
Unconditional Acceptance Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"I practice unconditional regard... I want to see someone with my own eyes freshly."
"To experience the mastery of self is to simply love myself unconditionally, which simply means to see myself as I really am at this very moment."
"Love is an unconditional agreement because you have to love a person truly to love them in all the different ways in which they might exist over a long enough timeline."
"Unconditional love is I will not sit in judgment."
"Your soul mate loves, accepts, and respects you unconditionally."
"Your creator loves you unconditionally because that's the epitome of unconditional love."
"Religion is to love your nearly unconditionally. This is the religion that our father mother God preaches."
"Friendship is with the whole person... unconditional friendship with yourself."
"God loves us before our sin, yes, after our sin, yes, and also during our sin."
"Real connection loves you at the core. You can show me all the parts of you, I still want you."
"You have to love all of Caillou or none of Caillou."
"Once we are in that heart area... we have to be able to see and love everyone unconditionally."
"Love and value myself without limitation or condition."
"You made me feel worth it for the first time in forever, and [expletive] forever again, and I wouldn't change a goddamn thing about you."
"True self-love is accepting yourself no matter what you look like at any period of time."
"To have is to receive without reservation the total self-gift of the other. It's not a statement of ownership but rather a promise of unconditional acceptance." - Jerry Fisher
"Imagine radically loving yourself and other people so much that you don't even need the qualifier of 'well I like this about me or I did this well or whatever' because that still does not stand in the way of you being infinitely lovable."
"You bring a child into the world, that child is perfect."
"They're gonna love you for who you are, definitely."
"Love yourself unconditionally; no need for earning."
"True love is being able to look at someone who's a real weasel... and just pump up the volume and send them all goodness that you can."
"God's free gift of Grace was given to all, regardless of our ability to comprehend it."
"Every other system says if you follow the rules, then you're accepted. But Christianity says, 'No, I'm accepted, and I have accepted in Jesus Christ. Therefore, I perform.'"
"There's nothing you could tell me that would suggest anything. I still love you."
"God loves you exactly where you are and as you are."
"There is not a pick or choose with this. You either love yourself or you conditionally accept yourself but you cannot have it both ways."
"I just can't understand why parents can't just love their children for you know regardless of what they do."
"Pursue your love, find your ace of cups - whole and unconditionally loved."
"Stop falling in love with people's potential. If you're gonna love somebody, love them for them, good, bad, ugly, and pray for them."
"No matter who you are, what you've done, or how old you are, God will always love you."
"Your body loves you unconditionally, you always need to remember this."
"You gotta keep a positive attitude love yourself and be yourself unapologetically that don't mean just when when everything's going good you got to love yourself and be yourself at all times because you never know how that could bless you."
"I let him in, and he only knew me at my worst, and he accepted me."
"I like you at your best, not your worst, not your this, not your that."
"It's actually kind of cool in that way, but the key thing to keep in mind though is that they like you if they don't like you unconditionally."
"Dare we give ourselves permission to believe in a higher power that needs nothing from us, and therefore has no reason to punish us if we don't give it what we imagine it wants?"
"I see who you are. I don't think less of you for any life circumstances. I see your heart and I see your soul."
"Love yourself unconditionally, no matter what."
"what mattering to me is is that I value for who you are at your core it is not contingent on your performance it's not contingent on how you look that day it's not contingent on how many dates you're going on you matter no matter what unconditional mattering"
"Don't change a hair for me, not if you care for me."
"Home is that place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in."
"Trust what happens in your life and if you can trust your life unconditionally, that's the way through."
"God loves you not because you are sinless, but because He made you."
"Acceptance without performance... I'm pleased with you and you haven't turned water into wine."
"From you, I'll take anything, as long as it's coming from you."
"When you see that any preference of what you have goes out of the window, you do not care, you're just like, that's my baby."
"I am all-inclusive and therefore unconditional love for all."
"The door of my heart is open to this moment, to my mind and my body, to my consciousness unconditionally."
"Calvary shows us we are loved by God as we are, unconditionally, without strings."
"Your soul is your biggest fan and knows the truth of you and loves you unconditionally."
"Choosing to love yourself unconditionally means really choosing what's in alignment with your heart, your spirit, your mind, your lifestyle, everything."