
Continuous Effort Quotes

There are 253 quotes

"Do not get complacent. Success may look like failure if you ease up. Sacrifice must be progressively overloaded."
"In the game of life, sometimes the best strategy is simply to keep playing."
"I read somewhere that says when you get married, the man must date his wife every single day."
"It's real and we have to celebrate it, but we also have to remember that progress is not inevitable."
"It's only failure when you call it quits, but if you keep trying, you're eventually going to get there if you just keep taking steps towards something."
"The great thing about live ops is it's never too late. You can start making your game better and better."
"The fight for a better world should be an ongoing one."
"Democracy is not automatic; it takes work every day."
"You never stop dating, you have to keep winning the person over and over again."
"Put on the full armor of God permanently. Satan never takes a day off."
"You gotta work hard. Rocket ship going to the moon and stop halfway, chill out, and then get back to it. No, it never stops. It burns as hard as it can, as bright as it can."
"It highlighted the many battles endured on the continuous journey to equality."
"Health and fitness isn't a six-month diet, the transformation never really ends."
"Just because pride month is ending doesn't mean you don't have to be as prideful."
"To move upstream toward our eternal goal, we must constantly keep paddling."
"Your pursuit of a better life does not stop."
"Everybody, including ourselves, is doing the best we can."
"Making friends doesn't necessarily happen just randomly like it requires effort I guess that's the thing it requires effort and like a continuous effort."
"Those of us that are worried about that eventuality, we have to push harder than anybody else. We have to keep people motivated and make sure they understand it doesn't end just because Trump's out of office. All the problems are still there."
"Investing in yourself isn't a one-time thing. It's about coming back over and over and over again."
"We remain true to our mission and we are happy warriors. We fight onward."
"You want something you never had, you got to do something you never done, and you can't just do it one time. The knowledge that you get, you've got to put it into circulation. You've got to be consistent with the information."
"The greatest reward for doing is the opportunity to do more."
"Success is not a destination, it's a journey. You have to consistently always be successful."
"The real lesson of the story of Jean-Pierre hudan and the Great Pyramid is that the work is never finished."
"The real win is just doing 10 times more of that thing."
"It's very important for us to not kind of take our foot off the gas, right?"
"It's not natural to do something for years at a time without a pause to reflect, to think, just to catch a damn breath."
"You still always just have to continue to be vigilant."
"Change does not roll in on the wheels of inevitability but comes through continuous struggle."
"Successful stubbornness doesn’t always mean finding the answer. Sometimes it means recognizing that the road never ends and settling into the rhythm of putting one foot in front of the other."
"I just made this, put it out. So since people seem to like that, I'm gonna keep doing it."
"We will not back down, we will not stop doing what we're doing."
"Privilege is something you need to recognize at all times."
"Success to me is not a part-time thing, is not a full-time thing, it is an all the time thing in any industry athlete business entrepreneurship doesn't matter."
"He fights from start to finish and he just plays with it all the way through."
"Pride doesn't just begin or end with one month of the year."
"Using your brain and your conscience it's not the kind of job that requires a resume or professional references that's something you're supposed to be doing all the time especially when it comes to this particular issue."
"Now we know what equality looks like... continue to apply it."
"Eliminating conscious bias is step one out of infinity we are all east conquering unconscious bias requires active work express your anti bias."
"That winning mentality can't just be brought to us after we've won a trophy."
"I care about diversity. I care about it now. I care about it all the time."
"You can't just let it slip, it's definitely not something that you're able to just set and forget."
"Senior citizens, all right, well, let's continue this fight."
"She's done the work, and she's been doing the work."
"The most important virtue you need to have operating 24/7 is your belief in yourself."
"Success is the result of small, seemingly insignificant moment-to-moment choices."
"Elections are year-round work. Democracy is something we need to be working on every day."
"Boycotts work, so don't let up; keep up the pressure."
"When it comes to clean elections, Judicial Watch won't ever stop."
"Judicial Watch will continue to do the heavy lifting for the rule of law on elections."
"I'm not done yet. I gotta keep going and going and going."
"You celebrate last night, today you go and do more."
"Confidence is one of those things that you constantly have to keep working on."
"It's an ongoing thing like a lot of things in life. Yeah, you gotta put the work in if it's worthwhile."
"Follow me. Keep on following me. Don't quit. Don't give up. Don't give out. Keep following me."
"You need to always be willing to put in the work."
"Even if you failed, you would literally get up and try again with round and round there is no fail for you."
"Life your best life is something that you're constantly doing now."
"Unlearning racism is a constant journey, just like recovering from addiction."
"Success isn't a destination. It's more of a letter. Gotta keep partying."
"Self-love is just like the relationship that you should always continue putting effort into."
"You have to be constantly working towards something to be happy."
"Your mental is something you just constantly have to work at."
"A good mental health is not a goal, it's more of a journey."
"No matter what, you've got to keep going. Slowly but surely, but you've got to keep going."
"Success is all the small efforts of every single day."
"Sometimes you just have to walk like in an eight and just keep going."
"We speedrun, we do not stop, we do not slow down, we keep going."
"It's hard to comprehend what he continues to endure at this age at his life and he still just keeps rocking and rolling forward."
"The struggle for peace, justice, and sustainability goes on."
"To keep choosing each other over and over and working on it like that is what makes difference."
"My real secret to staying clutter free isn't that things never get disorganized but instead knowing that even though things get messy and disorganized I can always get it sorted out and in order again."
"Just keep doing something, the biggest secret to anything is keep doing it."
"Your responsibility all the time all the time."
"We're going to take this energy not just today, not just tomorrow, but every hour, every week, every day, every month until we make a difference."
"Strong roots, strong foundation, all in the works, all in the workings, honey."
"Continue to do what's necessary for the relationship to thrive and grow. Don't just start slacking off cause you feel comfortable or you feel like you've got somebody."
"We win these victories and we think okay great now everything's protected, we can go home. You can't. It's an ongoing battle."
"We'll keep this ball rolling and hope that we can get back some of our long-lost rights and achieve liberty."
"Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues." - Mark Meadows
"Do your best all the time, and if it's not good enough, reflect, grow, and try again."
"Keep laboring... to the last day of our life."
"An interesting thing about success is that it's like a breath of air, although your last breath of air is important it's not nearly as important as the next one."
"You got to get up and you got to show up and keep getting up and showing up eventually you go up."
"Hustle happens because the grind never stops."
"Every day for even the subject is not that and it could not be that."
"Whatever happens we have to keep fighting for the issues as that's what matters most of all."
"I feel like these days society is sort of telling us that we have to keep pushing, pushing."
"Once you get there, you don't stop exercising, right? It's not like a video game where you just hit save."
"It's about the doing five hundred or a thousand little things right."
"Peter slowly regains his life and rebuilds his image with the city, vowing that the best way to honor the people he loves is to never stop being Spider-Man."
"Keep treating her like you did in the beginning."
"A warrior may not win every battle, but a warrior never stops fighting."
"Just keep working, keep grinding, and pushing forward."
"Let the process… The main thing is don't give up."
"Celebrate victories but stay diligent, stay focused, and work hard to set yourself up."
"The biggest key to success is just doing, and repeatedly doing."
"The goal is never to be perfect, but to work towards being as perfect as possible."
"You run the race that you run, and every season's a journey."
"Always improve on what you can. That's all I'm trying to say."
"One thing I've learned over the years is just keep going, don't stop."
"Revolution is like a bicycle, you have to keep pedaling, otherwise you fall over."
"We need her to keep talking, we need her to keep doing everything that she's doing because this evidence that she left behind is insurmountable and is not going to be any way around it."
"Purity is not a point you cross. It's an ongoing pursuit."
"Rogue's decision making, his aggression was always the right call."
"Everything is difficult, and you gotta continue working through it."
"I took pride in being on the court. I'm living a dream and I'm gonna get the most out of it. I'm not taking no breaks..."
"I just want a box... I want to continue boxing... I want to continue raising money for all these Charities... I want to continue improving myself."
"Choosing self-love is a continuous journey that requires courage, self-awareness, and self-respect."
"Hate only hides, it never fully goes away. We must understand that Juneteenth represents the ongoing work to bring true equity and racial justice into American society."
"The belief that anything is possible fuels relentless perseverance."
"Every time we think we have done enough, we should do more."
"Trust is not a one-time offer, he just wants to be trusted."
"The same things that get somebody to becoming successful are the same things that can keep you successful."
"No, no, we gotta keep going. We gotta act like it never happened and just keep charging this hard." - Josh Herron
"The battle just begins when we turn the camera off."
"There is no finish line. I got a pro shoot, dope. Like, oh I got rolling tray, I got a new board, like movie. It's movie like ads, commercials, like it just goes."
"Assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled all the time."
"Welcome to paradise, Warzone Pacific launches with Vanguard Season One. It was a simpler time but the work is never done."
"If it's not happy, you're not happy, and you will be continually working around it."
"The grind don't stop, and it only gets better."
"If you failed on one product, it does not mean that you're gonna continually failing."
"You've always been a fighter. Don't stop fighting now. You've always been victorious. Don't stop now."
"Your subconscious mind goes to work on it 24 hours a day."
"Never fold is a concept centered around the idea of perseverance... refusing to stop doing the things that you feel burden to do." - Tadashi
"There's no such thing as being number one or winning in a game that has no finish line."
"Because the truth is, I don't want to stop." - Robert Downey Jr.
"We seem to be taking two or three steps forward... and then obviously having a couple of setbacks."
"Marriage requires constant effort to make it better. You have to be trying if you're not trying."
"We become what we think about, and I think about this grind all day every day."
"The hustle never ends, Doug, you don't understand. Never. And never ended."
"Every finish line is a new starting line. Never ending story. Pull your head out of the clouds."
"If the result becomes bigger than the work, then there will be nothing else that's gonna continue to motivate you and lead you."
"It's very clear just tidying that up over and again we're just pushing."
"Don't assume that you can't change yourself for the better if you consistently work towards doing so."
"You can't stop working, you're already in it."
"Don't ever think you're going to succeed and just keep trying and keep doing it."
"As long as you're not just sitting there as long as you're trying to make some type of progression you'll be all right."
"Don't stop dreaming. Don't stop building. Be a visionary."
"You gotta stay with it, you gotta stay at it, you gotta keep working on it."
"Don't ever let that fire on the altar go out. You keep it burning continually. That's your responsibility."
"How do we become saints? By loving God in every moment."
"In order to keep going, you must keep pouring."
"If something is wrong I am going to say it and if it keeps being wrong I'm going to keep talking."
"You get in the fight because you just gotta keep getting at it until you finally break the thing."
"A break is not giving up, just get back in the fight at some point."
"You just gotta keep swimming and keep moving."
"You're gonna keep going and going and going."
"It's not just some 10 minutes, you know. These people are doing it 24 hours."
"That the Quest for a socialist future is an ongoing project."
"Get out of the green room and get back to digging because there's more for you, I promise you there's more."
"Self-care is not something that you can do once and kind of slap a band-aid on."
"But ZCC Family, as we all know, the grind never stops, and so the ZCC Gang is on top. It's showtime."
"Relationship advice: Trust is a big thing, don't stop trying to get your partner once you got them."
"The grind never stops and so the zcc gang is on top... let's get it."
"Each next game is a final because otherwise we could never have reached the levels we reach."
"Keep doing that for every relationship you have from this day forward in your life."
"Don't fall off in the fourth quarter, you got to expand on that lead each and every quarter."
"The key is being continuous with your training but doing it in a way that you enjoy."
"We never gonna give up, we gonna keep it rolling."
"Continue in the battle, continue in the fight."
"It's not meant to stop; we want to make you smile and make people happy."
"Success is not a destination but a continuous journey."
"Just work at it and work at it and work at it some more."
"Change only happens if you keep organizing, keep floating, keep mobilizing, keep educating, keep speaking up, keep working hard to make change happen."
"It's never gonna stop, as long as we keep pushing the [__] well, it's gonna push."
"The secret to a happy relationship is to never stop dating them."
"They're clearly working their fingers to the bone, tweaking and fine-tuning and adding and adding and adding."
"The work always continues. We can never be complacent."
"This is not the offseason, this is the all-season."
"The motivation to keep going is simple: I never stopped. If you stop, you'll never know if you can make it."
"It is the epitome of team sport. It's 24 hours a day, it's seven days a week, it's non-stop."
"Just because they win the title doesn't mean the chase has to be over."
"Failure never means stop, failure means retry. Retry, readjust, retry, continue on."
"I was just in it 24/7, literally non-stop doing this for a few... well, for how long COVID was going on for."
"There's no such thing as, 'We're going to fix it now and then it's going to be fixed.'"
"Foot on the accelerator all the way to the end."
"Struggles will change and will be different in terms of they'll be harder and easier but at the end of the day they're gonna have to continue to happen until a person dies."
"Just keep going, just keep going, just keep going. That's it, that's it."
"The Black Lives Matter initiative is not a trend but an everyday initiative; it never goes out of fashion. In our world, Black lives matter and Black businesses matter."
"Your wife is not something that you can achieve; she's a daily working process with you."
"Our efforts so far are working quite well, so we're just going to keep pushing forward."
"No days off, man. Even on the weekends, make sure you're doing something to achieve that goal every single day."
"It's a never-ending challenge, and it's the whole purpose of it all."
"You can never stop building a business, you can never stop building anything because life doesn't stop."
"This fundamental problem that we had to start with still exists and it's something that we need to continue to tackle."
"You don't have to believe in therapy or believe that therapy will work in order to get better, you just have to keep trying."
"There's always maintenance work to do."
"We continue to try to do something good and something positive."
"Let's keep doing great things for God's glory."
"Don't give up, just try and try again."
"We all have to work on ourselves and work on our relationship all the time; that's the beauty of it."
"Varroa mites are not a problem that you're going to be able to solve permanently; it's going to be a problem that has to be managed continuously."
"We're gonna go all day long until our arms can't take it anymore."
"I am adding value to my life all the time."
"I'm going to keep going... I'm going to keep trying... I'm going to keep doing my best."
"Keep pushing on, keep pushing forward."
"We're always working, it is fun but we're always on the move, like on to the next, the next to the next."
"Peacemaking is a journey, not a destination."