
Immediacy Quotes

There are 1460 quotes

"Whatever you're stressed about, if somebody walked through that door with a gun right now, you would not be stressed about it."
"Change happens in a moment. Change does not take ten years."
"There is never time in the future in which we will work out our salvation. The challenge is always in the moment; the time is always now."
"Everyone can have anything they desire in this world. You can have it all, you can have it on your terms, right now."
"It's time right now... if you feel like you need to start something in your life... start doing it right now."
"The important thing to stress is that this needs to happen now."
"You can do something about it right now, for no money."
"We do not want our freedom gradually, but we want to be free now."
"What is actually important is here and now. Now it's definitely now. We try to experience what is available there, on the spot."
"The Water Crisis isn't a thing of tomorrow; it's a thing of today."
"When you want to change, when you want to repent to the Almighty, you never ever say, 'I will do it on Friday.' You say, 'I will do it now.'"
"How do you not come out and immediately condemn this? Not three days later, but immediately condemn this language."
"You can make the world there for everyone, expect honesty from yourself and each other, demand and create truly equal opportunity, not eventually but now and tomorrow."
"People should not wait for next year to get solar."
"Lesson number eight: life is too short. If you want to do something, do it now."
"Everything we do is right now. That right now is the time that all of life happens."
"When something comes out like on a Wednesday or Thursday, you can bet by Friday it's probably already been done on YouTube and everybody's moved on to the next thing."
"The peace of God that passes understanding is right here and now... we can never be closer to God than right here and now."
"Nothing I'm saying is futurist, it all matters now."
"The president is a minute threat to the Republic, a clear and present danger who must be removed immediately."
"The world ends tomorrow, so do whatever you gotta do today."
"The future is now thanks to him and science."
"It's more important to live in the now and live like we're gonna die tomorrow than live like we have 20 years ahead of us, or however many years."
"This is an immediate solution they're trying to come up with right now to get that money to people who are already hurting because of this."
"You could safely spend four percent of your portfolio every single year without running out of money."
"I have to go and see about whether smoke is blowing right now."
"Winter is not only approaching, but it's actually here."
"If you do not have a hook in the first 1.7 seconds, you now have to move on."
"It's right there and then boom, you're ready to play."
"I'm so excited, Christmas is literally already here."
"Stop waiting for the time when perfect comes, say the time is now."
"When you get it, you're going to be able to use it to improve your life tomorrow, right? No waiting for anything."
"Immediate response to the Holy Spirit is crucial; delay is disobedience."
"Once you have the book file and the cover for the book, you can publish it and within 24 hours it'll be live on Amazon."
"We're gonna send this [ __ ] right now. Hold up, you put it in a group chat."
"Preach as if Jesus Christ was crucified yesterday, rose from the dead today, and is coming back tomorrow."
"Close your loops, deal with your problems right then and there."
"When God wants something done, he wants it done all at once sometimes."
"Now is the day of salvation, now is your moment."
"Eight minutes after the hearing wrapped up. Nervous much?"
"Now is the time for you to be bold. Not tomorrow, not an hour from now. Now."
"The easiest, most immediate solution." - "The easiest, most immediate solution"
"I believe we are going to go to conflict and we are going to go soon."
"If you want to buy something, you should buy it today."
"We need a little Christmas right this very moment with everything that we've been through."
"Connect and connect in an open and immediate sort of way."
"Don't waste time, go experience it right now."
"Receive it now, some of you will have instant manifestations."
"I went straight to Twitter because somebody else was like 'did y'all just feel that?'"
"This is as fresh as it gets. These fish were legit swimming around 40 minutes ago."
"I love it all. Here's what I love about stand-up: It's an instantaneous reaction, I can't take it back. When you're doing a movie, I can't change it. Stand-up, you can't change it."
"Take a picture bam right now and you post it Saturday morning boom that's gonna be it."
"Thank god for a new beginning right. It ain't never too late to start over never. I don't even have to wait for tomorrow. I can start right now right."
"Literally the day after this incident happened."
"The felt presence of immediate experience is so powerful."
"The memes could not wait, because memes don't wait."
"Once you get the feel of this mental state, you will be able to will yourself into it immediately without any visualization exercises."
"We didn't need to wait for a committee to do this for criminal charges to come forth."
"When you're in the deep end your only concern is how am I dealing with this right now."
"There's nothing to wait for. Come to Jesus today."
"I'm about to make you believe in the danger right now."
"For the Christian, our battle is now, our boxing is now, the war is now."
"It's time to pick another giveaway winner... You have one minute to make me pick you."
"It's real, it is real, it is real. I'm watching it in real time, it's right here."
"Once we start to do it, immediately everything is okay."
"The immediate production of necessary medication to rural areas in areas that are underserved."
"If you want to change something in your life, it starts now, starts today."
"This just happened they posted this two minutes ago so somebody somebody posted in the Super Chat um that diamond it took it passed away I immediately went to fact check."
"The time for immediate peaceful disturbances is now."
"This generation now, we're here. There's no more future."
"This bill will have immediate impact for the American people."
"You're going to be feeling the positive impacts of this bill right away."
"If you're watching this right now live or on playback God said this today is the day of salvation."
"Now is the time. Don't wait, do it right now."
"It is just as exciting and mind-blowing to connect with you right here right now."
"Things aren't about to begin, things aren't beginning to happen, they are already happening right now."
"You have the opportunity to immediately correct it with loving good behavior."
"Bring it on, let's go right now, come on boyfriend."
"It's about having a full set of control available right here, right now, instantaneously. It's like playing an instrument."
"Everything you need to do to get to your goal is right here, right now."
"In the latter times at the end... Christ could come... today."
"When you talk about return on cash, you're getting a one-year return on cash right now of 9.6."
"Do something, just do something, do it right now."
"The blessings of God are coming upon you right now."
"Your life is going to be transformed right now."
"Your life is going to be settled and secured this night."
"There really shouldn't be any reason you don't get your s*** done right now."
"The crisis you're looking for is already here."
"Live every day like it's your last, 'cause it might be."
"Life in the jungle is a perpetual state of living or surviving in the moment."
"You gotta do it and you have to do it now. I wasn't born this [__], I made me."
"Call the authorities right now. He's right now what's happening."
"Only actions in that moment really matters in the end."
"Gen Z is not waiting. We're doing this work right now."
"I'm going to read portions of this affidavit because it literally came down five ten minutes ago, people have not heard it." - Jesse Weber
"I mean, you know, right or wrong, you know, you gotta address things right away."
"We only have time to act, to act now and to act all together."
"The kingdom of heaven is at hand, it's about to happen."
"Savor this moment, because there's no day but today."
"I'm banging right now, you're buying right now, literally right this second."
"The economy is collapsing, we're doing it right now."
"Will he ensure that Sue Gray's final report is published immediately and in full?"
"Tomorrow isn't promised. I'm going to do what I want to do today and I'm going to enjoy it."
"Let's swing through New York City, let's give people what they want right away."
"Journalism is quick and dirty, it is the first draft of history."
"Whoever can hand over the check fast, boom, from minute to minute."
"It's a good chance to give you more in the moment with us basically, definitely."
"They've got to start making the change happen right now."
"Cancel your [expletive] plans right now... I don't give a [expletive] what you're thinking about doing."
"Let's say it quickly, I wanna improve my English, so I've gotta study and I'm gonna do it now."
"Now is the best time to start." - Jeff Wilson
"At Google, AI isn't a tomorrow thing, it's a today thing."
"Seeing it in your lifetime, not in the Hereafter. Seeing it right here, right now."
"Life is for the living. Make it good right now, right now, right now. Don't wait till tomorrow." - Christine Lewis
"Repent right at that moment don't wait till you feel better."
"Now is the chance. You're watching this, just do it."
"Wake up, look at what's happening in front of you."
"If there is something in front of you today, do it right now."
"This goal is going to help us to react now..."
"Why are we gonna wait? We need to start this now."
"Just start right away... The best time is always to start right now, not tomorrow, today."
"The key here is really not to wait... Instead of saying I'll start tomorrow, just say I'm going to start today."
"The death is the immediate, because you get vaporized."
"We could literally solve the problem in Afghanistan right now in about 24 hours or less probably."
"I was sexually and intellectually attracted to him right away."
"Do you want to know why I use a knife? Guns are too quick."
"People aren't waiting to report, and that includes mainstream."
"There's a way in which this feels immediate that feeds me and I'm really grateful for the opportunity to be able to like work while folks are playing along at home."
"Starting a campaign off as an in medias res completely cuts out all of the terrible awkwardness of character introductions."
"Climate change isn't some distant looming threat, it's here and it's real."
"What a motivator. I could be in heaven tomorrow."
"Preparation for the second coming starts today."
"You can make a top-of-the-range website immediately with Squarespace."
"In Sekiro, everything is happening right here, right now, and you are a big part of that."
"Living life not expecting a bonus afterlife makes every moment in this life more precious."
"Help us take the media back, help us take this back, help us reach the soul of the next generation, and help us do it right now."
"Faith is not believing that God can do it. Faith is believing that God will do it, and He will do it for you, and He'll do it right now."
"Stacy looks at a mounted TV inside the restaurant that has live coverage of the chase."
"There's never the right time, there's the time, not the right time, there isn't even the time, there is the now that's it."
"The possibilities right this moment, not for long, are enormous for a human being."
"What are we waiting for? His kingdom is a present reality."
"Meeting somebody in person, you get to decide right then and there."
"Less than 24 hours after arriving on the scene."
"Confidence is conveyed immediately I don't know how it is but it is."
"The first step starts now, it doesn't start tomorrow."
"Best time to start the hard work is today, is right now."
"It only takes a second... it only takes just one second."
"The best time to act, to start something new, to launch, publish, produce, is now!"
"It's happening. It is so full, so present with us right now."
"And now, now, now, now, now, I have a claim."
"There's no time like the present. Download the DraftKings Sports app now and sign up using my promo code TBC. The Crown is yours."
"That's what it's about, different, right? It's the future."
"The only way to solve a problem is with an action."
"You can't go 'tomorrow I'm gonna eat better,' you can only do it right now."
"What I want is standing right in front of me."
"This is money right now. Not five weeks ago, not five months now."
"This is real money and it's available right today."
"Watching a livestream is so much more fun because it's live, stuff happens live."
"Life is short. We need bonding and community time now. We need peace now. We need happiness now. We need love now."
"It's better to just come out and resolve your problems right then and there."
"In the immediate, there is no end to individual power through the right use of thought."
"The best way to keep up is to read it right then and there, keeping everything fresh."
"The time to do things is now. Now is when we are alive."
"Jack believed Twitter should be for broadcasting what was happening to you in that moment."
"This is not futuristic stuff that's far away. This is stuff that's already happening right now."
"Everything is possible and it's all ours, ready to create right now."
"When you uncap God, He pours out so quickly."
"Climate change gives us time, time to watch how it all shakes out. A bomb though, it hits us, it hits everyone else and then well that's it." - Video Narrator
"This isn't history, it's happening live right now as you're watching this video."
"It's not that it's coming, it's already here."
"Life is short guys... go hug someone you love today."
"Just start working on it today. Literally start working on it today."
"Life is very short, so if you're out there and you haven't told your loved ones that you love them today or you miss them, go today."
"It's not just tomorrow, it's today." - Brad garlinghouse
"Once you have a problem, you need to solve that problem in that moment."
"We can actually taste heaven and taste god and have a personal relationship to the heart and god not later but now."
"Effective immediately, that's on literally June 30th, July 8th."
"Cash is king; there's no waiting around for a paycheck."
"You have to deal with that first. As soon as the referee says go, let me close this space."
"Let's rock and roll right now!" - A call to action infused with energy and enthusiasm.
"What does that tell you to do right now? Nothing."
"It's instant gratification. I type some lines of code and then I see them pop up on the screen."
"This is football if you're watching this is and you're watching Boxing Day for today it ended photos are still as he stands"
"We're witnessing an incident happening in real time."
"The minute a technology comes out you use it."
"There's value in making something feasible right now."
"That Jupiter in Aries is often fast moving, something can be immediate like you just know or you just have an understanding."
"It's all about the ultimate change because it's now."
"Knowing that you have turned someday into right now."
"Judgment is here, it's not coming any longer, it's here."
"Don't be that person that says, 'Oh next month I'll start,' or 'Next week I'll start,' or tomorrow."
"You don't get to play the future game this year, but you get to play in the here and now."
"We can heal everyone that needs to be healed and we can do it now."
"Come join us on our live show, we go live in 35 minutes."
"I'm literally recording this right after the fact, there was a situation that was going on."
"This fight was only made two weeks ago and it's already caught the imagination of the internet."
"If you want money right now, reach out to the community page."
"The time is now to start applying what you know."
"But let's move on to some news that's closer to home."
"We gotta get the best that we can get right now."