
Defense Mechanisms Quotes

There are 189 quotes

"Balance between psychological defense and psychological growth is essential."
"You became the class clown to protect yourself from the bullies... Maybe not class clown, but, actually, yes, though."
"Why do we repeat things? Because we bring an unhealthy set of defenses."
"The conscious mind is vulnerable to fear, confusion, despair... defense mechanisms are there to protect us against these vulnerabilities."
"The stylish black and white pattern serves as an optical illusion to confuse and scare away their key enemies, predators, and annoying insects such as tsetse flies or horse flies."
"Jerry always defends whatever lame stuff he's doing, whether it's a puzzle or communicating with his subconscious self."
"It's almost like a defensive measure when the Black Widow gets cornered, pinched, or threatened, it bites its way out."
"The body's defenses will take care of themselves if they are allowed to, but the psychological air is cleared of the true carriers of the disease."
"Humor, for example, is a very well-documented defense mechanism."
"A well-aimed blow from a giraffe can break a lion's spine or even kill it."
"The ego has many defense mechanisms because they're needed to keep the illusion of the ego alive."
"The facts are your shield, decency is your sword."
"Health is not just the absence of disease. It is the result of our body's own hard-wired defense systems."
"People don't like you will always not like you, and the people who like you will like you and they'll defend you."
"Narcissism is a defense mechanism, a coping strategy to fend off pain."
"This is them trying to bail out of the lies that they told."
"Darvo the crap out of everything... deny, attack, reverse victim and offender."
"Step three is to explain away all bad behavior on his part by saying it was an attempt to help an attempt to explain something or to stop something bad from happening."
"The ability to make armament come out of the body beyond the skin to form a barrier is clearly exactly what the Admirals did to mysteriously stop whitebeard's attack with an invisible barrier."
"Don't do well when people talk about my body in a negative way. Like I really don't do well with that. Unacceptable and also that is the part of my brain that gets defensive for me but also gets defensive for other women."
"When you only have the race card and you can't really defend yourself with any real arguments, any substance, that's what you do."
"It completely blows apart all of the defenses that were delicately crafted."
"I think that's a deflection and a denial tactic. That's delusion in that moment."
"It's a convenient mechanism for insulating bigotry from criticism."
"The media has almost a counter effect when it defends somebody, when the media defends somebody, the American people tend to go 'Well, not sure I actually buy it.'"
"For some it could mean that they are selfish and for others it could mean that they're just very afraid of being their true self being open and vulnerable because they have experienced toxic connections or people trying to hurt them in the past."
"Percent armor: Best defensive stat, scales linearly for mitigation."
"The idea was basically if a zeppelin shows up you might launch two or three and try and Chase it off or shoot it down that way."
"Only a few of those bees in that swarm are armed and loaded and able to knock out the virus."
"The biggest reason why most of us take shots at other people is to protect our own frail ego."
"This thing could be really good to counter mech clusters."
"It's baffling people defending an item they'll never get."
"The Islanders Almanac: Pinsir Dodge. You take 5% less damage from Mirelurk melee attacks."
"If the peacock is in danger, he puffs up his tail. The predator sees many eyes and gets scared."
"The Catholic church is defended by the magisterium."
"Narcissists are attacked 24 hours a day by a sadistic vicious super-ego."
"Your resistances, your defenses are also very important."
"Emotionally unavailable: pushing others away."
"Knowledge is power, right? You know understanding these principles of persuasion you become better at just sort of recognizing them when you see them in action and then you can sort of pick your defense accordingly. Correct, exactly right."
"The only defense against that is unfettered free speech in which people get to express their opinions and do independent reporting."
"Delusions are probably an even more elaborate version of defense mechanisms taken to an extreme."
"I think delusions are similar, delusions are probably an even, think of them as defense mechanisms taken to an extreme."
"That's how much power they've got at this point. They know that they don't need to go to the trouble of defending themselves."
"It is literally the worst defense mechanism to be so close-minded that you cannot take criticism."
"Spikes... effective at thinning out the horde... critical support structures."
"Narcissism is always an infantile defense to trauma."
"Our body's hard-wired health defense systems."
"This happens so often where you defend against something and then you forget what you defended against and so you just end up allowing it."
"Somebody here feels attacked, they feel like they need to defend themselves, they feel like they need to protect themselves."
"Borderline personality disorder is an extreme form of infantile defenses."
"Another ring complete, we're on to yet another layer of massive defense and damage output."
"People become more closed-minded when they feel threatened."
"Narcissists use projection to deflect blame and avoid guilt."
"The Stargazer fish also has the power to produce electricity to shock any threats, and has two venomous spines near its gills to kill prey and predators alike."
"One of the most formidable weapons in the animal kingdom."
"Small spiders: swarm predators with a horrifying defense."
"You're actually talking about a defensible militarized zone."
"He's got the toughest shield I think out of any of the champion."
"When they get scared, they defend themselves sort of like a stink bug."
"Misunderstood and not protected... when you have not been protected and you are misunderstood, what are you going to naturally develop? Defense mechanisms, for sure."
"Defense mechanisms, automatic coping styles utilized to reduce anxiety and protect from dangerous impulses."
"Most defense mechanisms or protection mechanisms can be awesome assets, as long as they're not poisonous to the other dimensions of you."
"Fours thus end up seeing themselves as not good enough to be loved as a way of defending against opening up to the possibility of love again."
"Primitive defenses come into play to ensure that the overwhelming affects are dissociated, split off, encapsulated, evacuated into the body."
"Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood. They can move at speeds of 25 mph and spray ink that not only blurs predators' visual field but actually harms them."
"Reality is about decompensation. Our defenses crumble when pitted against reality because reality is stronger, objective, and untouchable."
"Embarrassment should be considered a defense mechanism."
"...projection is one of the most common defense mechanisms where we attribute something in another that actually comes from within."
"The defense mechanism of 'splitting' leads individuals with borderline personality disorder to see things as either all good or all bad."
"Stay open, try not to let your defenses get raised. Stay open into what the universe has for you."
"A narcissistic scar is a repeated or recurrent psychological defense against a narcissistic wound."
"You have to overcome your own defense that you've built and sometimes unknowingly built throughout your experience and your traumas."
"If I notice that I have an investment in being right, I'm in a protector. And when I'm in a protector, I'm of no use to my client whatsoever."
"It's different with you, you've such good defenses in your eyes."
"Chemical defense responses some plants can make antibacterial chemicals plants can make poisons in plant tissue and may be in berries to deter herbivores from eating them."
"Understanding what defense mechanisms are, which ones you use, and most importantly why you use them opens up the possibility for more awareness."
"The capsule is a structure that is used to protect against phagocytosis."
"The function of the cell wall is to prevent osmotic lysis, meaning to prevent the bacteria from lysing or breaking open."
"The outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria is also protective against digestive enzymes, detergents, etc."
"So much of what we've structurally built is a way to try to protect ourselves from pain."
"What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger, and AMPK sits as a central regulator of the body's defenses."
"Your thoughts then start scrambling to try to protect you. It's going that way. I gotta pull this way. So, you start thinking about the what if, that whatever, and you respond."
"Each person, what are they really doing? They're trying to, um, psychologically defend themselves, right?"
"Narcissism is a fantasy defense gone awry. The Narcissist lives from a very empty existence internally."
"Without this, many snakes would have no means of defense."
"The child develops magical defenses against an environment perceived as arbitrary, cruel, and threatening."
"The child is both serving to bolster the narcissistic defenses and expelling anxiety."
"Hopefully she can get to the bottom of Michael's, what I'm believing to be, traumas that motivate his defenses that result in him lying."
"The framework for the narcissistic personality is defensive, rooted in lack, insecurity, and the sense of 'I am not enough as I am.'"
"Splitting is a defense against nuance, a defense against shades of gray."
"The trauma is an injury to the capacity to feel, well what that means is defenses come in to cut us off from our feelings so that the injury is not repeated."
"Every living organism develops defense mechanisms against attack. They adapt, they find some way to survive."
"Paranoia survival instincts are defense mechanisms."
"Everyone experiences narcissistic injuries, even healthy people, even normal people."
"Cognitive dissonance is like an intrusion detection system or antivirus, constantly updating to protect us from vulnerabilities."
"Defense mechanisms are not pathologies. Although they can be psychogenic, they can lead to a pathology."
"The aim of psychological defense mechanisms is to prevent conflict with the human environment and inanimate environment, to protect the individual from real dangers attendant upon the exercise of impulsive instincts and drives."
"The main defenses against Envy are contempt and devaluation, omnipotent control, and narcissistic withdrawal. These mechanisms are most marked in narcissistic personalities."
"Psychological defense mechanisms are anxiolytic. They reduce anxiety, they ameliorate and mitigate tension, they prevent you, in short, from falling apart, from experiencing decompensation, from resorting to reckless behaviors such as acting out."
"Social activism is a form of reaction formation, becoming the exact opposite of what one truly is."
"Personality disorders are the defenses which evolved over time mainly in childhood to isolate the patient to isolate the person from ultimate schizophrenia and psychosis their antipsychotic medication personality disorders the antipsychotic defenses."
"Defense mechanisms, all reside in the ego."
"Almost all defense mechanisms involve disconnection, dissociation in some fashion."
"We develop coping strategies, coping styles, sometimes in psychology we call it defense mechanisms."
"All the defenses and resistances, even though they originally come online as some attempt to help the child adapt or deal, which is important to acknowledge right, they've long outlive their usefulness."
"So I think what we see then, and what attachment research tells us about NPD, is that there are contradictory defenses and transferences in the dismissing camp."
"The deep sea Dumbo octopus... cups with stress by turning itself into a ball to discourage predators from eating it."
"If you're not ready to process it and you don't know how to deal, of course laugh through it. Because if that's what's gonna get you by, then of course laugh. But if you haven't processed what you're going through and you're laughing about it, that is a defense mechanism."
"It's like a defensive posture, defense mechanisms against those wounds."
"It is the ability to accept without creating an intense defense mechanism against the truth."
"Think of defense mechanisms as an antivirus program, a firewall, or an anti-malware program. They make sure that the interface between internal reality and external reality is minimized in order to avoid conflict, real dangers, interpersonal failures, and anxiety."
"Personality disorders, mood disorders, anxiety disorders—they can be amply described as clusters of unsuccessful defenses."
"Defenses evolve, mature, and transform from one shape to another, in line with the formation, integration, and differentiation of the ego."
"Defenses are healthy, protecting against the bad object and supporting the functioning of the ego, although they can go awry."
"Compensatory structures make up for deficits, defensive structures cover up for deficits."
"When someone feels under attack, their emotional center of the brain, the volume is turned up on that so high that the thinking volume is turned down."
"I think defending doesn't only have to take violent form."
"Interpersonal defenses... are ways of acting on the others experience of oneself and of the situations in which we find ourselves."
"You're defensive because as a little boy, you were never embraced when you had an issue."
"It's usually the guilt, sorrow, and frustration in life which causes the damage of depression that we go into a defensive mode to protect ourselves from the outside world or reality and reduced back to an almost childlike state."
"So the body has developed these long-distance hormonal signalling mechanisms to say something is going wrong expel everything because it's probably bad for you."
"It's important to note that with defense mechanisms, they're not all negative. There's some that are actually healthy and are protective of us. If you hear defense mechanism, it's not automatically negative."
"Displacement involves taking out our frustrations, feelings, and impulses on people or objects that are less threatening."
"The skin is our first line of defense against bacteria, viruses, foreign bodies, and other microorganisms."
"Antibodies can coat the microbe and enhance phagocytosis, marking that pathogen for destruction."
"Remember SASH for mature defense mechanisms: Sublimation, Altruism, Suppression, Humor."
"Rationalization is trying to justify my behaviors."
"Displacement: transferring one's emotional load or response to another entity is known as displacement."
"All these lead to dissociation—memory gaps, amnesia, dissociative defenses."
"They have little catapults in the rhinos and those things oh look water cannons that's badass."
"What defense mechanisms do enmeshed families engender in their parents and children? Yeah, so we, and I think I talked about that in the last question, is as you're growing up in an enmeshed family, you have needs for closeness that actually aren't being met."
"If you don't like rejection, you're gonna block rejection naturally."
"Denial: A primitive defense mechanism that threatens the ego's main function, which is reality testing. Denial of reality leads to becoming out of touch with reality and psychosis."
"In narcissism, there is a group of well-identified defense mechanisms that operate habitually."
"Green ants are like an unstoppable organic plasma that can deter any predator, whether it's coming from the ground or the air."
"Avoids opsonization, adherence, and phagocytosis; toxins and enzymes." - On the virulence factors of Streptococcus pyogenes
"The CRISPR defense machinery in prokaryotes works by storing a piece of the invader in the genome."
"The same mechanisms that are used to defend us against microbes also can defend us against tumors."
"Your immune system is an amazing, highly organized army that is sitting there waiting for the introduction of pathogens into your body, and that army is going to fight that pathogen from every different direction."
"Self-deception is a defense mechanism; it protects our egos, our sense of self, enabling us to cope with the buffeting and affronts of daily life."
"Creatures defend themselves in very different ways."
"The queen termite is the key to the termite's greatest power of all: their best defense against predators too, the power of numbers."
"Like skunks, red pandas release a strong smell to drive others away when they are afraid."
"If only a few microbes enter the body, they'll probably be overcome by our host defenses."
"Defense mechanisms that afford greater importance to ingenuity than strength."
"Ego defense mechanisms are there for self-preservation; they're there to keep us surviving."
"All of us have made defensive scarecrows that we scatter around our fields and treat like heroes."
"Through the walls you conjured up to protect yourself, is this what you feel?"
"These psychological defense mechanisms... are like hard wired in and this is the difficulty in treating addiction."
"It's all about layers of defense."
"These large rodents are covered in sharp pointy spines known as quills to protect them from predators."
"It's the scaffolding that people create around their fragile selves in order to exist."
"You are a cactus with a prickly exterior because you have such a soft and vulnerable interior; you keep people away because they hurt emotionally."
"Alkaloids such as caffeine, nicotine, and cocaine are produced by plants for defense."
"When you've been wounded or when you've been hurt, the natural defense is 'I don't want to go there anymore, that is painful.' And so the narrative that comes out is 'I don't need anyone,' and that is a form of protection."
"Your first line of defense is going to be made of your skin and your mucous membranes."
"Fungi have to fight off infections too, they produce defenses, they're metabolically ingenious, they're masters of the art of chemical transformation."
"They have these cells called nematocysts in their tentacles that have little barbs, little spring-loaded syringes inside."
"When we've lived through something traumatic... our autonomic nervous system gets primed to react quickly and to react frequently, so that way we don't have anything bad happen to us."
"The freeze response might kick in and this is when you might hide, you might play dead."
"We're all in fight, flight, freeze, collapse, tend and befriend, and we're bound and wound and armored."
"The person I talk about the cultic shell that people have built up a kind of defense against any comment about the group they're in."
"Soldier termites defend their nests by secreting a toxic chemical that wards off invaders."
"It's the topic of current and ongoing research both in the empirical attack side and the defense side."
"It's completely normal in human feeling to feel that pain and then create defense mechanisms to reject it."
"Vultures are the only animals that vomit as a means of protection."
"I had enough clinical psychology to know that we defend our beliefs and our attitudes very, very effectively."
"How much do we use things as a shield just to mask our own hatred or our prejudices?"
"Plants have their own defense system that they can activate internally because they don't have feet; they can't just get up and run away."
"The turkey... has a defensive mechanism to where if a predator grabs the feather, the skin will literally open up and release this feather at will."
"It's like social media gives us this intellectual armor for dismissing people who say things that are threatening to us."
"An adult porcupine can have as many as 30,000 quills all over their body."
"Why do elephants have tusks? Well, they use it to defend themselves."
"Sublimation is considered to be a mature defense mechanism."
"Such a pretty snake, these snakes are actually known to play dead."
"Most scorpions do have a stinger, but not the whip scorpion. He's got something even more dangerous in his tail: acid."
"These gentle giants were considered social, curious, and fearless in the face of predators, as their massive size was a primary means of defense."
"Once every individual feels like he's being attacked from every side, the tendency is to join a group."
"Chameleons deter predators in a few different ways but obviously the main one is camouflage... They use their camouflage to hide."
"Giant robots with long arms that were built as a defense mechanism but lie dormant until members of the ancient civilization return or innocent lives are put at risk."
"Traumatic experiences at our childhood are stored in the back of our minds as a subconscious defense mechanism."
"They just make themselves look very, very big, they spread out their ears like this and they stand up very tall and everyone gets very scared and runs away."
"Your softness, your tears, your baby, are all your weapons."