
Emotional Openness Quotes

There are 347 quotes

"Emotional sharing is key; share your insecurities with someone you trust."
"It's time to use that throat chakra, tell people what's on your heart."
"Opening your heart to give and receive is the highest energy of all."
"I promise that in the future, you'll know exactly how I feel when I'm feeling it."
"I know you get me, so I let my walls come down."
"I think it's important for more people to see you like this because I think it's a really good insight to you as a vulnerable, real feeling, emotional person."
"That love is the real new paradigm. It is coming from the heart, being open, being able to be vulnerable, show what you got inside."
"You can either be broken, or you can be broken open."
"If you can get to that other side where you can actually open up to somebody, that's an achievement."
"If you're to do just one thing do anything you can to keep your heart open to open through the extremes."
"The page of cups is somebody who lives with their heart on their sleeve. They're ready to embrace the moment and they put their all into experiences."
"Life can feel different... we can be more open and honest and vulnerable."
"Are you ready to take a chance on love? Are you ready to open your heart and receive the reward of love?"
"We need to follow our heart here and open up those lines of communication."
"And it feels good to talk about my grief openly again."
"It's good that it's opening up your emotions, just very good."
"I'm a lover at my core I'm vulnerable I'm sensitive I got feelings too man."
"Express gratitude for what you have; open your heart to receive more."
"The heart chakra is about loving fully and honestly, connecting to our ability to love."
"Opening up your heart is key to living a full life, connecting to true connection and fulfillment."
"Unmasking in front of your partner is an incredible feeling."
"Living with an open heart, trusting the journey, and resting in the safety of trust in God."
"Trust your intuition and navigate through this month with an open heart."
"I felt obligated to share, so I laid everything out on the table - my past trauma, my past abuse."
"I've become more receptive to not only receiving gifts but receiving love and affirmations."
"Women need to open up about stuff, men need to open up about stuff."
"I'm not afraid of telling people about my emotions."
"Thank you for it truly...mean takes a lot of people to open up with things like I really appreciate that."
"Sometimes you just gotta make yourself vulnerable."
"Just know that money don't buy happiness, they don't buy you love, so make sure your heart's open to a degree, not too open but open enough..."
"They're opening their heart now wanting to give love and receive love equally."
"Showing your vulnerability is one of the strongest and bravest things a person can do."
"It's safe for you to love, open your heart to give and receive."
"Honesty, vulnerability, and receptiveness allow for shared intimacy. Open your heart, trust yourself, and set boundaries."
"That's how I know how important it is for us as men and black men to really not hide and cover in our feelings and our emotions."
"Self-sacrifice always moves me... someone has to stand up to evil no matter the cost."
"I think other people's vulnerability allows me to open up more."
"They're afraid to open their heart, to be vulnerable, to be their real self with you."
"It is safe for you to love and open your heart."
"Sharing our vulnerabilities can be the bravest act of all."
"Kyle is the one guy who never really opened up emotionally with Kristy, with the guys, with anyone."
"Your job is to be more open, vulnerable, and emotional."
"It's about vulnerability, opening themselves up."
"What would probably help a lot of these young men more is to actually show some vulnerability and acceptance."
"Trauma is just brave enough to admit it. Remember that most people. Remember that because most people will never tell you."
"It's okay to have those feelings and still be open to a new possibility."
"If you can lay your ego aside and open your heart and walk through these territories of the unknown, your days will be marked with splendor."
"Vulnerability is important. Vulnerability is powerful."
"They've been thinking about you and they're about to open up and share their thoughts and their feelings with you."
"Love is beckoning here for you guys, there's love available for you guys, true love."
"Learning to become more open and vulnerable."
"You have to be willing to be open and, in some cases, vulnerable."
"This is about opening up, it's about being broken open."
"It's about someone opening up their heart to love, okay? The door to romance."
"Be open to falling in love, be open to getting your heart broken."
"They regret not sharing themselves with you, not fully exposing their feelings."
"Unapologetic openness: model the vulnerability you want to receive."
"Forgive, understand, and emotionally open up to the universe."
"The nakedness of vulnerability, genuineness, openness."
"I love you. Someone out there genuinely loves you for you."
"Open your heart. Don't be afraid to let love in, despite past hurts."
"For those seeking love, believe that you are worthy, ready, and lovable."
"Maddie was always the one who was always telling everybody she was around that she loved them."
"Live fully, love openly, and make your difference today."
"I am actually very into my emotions and I can be a softie. I do care to a certain extent guys, I don't fully not care, some words do hurt me."
"Being vulnerable is one of the strongest things you can do."
"Men want you open and thirsty and vulnerable so we can feel that."
"You gotta actually open your emotions up to have the emotions that you want to have."
"You're in a really positive, amazing energy."
"Open up your heart and go deeper to release."
"By opening up, we're officially turning away from the old shell, the old life, the old relationships."
"Open your heart because it's definitely going to be worth it."
"Men who want a deep connection with a woman are unafraid to be vulnerable."
"Opening your heart doesn't make you weak, it makes you stronger."
"Open up about your own life and feelings with your family."
"It's being open with yourself about what your fears are."
"Express yourself, have the courage to express this intimacy, this romance, and charge."
"A true man can be sensitive and open at the same time, strong and secure."
"Be real for a minute, open up your broken heart, your hurting heart, your disappointed heart."
"The romance is so much built on communication transparency talking about emotions talking about goals."
"I give you all of me, I give you my heart, I'll wear my heart on my sleeve, I give everybody my last."
"Appreciation and gratitude are key to opening their heart."
"Just by talking about certain emotions very openly."
"She's opening the door to her own heart, surrendering to spirit."
"Your heart does open up, and it's beautiful."
"This is a good sign that at least they haven't shut the door completely in their heart that they're still not certain."
"Weed out who is really into you by being open about your feelings."
"We don't know, I personally love talking to a stranger. I feel like I can open up more because they don't really know me. That's why I love BetterHelp."
"It's okay to surrender to love, to allow yourself to be worshipped and fully seen."
"It could be magic happening this week. And all we have to do is open our hearts and allow it in."
"Love is on the horizon, embrace spiritual connections."
"A man should live with a hurting heart rather than a closed one, learn to stay in the wound of pain and act with spontaneous skill and love even from that place."
"Vulnerability is not a burden, it's a staircase to the moon."
"Being vulnerable and open makes you more relatable."
"You weren't made to fit in, you were born to stand out."
"Letting yourselves be vulnerable opening yourselves up to love."
"It is safe to love. Open your heart to give and receive the highest energy of all."
"Give yourself permission to be vulnerable and tell other people, 'I'm really feeling down right now.'"
"Without fear and contraction, there is no courage."
"Courage is the ability to say yeah, I'm afraid and I'm going to stay open and I'm not just gonna settle."
"It's important to speak to someone and not be afraid to admit what you're feeling."
"Don't be afraid to be emotionally vulnerable, emotionally honest, to your inner circle."
"Gratitude will grow more beauty and more opportunities in your life."
"Your vulnerability shows what true strength is..."
"Share all sides of yourself... you can actually be vulnerable."
"Open up your heart, take that leap of faith because what you want wants you."
"The more that you know of yourself, the more comfortable you're naturally going to feel to open your heart out more to other people."
"I really don't think there's anything wrong with going out in the world with a full heart and high expectations when you're looking to date someone."
"Okay, I'm a little bit of a guarded person and I want to know that I can fully trust the person before I open my heart."
"If you're looking for love, you gotta let your guard down because you're gonna run away the wrong right person."
"Honestly, when you both just communicate how you feel about each other."
"I feel it necessary to be open and vulnerable in my music."
"You're opening yourself up to a relationship, a new one that's what I'm feeling."
"Your inclination to open up even just a little bit is correct, it's correct."
"There's nothing scary about feeling emotions."
"Open up to love, show the love you're capable of giving, spread your wings."
"Speak your truth, someone's going to communicate from their heart either this is you or someone else."
"The opening of our heart means feeling all of it, not just love and light."
"I genuinely feel like healing is only possible through honesty and openness."
"I hope to make more videos where I'm open and talking about my personal experience and like my emotions with things that are currently kind of currently happening."
"Trust your girlfriend enough to share your emotions with her. If she's the most important thing in your life, you should be able to go to her with your emotions."
"It's hard for you to open up because you haven't had practice."
"Opening up to other people doesn't help, and once your mind learns that, it can be really hard to open up."
"I wish I had more people around me... that could see that side of me."
"A little bit of vulnerability can go a long way."
"What will it take for you to open your heart all the way with love and boundaries?"
"It's okay to be vulnerable, to open up, to be honest about how you're feeling."
"Men are vulnerable, heart-centered, and caring as well."
"Being vulnerable as a man is one of the strongest things a man can actually do."
"They want to bare their soul to you... They want to clear their slate."
"ESTPs can be more attractive by being more approachable and vulnerable with their emotions."
"Maybe it's someone who's just afraid to open up that you may be not really into it."
"This person wants love, they want to open up emotionally."
"Don't hold back; jump in and give to me all of you."
"Open your heart to partnerships, collaborations, and true intimacy."
"You gotta be vulnerable in order to really get the most out of your relationships."
"It's always better when everybody is vulnerable."
"Live each day like it's your last. If you're with somebody, tell them your feelings. The worst they could say is no."
"Find the others: share what makes you broken, afraid, or ashamed."
"You can be completely open with this person, be your authentic self."
"It's like taking a chance on each other, opening yourself up to an adventure."
"Open up your heart to love; your soulmate is trying to find a way in."
"If you're an open and vulnerable person, that is a gift from God. Take it and run."
"You are ready for love, open, and doing the emotional work."
"Everybody gets sad, even dads that have people to care for. And therefore you don't have to hide your pain."
"You're attracting someone in, or opening someone up, and feeling very cared for."
"Emotional vulnerability before the first date is key."
"Open your heart a little bit and open up those hands so that you can receive."
"Live this lifetime to the fullest potential; let your heart be open."
"Let your love life flow; it'll flow right to you."
"They want to let you know what's going on underneath the surface."
"Naked heart, open and ready to receive love. Vulnerability is key to experiencing true connection."
"Sometimes we just gotta open our hearts, okay? That's all we gotta do sometimes."
"Be vulnerable because you deserve it, you really do."
"A really good time for open and honest communication about your feelings in partnership."
"Are you courageous enough to open up your heart, Sagittarius? Let the conversation begin."
"Open your heart to love and just keep on sending this love. And yes, don't forget to give that love to yourself too."
"Open your heart space and bring yourself to stillness."
"I cry at almost every movie I watch now. There's no shame in that."
"I actually think now the most masculine [ __ ] you can do is be vulnerable and open and honest and loyal and mon."
"It's not weak to talk about these things when it's really not and it actually brings more people together when we can open up and talk about this stuff."
"Men be emotionally vulnerable with each other and talk openly and honestly and from the heart."
"So you're opening up your heart instead of closing it."
"Embrace those feelings and talk about them because that's healthy."
"A little bit of vulnerability could go a long way."
"That's the most I've opened up to somebody on recorded, it's kind of like Oprah cooking show."
"You are ready to surrender to this connection. Remember to be open to compliments, to receive love, and know you're beautiful inside and out."
"It's a surprise love that comes your way, surprise new love."
"Real men don't have issues with allowing their emotions to show and confide in someone they trust, honor, and respect."
"Vulnerability is a gateway to way more love, way more gratitude, way more connection, way more achievement, way more money, way more fitness, way more peace, way more everything."
"Relationship evolution, it allows us to let our guard down more, open our heart more, and experience the pure love that's available with us and all the people in our life but it's not easy a lot of times it really just is like us learning lessons."
"You need to be open and let yourself be vulnerable."
"Now what? I have all this love to give, I'm ready to love someone, I'm ready to give my love to someone."
"It is your challenge to find ways to open the heart to the present moment and the love therein."
"We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts."
"Eyes wide open, heart wide open, you're no longer blindfolded."
"Courage...to tell the story of who you are with your whole heart honestly openly vulnerably share with others who you are with everything that you have."
"There is an art to being vulnerable with no expectations."
"Open your heart center and embrace the beautiful energy of love."
"To really get to know people, we have to go deep into those stories... If I wanted people to get to know me, I had to share everything."
"For those of you who were guarded before, you will allow yourself to open up and be vulnerable and be real."
"Drop the shields and barriers that you have put up because these walls are preventing the world from seeing your light."
"They just have this deep profound love, their heart chakra's opening and rather than them being stuck in the fearful mind or the social matrix they're being much more heart-centered living from the heart."
"Do not hide your feelings. Have open conversations with your partner."
"Your vulnerability is your greatest power because when someone allows themselves to be vulnerable, they create an anomaly."
"It's really this energy right now that I'm feeling of just allowing yourself to be raw, opened, and vulnerable."
"Your heart space will open to such a degree and you'll feel a sense of love perhaps you haven't before."
"You have to be vulnerable to make good friends, meaningful friendships have to be vulnerable with other people at times in order to form that strong connection."
"Just being able to be open and share how I'm feeling is really, really nice."
"Only love is allowed in. Only love is allowed in."
"You're even more, you feel even more like opening up, and you're even more accepting of their problems, and you want to bond and connect even freaking more."
"Keep your heart chakra open in the midst of all of this, don't shut your heart chakra don't allow that agape love to come into you and allow that agape love to go back out to the universe."
"Love sets no limits and harbors no judgment."
"She never held back about who she was, what she was thinking, what she was feeling."
"They feel like they open their heart to you in the higher realms. This connection represents liberation for them. They feel like they can be vulnerable."
"Opening the heart chakra fills you with love forgiveness and compassion."
"Thank you for helping me open my heart to happiness, joy, bliss."
"This person's opening up to things that you don't even know, but I feel like you can feel it."
"Accepting love into your heart, into your life, into your world."
"Open yourself up this time because it's going to be beautiful."