in the sandpit."
"Why can't we create legitimate characters that represent and do a better job of representing than what is being kind of [ __ ] out now because turning a straight character gay isn't true inclusion all it really is is pandering."
"You need to be radically invited into Medical School, even if you're C-minus average, you're radically invited anyway and you can still be a doctor, radically."
"You're all radically invited to bonus land. Yes, you're radically invited to bonus land. Please sign up, we will see you there."
"Muslims are law-abiding citizens and Americans just like anyone else."