
Mental Space Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Start by vocalizing your emotions and sharing them with someone else. This creates space in your mind for things like curiosity or excitement."
"The mind is like an attic; it gets full. Why would I fill it up with stuff I don't use?"
"Having anger and resentment... is letting other people live in your head rent-free."
"Your physical body is in prison, but the space between your ears and your head, that's the one bit of freedom you can hold on to."
"It's like this space in my head that I go to when I try to sleep. It's very peaceful."
"Protect yourself and buffer yourself with some time and space."
"Recognizing toxic behavior for what it is gives you a little bit of space to go okay."
"The good thing that's coming is you're finally gonna have the time, the space, the mental energy."
"Planning is giving your brain some space and thinking about the things that you've done you want to do what's worked historically what hasn't and that's very, very important."
"If you wouldn't let the stranger into your house for fear of invading your privacy why would you let them into your head, the most private place of all?"
"But there's this confusion-- location, address confusion. Which, I live between the two ears."
"Sometimes you would do this thing called nothing... you just sit there and you think about things."
"Create space for the new, create space in your mind for new thoughts, for new ways of foreseeing."
"I basically ended up with more space in my brain to think about things other than food and even though I love food that experience has been really really freeing."
"Create space not only within the body but also within your mind and within your heart."
"With cognitive defusion, we create a little space between ourselves and our thoughts."
"That calming reflective space is just such a great one."
"You can create a prison or a palace in the unlimited dimension of your higher consciousness."
"Your mind is a private sanctuary; it's like a private room or a magical room."
"It's amazing how much brain space that kind of frees up."
"Allow yourself to ascend into a better space."
"The most important space in this world is the space between our ears."
"Don't let anyone live rent free in your mind."
"Forgiveness isn't for them; it's so that they don't take up any more real estate in your head."
"Forgiveness ain't for them, forgiveness is so that they don't take up any more real estate in your head."
"We're going to give you the skills today, stick with us, and this is going to save you so much time, energy, and mental space."
"Boredom actually creates space for you to get creative."
"Decluttering, neutralizing, letting the light in, and changing room function make it easier for a professional family to mentally move in."
"...you just have to create enough space for your mind to settle."
"You're never using that space. But you need that space to feel you need to feel head space I totally get that."
"Your physical space is a reflection of your mental space."
"You live in their mind rent-free."
"Clean your outside area, clean your car, clean your closets, clean your bedroom, clean your office, and when you start with this, what it will do is that it will start to create a space in your mind."
"Removing these eight types of objects from your home can do more than just clear your physical space; they can also clear mental and emotional space, allowing for a fresher, more focused approach to your finances."
"It's taking up every ounce of real estate I have right there."
"Even just letting a few items go really frees up that mental space in my head."
"Letting go of appliances that I didn't use has freed up a lot of mental space."
"...it's also going to open up your mental space to be creative and try new things throughout the day making your films inherently better..."
"The most important thing that you have to protect is your headspace."
"Doubt is a traitor, okay? Remember that. Don't let anybody take up space in your [__] head."
"Organizing clutter to clear mental space."
"It lets us free up our headspace for the things that matter the most."
"I don't always need to be busy. Sometimes you need that buffer time to just be in your own thoughts."
"When we eliminate choices, when we eliminate clutter, we have more mental space to focus on the things that really matter."
"It's only by making the fundamentals of life easier that you can create the mental space needed for free thinking and creativity." - James Clear
"Your mind is like a playground, your mind is like a garden."
"There's a real confidence that comes from allowing yourself the mental space to be where you're at and to not question it and to not judge it."
"We are finally getting that space to breathe, process, and integrate all of those massive downloads."
"Meditation brought me that calmness and that little bit of space in my head."
"The transitional space... allows us to navigate the ebb and flow of our own mind and the minds of those around us without losing our minds in the process."
"I affirm that I am leaving these thoughts here instead of allowing them to live in my mind and take up my mental space."
"She's living inside his head rent-free."
"Detachment isn't something that's unhealthy; it's just allowing a little bit of space between you and the thought."
"Your characters can always be real in the garden of your mind."
"Being able to transport my mind to this space was really helpful."
"The mind is a space that creates your horizons."
"Remain aware in the spaciousness of your mind without labeling."
"It's like a confession about anxiety... it's like I can't help myself but do this and it just creates this negative space in my head."
"When I write things down, my brain is just way more freed up with space and there's more computing power."
"The beauty of thoughts is that they should be our uncensored space."
"You live rent-free in their head."
"I can't let nobody live rent-free inside my head space."
"A person only has so much real estate in their heart and in their mind."
"We are sharing mental space, and as a result of that, we are also influencing our physical molecules."
"Anxiety will fill as much space as you give it."
"Not only does it take up space in your house, but also takes up space in your mind and causes stress."
"He's living in his head rent-free."
"Don't ever let nobody live in your head rent-free."
"It's a safe place for you and me, and made that our minds be caught up in."
"We're carving out that space to bring our attention away from whatever we've been thinking about."
"I'm not gonna let people rent space in my mind; you can't get on the inside of me without my consent and my cooperation."
"Once your physical space is clear, it is so much easier for you to think from your mind."
"As long as we choose not to forgive, whoever or whatever it is will occupy rent-free space in our mind."
"Someone who competes is freeing up brain space to figure out where can I gain an advantage."
"Thoughts take up real estate in the brain."
"I like not having to store context in my head, and the amount of space that TypeScript frees up is invaluable."
"The breath is what gives the mind space to think."
"Having this cognitive white space is key to helping me be more effective when I'm focusing."
"It frees up a lot of mental space when I understand whether I'm the favorite or the fool."
"I spend 90% of my time in my head; I'd like to make it a nice place."
"It's really about decluttering those things that just take up so much space in your brain and don't actually give you much value back."
"Think of a place where you feel safe."
"Your brain inherently becomes more creative when it doesn't have stimulation being thrown at you."
"A mind palace is a place that you know very well, mentally mapped in your mind."
"I think if I free up some space in my head with finishing some of these, I'll feel a lot better."
"Sometimes people can forget things, you know, so they can keep enough room in their minds to keep things running smoothly."
"Give your mind the room to wonder, to be curious, to breathe, and to figure things out on your own."
"Never let anybody live in your mind rent-free."
"I guarantee you that you're gonna be surprised at how much more space that gives you in your mind for writing."
"What you can do by not holding on to clutter besides free up your brain and just, you know, not have tasks feel overwhelming."
"Gives you more room for thinking and evaluating things if you don't have it cluttered up there."
"There is more space within us when we learn to observe our thoughts."
"Making a list for the day... frees up space in your head which I think we all need."