
Social Impact Quotes

There are 4380 quotes

"We're to give half our wealth to making the world a better place to live."
"The main external factor determining our happiness is the quality of our human relationships."
"I'm trying to change the world. I'm trying to make the world better."
"Your authenticity actually inspires the people around you to have the bravery to be authentic."
"If I was a billionaire, I wouldn't need a billion dollars. I would be pumping it into everywhere I can."
"You have this energy about you, like when people are around you, good things happen."
"Being able to help people is really what is going to grow this industry and ultimately make this world a better place."
"Technology has connected us and yet studies show that people feel more isolated than ever. Can new technology help make that better?"
"Influence is not just about you; it is about your ability to affect the behavior of those around you."
"If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and then make the change."
"From online humiliation all the way to lives being ruined, these are the real world victims of internet trolls."
"I was exposing whale content, and there's a huge difference. I was exposing the game for how bad it could be and to make sure that people wouldn't do the same mistakes I made."
"It's our duty, bro, leave the world a better place than you found it."
"You guys really want to create some important change in your life and in other people's lives."
"Effective altruism is a movement and a philosophy that aims to use reason and evidence in order to do the most good possible."
"The achiever is driven to improve the world."
"We don't want to live our lives like this, but this is the narrow path we have to tread, between the social and economic trauma of a full lockdown and the massive human, and indeed economic, cost of an uncontained epidemic."
"Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around."
"The last kind thing you've done for a stranger? We went and bought some food for a homeless person who was outside Rite Aid the other day."
"Freedom of speech and having an opinion is a beautiful thing, but I'm talking about people that are like genuinely trying to ruin people's lives."
"I just wanted to disappear, but I didn't because I realized that this is a problem bigger than me."
"Many have turned to influencers to try and address the shortcoming in financial education."
"Make a positive impact on the world; this doesn't have to come at a cost to you."
"My why is to inspire people to do the things that inspire them, so together each of us can change our world for the better."
"What we need is the help others industry. There's an entire section of the bookshop called self-help and there's no section in the bookshop called help others."
"If I were a former gang member and drug dealer and I was giving speeches about 'listen kids, don't take drugs' everyone would be like 'Okay, let's listen to this guy.'"
"What we stand for as a team... We feel this is the biggest, and we think it's a strong statement that will go around the world for young people to see that inclusivity is very important."
"On their website, they described themselves as a body positive swimwear line with the desire to reshape the fashion industry and help improve the world along the way."
"My best self is someone who is more compassionate."
"I'm not going to pass your purity test... It doesn't bother me at all that I'm not passing your purity test because what I'm trying to do is make the world a better place, have better conversations."
"Capitalism hasn't solved its problem; it wallows in it. And it messes up your life."
"It's amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites."
"Being more physically fit and dressing nicer will make you more hirable, it will get more people to listen to you, and it will help you attract higher quality people in your life."
"The fact that a few black people are doing well is dope, but another black billionaire is not going to move the needle for black people as a whole."
"Remember, lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer."
"When people hit that point, they start thinking about how am I going to make a difference in the world. What legacy am I going to leave? How am I going to make a difference or change the world in some way?"
"To slow the spread of COVID-19, many countries have introduced unprecedented measures at significant social and economic cost."
"With great power comes great responsibility. When people have the means and the opportunity to make a difference and they don't, why have the revolutionary idea at all?"
"Great companies have an important mission they're trying to do something really good for the world."
"This will help feed, I don't know, tens of thousands of people I guess. Well, that's fantastic."
"Since day one, we set out to significantly improve the lives of as many people as possible."
"We will have the chance to improve the lives of billions of people."
"If we can redefine these in ways that are more inclusive and it doesn't have negative impacts on people, I don't see the harm in that."
"Capitalism today is failing us, killing us, and robbing from our children's future."
"Get out there and do something nice for somebody and don't expect anything in return."
"If we get enough people doing this... the difference we can make in the world."
"It's incredibly important that we have this conversation about saying, if you were to spend an extra dollar, would you do the most good if you spent it on tuberculosis, or on COVID, or on climate, or on infrastructure?"
"By getting people out of poverty, we fix most environmental problems."
"Normalize privacy. Get out there, make a difference and seriously, just come on, advocate."
"This is a kit that empowers positive social change."
"This is certainly the most medically and socially important epidemic since HIV."
"The interventions that we have had to put in place for this have a very big social and economic impact."
"Attractiveness really rarely gets addressed as an axis of privilege when in many ways it's one of the most acute ones in terms of the material benefits that it can have on our life."
"Making a difference starts with one small step."
"The solution isn't to scrap capitalism altogether but instead to expand it to not just focus on shareholders and delivering them short-term profits as quickly and as efficiently as possible but to also focus on other people who are affected by the business."
"There's a big thing is the fact that he funds a woman's shelter in Romania."
"Harassment in gaming affects women outside of gaming as well."
"Enterprise journalism is still very important. Using techniques like hidden cameras... you really can make a difference."
"Everything with this is getting actively better, and there are people in the field now who really do care about making a difference in people's lives."
"More important than going to Mars, more important than finding the next oil reserve or the next diamond mine, is figuring out how we can mine the talent of the bottom billions of people who have been left to fester."
"I wanted to permanently integrate social good into this collection."
"If you have influence, you are an influencer, and you have a responsibility."
"It's unbelievable because really, you know, I came into this channel to expose a little something on how inmates live and to possibly help people going into prison."
"My real fulfillment is going to come from being able to change the world in a significant and meaningful way that makes it better for other people."
"On the individual level, the most important thing is to join an organization. 50 people belonging to an organization can accomplish far more than 500 individuals working on their own."
"It became big, but people are really feeding their families off of this."
"Wealth as just a resource, a creative tool...depends if you use these methods to create abundance that can then be reinvested in the betterment of the world, that's perfectly okay."
"Product quality is the only way to be successful, and therefore the only reason we're now in a position where I think we can invest so much in sustainability, social impact in people."
"Regenerative agriculture begins at this kind of change in mindset towards the soil but immediately has impacts on human capital and social capital."
"This pandemic was hard for everyone...not to meet loved ones, not to visit relatives before they died...I understand the anger that people feel."
"At the end of the day, this stuff is made to actually change lives for the better."
"If I trust someone and as a result invite them into my life or circles, and then other people that trust me now can be hurt by those people, I actually became untrustworthy myself."
"I will always use my platform and my voice for good."
"I spent most of my career helping wealthy corporations become even wealthier. I wanted to do something that mattered more in the world."
"When I put the work and effort into myself, I show up as a better person for everyone around me."
"I try to help other people as much as possible, but not in a selfish, self-serving way, in a way that truly helps them."
"I sincerely believe that if you have a large audience, you have a duty to use that audience for good."
"He has changed. He wants to make a difference. People like that, in my opinion, are just few and far between."
"Doing business to leverage it in order to invest back in our community, to take the money and put it back in our community, is what we've always done."
"When you look to just solely help and do the work for millions of people in advance... you will always have value in a space."
"The valuable final product of my company today is not the profits we make; it is how many people we can help with my information."
"The robust job market was delivering life-changing gains for many individuals, families, and communities."
"Using his power and influence for good shows how powerful it can be if used positively."
"Equal in earthly things, here's a guy who is extremely wealthy who gave it all up to care for the poor and the needy around him and to build up the kingdom of God on the earth."
"We're all in the process of making decisions, and those decisions don't just affect us, they oftentimes affect other people."
"I thank each of you for the work you do every day to make a difference in the lives of people everywhere."
"When you have the opportunity to change just one person's mind, that's what it's all about at the end of the day."
"You might transform those you meet and those you come into contact with."
"Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer."
"Every single person who gets their act together a little bit has the capacity to spread that around them. It's a chain reaction."
"You can't help the poor if you're one of them, so I got rich and gave back. To me, that's the win-win."
"We are nothing without your support and without the community."
"Life is complicated, and we shouldn't undermine that to promote a narrative. If we're doing that, I just think we're harming the people that we claim to want to help."
"Let people play how they want; doesn't affect you."
"That shut up the bullies quick, and then all of the other people there stared at him, and they all began to clap."
"We could have invested that money in indigenous healthcare, environmental stewardship... there's plenty of other needy areas where we could have really had a huge bang for the buck."
"Go out into the world and try to make the world a better place in some small way for one person on a regular basis."
"For every stuffed doll that is purchased through here, ten meals are donated to kids in need."
"For everything purchased, they pull one pound of trash out of the ocean."
"For every pair of socks that is purchased, they donate one to the homeless."
"People who volunteer for a cause outside of themselves are 63% more mentally well than those who do not."
"What an incredible human being, listen, do me a favor because I feel like the world needs to hear from this man."
"We need visionaries that can understand the technology of tomorrow, the social impact of those things, explain it, and help us get into that."
"My opinion is not worth more than anyone else's, but it's undeniable that it has much more influence."
"The economic life is shaped by our social requirements too, and those are important."
"The untold story of the pandemic is how it's disproportionately affected disadvantaged communities."
"What we have done here, literally, is we have thrown a bombshell on this delicate balance that has been established for many, many years."
"We always said if you can change one life, then it's all worth it."
"I don't think it's the responsibility of every influencer or creator to make sure 100% of what they say is going to make the world a better place."
"Time companies actually have to take a profit hit in order to make the world a better place."
"I didn't want to become a statistic; I wanted to make a difference."
"America strong tonight, one teen's big idea for saving lives."
"I've always felt a deep sense of obligation to make the biggest impact possible with this incredible platform."
"So perhaps he can also make life better for all of the women that he encounters along his way."
"The work she's doing is some of the hardest and most important work anyone is doing."
"What worries me most... is just the spread of misinformation, especially nutritional information."
"It's very important, if you're doing a show about power and privilege, to actually look at how that affects all people."
"First and foremost, I would say pornography has something to do with it... men don't really have to put in the effort to go out and seek a mate when they can just do it at the comfort of their space."
"Her life was close to ruined... this right now is the moment of her vindication."
"We value generosity, compassion, and fairness because we experience and appreciate their positive effects."
"One of my primary purposes is to build communities."
"It sure does, kindness goes a long way, doesn't it?"
"The verdict sends a strong message that colleges and universities cannot simply wind up and set loose students as social justice warriors and then wash their hands of the consequences."
"Dream big, see the opportunity for making the world better."
"Dressing is not just a question of aesthetics. It's about how we're perceived, how seriously we're taken, the kinds of jobs that we may be able to get, the spaces in which we can move around, the connections we form, the way people judge us."
"The global community of gamers can be a force for good."
"War: what is it good for? Well, some things actually, like shaving off the generational excess of violent young men who want to have their valiant power fantasy."
"Billionaire philanthropy works on a similar principle. They are selling solutions to the problems they cause, and the solution they're selling is themselves."
"I couldn't dare do that. For what? Who gains from that? Not my people. I just couldn't be a sellout. I couldn't be an enabler."
"It's not another day to the other person, it's not another day to the people who know that person even if it is just concocted for greeting cards, it still has real social ramifications."
"Every dollar spent on green energy R&D will do eleven dollars of social good."
"When we really want to do good in the world, then let's really do good in the world and not just end up feeling good about ourselves."
"We're not going to win on every single issue, but even if we win on 25% of our goals, do you have any idea how much that improves the lives of so many people?"
"Every project I have has to have a charitable component or cause to it."
"This for me isn't about the numbers, it's about doing more. I want to change the world, I want to make the world a better place."
"I don't get why humans choose to be mean, which is so much more difficult and so much more damaging than just being nice."
"All knowledge of any social importance begins as esoteric occult knowledge and it's hidden from the masses then it's propagated through science fiction books and then later TV and movies to condition the masses."
"I've been very lucky, made a lot of money and I'm giving it all away to make this country better."
"The fact is, Alzheimer's is not just a disease of the individual who has it. It is a burden on also individuals who are caregivers as well."
"The history of this redneck or cracker culture is more than a curiosity; it has contemporary significance because of its influence on the economic and social evolution of vast numbers of people, millions of blacks and whites, and its continuing influence on the lives and deaths of a residual population in America's black ghettos which has still not completely escaped from that culture."
"My wife and I wrote a book about it; in this book, with knowledge, evidence, and fact, my other book got them haters shook because it's helping my people take a closer look."
"The federal-aid highway act of 1956 was one of the largest public works projects in American history. It became a pattern in cities across the country: poor and minority residents were displaced to make way for highways."
"It's just a road unless it was your community that was targeted, your homes and community institutions and businesses that were destroyed, robbing people in the community of their wealth and economic foundation." - Professor Deborah Archer
"Why Unions Make the World Better for Literally Everyone."
"Union membership has varied inversely with income inequality since the 1930s."
"The media can be a weapon; it can be used for good, and it definitely is powerful."
"You feel like any little piece of information that gets out on you will be used by the worst people on the internet to destroy your life."
"The beauty is in helping other people. That's a feeling you can't get from a drug, from gambling... there's just something about doing good."
"If you care about something deeply enough, you can make other people care."
"Don't let anyone take away who you are and how true you are and what you matter in this world to so many other people."
"We know exactly who will be hurt most by Texas law... particularly women of color and poor women will be most affected."
"For every dollar spent, you will deliver $121 of social good."
"Shady Ray's also provides 10 meals to fight hunger in America with every order placed, and they've provided over 10 million meals to date."
"Imagine what could happen if we allow ourselves to show up, how it could positively impact the world."
"Your reality-denying delusional lunatic fringe movement hasn't applied any noticeable pressure to nor made any impact on actual science whatsoever."
"Major American cities burned for weeks, for months on end. Police cars were firebombed, police officers were murdered, stores were looted, people were assaulted."
"We could retire and make gourmet butter... but then my 13-year-old son said, 'You can't retire, mom. You're doing so much good for the world.'"
"Inflation can destroy the middle class and it disproportionately hurts the middle class and the financially poor."
"How much good we can do if we understand our power."
"Unity is so important because unity is the thing that can really bring about change."
"I channel it in socially acceptable ways and leverage this energy to help victims of abuse."
"I do think that compelling stories of real people whose lives have been turned upside down can have an effect."
"The bottom fifty percent of Americans get absolutely crushed by this type of manipulation."
"The longer we cared for her, the more I realized that this is a massive opportunity, right, to make or to build something that not only is necessary but can really have an impact in people's lives who are going through something similar."
"We need more people making money doing the right thing."
"He got a law degree and now he represents people who had felonies and are trying to get jobs. I think that's really cool."
"We were able to move 161 people into housing and 103 people got employment."
"Race does not biologically exist, yet how we identify with race is so powerful it influences our experiences, shapes our lives."
"PTSD...causes extreme levels of distress and impairment. There's divorce, isolation...extreme alcohol abuse, they become homebound."
"Nothing ruins a great appearance or otherwise odorless aura like bad breath."
"Our vision is to be sure that we improve the lives of three billion people per year by 2030."
"At the end of the day, I don't think that anybody should be prevented from pursuing something that would beneficially impact society on the whole."
"Serial killers devastate everyone around them."
"Gerald has been hosting some of them at his home. Gerald is doing wonders out here."
"A lack of empathy prevents people from understanding the impact they have on others, justifying wrongful actions."
"You never know who's watching, who you're going to or who you can impact. It becomes you're not showing up for me, I'm showing up for the other people."
"Video games are no longer just a hobby or a pastime; they're much more than that."
"People's egos oftentimes get in the way of them living a more fulfilled life."
"This shift doesn't happen in a vacuum. Part of it was about appeasing corporate interests and putting the economy first."
"It is wholly dependent on social action. You tell me what people do, I'll tell you the results."
"All right, we helped to give this dog a life. He now has friends."
"The untreated mental illnesses that we're seeing on our streets right now, that is a byproduct of a broken health care system."
"Luton's rise is not just a footballing achievement but a community triumph, especially considering their engagement with all demographics of Luton's diverse population."
"Politics, in its essence, is actually the acquisition of power that you can exert on society. That's what it really is. Politics is about gaining power so that you can enact certain things that you believe in."
"I want to make this world a better place. This is what I'm doing why I'm here."
"Helping others, being of service, maximizing how much you matter actually is the number one cause of human flourishing."
"It's going to have a tremendous impact on women across the country."
"I think it's so important to focus on what you want to do because what I actually ended up doing from that experience in South Africa... was start an NGO."
"I want to use my channel to spread awareness about actual issues...spread the news that is actually relevant and matters."
"Earl's Good Deeds create new friends wherever he goes, helping shape the community into one where everybody helps each other rather than compete against each other."
"Shady Rays' IMPACT program works with nonprofits worldwide to make an impact on the life of children and young adults."
"You're supposed to understand, examine history, recognize the accurate telling of it, and then see the contemporary impact of wrongs in the past."
"If you're adding to America, right, we have a housing crisis in the United States, you're literally buying houses or even building new construction properties and you're providing housing for Americans."
"The American Civil War... it's one of the most evil things that has ever happened in American history, and we are still paying for it."
"Whistleblowers are everywhere, and whether we think they're traitors or heroes, their impact is undeniable. They are the voices of our conscience."
"While trans people using the restrooms of their choice negatively affects nobody, forcing them to use the bathrooms associated with their birth does hurt trans people."
"Politics is about the difference we make every day to the lives of people up and down this country. They are our reason for being here, and we should never forget it." - Prime Minister
"I think comedy brings people together a lot more than it drives them apart."
"I do feel like we made a difference out there even if it was just a little."
"Two weeks after you die, most people have forgotten about you."