
Group Behavior Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"If you can sit down with a person and talk to them, a person is smart and people in groups are really stupid."
"It's fascinating how 'mind virus' concepts can significantly affect certain groups of people."
"If you're doing market analysis, if you're trying to find out who's in your audience, if you're trying to find out what groups of people think in similar ways, this is an approach that you're probably going to use."
"People will tend to follow others; they will jump on bandwagons, and it is a very powerful driver of share movements."
"The starling choreographed dance is thought to deter large predators like hawks or falcons."
"When he drove up to Synanon, everyone was waving bye at Francis and they were all bald, and he was like, 'This is creepy. This is like a cult.'"
"This one is epic, see how the lionesses are all gathered around and teamed up against that one lion who couldn't do them all."
"People are smart; they can handle it. The person is smart; people are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it."
"The prisoners themselves witnessed guards dividing them based on their behavior, forming clear cliques within the community."
"If somebody starts turning into a jerk, the other people say, 'Hey, you know what, cool it, this is like a bit much.'"
"It's the cult, they're busy preparing some Kool-Aid."
"A race that was willing to kill its own members would not have thrived in that manner."
"I tried so hard, I was like oh my god they keep going together why are they having a buddy what is this kindergarten everyone holding hands together what the [ __ ]"
"The rational decision here is to be part of what Nate Silver terms Group C."
"Men thrive when they fit into a social group in a symbiotic way."
"Anonymous groups can often tend to be more violent in general and more prone to serious violent crimes."
"Friend groups are forming, they want to impress each other."
"Mass psychogenic illness is a real occurrence."
"A social contract: You're agreeing that within the context of the group it is permissible to lie."
"History doesn't teach us how to behave in any given situation, but it shows us how large groups of us might behave in certain situations."
"Because if you truly believe that you're part of a crowd, then your assumption, your need, your passion will be emulated by the crowd."
"Fear is very effective at keeping people in their in-group."
"We're like a family there. Like, we do everything together. We eat together, we get high together."
"You're now part of a collective making choices together. This feeling like you're part of a hive mind leads to disinhibition, the lowering of your guard when it comes to behavior that you wouldn't normally engage in."
"When something kicks off, that mob mentality just grips a community."
"Social proof says if I don't know what to do in times of uncertainty, I will do what others do."
"Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups."
"This is serious. I don't want anyone joking around in this chat."
"Mass formation psychosis, whatever you want to call it, it does exist and it's demonstrable. You don't have to believe it exists, you can know that it exists."
"It really does have all of the things that a cult has."
"Now lastly, we like people who are like us and who like us back, so when you're in a group, it always helps to emphasize similarities with other members and to give genuine compliments."
"People can stick together when it comes to negativity. People can stick together when they're doing evil."
"Society reacted when such occurrences have taken place involving larger groups of onlookers."
"It's a strange social experiment, somehow they all get on the same page."
"I think this is mass formation psychosis. I think we finally found it."
"He's been bossing them around to the point where they're literally avoiding you."
"It's a pretty strong example of how the mob mentality can take over."
"By many accounts, members of antifa and related far-left groups engaged in worse conduct and, in fact, instigated much of the violence."
"Yeah, this air is not good right over here. Watch this swarm mentality, watch everyone swims to her. It's awesome."
"The reality is I don't see far-right groups starting riots for the past hundred and ten hundred and twenty days."
"This real phenomenon with huge implications has been called the wisdom of crowds."
"The bystander effect is the tendency for any given bystander to be less likely to give aid if other people are present."
"The most popular needs the most attention, while the quiet ones get neglected."
"We never said we were the most patient bunch."
"It is a different thing when there's not a single woman around. It changes everything."
"When the boys are together, we're all gonna get our wieners and put them on display."
"It's the first sweet that they have had and you would think that they would tear into it and eat every cookie and every bit of chocolate but in fact the group rarely eats even half of what I put out."
"When the critical mass begins, when the Stampede starts, that's all it takes, just one spooked animal to trigger the Stampede."
"The egos are insane. I love that they're hosing each other down with some kind of weird juice all the time."
"Human beings go mad in crowds and come to their senses slowly and individually."
"In individuals, insanity is rare, but in groups, it is the rule."
"Real men's [ __ ] like, I had to battle in jails. I was always out of town jails. I was always the New Yorker out of town. Look, these [ __ ] roll like them hyenas, man. I don't respect that."
"They're never like malicious. They do it because they're savage and they think it's fun."
"It's not about getting together in unity, it's about being on code."
"Bandwagon effect: It's the tendency to do things because many other people do the same."
"I mean, look at that conga line, that is just unreal!"
"This is a classic example of the bystander effect where people choose not to help someone in need."
"This is why the office busybody, well perhaps just friend group busybody, has done this now."
"Insanity is unusual amongst individuals but it seems to be the norm amongst groups."
"He began buying as many stocks as he could which also led other people's taking the same action thanks to this the market started to recover and many people have followed Livermore's leads also made a lot of money as a result of this."
"There are people who drank the kool-aid after all but hopefully it will."
"The show could have been a nice study in tribalism or how women interact and solve problems together."
"Misery loves company, creating demonic tribes that resonate on negative frequencies."
"Small spiders: swarm predators with a horrifying defense."
"They just did it, millions of people simply assumed reflexively a partisan position in a highly complicated foreign crisis, the next crisis and as they did they moved in perfect lockstep."
"This is where the word cult starts to become quite popular."
"It's just classic in-group out-group."
"A group of ferrets is called a business."
"Acting like a pack of wild animals savagely and mercilessly beat the couple... encouraging each other and laughing."
"Scale does change dynamics of a group."
"We turn to social psychology, away from individual psychology."
"Wow, this is resonating a lot but again a huge amount of variety of things that really you can see are linked to our sense of acceptance within the group, aren't they?"
"The attack on Steven, this was not an isolated event by this group of young men."
"Yo, you guys know I always say this, but where there's one clown, there's more."
"We're gonna need a way to lure them down there somehow, with something they want bad enough to all pile in there at once."
"This is like a toxic group, a toxic, cult-like energy."
"So much of group dynamics is about avoiding saying the wrong thing as it's about ensuring no one in the group has a bad experience."
"People are smart. People are stupid together."
"They hang out in groups of about seven or eight together; that social bond is really important."
"A group of zebra is called a dazzle, a group of pandas is called an embarrassment."
"Does anybody know what a group of rhinos is called? A crash."
"Penguins are so cool, did you know that a group of penguins is called a waddle?"
"When a person lacks knowledge of how to behave and looks to the group for guidance, that is informational social influence."
"Giant mosasaurs often travel in groups to protect their young, they will attack and eat virtually anything that moves."
"That's what a group of kangaroos is called, a mob."
"These group feedings blew my mind."
"Norms are basically the acceptable standards of behavior within your group that are shared by people who are members of the group."
"Any group of flamingos is called a flamboyance."
"Groups function on many levels: formal and informal, overt and covert, conscious and unconscious."
"Identification is where the individual adopts the views and behaviors of the group publicly and privately."
"Social loafing is the tendency of some group members not to put forth as much effort in a group situation as they would working alone."
"If buffaloes are threatened, they will form a line into a group and they will actually charge."
"A group of sloths is called a snuggle."
"Groups of individuals can obsess over the most absurd things."
"Safety in numbers, well it's true because to a large fish, they look like a larger fish right instead of food."
"A group of wolves is called a pack."
"A person is smart, but people are dumb."
"When we act as part of a group, we feel less personally responsible for bad outcomes."
"Losing the sense of our own individual values makes us more easily follow the group's behavior."
"Once every individual feels like he's being attacked from every side, the tendency is to join a group."