
Community Involvement Quotes

There are 1563 quotes

"Maybe there are benefits to being part of a community project...maybe there's a place for everybody in this community."
"This is changing from a spectator sport to an all-inclusive game. We're all being pulled into it."
"Leslie and Bob gave generously, both their time and money. They were well known for their philanthropy."
"This kind of crisis is not solved from on high. This kind of crisis is solved at the grassroots by the people."
"Being a good neighbor is seeking out opportunity to help those around you."
"We all are in this together, whether we like it or not, and we all need to play a part and contribute."
"We want to get involved in school board meetings."
"This company genuinely cares more about creators making content that they feel is genuine, honest, and gets the community involved than character sales."
"This country needs you, your families need you, your neighborhoods need you."
"The vision for Raising Canes is to have locations all over the world, be known as the brand for quality chicken finger meals, great crew, cool culture, and active community involvement."
"I am dedicating our energy to this more than any other company in the world. And if this is the future that you want to see, then I hope that you will join us."
"If we don't pitch in as a community, we're truly missing the boat on what student success could be."
"Offering a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrests of the perpetrators."
"On the individual level, the most important thing is to join an organization. 50 people belonging to an organization can accomplish far more than 500 individuals working on their own."
"We don't want to just be in your community, we want as a person with autism to be a part of your community."
"I want to be involved in the community, and I don't think there's a better way to start than with the Milwaukee Brewers."
"Stop being the silent majority and get involved."
"We vow to embrace our role as community members and strive to embody cultural humility."
"If we only expect people to take an interest in the early years when they have children, we are not only too late for them; we are underestimating the huge role others can play."
"The spirit of involving our community in the creation of a custom polish is something we're keen to keep for our loyalty program."
"Instead of only marketing the game once it's nearly ready, we had people playing for almost two years before launch because we wanted to involve players early to have them be a part of development."
"They all come from the community... that's exactly that community."
"This is a national effort, and every single person in this country can play their part in this plan."
"Localism is the answer. It means everything from volunteering to be an election officer to running for a local office."
"We see ourselves as being a corporal part of communities up and down the country."
"This church is very, very involved with social justice."
"If you wish to actually have your kids taught good values, you need to get active at the school board level."
"He was a tireless advocate for the young people of this city and of this world to lift them up with the possibility of not being in prison by where you come from or past mistakes but the possibility of what comes in the future."
"A person who is married or believes in the value of marriage, who is involved in the community or believes that it is very important to be involved in the community, and a person who believes in God, those are the people who are very happy in America."
"The community was really involved... they stood up and said no, we're not going to walk away from this one, we're not going to forget this one."
"The best legislation comes from people on the ground."
"Saving lives really is a community effort. This is a community-based issue and so the solution is community-based as well."
"We can't sit at home and watch our children die. It's not worth it. We have a responsibility to our future generations and to our neighbors now to do something about it."
"Be involved in your local elections, be involved in your local community."
"God's in the trenches. He's not up on some spiritual mountaintop. He's in the trenches, cleaning up puke, taking people to meetings."
"We all have problems that we can get our arms around and do everything we can to strengthen our communities."
"We need to do our part to educate others and stand against hate and intolerance in our communities."
"Everybody is going to be needed on the field. Everybody needs to be; you can't sit in the stands."
"It takes a village to raise a child, it takes everybody pitching in to make Indian country better."
"Canadians must start to really activate their civic responsibilities in a huge way."
"If you know a veteran in your community, try to invite them out to community events and make them feel more involved."
"We are calling on you to step up and step in and meet this moment."
"I personally hope that the crypto community is able to educate and bring some sensible regulation here."
"Parents continue to fight back. They fight back at the school board, they fight back with school board elections."
"We are hiring a new production assistant, so if you want to get involved, head to the socials if you want to come and work for us."
"Thanks to everyone for helping with Cancer Research."
"Catherine Massey, 72, was a well-known community figure who wrote for her local newspapers, assisted in elections, and dressed up in costume as Mr. Broccoli to teach local school children to eat right."
"Myrtle was known for her kindness, her countless efforts to be involved in her community, her love of music, and for all the ways that she loved and supported her children."
"If we think that the decisions can be made by five people who volunteer out of good faith to try and do the right thing, but if we think that that is healthy policy and we haven't heard from families and we haven't heard from medical professionals, big red flag to me."
"There's a matter of being involved in something larger than oneself."
"Community makes you happy, being involved in things makes you happy, helping people makes you happy."
"You're looking for people that are sad, lonely, depressed, they feel like they don't have purpose in life, and then you guys kind of give them a bigger mission to grab onto."
"We really are all co-creating these messages, readings, and videos."
"Encourage community engagement and direct action on issues."
"You need to run or at least pay attention to what's going on in your community."
"There's a place for you to be a part of how God is moving."
"Do more of it, keep organizing, stay optimistic, keep learning, keep homeschooling your kids."
"The solution starts with involvement and participation."
"You guys got to get out and support this league. It's a good [__] thing."
"We the people should do that, and so this is a good story."
"Nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something."
"It's involvement. If we're not involved we're going to really."
"To break a cycle you need a change that is holistic in nature, but also robust so it engages lots of different community touch points to create a communal change over 10 or 15 years."
"So bitcoin is said to have been created by the people for the people."
"Anyone can participate in improving the network, whether it is through translations, code reviews or by building applications that add functionality to bitcoin."
"I think it's really important to be part of a community."
"They're actually buying copies of the book in bulk giving it out to everyone forming book clubs around these anti-racist ideas bringing in high dollar value anti-racist trainers."
"Somebody is going to recognize him, and he's going to be found."
"Each city block, each village, each farmstead, every ditch, every bush, every forest will be defended by men, boys, old men, and, if need be, by women and girls."
"Join a guild! Being part of a community is at the core of everything I do."
"Whether it's in the swamp or somewhere else, justice for that family and for Gabby."
"Vote and make sure anyone that you know makes your family members that's of all of the things that you can do right now."
"Make the intention that you're going to join."
"Make sure to join our Discord and sign up for our meetups."
"The throwback is the egregiousness of it, you should do like a little give a back, give a look back, yeah."
"We need everybody on board hard body with it."
"I'm glad that people are standing up, taking action."
"There's this whole new realm of discovery, a whole new path of engineering and invention, and it's amazing to just see everyone gather around this."
"We'll start probably this month once a month taking submissions."
"We're all in this together. It's not just going to be a whole-of-government approach, it's a whole of America approach."
"I have a 252 dollar donation from Connor Sharp saying, 'Hey AGDQ, I just want to thank all the runners, donators, and staff for making this event possible.'"
"I'm happy to be a part of it and I just want to personally thank everyone who's volunteered everyone who's a part of this because this is an amazing an event thank you guys so much."
"All the crises we're facing unfortunately can't be solved at the level of family or local means."
"We're gonna need help from the community out there."
"They need to be there. They need to be present. They need to be part of the conversation."
"This is my 4th time here with you, I think if I come any more often I'm going to be eligible to vote in you."
"Their contributions to law enforcement activities are Scientology's way of allying themselves."
"Think of community solar like your local community garden: you have a solar array set-up in one centralized space, and interested parties can subscribe to a portion of that array to receive credits for the electricity their portion generates."
"I'm just a small drop in the ocean. If more people get added to it together, we can make a huge difference."
"That's how you battle community spread, with community unity."
"But again, I encourage our audience to look, find the missing person in your town, find the case in your town that deserves attention, share it out."
"Go local first. It all starts in my backyard."
"The church has been absent. The church has got to get back in the streets."
"Our open source model turns players into designers."
"I am proud to be an Asian American and I'm so proud to be a part of the NASA family."
"Who's ready for the brand new item shop? Let's get some hype going!"
"It's my role and it is my duty... to put whatever apathy I have before aside and get involved in my local community."
"Talk about this conversation, make a plan to vote, and sign up to volunteer."
"You should be in a writing group if you're serious about this."
"It's getting down to school board level now."
"When we talk about not hearing the people or hearing the people, a lot of people have said that if the community was involved from the beginning to get their input, that might have made a change."
"And there’s something really satisfying about participating in a community that feels impactful."
"We need your help to make this happen. We need countries to commit to River cleaning, we need companies to help with funding and operations, and we need you to tell the world to close the tap."
"I truly care about this thing, the community, and all that."
"My view is that the parents who are coming to school boards all across the country, whether it's a red state or a blue state or red district or a blue district, they're legitimately concerned."
"This event is important not only because it helps spread the word about the problem but it also shows what people can do if they're willing to pitch in."
"We've got to make a difference... put some action behind those words."
"I want to be part of that. Thank you for listening and for helping me listen."
"We all need to be part of the solution and fight."
"Jump on board, be a part of what God is doing, let's change the world together, let's do this."
"Children cycling to raise funds for their playground."
"A lot of people just joined us on by on theirselves you know and a lot of people have shifted from working to volunteering."
"Matt became the sheriff and his audience were all deputized to go find more of this content and aggregate... it's a creepy thing to say but Matt should have assumed that some of his audience might not have been trying to help."
"This is their fight, this is all of our fight, this is what matters in this election."
"This affects you even if you think it doesn't."
"I believe the more people who are involved, the more representation we can have and the more ideas can have a voice."
"That is Cody, get involved in the community."
"We're thrilled to be a part of the rumble Community."
"Work with your community... rely on other people we're all reliant on each other."
"What it takes to get to the tipping point where people actually act, people actually do something about it."
"I've always been a builder, whether it's boxing or community."
"She gets involved in so many things because she's so scared that people feel the way that she feels."
"That's what we really like to do, that's how we really are of service."
"You have to become one with the community, the software, the solution, the ecosystem, everything."
"Anyone who is invested in the gaming community knows how much negativity exists within it."
"We want to start putting more emphasis on the community because I am basically just the face of this, this is a movement, the Bit Squad is a movement and you guys have played a big role."
"Don't worry as much about certifications, per se. Spend time getting your name in the community."
"You want to jump in and start talking to some people about what's going on in their lives."
"I think every book club, every PTA, you should become the community center of."
"Within a few hours they got a tip, a caller recognized the sketch as resembling 28-year-old Jennifer D Weiniger who shared a house with her boyfriend in nearby Elmo Texas."
"We just can't wait to see the world that you make of it."
"I joined this community in 2001 and have made some of the longest and most endearing friendships."
"I think people need to start spending more time in churches."
"If you followed us from the beginning and you're here with the end, you're gonna have like a 400 level college course in game design by the time this is all said and done."
"So yeah, come on through for charity because you know who wouldn't want to be a part of that."
"What we do online is not real politics. Real politics is convincing people who are not politically engaged. That is the magic of politics, that is the secret."
"Nothing gets done unless we do it collectively."
"You can struggle for me but you cannot struggle with me."
"We want you to let us know what you think. Download the tools, poke around."
"I'm gonna print out a bunch of horses on paper, right? And then what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna pin them, I'm gonna write every member's name on it, and then I'm gonna pin it on the board."
"Thank you so much... this is definitely the place to be with our streams."
"To make sure that revitalization happens with them and for them, not to them."
"I really like it... when the families are side by side with us throughout the day."
"Joining a community can be a really important thing that can really help you grow a lot faster in your learning journey."
"We need ordinary people to join with us to make it for the good of society and the good of individuals."
"That's encouraging. That number is encouraging. That tells you people are showing up, they're figuring out something matters, I should show up, I should care, I should be a part of a change."
"Versailles Heroes: A highly entertaining MOBA game with community governance."
"You guys are the detectives, you guys are the ones spotting everything!"
"I love the idea of as many people getting involved in progressive talk as possible."
"We want to bring back the chance to impact the world around you."
"We just want to do this because we know this game can be better."
"The answer is so clear: local, local, local."
"We're having too much fun getting back into the Pokémon Go lap."
"The more we share that kind of information and get people involved, I think the better it is for preparedness."
"I think we need to have more people civically engaged."
"If you haven't been in one of these services, get to one of these services."
"The best thing you could do: become a part of the collective, state your opinion, and make a difference."
"Foster and strengthen Community connections by nurturing relationships with neighbors."
"Final Fantasy 14 is a game about the story, the journey, the adventure, and the community brings the adventure out of the game as well."
"For me, it's going to those events, it's joining the clubs and being active in things that you love."
"If you support the cops you speak out in defense of them well those are words you get out you go to a city council meeting and you say please don't do this."
"If you don't like what's happening in your school system, run for the school board."
"Stay involved... if we don't fight back, we're going to lose."
"We want to build this thing together with the right people."
"We need to fight the culture war. We need to create our own content and we need your help."
"Become part of the mindful gang, become part of the movement."
"One day this channel will close, but this is for people who want to support it, who want to become part of the movement."
"Together we're going to figure out why the chaos is happening in the country, anyone who wants should join."
"Rocket Lab is starting... so I'll be keeping an eye on this for you guys."
"I got organized, did the chores, and went over to the village buildings and borrowed some of their bookshelves."
"Empower communities to prepare students not just for today, but for tomorrow."
"If there's one thing I've learned in my 10 plus years of being part of this community it's that you cannot please everyone."
"The real resistance is you taking responsibility for your life, your family, or your community."
"You're joining us and becoming part of this fight, that's how we're going to change the world together."
"Modern medicine should really say hello, has anyone got any better ideas?"
"It's important to participate in science for it to be real."
"Charles Scudder was described as a friendly caring Man Who Would welcome anyone into his home."
"Using that kind of solidarity and subsidiarity let's go local first, buy local, pray local, time approach."
"Great thing that families are doing right now, absolutely great to see everyone pitching in."
"Venus in Aquarius can also encourage us to get more involved in our community or in a cause, to get involved in group endeavors or just spend more time with our friends and in those spaces to experience joy and to experience fun."
"It's an opportunity to engage the broader public in doing science."
"Cooperation must go beyond our government, it must be rooted in our people."
"It's better to have a game that people love so much that they get invested in how it's made, than a game people don't care about at all."
"When I first went to Ferguson, I thought I'd be home by that weekend."
"The MDN team is committed to collaborating with partners and stakeholders, including civil society groups, researchers, and government officials."
"Profit through community involvement, collaborating, and networking."
"Start supporting all your local people around, yes government and also your local farmer right. Everything needs to be in your community."
"The black community in Omaha asked me and my friends to come to the Black Lives Matter protest at 72nd and Dodge."
"This free Robux thing, it's sponsored by the Duck Squad, so in the Duck Squad, make sure you join, dude."
"People are really trying to do this right, and the way to do this right is to communicate the needs of the actual community."
"We're fighting a war right now of culture, we need to bring people into the community."
"Community spirit is at the heart of so many of our stories. Whether it's in times of drought or despair, or just a town doing something fun."
"Ron's impact extended to her collaborations with other artists who shared her passion for social causes."
"He joined ordinary citizens in making dumplings, decorating windows with paper cut crafts."
"Games with dedicated servers and the ability for there to be community-hosted servers have a much longer shelf life than games that rely on the game developer to maintain stuff."
"When we first revealed Halo Infinite back in 2018, I spoke of our ambitions to kick off an early flight, involving the community along in our development journey."
"I think it's a better system when we can include the public and listen to the public and respond to what they want."
"It's gonna take a community, so I encourage you with that."
"We went down to Somaliland... Who's gonna go with me?"
"Do your part. Write to your senator, to your member of congress."