
Avoidance Quotes

There are 3545 quotes

"It's not about doing nice things for them, it's avoiding the bad things."
"Avoidance of fear can become extremely pathological, resulting in all sorts of twisted addictions, lying, criminal schemes, dirty politics, abuse, various kinds of parasitic behavior, ideologies, and devilry of all sorts."
"Fear of commitment is a serious deal. It's basically a state of perpetual avoidance."
"Creative avoidance is subconsciously creating things for yourself to do so that you can feel productive while actually avoiding what you should be doing."
"Behaviors that are immediately rewarded get repeated; behaviors that are immediately punished get avoided."
"Avoid the liar, avoid the liar, avoid the liar."
"Labeling something as a conspiracy theory is an easy way for you not to deal with the issue at hand."
"It's not about how close we can get to the line; it's how quickly we run far away from the line."
"You can live your whole life trying to be Mr. Nice Guy, Mr. Milquetoast, avoid discussing religion and politics, avoid standing up for anything, try to fly under the radar, but conflict at some point will find you."
"What you most want will be found where you least want to look."
"Strength is not running from it, not suppressing it. You ain't really overcoming it; that's still something that's there."
"If you've ever experienced the feeling of not being a worthy human being, it is very extreme, very painful, distressing, and you want to avoid it obviously as much as you can."
"What unites Howard's patients, or his target demographic, is a desire to shortcut the hard work of integrating negative experiences into their lives so they can go back to living in a way that doesn't require change."
"I never check my mentions because it'll be somebody that I know saying something shitty about me, and that hurts."
"Men with avoidant attachment styles are often unaware of their need to avoid closeness."
"No, no, no, no, not me, not me, not me please. Just attack someone else."
"Stop trying to drink it away, smoke it away, fuck it away."
"We as humans have a bit of a mechanism hardwired into our very being: we are prone to avoid pain at all costs."
"An apple a day keeps the mechanical gators away."
"Running away from your problems just makes them worse."
"If you could have controlled it, you likely would have controlled it, and the fact that you can't just reflects that you're going to find it easier to just avoid it altogether."
"To not make a decision also has a cost, and sometimes the cost of not making a decision is far worse."
"Even the probability of unfairness should be avoided."
"We often find our destiny by trying to avoid it."
"What you do is you specify your long-term ideal. Maybe you also specify a place you want to stay the hell away from, so that you're terrified to fail as well as excited about succeeding."
"Never ever communicate with the narcissist directly."
"Aliens are real and they're not coming to Earth because we keep fighting each other."
"Run from what you're afraid of run from exactly what you need to find."
"What you need most will be found where you least want to look."
"Stay low-key, stay away from all the weird-ass people."
"Avoid the irreverent babble and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge."
"When faced with accountability or negative consequences, narcissists may employ tactics to avoid the situation altogether."
"I think you avoided joining a cult, or a different culture than the one you're already in."
"I don't want to go to jail again, dude. I can't, I can't do that no more."
"You can evade reality, but you cannot evade the consequences of evading reality."
"You tell mistruths voluntarily at your exceptional peril, and you avoid the unpleasant truths that you might have to delve into, in all their messiness, at your absolute peril."
"Fasting is like a catapult, pulling back so you can throw yourself further and further away from Jahannam."
"What is wrong with Boie? I try not to talk about him."
"You want to avoid criticism, that's what you're doing right now by hiding."
"Posture as a debate lord, but then you preemptively back out because the other guy is super extra mean? Yeah, that makes you look like a [ __ ]."
"Your purpose is greater than going down the rabbit hole."
"Fearing pain, we attempt to get out of them rather than suffer through them."
"But if you don't want to answer the question, you're going to have to take a step forward onto the next game space."
"Eliminate these oils religiously: corn, canola, safflower, sunflower, vegetable oils."
"You got to respect what this guy does that's why I don't get into that who's greater."
"A man often finds his destiny on the path he takes to avoid it."
"Seek contentment and stillness, avoid chaos and abuse."
"It's actually the best way to avoid collecting coins by accident."
"They felt like over time it would have gotten worse, so they feel like they avoided a disaster."
"The only thing that I try I avoid in my life, the only thing that scares me, is regret."
"The only way to beat it is to not participate in it."
"When you avoid attention, you also avoid success."
"Stay away from these people, whatever network is you, you try."
"I'm just gonna hide here under my blanket and I'll come out when this is all over. Um, that's not a good strategy."
"The court just punted on the whole issue entirely."
"All you have to do is stand up to this clown but nobody nobody wants to. It's that classic high school bully syndrome."
"So if you're Mitt Romney just try to move away from the subject that makes you a radical as well."
"And every time I see a toolbox in the future, I'm gonna be like, 'I see you. You see me. We see each other.' And I'm gonna slowly back the (beep) away."
"The whole thing about what we're seeing across the worldscape here is to try to make you feel bad, try to make you feel depressed, and we should just avoid that at any cost."
"You run because you're gonna get messed up and other people are gonna get messed up."
"I don't want to make that intelligent saving throw against the intellect Devourer... I should use intellectual errors."
"For example, say you have one character swing at another. The other character is able to duck out of the way, causing the attacker to create a hole in the wall."
"Stay true to yourself; avoid the plastic people."
"Be confident, and stop escaping the destruction."
"Move away from anything that causes you mental unrest."
"You just don't want to go home, I see what's going on here."
"You literally run away from everything. If that's what you want to believe, that's fine. But that's what you're actually doing right now."
"It was never my intention to get into this, and nobody will ever pray to God to get into such."
"I'm very sorry and I don't think I will ever get involved in such things from this point."
"If I eat a jar of mayonnaise, will you leave this alone?"
"Distance yourself. Don't hate him, don't hate her, but you refuse to be in that contentious environment."
"People will do anything to avoid grief, but that's probably the most number one problem in mental health."
"Trump can't come to Kenosha because that would be embarrassing for Democrats."
"What doesn't work is just avoiding the whole thing and trying to get to the end of your life without more trouble."
"Avoid, avoid, avoid. If you can, in other words, let's say there are some VPAs doing their stuff in some area of your town, I'm going to avoid that. There's really no reason right now that I would go down there and try to change their mind."
"You have to embrace it like too many people try to avoid it, it just makes it worse because you're just trying, you're just pushing it to the side."
"The more something threatens your identity, the more you will avoid it."
"One thing was for damn sure, I wasn't planning on getting caught, not by the feds, not by anyone."
"Identify the people who always want you to do evil and run from them."
"Honestly, I'm opposed to going to the floor of hell."
"Most people just choose not to play the game at all."
"Trust me if I could redo the whole thing I would have had blow up doll and no ketchup."
"Humanity for far too long has not wanted to look in the mirror."
"I came across more fairies and I avoided them."
"They didn't want you to get hurt, so they pushed you away to protect you."
"You can't sweep something like that under the rug."
"I've actually kind of dreaded this because it means I have to listen to things like this which I try to forget so much."
"I was always trying to hide from it the work too was exhausting."
"If you've got it flaunt it there was a very easy way to avoid this it's called being a guild and then you could go on guild runs and you want to have to worry about this kind of thing."
"The issue of aging is not one that the White House wants to be talking about."
"What's not good for you is not good for you."
"Avoidance is often a very invaluable tool. If you cannot avoid or you choose not to avoid, you need to draw lines very firmly."
"People like that are very dangerous and if you can't avoid them, avoid them."
"What actually needs to be fixed in your life? What really needs to change? What are you running from?"
"No way I could handle anything like this, I'd be running out."
"If you don't like these mean comments, just don't read them."
"They're not really saying what it is that they really mean."
"They're silent on the subject, they're kind of skirting around the issue."
"All Raindog wants to do is run away from you. You're gonna see Raindog over here and then once you start fighting him, Raindog is over here. Does that remind you of anyone?"
"I would rather just like fade into the background so I wouldn't have to deal with all the thoughts in my head."
"If there's any discomfort, move away from the discomfort."
"Nerd talk, he's a nerd, I mean, we usually try to avoid tech."
"Removing yourself from danger, whatever that may be, it could be a criminal-infested environment, it could be an area where a mad angry pack of dogs are coming."
"Can't run away from your problems, they have a way of catching up with you."
"It's so devastating it breaks my heart it's so sad it could have been avoided there were so many mistakes that were made and ignored."
"This is insinuating that the truth is behind you. It's something that you had turned away from or neglected to invest energy into because you were so focused on something else."
"Any fight you can avoid is the fight you've won."
"Not talking about the problems to me sounds like avoidance, not eating the food sounds to me like hunger, not sleeping in bed at night sounds like tired, not breathing long enough sounds like dead."
"Avoid the friendship zone like it's a disease."
"I just don't have to contribute to a culture that's just toxic."
"That's what crackheads do. I don't want you to be a financial crackhead."
"I went down to South Carolina and said that the flag that was flying over the state capitol, which was a Confederate flag, was-- that I shouldn't be involved in it, it was a state issue. It was an act of cowardice. Straight talk."
"Exit, u-turn back, straightaway to tell your superior you found nothing."
"I would very much like for the person who is responsible for everything would be somebody else."
"Turn away from anything identified as addictive, toxic, or ambiguous."
"Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away, it makes it worse."
"Create a list of the things you cannot stand and avoid those things at all cost."
"Tackling that thing that is standing in your way that you so desperately want to avoid."
"What seems to happen when you procrastinate is this: you look at something you'd really rather not do, and you actually feel a physical pain in the part of your brain that analyzes pain."
"The wisest thing anyone's ever told me... to avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing."
"Verily, intoxicants, gambling, divination by arrows, and astrology are the dirtiest work of Satan. Do not go near them."
"We just need to stand together, ignore it. Just ignore it all right."
"People ghost because they're cowards. Human nature is cowardice."
"By not hitting them, I basically guaranteed myself a victory because I knew he wasn't able to defeat it."
"To the midnight trench coat-wearing grave-robber, let's not meet again."
"Who was willing to discuss things like men and who cowed away like a [ __ ]."
"I think it was pretty penisy so I don't want to hear about it."
"Kill it, don't keep stirring up the pot with this Karen."
"The first rule of healthy eating is to avoid refined, processed, and manufactured food."
"We don't want Jeff the killer to be part of our history... everything that I've worked for so hard to leave behind now brought back to life for the world to gawk at."
"Busyness is a form of laziness. You're keeping yourself busy so that you don't have to think."
"Finding fraud is a non-starter at many institutions simply because they don't want to find it."
"If having the Holy Spirit instilled in me implies believing such things, I should avoid it."
"It's time to stop running...a lot of us are running from what we think the calling is."
"Sarver got to avoid being publicly condemned by a massive corporation."
"A paid boost doesn't solve the problem, it avoids it."
"It's remarkable how much you can achieve in life by simply not making obvious unpredictable mistakes that most people tend to make."
"How long are people going to ignore the elephant in the room?"
"I don't wanna hear you even say her name anymore."
"That's how you do it. Never makes eye contact."
"It's kind of like the truck thing where they don't back up yeah yeah."
"They fear being true to themselves; it breaks my heart for them."
"There is nobody busier than someone who's not interested."
"Ensure that you stay safe and out of the chaos if possible."
"Running from anything puts you on the path to what you ran from."
"Stay away from them corner stores, stay off the block. I don't care how tough you think you are."
"It's easier to dismiss a confrontation with reality."
"Megan is the paradigm of what not to be, the perfect example of what to avoid, a being she is everything that I for one would sooner die than become."
"No more entanglements. Why would you want more entanglements?"
"People spiritually bypass because they don't want to be in pain... spirituality becomes an opiate for the masses." - JP Sears
"You definitely do not want to end up in their deadly grasp."
"If I had known you were coming over, I would have left the house."
"He is going to each state where there is some minority population thickly populated area he's avoiding consciously."
"I spent the past week doing nothing but running away from my problems."
"Creatures and animals that make that type of sound ain't nothing to play with. I wouldn't go back out there either, nope."
"Stop avoiding the conflict... The longer you delay a conflict, the problem gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"Hey bro, I'm running, dude, I ain't trying to play around with no robots."
"That's the path of least resistance if you ask me, because anything else gets off into the weeds."
"Former boss turned friend turned delusional sociopath, let's not meet again."
"I hate when something is so [ __ ] good it has just absolutely understandable fan base like there is no way I'm getting involved with the my hero Phantom ever I escaped the my hero fandom."
"The dark side is meant to be avoided, it's a byproduct of the concealment necessary for independent realities."
"Don't even ponder it, don't even be thinking about it, don't spend any time looking at it."
"If I did the same crime as somebody else and they got 17 years, I'm dying my hair blonde, I'm losing weight, I'm going to the airport with big ass glasses on, this [ __ ]!"
"Ignore shows of intimidation which includes both death threats and suicide threats. Say nothing to them ever. Turn the other cheek. Walk away."
"When you meet a crazy person, do not argue with them. You've gained nothing. You will not change their opinion, and you will have lost the chance to hear their whole crazy argument."
"I don't know, if someone tried [expletive], you'd be half my buddy. I would quietly pack up my [expletive] and leave."
"Move away from things that don't make you happy."
"This is a story that I never want to relive."
"The best way to win a sword fight is not being in a fight at all."
"Limit interactions with negativity, unsubscribe from the toxicity."
"The key difference is you can avoid the inflation tax if you don't own any US dollars."
"The path of least resistance is to turn around and dismiss the whole thing."
"You ain't getting pressed, you're getting passed."
"If I see a path to me being stuck in a situation that I'm miserable in every day, I just bail."
"So next time someone asks you who your favorite early 20th century german experimental playwright is just scream dan harmon and then run away before they can call it into question."
"Pretend to have a heart attack when he did not want to answer a question about the case."
"Anything to avoid doing work in Minecraft, I guess. I feel bad."
"Could we just talk about the fact that April dodged the biggest bullet in the whole world?"
"You don't want any of that kind of stuff to happen."
"If you raise tax rates, you're going to try to find tax deductions, aren't you?"
"It's very easy to spiritually bypass. It's also very easy to truth or bypass."
"This person may be avoiding something personally within them, some form of healing or there's something here they need to heal within themselves."
"You're avoiding a disaster, okay, you already know that you're vulnerable to this person, you already know this person triggers you or makes you weak or makes you feel inferior or something of that nature, you already know it's a sensitive spot."
"This city is now making 632 gold do not ask too many questions it's fine."
"Disconnect from those intent on doing harm. Shun participation with those who perpetuate wrongdoing."
"You're gonna encounter people that you don't like, that you don't agree with, and if your only resort is running away from the issues, you're gonna be running for the rest of your life."
"As long as I stay off that road, I should be safe."
"Don't go back, run, go the other way." - Don't go back, run, go the other way.
"He's not thinking about you he's thinking only about himself he's running to Simply avoid accountability for the crimes he committed."
"Death had real consequences so avoiding conflict was in everyone's best interest."
"Most people are trapped between being like, 'I just don't want to think or talk about this' instead of trying to make somebody happy."
"The fear of going to counseling you do not realize the avoidance of that is the very path that you will become the thing you're terrifying of."
"The magic you are looking for is in the work that you're avoiding."
"I hope I don't win, okay, in that sense, because what this is is a way to call attention to this stealth financial crisis."
"The ghost of a murderous witch isn't something I would want to hang out with."
"We're just burying evidence, facing nothing but still filming."
"Ghosting is the most cowardly way to break up with someone."
"If there's someone that gives you that pit in your stomach maybe that's a toxic person that you need to cut out of your life."
"So if that phone rings, that [__] phone rings and it's the boss mate, do not answer, just say you've lost it."
"To avoid dealing with the issues of racial pride, racial shame, pride in one's heritage, people, culture, is creating a cocktail for disaster."