
Building Quotes

There are 1688 quotes

"It's got to be a combination of those two things, where like, you don't just find the perfect relationship; you build it."
"Ultimately, what this means is designing and building in more efficient and sustainable ways."
"Now's the time of finally centering yourself in order to build your castle."
"It's just so fun to finally have new lots to visit, and more townies to meet, and more places to build and stuff."
"What you didn't know while you were building for God is that God was building for you abundantly."
"We've got to build the most epic Hacker House ever."
"The good thing about doing these challenges is that you can actually learn to build in new ways."
"It's about building, renovating, fixing, changing something in the home. So very cool."
"It's a solid foundation upon which to build."
"Anything in this world that you want to build, that you want to produce, requires steps, and if you don't do those steps correctly, at some point, it will give or will be compromised."
"No way, I'm already starting building my foundations, and I'm building it out of smooth stone. It is the perfect block to use because it's nice and sturdy, and it looks like concrete does in the real world."
"We've been taught wrong. The first thing that we should be able to go look for and look for first is the land because when I find the land then I can build my house."
"Let's take the dirt house that we all know and love and give it a tribute by upgrading it into something that looks like this."
"New beginnings, new starts. It's not a new beginning because I literally been building this for a while."
"Legos are so cool! You can build anything in the world."
"Finish the millennium falcon and got a bunch of new lego stuff."
"Building has always been my passion... I just saw that I couldn't do anything but building."
"There's gonna be a lot of darkness and Chaos over the next five years but we're building something underneath that darkness and Chaos."
"Now we just gotta put down the beautiful blocks, okay beautiful, beautiful. Nothing got destroyed, that's what we like to see."
"Hopefully by the end of this tutorial, you should have a pretty epic building to kind of use."
"Building is really cool and it's a good tactic."
"Finally, it's the fun part. So, time to start building."
"This conversation, this world rewards the builders."
"Efficiency in this building is just really awesome."
"My grandfather built this place. Not that it's any of your business."
"Placing down the buildings manually was going to be a much faster option... I'll show you how I'm going to be building my suburbs and why that's going to be a much faster option."
"As long as you get back on track, you didn't f*** up."
"A road can actually inspire you to build some more stuff along it."
"Slime blocks: movable structures that changed the way we build."
"Everything can be improved, Founder. Don't you agree?"
"What comes next we could build it and it could be better."
"It's truly one of the best builds I've made for a while."
"The ultimate goal of engineering has always been not just to learn but in fact to build something extraordinary that seemed impossible."
"If you can dream it, they can build it." - Jeremy Whitman and Jimmy King
"You can't build a dynasty without putting the first brick down. Where is this thing we're supposed to be building?"
"If you're going to have patience and vision, you have to have something to build with."
"A good foundation does not guarantee a mansion, but no mansion is built without a foundation." - Mimo
"This is the biggest build I've done so far in this world, ladies and gentlemen."
"We'll be able to recruit them, we'll be able to join forces and maybe we'll be able to build something great."
"Total build here only costs 300, and I'll show you exactly how to achieve that price."
"Check it out, we've got things like farming going on here, house building, and more."
"You would never build a house and start with a second floor, you would start with a great solid foundation."
"Start where you are. You build a house brick by brick."
"I'm a horrible builder, but there you go. There's my bamboo done. Simple. I like it."
"In the meantime, go and build something cool."
"It's so invigorating and inspiring to build that world."
"Sim Settlements... adds a SimCity SK building system into Fallout 4."
"You have to really enjoy building stuff ultimately."
"The first step on your journey to become a master builder."
"Tell them if they don't agree, keep building."
"Every build has its own share of challenges."
"Exactly how I imagined it, and that's kind of how I like to build."
"He's built the foundations, he's laid the bricks, he's done everything."
"Great decks are built on the backs of the small."
"These buildings were blown up with explosions."
"Learn how to build an AR... it's pretty fun."
"In the Battle of the builds what would you choose foam warriors?"
"You can definitely build something amazing with this person."
"We're closer together than ever and we're building."
"Build a life worth living first, and then perpetuate that."
"When we're old and gray, we're gonna think back and be like, 'Remember how much fun it was when we were building the house in the mountains.'"
"We want to build castles on solid foundations."
"Enjoy the journey, what you build will be solid and amazing."
"It's not about the builds, it's about the journey."
"I feel like we really had potential in this build."
"I'm not just building myself a new computer because what fun would that be? I'm building myself a whole new set up."
"Every block is like a building block for people's imagination."
"There's just something so rewarding about building these areas for the villagers."
"You really take that risk as a builder when you think of a cool idea."
"We're building a home, it feels like a home version, there's no and you know it is, there's no other."
"Apparently, people actually think I'm a good builder."
"If you want a bunch of cobblestone and a pretty efficient farm, then go ahead and make this, it works pretty perfectly."
"Creativity and attention to detail make Minecraft builds incredible."
"Just placing down all the stone I've spent like 20 minutes on it I think it's going to change the base for the better for sure."
"It kind of seems like they were almost made for each other."
"I can't get over the fact that I've created something so cool like I've never done a village before."
"It's not just about winning, but what you're building."
"I just feel constitutionally that I'm doing something wrong if I'm not building something new."
"The build deck, the space that you've got there and what you can do with that space in regards to velocity post lists or series configurations. There's so many options if you're a tinkerer."
"They're all makers, they're Craftsmen, they're created to build."
"Wow, this is awesome, I love the Iron Man house I've built so far."
"So many cool things you can build with that and the Warden, Nox crew dude, it's amazing to see all the excitement!"
"As we play, we're gonna be building something called the tower of peril."
"Sons of the forest is probably one of the greatest games that I've ever played in terms of like log physics like it's it's so satisfying to build stuff out of wood in that game seriously."
"I have never built a house with such a glow up before in a survival world."
"The same thing happens with those builds, and they're far and few between because it takes a lot of time, dedication, and you just have to have those creative juices flowing."
"In our ideal, we want to get the fundamentals in place, whatever they may be, in a way that we can build on top of them."
"It should be something that you build for the future."
"Eventually, my long-term goal is, I want to like, ideally years in the future tear it down and build a new shop in its place that's more of a garage rather than a shop."
"I love dark oak wood. I think it looks really, really good for building."
"Building things, making things, creating things - that's what humans excel at."
"That was a bad idea making my house on sand like that."
"It's nice to build a house in the mountains."
"Halfway there! All right, now I'm going to add the badger."
"You got some building to do. Ready to build?"
"Honestly, when you're building in Minecraft, you're using blocks and pretty much only blocks, so you're gonna end up with a very unique style of home."
"Before we get into that, we're going to go and do some doors and windows."
"My life gets better with everything I build."
"Just building your system from the bottom up is just the experience."
"I built the $800 Lego Millennium Falcon set out of parts I already had."
"We need to start with the community and build from there."
"The wise man considers his field first and then builds his house."
"I just completely obsessed with like this whole build and everything about it so hopefully you guys have liked it as much as I do."
"They'll build so much of what they've done in this season's competition."
"Grandma and Grandpa Griffith got the boys and Legos and Calvin sat for the whole hour and helped build this back apartments"
"You're building big structures in your own personal life."
"Just rename it to the satisfying build all because of that right there."
"A step towards allowing more builds to flourish."
"You're going to be so focused on something that gives you strong emotional nourishment, Capricorn. Build something magnificent for yourself."
"Build it because you want to build it, build it because you think it is fun."
"I started building my base. This was very necessary because it was getting cold."
"It's bringing with it the possibility to build something tangible, durable, long-lasting, and concrete in our lives."
"If you like games where you can build things and you like swords then this right here is the game for you."
"This build... one of the most creative builds I've seen today."
"It's all about the journey and what you build along the way."
"Your base is looking beautiful, your materials are strong."
"Minecraft 1.9 for Bedrock seems to have 100% of its features entirely focused around building."
"Don't paint a house that has a broken foundation or that needs a new foundation."
"Every time we do that, it almost feels like we're putting bricks and mortar on the foundation of the house that we're creating for the better world."
"My goals for this challenge is to expand and create a really cool base."
"Large Ninjago City still one of maybe my favorite Lego build experience of all time."
"Jake opens his letter, and the only thing written on it is 'Time to build your own house.'"
"I'm enjoying what we have here and let us continue to build."
"But as of now, I do want to make it a build with it."
"It takes a lot longer to build up goodness than it does to tear it down."
"You're working hard towards building a foundation."
"You can't build anything on a soft foundation."
"Congrats on your second build and very glad that the videos are helping you out."
"Framing nailer... hard-pressed to build a house without one of these."
"Honestly, it's probably half the reason why it took me so long to build this whole entire lot, it was basically like I was playing The Sims 5."
"You guys can build quite a bit with the tools I'm recommending here."
"There's just so much good debug landscaping with the trees and everything combined you can make some really pretty houses with this stuff."
"I have invented the wheel I have built my first structure and I am having a ton of fun in Dawn of Man."
"I think it's time to get our build on, ladies and gentlemen."
"This is insane I'm loving this, oh it's really good you'll notice lots of detail with andesite and stone slabs to pull things together."
"I love them, I can't wait to build with this."
"New mini base, new amazing island, new amazing bridge, new resources, new freaking magic."
"Joey's such a good builder, he really doesn't get the credit he deserves."
"Isn't this the most annoying parts of the build... aside from the stickers, let's be honest."
"It's been a long time since I've built a home in Minecraft."
"I love Base building, you know? Base building is one of my favorite things."
"This is one of the coolest builds in Minecraft I've ever seen."
"Build your settlement early for hidden quests and abilities."
"Inventory management can be largely about making our build."
"I love people who are currently building... I'm currently engaged in building."
"When it comes to building in this case, in general, I did find it a very easy and pleasant experience."
"If you like Legos, you're going to love housing in Elder Scrolls Online."
"Turbo building of course... the greatest setting ever."
"Being a good builder is easier said than done."
"I love challenges that kind of build on themselves."
"Build challenges are always kind of fun for me because I feel like it gives me some inspiration to try something a little bit different that maybe I wouldn't have thought of before."
"Poor guy makes one building and then the mobs come and screw it."
"If you want to build something, you just have to keep going at it. You can't give up, you find ways to deal with adversity, and you keep going forward."
"The trick in Arc is to try and make yourself a flat platform to be able to build stuff on."
"Relationships must be built. Great relationships are always built." - RC Blakes
"You can't build Squidward's house and not build SpongeBob's house."
"How much of me building my neighborhood you actually want to see?"
"Let's start building, let's do more experiments."
"I kicked into that. I just got the board but um, yeah, so slowly built it up from there. Great, awesome!"
"Kitchens are like, my favorite thing to build because again, everybody's house has one."
"For a wide range of potential customers in terms of their age ranges and their levels of interest in the hobby, their levels of experience with building, this is a success."
"One of my favorite builds I think that I've ever done in a series."
"You're building something solid for the future that's that emperor energy that's right here behind the lovers."
"If you have any questions about this build or if you'd like to give us ideas for builds in the future, let us know in the element14 community."
"You can collect thousands of different dragons and with them, you can build your own dragon city."
"There's no better feeling in Minecraft than when a build comes together, am I right?"
"Creativity knows no bounds, even in Minecraft building."
"Not bad at all... you can build some pretty cool stuff."
"You can really create unique builds that nobody else could create."
"Let's focus on building a better future together."
"I had the approach in my hand long before the build and while I was waiting for the grindstone to go."
"What makes this game so cool in my opinion is you are building the path with these cards that you randomly get at the start of the game."
"I leveled the ground and just started building. I didn't have a plan, I didn't know what I was gonna build, but I knew if I built it, it would come."
"It's just so satisfying to build in this game."
"Just continue to find people who really want to build with you... just have boundaries."
"Some of you water signs are going to feel like material things are going to stop mattering to you so much."
"Kyle and Cayenne are going to just build something really sweet with you, Lord. We just thank you, we just praise you, and we just know that this is the beginning."
"You've got to slowly and gradually build it up... it could take decades of a lifetime to build."
"This is all brick built and it just goes to show how builders can inspire great creations with their work."
"It's always interesting to build a car, it really gives you a whole lot of patience."
"You're building a freaking legacy here."
"They want to build something with you for the long term."
"This might be one of the best, if not the best times to build a gaming PC."
"This is a good one that you could build with other people, with family, with friends in different sections."
"What are we building, and what are we going to learn today?"
"I'm thoroughly impressed by this kit, it was enjoyable to build."
"I feel like we could build a home together, a place for the two of us."
"If I could encourage you to build your own system, of course, I'm going to try that."
"These are my bindings, but I'm not bound. I build tomorrow, and I can build it kinder."
"Dream it, you can build it with Squarespace."
"It's time to start building. If you have an idea or maybe you don't even have an idea yet but you're like you know that this is what you want to be doing."
"What kind of relationships excite you moving forward, and how are you building those kinds of relationships romantically or just in friendship?"
"Lego killed it with this thing; the spaceship feels massive for 5,000 pieces and is crazy detailed."
"It has the coolest Lego build maybe I've ever seen."
"We're all doing this at any work to some degree, building something for others."
"Most of your learning should be actually building things."
"Who wants to start talking about parts? Who is excited about what is in this build?"
"This is where building with a community can be super awesome."
"Our house was small, but it was ours to build, and we were happy to have a place to call our own."
"Go to your heart's content and build stuff."