
Personal Choices Quotes

There are 1160 quotes

"Choose the form of restriction that feels least restrictive to you."
"If you want to predict where you’ll end up in life, all you have to do is follow the curve of tiny gains or tiny losses, and see how your daily choices will compound ten or twenty years down the line."
"Not everybody's path is the same. Please stop asking people when they're going to get married or when they're going to have kids."
"All respect to the young men out there who are saying no to Hedonism and are choosing whether it's practicing their faith or staying disciplined."
"I said I would never date a pastor, and he's a pastor."
"People are free to do what they want; they can come and go as they please. But then they fail to mention the fact that there are consequences for doing the thing they don't want you to do."
"We all have to be responsible for what we decide to do."
"We don't go to Mexico for a friend's birthday when we're in bad debt."
"I would much rather Zion be making horrible fashion choices than horrible life choices."
"I wouldn't feel guilty about my choices; you shouldn't feel bad about yours."
"I looked at people that were 10, 15, 20 years older than I was. They were in most cases overweight, they were seemingly very unhappy, they were on their second or third marriages, and I looked at that going, I don't want to be them."
"Your life is a reflection of an exact reflection of the choices you have made."
"I like who I am and it's just as simple as that. I like my choices."
"Don't bring people down just because you don't agree with what they're doing to themselves."
"I'm 38 and still a virgin. I've been intentional about that, as well as having addictive tendencies growing up."
"Kendrick is essentially choosing himself and his family over this futile pursuit of changing the world."
"You wanted freedom from that life, you wanted freedom to make your own money, you wanted freedom to make deals with Netflix and Spotify, but you also wanted to serve the Queen."
"The question of what you want to own, is actually the question of how you want to live your life."
"No individuals should be put in a position where they can't live their lives and do what they want to do with their lives."
"Make better choices for yourself; nobody's gonna do it for you and take really, really good care of your wonderful selves."
"Your reaction to my body hair tells me everything I need to know about you."
"The right choice is the choice that feels expansive and joyful."
"You're lucky you could afford to leave. This kind of made me angry because luck had nothing to do with it."
"If you turned your back on something or someone, you did the right thing."
"You can't live your life based on other people's opinions... So you might as well do what you want to do."
"If someone came up to me was like here's your deal, you could do like two sessions a week forty-five minutes each and get almost exactly the same results as if you did double that work, what do you want to do?"
"The only thing that I can control are my thoughts, my feelings, and my behavioral choices. That is it."
"My channel is about becoming a better version of yourself, making better choices."
"You walked away from what you wanted in order to walk toward what you deserved."
"I think about the dude who saved the money to get the ticket and then saved a little extra cash for some beer and some merch and didn't tell his old girl."
"What is the best lesson you have learned since you lived in LA? Just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean that it's right for you."
"You can't care about what other people think about your choices because at the end of the day, you're the one who has to live with them."
"Change the world. Every decision you make influences the state of the world, from smoky skies to crystal clear water."
"You will always have critics... you can give into your critics and listen to them, and your life is ruined, or you can just ignore them and move on and do the right thing."
"Should you give up your dreams for the love of your life? Never. Give up their dreams for the sake of a relationship."
"If he wanted to marry you, he would have married you."
"Do you want to be a mother? How do you want to raise your kids?"
"You want to get married? Get married. That's right, exactly right. You want to have babies? Have a bunch."
"Superior, top rated, best ever... mashed potatoes, I mean if you could, if you can only pick one thing, yes mashed potatoes." - Garrett
"If you're all in with personal preference as guiding what is and what is not legitimate sex, you're demographically imploding."
"The situation is exactly why you live the free agent lifestyle. Uh, okay, thank you so much for that."
"When that thing turns sour on you, which it did for me over BFA and Shadowlands, then not eating that thing anymore is fine."
"This represents black women. Anybody who chooses to bear a child with Future is doing it from a place of self-hate at this point."
"Have you ever faced a choice so clear it felt like the universe was giving you a nudge?"
"Live your life that you want to live for you."
"His career didn't die, it just achieved its purpose: wealth. And like, that's not a bad thing."
"Everyone's gotta eat, everyone's got to do what's best for them."
"It's weird to fly out in the middle of the day, it's for what weird people do."
"We always feel like we're doing wrong no matter what we choose, but really, we're doing good."
"I enjoy myself on the road... but then we'll make healthy choices."
"When you don't owe anyone anything, you have autonomy and you have options."
"Don't spend time watching things that you don't like. You should be out doing something good with your life."
"It's not a game... It's not a game. And there will be a time to pay for your choices."
"You got one life to live on this planet you might as well not regret things."
"Always tend towards the side of experiencing something."
"Why do you have to deprive yourself of those delicious treats that you love so much?"
"To do it in this fine little bubble and would kind of take all the fun out of it."
"Who's to say when Zaya turns 18, 21, 25, 30, who's to say they will regret it?"
"We've been playing games with ourselves. When you make a decision, are you doing it because you're afraid to be judged, or because you truly want to do it and it's your highest frequency?"
"If they serve their time and you still enjoy their movies or their music or whatever then fuck it why not."
"Chains do not break because of choruses, chains break because of choices."
"Do the you want to do because if you get famous off things you don't like doing, you're going to have to do that for the rest of your life."
"I think there's a lot of nuance in here, and individually what's right for you might not be right for someone else."
"I was never told what I could and couldn't do."
"If you can make some moral choices that make you sleep better at night, then do that."
"Make a decision about something that you've been juggling."
"He's targeting single moms who do OnlyFans and then brag about it like that's their retirement plan."
"I think I've chosen a path of integrity and it hasn't always been easy."
"Shaming child-free people is never the answer."
"A number of professional-quality minidisc recorders ultimately made it to the market and saw quick adoption in radio worldwide."
"What the [ __ ] you do now will determine your whole future."
"Poor flat earth, don't go [ __ ] marry a woman and then come out as a flat earther 20 years later you [ __ ]."
"You have more options than you think you do."
"In a battle of egos and greed, Daisy chose dignity over drama."
"Everything boils down to choices. Every day the choices you make determine the road you'll take."
"If the world was ending and I could pick one fight that I could see, I honestly, I think I would, uh, I would do one. I would, it'd be simple."
"Your character is the sum total of your choices. While you don't control all the circumstances in your life, you do control your choices."
"What would he do if he was forced between being ant-man and being just Cassie's dad?"
"I genuinely mean that is I can make these meaningful choices."
"I decided to be anything less than what I want to be in this life."
"Life is a vapor before we know it, our time on this earth will come to an end, and all we're left with is a series of choices that lead to the outcome of our lives."
"I won't be able to do this forever, so I want to make sure I go out my own way."
"If I had to choose between eating and being a little bit hungry at the end of each meal or having to eat when I'm completely stuffed, I would choose the former."
"I always like doing what everybody else wasn't doing."
"However, Emily declares she doesn’t want to go, and the reason she’s feeling guilty is because of choosing her new lover over her mom."
"Relationships are risks, period. If you're not there, the calculus is much different."
"Standing in your power and really deciding what's best for you basically."
"The reality is institutionalization, jail, or death."
"I prefer spending money on experiences over things."
"I would rather be illegally alive than legally dead."
"It's all about your freedom and doing what you want to do."
"Please, if you feel like education is worth it, stay in it."
"Every choice I make is going to be impactful."
"It's not anyone's business what that livelihood is or the decisions that they make."
"But when you consider all of the choices she makes, Sharon's not really a good person."
"You gotta decide what you're gonna let come between you."
"If you're in the triples, alright, so girl has she's a 10 but she's slept with 20 people what is she, what's a two bag twenty twenties, oh she's in it."
"She's confident in who she is and can choose the decisions that are best for her."
"Timing, more than anything else. I didn't get married till I was 44."
"At least take the swing and like which path would you know make you prouder."
"Would you rather have your child grow up in a completely broken household or send a message that you're willing to fight for healthy love?"
"Well, if he takes four wives, I will take three more husbands."
"I want to hit it and quit it, why? Just let me."
"Who cares about love? Love? We're choosing Kyle, okay?"
"As long as you're having the kinds of sex they want you can have lots and lots of it."
"So let's all do that and let's respect each other's own choices and preferences and let's just be."
"If I'd given into that little 'just stay in the Box' instinct, I would not be as happy of a person as I am."
"I want to replace JJ with um, Josh, one of the dumbest."
"Having a man and having a relationship is not everyone's desire."
"Let them make their own decisions. That's what freedom is all about."
"You've got to do what's best for you and hold on to the principles that are important for you."
"Men are making different decisions now and they are not lonely."
"Why spend hours searching for a partner when you can go to a club and just sit there with a glass of wine in your hand and pick whichever handsome boy you fancy?"
"You need to do that for yourself and it's no wonder that you chose the rose quartz because rose quartz is all about self-love and filling up your own cup."
"Having sex does not mean you have to have a baby."
"So I just want to uh finish this off and thank you so much for for chatting with us with a little bit of a rapid fire just a couple of random questions uh here so just uh coffee or chai it's seasonal I would say coffee but in winters I like chai."
"Do only things that make sense to you, swim against the currents."
"The only way you can make a wrong choice is if you don't honor yourself, really if you don't honor your soul and your emotional needs. That's the only way this can go not great."
"It's never too late, man. You do what you want to do."
"A lot of life is shaped by our values and the things that we choose to stand by."
"Embracing decisions that bring joy and happiness."
"When you sell your body in any capacity you are doing damage to yourself."
"The audacity of people to say, 'I want to raise a child by myself but I wouldn't settle,' but you make that child settle for something that's not right for them."
"I certainly do not want to be playing a hand in anything that could potentially be harmful to humanity."
"I could go out with the lads or I could lock myself in my room and film us comedy sketch about pom bears for eight hours."
"Would you rather look rich or would you rather be rich?"
"I would be the same way, why would you take any more chances with what like all of that just would not want anything to do with it ever again exactly."
"Imagine that with one simple personal choice, with stopping eating processed food, that you could change everything."
"Do you want to be right or do you want to be happy? I can tell you what it's like to be right, I spent the vast majority of my romantic career being right."
"It's not in the name, it's in the decisions I make."
"Our capacity to justify things to ourselves is pretty expansive...if you really want to do something...and the payoff is enough, you can often very rarely justify it to yourself."
"Striving for authenticity is a massive factor in why I choose to do anything."
"Choosing his family over money is a brilliant move."
"Ultimately, you're the only person who has to live with that."
"Stop thinking about what people say you can't do. What are you deciding in your heart to go do now?"
"My definition of greatness is deciding what kind of life I want to leap and then creating it unapologetically even if it means making different choices than other people."
"Iroh's love for Zuko is his paramount trait, urging him to choose his own path."
"Those people who are judging you for it like they can go [ __ ] themselves yeah right you did what was best for you for yourself like you gives a [ __ ] what their opinions are."
"Get stuff that makes you feel comfortable and good."
"For anybody who would call him a sellout... what was he supposed to do, say no and just continue living in a shed for the rest of his life?"
"You can create a rich life through planning and unconventional choices."
"Everybody operates their relationship differently, and not saying what you do is right or what I'm doing is wrong."
"I start with the Constitution and the constitutional right that I have to make choices about my own body."
"One of his life's biggest regrets is competing on the fencing team in high school rather than wrestling."
"I've never smoked a cigarette in my life, never been in a tanning bed, and I eat pretty healthy."
"That's exactly what I'm doing. Which is more important to you, your future or your money?"
"I consciously wanted to sign up for a Simba when I needed a Mufasa."
"Women are built to carry life. Don't put death in your womb."
"Actions reveal preferences. Whatever you ask people, look at what they do, not at what they say."
"Each large muscle of a bodybuilder represents a language he didn't learn, a poem he didn't read, a fun fact he never memorized."
"But yeah, I don't know. Would you let your wife start an OnlyFans?"
"We are either giving into the pressure of the world or the pressure of the word, the word of God, the Bible."
"You must face those consequences if that's what you choose to do."
"If you're a 30 plus year old woman and you don't have a relationship... the only thing that stands between you and the relationship you actually want is your standards."
"April may be that month where you actually decide to just disconnect for a while...practice self-care."
"Figure out what works for you and what's right."
"Don't feel like you need to be pinned into a corner doing what everybody else says works."
"I feel like it pisses people off more when you just don't post anything."
"I just went back. What are you gonna do about it?"
"Focus on what's right for you, not what other people want for you."
"You should just do whatever you feel is right for you, like your own path, which is what I feel like I've always kind of done."
"In today's time, you actually stand out more by not giving it up."
"Nobody else can make them for you and nobody else can stop you from making them."
"Ultimately though, it was his and his family's choice to join the cult and move in with them."
"I don't want kids. I'm sorry Ben, I don't want your babies."
"The devil comes through to remind us to choose a path that is not restricting us."
"Unbelievable, you blew all your money on a car. Bro, what the hell?"
"It's not our abilities that show what we truly are, it is our choices."
"It's not about doing it non-traditionally, it's about doing it in a way that's truly healthy."
"Life is full of choices. A person has to make that choice to want to do better."
"I believe that people should be respected in their choices."
"Why are you telling me I'm gonna die alone too if you are holding out for a high value man?"
"Always would have took him back. Never thought it would happen. I suppose a dangerous and exciting thing because excitement can be exciting."
"At the end of the day, you always gotta go with what feels right for you."
"She doesn't want to have kids, I don't have a kid, that's why the vasectomy."
"Success in life isn't determined by school success."
"It just doesn't feel like the right thing for me."
"That is the difference between courting attention and just getting on with life."
"Not liking children is not a feminist trait. Not having children is not even a feminist trait."
"Within each of us is our greatest ally for healing... we have an indwelling spirit that knows the quality of our choices and is ever-present to help us."
"You're angry with her for saying don't eat the Krispy Kreme doughnut every day?"
"That's your family, you don't have to cut them off, you can get new friends."
"Sink in for a moment. Yes, you can make good choices for yourself."
"I don't do ultimatums, I'm a man of the options."
"There's no amount of money that will ever sway him to do something he doesn't want to do because he already has enough for everything that he could ever want."
"There's no way in the world I'm not gonna do a movie for a year there's no way in the world I could've moved through two years."
"Everybody's entitled to their own opinion but just know that what I'm doing is for me only me only for my self-confidence and I'm just so so thrilled to do it."
"You don't have to push him back but he felt he had to and I respect that."
"I've turned down multi-million dollar deals... I want to enjoy the experience... remember what got me there."
"My own son embarked on a course which threatens ruin and destruction."
"They're gonna follow their heart and rebel against anything holding them back."
"Marcy's betrayal is really messed up even though you understand why she did it."
"You deserve options, you deserve choices, and there is a pure, more balanced love out there for you."
"Women attract every type of man... The problem is most of y'all are responding to the shitty men because they're exciting."
"Life is yours, take it, and do things that make you happy."
"If that means you leaving someone behind because you want balance in your life and because you want equality and because you want fairness it is what it is."
"If he's flexible enough to say let's go to a UU Church instead of the church where my family goes, right? Let's go to a more liberal Christian Church that isn't so preachy and in Dr."
"It's our choice to react and get all mad and upset and irritated with people that just offend you or you could say oh that's very interesting my choice to spend time with them or not or to engage or to give opportunity to or not that's okay."
"Life is all about choices what we choose to do what we choose who we choose to hang with."