
Human Flourishing Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"How do we help human beings flourish? The more that you understand what is that impulse that makes you come alive and you can show up and do it, the better off you are as an individual."
"Becoming a good human being is about learning to take great pleasure in contributing to the flourishing of others than your own."
"Optimism as a political prescription is not something that I have a lot of respect for. True optimism is what leftism is about because it's about thinking that human flourishing can go so much further than what we have right now."
"Philanthropy went wrong when it started to become a utilitarian practice and not an enabler of human flourishing."
"The cosmos wasn't perfect, it was the creation or emanation of an ultimately good beneficent being, and it was created specifically with human beings' flourishing in mind."
"The moment we start talking about how human beings really flourish, we can cut through a lot of this."
"The ultimate moral purpose is to reduce the suffering and enhance the flourishing of human beings and other sentient creatures."
"Applying knowledge and sympathy to enhance human flourishing is heroic, glorious, maybe even spiritual."
"The way that humans work together is when everybody's allowed to pursue things they're interested in, when people have more control over themselves, their education, what they want to do, I think that it tends to produce human flourishing."
"God wants us to be fully alive. The key to that is willing the good of the other."
"Rationality and science can lead us to flourishing."
"It shouldn't matter what religion you are; whatever works, if it works to increase human flourishing of more people in more places, then I'm for it."
"Human flourishing is our moral concern, but flourishing of what? Not groups, not tribes, not races... it's the individual."
"How can we help individuals, families, even groups of people flourish."
"The world is the greatest place that it's ever been and it's getting better."
"The only way that we can flourish as human beings is to embrace truth and live in accordance with it."
"Helping others, being of service, maximizing how much you matter actually is the number one cause of human flourishing."
"There are right and wrong answers to how humans flourish."
"Sexual expression and experience are not necessary for human flourishing."
"People want a good society, where there is human flourishing."
"The choice is either up or down. We either go up to the eternal rules of right and the principles that are found in the scriptures that history shows produce maximum human flourishing, or we go down to the ash heap of totalitarianism."
"Memory just matters because it's part of a good human life, because it contributes to the flourishing of prudence, which contributes to the flourishing of the human being."
"Conservatives do not seek an earthly paradise; we are interested in preserving the proper balance of freedom and order necessary for individual human flourishing."
"The only thing that matters is how we treat each other and what we do to benefit the flourishing of humanity."
"The environmental goal should be to advance human flourishing."
"Our environmental goal is to advance human flourishing on earth."
"We need art. You cannot starve our souls and expect us to thrive."
"Those who study the scriptures have higher scores in Harvard's human flourishing index."
"People who engage with the Bible tend to flourish more according to a secular metric."
"Truth is truth and truth leads to human flourishing."
"I think there is only one right North Star: does this action increase human flourishing and decrease human suffering at the widest possible scale."
"If somebody deploys your advice in their real life, will it move them towards human flourishing and reduce suffering? If yes, good advice; if no, bad advice."
"It's an existential level challenge for human flourishing to really understand what that is and how these collective systems get their goals."
"Human flourishing involves the ability to reason or rationality, and happiness is an activity of the rational soul in accordance with excellence."
"Improvements in human flourishing, human wellbeing can be measured: life, health, sustenance, prosperity, peace, freedom, safety, knowledge, leisure, happiness."
"We are all called to friendship because friendship is an integral part of human flourishing."
"Now is that human flourishing well I think that what it has to do with the fact is that there."
"Andy Crouch's brand new book 'Strong and Weak' presents a fascinating set of ideas on the need for both vulnerability as well as authority in human flourishing."
"Capitalism is a tool that can be used for good or for evil. It's not intrinsically evil itself and so we ought to use it to do good and promote human flourishing."
"It's about defending the principles of freedom, understanding that, you know, it's all to serve human flourishing."
"...everyone has their own role, and I think that's a beautiful thing. It's a very good model that leads to the flourishing of human beings in this dunya."
"The ultimate goal of public policy is not to do things like raise incomes or increase college graduation rates, but to enable people to flourish and to achieve deep satisfactions in life, to pursue happiness in the Aristotelian sense of the word."
"What matters most is not material equality but access to the wellsprings of human flourishing, which in turn requires that society be structured so that people across a wide range of personal qualities and abilities are able to find valued places."
"Everything I do in my life is about increasing human flourishing and decreasing human suffering for as many people as possible."
"Human flourishing is already sort of this balanced equation between people and life."
"But if you were to include all these other factors that contribute to human flourishing including i think being tethered to a spiritual community or having a sense of the transcendence."
"Pro-social behavior actually is what's allowed us to flourish in so many ways."
"Human flourishing is stressing the positives."
"We organize society around human flourishing, not around profit maximization."
"His topic today leads on from there, and the title is 'Faith and Human Flourishing: Religious Belief and Ideals of Maturity'."
"If divine power is the absolute freedom to bring the other into being without fear, without rivalry, without anxiety, then it would make no sense if human flourishing could only be achieved at the expense of God."
"Humans need a loving community of relationships to both know and be known, and to love and be loved, in order to fully flourish as human beings."
"There is no human flourishing without you stepping into that post."
"This is why you are saved: to dwell with God and flourish as human beings."
"We're not trying to make you Christian, but we believe what we're telling you is in the best interest of human flourishing."
"Our concept of success is not only narrow and short-sighted but also fundamentally opposed to human flourishing."
"Positive psychology is the study of the conditions and processes that contribute to the flourishing or optimal functioning of people, groups, and institutions."
"The liberal arts... help the human flourish and they're for their own sakes."
"If we can do that, we will be loving our neighbors, we'll be promoting human flourishing."
"If we're going to make ourselves into one nation, it will have to be by at least one part of our political spectrum demanding that human flourishing be widely available."
"Instead of control, it's about emancipation."
"The government has a role in the world, it has a part to play in the order of things, and that is to aid and assist and provide a floor for human flourishing."
"The distinct vision of human flourishing that is implicit in the practices of Christian worship is often antithetical to visions of human flourishing that are implicit and carried in other secular liturgies."
"The enormous contributions that it has made to human flourishing."
"Each person needs his or her own customized blend of daily activity and that's what occupational science is about, human flourishing through engagement in everyday living."
"Progress should lead to human flourishing."
"...secular humanism is a worldview that seeks to use the best methods to encourage human flourishing."
"My moral compass is harm reduction and causing good and human flourishing."
"Work is one of the paths of fully flourishing as a human being."
"The idea of a strong family... that is not a white idea of human flourishing."
"Order results in what we sometimes call human flourishing."
"Happiness or human flourishing may even require moments of pain or moments of mental state of anxiety."
"That which is good is that which contributes to human flourishing and to the contribution of human life."
"We are at our most flourishing when we experience and feel we are cared about, wanted, and valued."
"Are you really flourishing?... I'm interested in human flourishing, both my own and the people around me."
"Storytelling is going to be a better approach to helping and understanding a human being flourishing than abstractions."
"I think the truth actually is a genuine value. I believe that a true scientific outlook on the world would actually be best for the flourishing of humankind."
"We should morally care about the well-being and the human flourishing of other people."