
Life-changing Quotes

There are 6341 quotes

"Shinrin-yoku, which translates to forest bathing...will literally change your life."
"You saved my life, bro. You changed my life."
"It was career-changing, life-changing to see that happen."
"These experiences were so profound and paradigm shattering that I'm still reeling from them."
"I first read The Four-Hour Workweek and came across the idea of passive income, and immediately my mind was blown."
"I met a lady on a bus, and she changed my world."
"It's gonna deeply touch your heart, it's gonna deeply transform your whole life, your whole mind, everything."
"I can now say with certainty that this man saved my life. He made life worth living, but most importantly, he empowered me to find and reclaim myself again."
"This message is intended to help change your life forever. Once you hear it, it is a message that will hopefully inspire you and help you have really big realizations in your life."
"Finding your life's work... is a life-changing moment."
"I feel for the first time in 23 years as a social worker, I'm actually changing lives."
"YouTube as an industry is still lifechanging for all of us."
"My life has been forever changed. There's no question about that."
"You know you've met your twin flame if even if you're no longer together, as soon as you met them, your whole life changed."
"Sports saved my life. I'm a kid... I was on my way proudly to community college, and I got a call from two coaches."
"I wanted to make a movie that would have people walk out of the theaters and say, 'My life will never be the same after what I just experienced there.'"
"If you can show someone a little bit of love, regardless of their situation that they're in, what they look like, if they smell like yeast, it just can be lifechanging."
"This connection kind of changed your life around."
"The results you can get can be potentially life-changing. I know the knowledge that I've gotten from these books has certainly changed my life."
"Finding a home for every piece of homeless clutter in our home changes everything...it's been life-changing."
"I think this is an incredible nation; it's changed my life."
"When I was 11 years old, we had no money, no food, and a gentleman came and fed my family. It changed my life because it made me believe strangers care."
"The Kindle is one of my top three most life-changing pieces of tech."
"You don't know which gate is the gate. That's why you have to be excellent all the time because you don't know which time is gonna be the time that changes the trajectory of your life."
"Grief is a universal experience that reframes everything in our lives."
"Me embracing that weirdness, that different-ness, is, was, is the biggest thing that ever happened in my life."
"It was a horrible night that changed everyone's lives and ended some."
"That scene blew my mind. It changed my life."
"It only takes one deal one time to change their life forever."
"The first time you meditate and you feel that bliss, that unconditional love from God... it changes your life forever."
"This book is revolutionary, it's life-changing, and it truly can make a huge impact in your life."
"There is one tip that you learn, and it makes a difference, that one tip can change your life."
"Rehab changed my life and is why I am sober today."
"Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life."
"That dinner at Denny's would prove to be one of the most important meals and the best investment of their lives."
"This is the most important moment of my life, find out what I'm truly made of."
"At that moment, the trip turned from being an adventure, really fun, to being the most transformational experience of my life."
"It's opened up opportunities to go into places like we're working on getting into Cabela's and Walmart Target... it's absolute life-changing."
"When I watched my first UFC, I was a teenager. Everything changed. It changed my life in a split second. I right away knew that's what I wanted to do."
"This series really has been a life-changing experience."
"Isn't it funny how one positive experience when you're young can ignite this chain of events that changes your whole life?"
"The reason why I wanted to make a documentary on 'Get Rich or Die Tryin'' is because that album changed my life, changed the course of my life completely, started my passion for hip-hop."
"Take every opportunity to change a life... maybe you'll save their life. Take a chance to save people's lives."
"What started as a hobby has literally changed lives. CeCe Moore is now bringing justice to victims and getting violent criminals off the streets by the hundred."
"This experience has changed my life. It's amazing like the change that we went through in such a short time. She made us a family again."
"The moments spent with you guys... it's life-changing."
"I was standing in front of the mirror and I found a tumor in my muscles... Without this video, I would have never found the tumor I needed to be aware of that saved my life."
"I had a daughter that changed my life. That made me push on another level."
"For some people, this shift in awareness is the most important and among the most important experiences of their lives."
"I don't take y'all for granted; y'all changed my life."
"It's not an exaggeration to say this game changed my life."
"Boxing saved my life, I would probably be dead or in jail."
"Well, that was so powerful, so beautiful. I think I'll be chewing on that one for the rest of my life honestly."
"It is a transformative life-changing experience regardless of where you end up on that spectrum."
"I had a blind date with God and it changed my life."
"Your videos help me from ruining my life. Your videos saved me from committing suicide. Your videos help me create financial wealth. Your videos help me change my diet. Your videos help me to believe in humanity again."
"One young man that I met when I visited a crisis center in a very poor area of Leeds looked at me and he said the internet saved my life."
"A truly lifechanging, life-affirming work of art."
"This is the opportunity of a lifetime, family."
"Life-changing information is always going to be there."
"It might be something that you love and you're happy with that could really end up really changing a life for the better."
"I know you'll never remember me but I saw you speak in fifth grade, you changed my life."
"I know people who would tell you that like SSRIs saved their life."
"Mindset maintenance, that was the one that changed my life totally."
"But that work that you are doing will change your life."
"That day would soon turn her and her family's lives into a nightmare."
"The world is filled with cases where people say, 'There was me before this experience and there was me after this experience.'"
"The Glossier Generation G lipsticks also changed my life."
"You don't have to have a dramatic accident like mine... to find this self-love."
"This song made me re-evaluate my whole life so I mean, it's got to be perfect."
"An opportunity will change your life in so many different ways; trust yourself and jump into the unknown."
"This wise decision is going to change everything."
"Friendship with the Holy Spirit will change your life."
"It wasn’t just feeding, it was caring, and that’s what I think changes people’s lives."
"One minute of introspection could change the outcomes for the rest of your life."
"You can change somebody's life with a conversation."
"All right, this is your first baby. It's such an incredible life-changing event. You will be an amazing mama."
"It's enough to change the life of myself and my family."
"This book literally changed my life. It opened my eyes."
"It's a series that changes lives. It certainly changed mine."
"Pokemon mystery dungeon explorers of sky is straight up my favorite game of all time as an experience that truly changed my life."
"Therapy changed my life; they really untangled the mental mess."
"It's a wild story to believe, but when you read it and discover, it's life altering."
"Transformative experience, man. Transformative, trust me."
"This man will never know how much he saved my life."
"Therapy changed my life in ways that I could have never predicted."
"However much you can afford to invest... this is the way to change your life."
"I really do think he is one of the most inspiring people." - "He is somebody who really changed the lives of the people around him."
"Some games are the catalyst for something extremely meaningful and important, and they can even change your life."
"Finding God saved my life. It's been incredible. It's been a journey but without Him, I could not do this."
"It's too wild. He gave me a chance to be alive and meet the love of my life."
"This was a moment that could change my life."
"The opportunity could be life-changing for so many individuals."
"I think a Kindle is one of the most life-changing pieces of tech that you can use."
"The Amazon Kindle is an absolutely incredible product that I've been using every day since 2008, and it's one of the very few pieces of tech that I can say has genuinely changed my life."
"For the first time in my life, I can hear almost everything. It's amazing, it's the best day of my life."
"The intensity of love that you feel for your child is just unreal."
"Let me tell you something, it'll change your life."
"YouTube changed my life, changed my financial situation, it gave me confidence I've never had before."
"I wasn't going to say no right so uh with the ninth pick the 98 draft changed my life."
"It's just unbelievable, like what a fantastic opportunity."
"Those nine months were some of the most transformative months of my life."
"The day my life changed forever was the day I first saw you."
"It was like a dream come true, and it actually, in some ways, saved my life."
"I can honestly say it's nothing less than life-changing for me to getting into contact with you."
"The look on their faces and their eyes, you've changed their lives."
"This is absolutely life-changing information."
"When you guys fall in love and come together, your whole world's just come to life."
"These are conversations that I would call life-shaping conversations."
"The next 15 minutes could change your life forever."
"The universe is actually sending you a lifeline or bringing you an opportunity that changes everything. Be open to receive it."
"Meeting you was the best thing to ever happen in my life."
"A by an important woman lady powerful woman important woman in your life are going is going to give you a really really life-changing advice okay so listen to it okay."
"You must know that in any moment a decision you make can change the course of your life forever."
"This is life-changing. This is a great Christmas present."
"Facing down the barrel of an illness of this magnitude will do things to you that is impossible to put into words. It's gonna change your entire outlook on life and even you fundamentally as a person."
"I had the most life-changing Uber ride... he was so wise."
"Certain distinctions are so powerful that they will change your whole life."
"Literally made me re-evaluate my entire life."
"Music changed my life. There's no doubt about it."
"Thank you again for everyone who's taken my course, I know it's going to change a lot of lives."
"This investment will change your business and it will change your life."
"Never underestimate the potential of one encounter."
"That's not only life-altering but potentially generational wealth if you control that."
"I think viewing it as a whole at just the cultural impact it had, the way it changed our lives is there'll be nothing like this ever again."
"It's amazing how something as simple as a letter can change your life."
"One word from God can turn your life around."
"You only need that one idea to work to change your life."
"This was the most intensely profound experience of my life."
"This book looked inside my life and exposed me, and gave me exactly what I needed."
"My life completely changed the day that I received the Medal of Honor."
"Someone influential may offer you a life-changing opportunity."
"It absolutely transformed my life... the most amazing transformation."
"Near-death experiences generally follow a pattern... a broader experience... a peak experience they've never had before."
"You have literally changed my life forever, my family's life forever, and it is amazing."
"The advice in these videos has helped millions of people change their lives."
"That changed my life. That actually changed my life."
"One consultation, one text message could change the trajectory of somebody's life."
"Identified motivation is genuinely life-changing."
"Lose three of your friends and almost die, that was my wake-up call." - Travis Barker
"A journey of self-discovery, shaping the rest of my life."
"One conversation can change your entire life."
"He didn't collect the most massive check, but 1.6 million and to get in the winner's circle, life-changing for a guy that's been toiling for this many years and finally got the victory."
"That day changed my life. I had to go, I was there. It's my Miracle babies."
"That covers that's what changes your life forever."
"You are faded to win the lottery and forever alter the course of your life."
"It's all about just you know being at the right place at the right time doing some research and you're able to put yourself and your family in a position that changes everything."
"I don't know why I waited so long to jump on this bandwagon but the KonMari method of folding is changing my life."
"Visualize your stuff, bro, get it in your brain. It will change your life."
"The Actors Fund has literally saved my life so many times..."
"Buying businesses at this point in time is a life-changing activity."
"My dad who has changed my life and I'm very grateful."
"No matter how this money was spent, Mr. Beast changed this guy's life so positively."
"Look at everything he gave. He gave his life so that I could live. Are you kidding me?"
"You are one pitch away from changing your life."
"They recognize this as a romance of a lifetime."
"Honestly, changed my life forever and it's why we're here today."
"That book just really, really changed my life. I mean, it just kind of made me evaluate all my belief systems."
"You are gonna like this person... this is mind-body soul sex like this is making me rethink my entire life."
"Going away and traveling changes you for the better. It honestly changes your life."
"It could literally change your life starting today."
"Anger management really helped me and changed my life."
"This video game pretty much changed my life."
"They're literally going to change your life, they're incredible."
"Can you think about what can happen if you commit to 30 days? What those 30 days can do for the next 30 years of your family's life and your life?"
"What if they say something that changes someone's life?"
"This right here will change your skincare routine permanently. It will elevate it. You will feel like you've gotten a facial every day of your life. It is that good."
"The power of education... the power of kindness."
"I taught someone... that one act of kindness saved my life."
"It has changed my life, it has literally changed my life."
"Whatever you're hiding today can change your life tomorrow."
"This book is the type of book where if everybody in the world read it the world would be a better place for it."
"It's potentially the most life-changing book on this entire list. It is an incredible read."
"It's like really truly living for the first time in years."
"The center forget strategy is only getting started where it is changing life to Traders every single day."
"Every single one of them who has stuck with it, who has not given in to the tantrums, they say, 'This has changed my life.'"
"The best money I've ever spent. It completely changed my life."
"ADHD meds made me appreciate life; it changed my life."
"Meditation is one of the most important things in my life. It changed my life."
"Discover something really powerful... changes your life."
"It's important to be able to have these conversations in a respectful way and also it can change your life."
"He was convinced that it was a gift from God and changed his entire life's trajectory to accommodate."
"King's life changed forever when his novel Carrie was chosen for publication."
"It is an absolute must-read, I'm telling you it'll change your life no exaggeration."
"It was one of the most life-changing psychedelic trips I've ever had."
"They really feel as though this connection has turned their life upside down."
"This video is going to change your life today, and that is no exaggeration."
"Adoption is a beautiful thing, a gift to the world and to one another."
"Cycling really saved my life, bro, it was one of the first things that I found after I got clean."
"Knowing your why is a magical experience and puts you on an entirely new path for the rest of your life."
"For the first time in his life, he could breathe."
"It absolutely changed my life... got me to the point that I am today."
"They feel like your life's never going to be the same because of something that you did here."
"Every once in a while something comes along so masterful it leaves you in awe, so inspiring it changes your life, so beautiful you wish it would never end. When that happens, it's something not to be missed."
"One conversation, one text message can change the trajectory of somebody's life."
"This is my lucky dollar, it will change your life."
"This will change your life because it forever changed my life."
"How do these people make that one critical decision that can change their life?"
"I remember Apple had reported and I had some time to kill and all of a sudden some random commenter out there changed literally the course of my life."