
Social Values Quotes

There are 755 quotes

"It's nice to be important, it's more important to be nice."
"People want organic, people want just transparency and authenticity."
"Dignity and respect is the bare minimum; it's the floor of where we can be."
"Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them."
"Respect from your peers means more than anything."
"Altruism is a thing, and it's something that we should all encourage."
"When you pay attention, pay attention to people who can't pay you back."
"Being the greatest isn't just about how you play on the field; it's about what you stand for off the field, it's about who we are as a sport and a country."
"It's definitely a time to be patient and be kind to others."
"You have to get in the business of truly caring about people... people matter, things don't."
"I believe that if we can understand the values behind culture, we can understand people better, accept them for who they are, and where they're coming from."
"We might be on a horizon of realizing the value of humanity again."
"Humans obviously want to save humans because we're all humans; we care about each other."
"The most important characteristic that Oda seems to promote for any society is equality."
"The real measure of a community is how it handles its darkest moments."
"What we're forgetting is a very important detail, which is just like human respect and dignity."
"Faith, while definitely not a virtue, is not grounds to abandon your fellow man."
"I don't think it's about money. I think it has nothing to do with money and everything to do with money because money is just a surrogate for status, for feeling like a valuable person in your culture."
"The world does need more compassion, and Emily's very good at that."
"We are pro-healthy marriage, pro-quality marriage."
"I do not believe in tolerance; I believe in acceptance."
"Our biggest mistake as humans is not loving each other."
"When you help other people, that's the currency in life that you can never buy anywhere."
"Altruism, kindness, even just beyond the fact that it's fun, isn't it? It's a nice thing."
"Viewing the history of humanity through an ethical lens, one would define the shifts and upheavals through changing social values and sweeping philosophical transformations."
"Values of toleration, like acceptance of homosexuality and women's equality, have been gradually increasing around the world."
"Caring about people shouldn't be controversial."
"The Trews is brought to you by kindness. Just be kind to someone today."
"We need a sense of community. This independence culture we have needs to move to interdependence."
"The most important quality of a good community is to be unified."
"Everybody respects me because I respect them, and that's what it's about. We respect one another, then we can stop a lot of this nonsense in our communities."
"I protect your rights because I want my rights to be protected."
"You have to have tolerance for other people's rights."
"It's time for those masses of men to start respecting women for the role they play in their lives."
"We should want all people to feel the maximum amount of dignity and togetherness that is possible."
"We raised a whole generation of kids in these last 20-30 years that didn't grow up to be haters, bigots, or homophobes."
"The world needs more friends these days than foes."
"Diversity is more than just skin tones; it includes customs, beliefs, values, and ways of viewing the world."
"We're all the same and we should all treat each other with kindness."
"One of the core themes pushed at us is to treat people for who they truly are."
"The idea of family, mutuality, the sharing of benefits and burdens for the good of all. Feeling one another's pain. Sharing one another's blessings. Reasonably, honestly, fairly, without respect to race, or sex, or geography, or political affiliation."
"Respect is the new fame. No one wants to be famous anymore, they just want to have respect."
"I think the British people judge people by their character and by their actions not by their bank account."
"There needs to be more kindness in the world."
"Men care more about your morals than they care about your money."
"Just showing appreciation, bro, like genuinely. And I know that seems so simple but people have lost that because of selfishness. They just want everything, they want people to give them everything without having to give something back."
"Your family is your first and Primal Network, take care of it, be really good to people around you."
"Real equality means traditional men's work and traditional women's work are equally valued."
"There's nothing more unifying than the idea that we're all equals."
"We gotta get back to that realness, that truth, the community."
"We all deserve to feel like there is space for her in this world."
"How do we teach young children how to do that so they don't grow up and become an SJW?"
"I want a country that treats all of its people with dignity and decency."
"Their gains and their friendship are very, very important to these guys."
"Society will start valuing all of us, not just the fake us that we put on social media."
"Getting men to basically find Value in themselves and actually get in society to actually value men is the biggest concern of the western liberalist Society."
"The Western world owes the Jews a great debt for giving the world social values embodied in the Bible."
"If you judge people by the content of the character, you can do away with racism."
"We don't care what somebody's race is, we don't care what somebody's religion is."
"Stop giving your money to woke corporations who don't think you deserve their product."
"We all belong here, and we all have a voice."
"Let's be fair to everyone. I Don't Care What ethnicity Johnny Depp is or Amber Heard or her gender or who she goes to bed with I don't care my thing is be good to people."
"Accountability is an essential part of building a community."
"Undoubtedly status must come above looks, there's just no doubt about that."
"Stop the politics, man. It's getting in the way of these human values that connect us all."
"Compassion, kindness, personal autonomy: fundamental principles we must remember."
"This isn't about us, it's about our humanity."
"Everybody's a human being, and how we lost that idea."
"Culture has become obsessed with individual success, ignoring the collective reality of our existence."
"It's a compassion for our fellow human beings that we have to preserve."
"Cooperation recognized as superior to competition."
"What's up buddy? That's what it's all about—being a good person."
"What really matters is helping people, creating community, like building people up."
"It should not be cool to be mean-spirited. It should not be acceptable to spread hate."
"We all care about Justice here... rooted in facts."
"Kindness is a universal language. Kind people are the best kind of people."
"Trump is a plutocrat. Money is the standard by which he judges success and failure, not race."
"It's just not who we are as a people. If there's ever a time for humanity and decency, now is the time."
"Let this DV outcomes remind you that a small waist, pretty face, and big bank may not be worth the how."
"The way current things are set up, support people that believe the same things as you."
"Being humble, you never know when it might be your turn looking for help."
"Caring is one of the most important attributes, one of the final qualifications."
"Human connection is the most valuable currency of our time."
"One loyal friend is worth more than 10,000 relatives."
"That vision of fairness I think is something that we need to revive and revitalize for young people today."
"We need more conversations, we need more people who are open-minded and open-hearted. And Victor McElhaney was apparently one of those people."
"It's important that people be held accountable."
"That's the worst thing you can do is judge people based on their looks."
"Values are gonna be changing people are gonna be changing."
"She was blind to class and color and country."
"I feel like everybody in this world is equal like I don't think that you have to act like you're better than anybody else."
"Human solidarity will get you quite a long way ethically."
"We need to love people. This conversation is about people."
"You don't get reward for those things, so you would have wasted your time if you do with the right heart to help people, no matter how small."
"I'm not victim blaming but I am saying, how about as a [__] group of human beings we stop valuing materialistic things and start valuing quality of person?"
"Engaging in activism and expressing values is not inherently bad... that's not the point of virtue signaling as a pejorative."
"Parental rights are a thing that's as important as it gets."
"It's all about respecting women over here, that's what we do all day long."
"I always use the Kardashians as an example to this - every single time they're coming out with a new season they have some type of scandal or some type of drama going on."
"People want to reconnect with their families, reconnect with their friends."
"The impulse towards Liberty... replaced by the love of the quality... without any traditional plane superiority."
"It's not about the money, it's the people that's the power."
"We need people who are smart and who care about other people."
"People should relate to each other based off of shared values."
"We value what celebrities value, that's why we value the Met Gala."
"A system like that is the enemy of a healthy society. Any economic system that weakens and destroys families is not worth having."
"Building a community where people fundamentally take care of one another."
"The position of this organization saying tonight is that skin color does not matter instead the character the soul and the spirit of a human being matters and that is what we should always put give a preference on."
"Life is about respect, right? It's all about respect, earn respect to get respect."
"We value kindness, respect, empathy, and dignity."
"Let everybody in, be included. Let the motto be meritocracy."
"We must awaken a more courageous empathy in this country."
"We'll choose hope over fear, facts over fiction, fairness over privilege."
"Now more than ever, it's important to support companies that are brave enough to stand up for the values we need to be fighting for."
"Even if you don't have much a little bit can go a long way."
"Why should loving a person depend on how much money they had? I believe that someone's personality mattered more."
"I think being charitable to one another is a key part of this."
"I respect everyone out there in the USA, in Malaysia, just respect."
"Kindness means the desire for the happiness of others."
"True Prosperity extends beyond personal gain, reaching into the heart of shared humanity."
"Community and feeling part of something are so important. I think kids do that for people too."
"Your community is the most important thing in your life."
"Equality of what it is. We don't got the opposite, but nobody's above or lower than somebody else."
"Hypocrisy is only made possible by the existence of ideals."
"Everybody has to contribute to society... there's a lot of dignity and nobility in labor."
"He believed everyone should be equal and refused to give anyone special treatment."
"Kids are taught that lying is bad, sharing is good."
"Judging people on the basis of characteristics they can't control is wrong. Decent people understand that."
"Objectification does not only come in the form of treating somebody only like they have sexual value."
"I respect you, I'm sorry, but respecting somebody means that you value somebody's identity or sexuality as a human being."
"Be grateful for what you have, be grateful for what your community has actually given you."
"If you owe somebody respect, respect them. If you owe somebody honor, then honor them."
"Diversity of opinion and viewpoint is important to the strength of a society."
"Just to love each other, a world where we can be loved and accepted exactly as we are."
"The child's needs must be paramount over and above everyone else."
"We need to stop weighting economic value with human values."
"How far would that go if they just proved once I'm sorry?"
"Always help your friends, and give people lanky box plushies."
"I want people to acknowledge my presence for who I am, not for my money."
"Being kind goes a long way and it does pay off."
"If they don’t care about Pokémon, they’re not your friend."
"If you want like a truly good society that serves you the best possible way you probably want most people to be doing pretty well inside of it."
"The accountability of simply admitting you were wrong is very important."
"Everyone should be treated equally. We support everyone, because we were raised to love everyone."
"Show compassion, and it shall be given back to you."
"It's love and that's what this world should be about."
"We need to value and promote people willing to endure social harm for truth."
"Respect is earned, only by those who have contributed to you."
"I literally don't know a single person who's against the idea of equality, you know equality of opportunity. I can't imagine that anyone in this day and age holds such an opinion."
"That's why you don't date conservatives because you wouldn't want one parent to be accepting and one parent not to be."
"Let's make this world a better place. Let's love each other."
"I believe that this is allowing us to see the significance that we need one another."
"It is time to fight without shame or hesitation for a future in which what we have in common truly comes to be more important than what divides."
"The voices we long to hear right now are the ones that speak with courage and kindness."
"People just want to hear the truth. It's not a both sides issue to just be a decent human being."
"I believe that people should be respected in their choices."
"The resiliency of Filipinos is overwhelming."
"Spread kindness, perfect, that's a great message."
"You're supposed to judge people on the content of their character not the color of their skin."
"Being against racism trumps literally everything else."
"Empathy, love, and discourse is what we need."
"A fundamental human decency and respect for each other."
"Trump is right. If we secure our borders, if we bring back manufacturing, if we defend the nuclear family, we will not face a hard fall when competing with BRICS."
"As black men we're supposed to protect all of the Queens."
"People don't give a [ __ ] about money, they want attention."
"Let us start judging each other by the content of our character, by our ideas, by our actions and not at all ever by the color of our skin or by what somebody might have said by accident or anything else."
"People deserve basic dignity in this country."
"The battle for the minds and souls of the next generation."
"Families stick together... and at the end, you see that unity."
"Kindness dominates everything. Respect, kindness dominates. It's amazing, isn't it?"
"It is really quite devastating to see people have a conversation about what it looks like to prioritize anything other than preserving the lives and the livelihoods of the people."
"There needs to be a spirit of generosity amongst the community."
"We've got to treat people with dignity and respect."
"A real man is going to benefit women, women are going to benefit by that because you're going to treat her the right way."
"If you once forfeit the confidence your fellow citizens... you can never regain that respect and esteem."
"We're trying to have authentic human interaction... it's always been about that."
"My whole point is we need to come together, we need to have a sense of connection in family and caring for each other."
"There is no place for hate in the United States of America."
"Tolerance is patronizing. Acceptance says, respect my truth, I'll respect yours."
"We need to strengthen the ties of brotherhood and sisterhood in our community."
"You need to support each other as a community."
"The most important thing is protecting our values, protecting democracy."
"In our society, racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia can have no home, much less find refuge."
"All Americans should forcefully reject anti-Semitism."
"We need to recognize our shared moral foundations."
"The village is not just for the child, it's for the adult too." - Kierra Sherrod Kelly
"Young people want to work for companies that they believe are socially responsible."
"As much about family and community as it is about anything else."
"We need to treat these people with dignity and with care. They're valuable to our communities."
"In Pennsylvania we value real Freedom, the kind of real Freedom that allows women to make decisions over their own bodies, the kind of Freedom that allows people to marry who they love."
"A world where people can properly express themselves is what I want."
"It's important to make everyone feel included."
"The best way I've been able to categorize myself... I'm a liberal in my compassion for the vulnerable, I'm a Libertarian in my love of freedom, and I'm a conservative in the sense that I think you need civilization to protect both of those things."
"We should never stigmatize a human being but we should stigmatize destructive behaviors."
"Being old and wise is not a trait which is revered and it's not a trait which is sought-after and it's not a trait that gets a lot of credit."
"Empathy is good, caring about people other than yourself."
"These are the values that bring out the best in what it means to be an American."
"America is a capitalist nation in a capitalist nation value is measured by your access to opportunity."
"If people don't even care for more than a few weeks that we died, why do we ascribe so much value to how they want us to live?"
"That was such treachery and such a betrayal of anything that is decent."