
Complacency Quotes

There are 673 quotes

"Do not get complacent. Success may look like failure if you ease up. Sacrifice must be progressively overloaded."
"The real danger is not that you're going to take some crazy risk. The real danger is that you're going to be complacent and do nothing."
"Everything is weird. The only question is how complacent have you become about it."
"Complacency is the enemy of progress, and unfortunately in a world that is constantly growing and changing and shifting and evolving, no progress might as well be regress."
"We're so lucky to be living where we are, in this time and this place in history, and we just take everything for granted."
"Why do we lurch from crisis to crisis and lapse into complacency in between? This outbreak is a reminder of the importance of a well-prepared, well-trained, well-trusted, well-funded public health system."
"I think it was really difficult to celebrate the achievements, to fully really soak it in because I was so afraid of soaking it in to the point where I would become complacent."
"There's nothing you could teach me that I don't already know." - A diver's overconfident remark, highlighting the dangers of complacency.
"Everyone says it can't happen here until it happens here."
"Complacency is our biggest problem today because life in first world countries has become too easy."
"Complacency is the great enemy of creativity and future possibilities."
"The biggest concern is people don't take it seriously... when people say there's no threat of World War Three, that's actually when World War Three is the most likely."
"But there's so many people who are just willing to kiss our asses for doing nothing."
"Inaction leads to complacency. Are you comfortable with being complacent where you are, or do you want to improve your quality of life?"
"The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it."
"The moment I think I've made it is probably when I'm going to start being complacent."
"The number one security risk to our country is complacency and success."
"If I'm doing something that feels too well understood for too long, then I feel like I'm just being complacent."
"I've always found that that's like the best motivator for me. When I don't feel like I'm actually up against something, it can be very easy to get complacent."
"God made you and me for more, and He doesn't want us getting complacent with the few results of progress we get."
"Familiarity breeds complacency; you don't really appreciate what is there."
"We cannot take anything for granted. Yes, we cannot be complacent."
"When everybody is complacent and sure that things are going to go on perfectly forever, that's when you should be worried."
"The real question and the real test... is once you are successful, what do you do then? Do you get complacent, do you falter, do you get comfortable, or do you keep pushing forward every day?"
"The greatest threat to the church is comfortable non-believers in the church."
"Complacency is way worse than death because complacency is death while you're alive."
"It's complacency and complacency is going to turn into culpability."
"Chances are that you're actually a lot more complacent than you actually think you are if you have experienced some elements of success in your self-improvement or your work journey so far."
"Complacency is something that we should never allow to creep in."
"If you had to double your revenue in the next calendar year... it's such a great question, because it points out exactly the places where we're complacent and we're just like 'I'm content with this level of growth, I'm not gonna really work hard.'"
"Most of all it warns us to avoid a mindset of self-preservation and apathy because seeing yourself as not part of the fight for change amounts to helping keep things the way they are."
"That title isn't something we'll be holding on to forever unless things start to change."
"If we remain passive and complacent, then I think both our nation and finally the ecosystem that sustains human life is doomed."
"Success can breed complacency, but setbacks are opportunities for growth."
"It's not the time to sit back and be content, that actually would be your biggest mistake."
"Every successful civilization requires a success mindset, but once that successful civilization becomes strong enough, it breeds the second generation of people who don't get it."
"I think he's just shifted into cruise control for five."
"This next year though, it's very easy to get comfortable and say, 'Oh, you know, we did so well this year.' There's so much more that we can do."
"Complacency in relationships is not an overnight thing. Complacency comes when one or both people in a relationship get bored, distracted with other priorities, or simply take each other for granted."
"The power of the people is there's no power of the people if you just sit there on your tail and don't get out there."
"The biggest fear I have is for the people that are actually having success. Because complacency kicks in, and you just get into pattern recognition."
"As long as we continue to do nothing, this situation will continue to fester."
"Comfortable Christianity is largely to blame for why our country is in the place that it's in the last 20 or 30 years."
"It's scary for them not to really do anything about what they have, but it's also scary that some people are thinking for you and you don't even know."
"People are way too complacent, way too accepting of things as they are."
"Outraging people is fun. We like to dump cold water on complacency."
"The real danger is that you take no action at all, the real danger is that you listen to this video and then you go on and you say that was nice that was profound that was inspiring and the next day you do nothing at all."
"You might be on good money, you might think you've made it, but trust me you haven't."
"The Democratic party should not be complacent."
"The complacency is at levels that are off the meter."
"America takes democracy for granted at its peril."
"Just because you're fine doesn't mean that it's okay though."
"You're just being another person, another victim, but haven't you ever gotten tired of that feeling? Doesn't it get old to be on the losing end?"
"The individual Western official was really downplaying the nuclear risk at the moment"
"We need to raise the alarm. There are disturbing signs of complacency in our party."
"Undeserved panic does no one any good but neither does ill-informed complacency."
"I want to challenge people to not be complacent."
"Communism is spreading throughout the world and we're just going on and we're kind of doing our thing along hey there you go right nothing going on here."
"Complacency could be the ultimate bubble right now."
"Everyone thinks it's never going to happen to me... is the day that you really need to think about."
"I have not met any Democrats that are complacent and no one should look at the polls and feel like everything's fine."
"The greatest danger of all would be to do nothing."
"Complacency is the inherent enemy of progress."
"We end up taking way too many of these Progressive values for granted and we forget how to defend them."
"It's not an ideal situation but it's something we all silently go along with."
"People should never rest on their laurels. The second you start resting, [bleep] just passes you by."
"Don't let them lull you into complacency. Their arbitrary, capricious rule is not even close to over."
"It is beyond me how people are just ignoring all of this and just waiting for normalcy to enter in."
"People are very complacent, Wall Street says it's all good and people believe it but they shouldn't."
"Too many people walk around life like nothing can happen, then when it does they say stupid stuff like 'I never thought it could happen here.'"
"Success is very often the greatest enemy of future success because it can blind us."
"The eastern crew was so confident in their autopilot that they didn't monitor their instruments as closely as they should have"
"This is dystopian, and we have let this happen so quickly and with so little pushback."
"I love the premise. This idea that these guys who were so heralded heroes got caught up in their own apathy and procrastination."
"No one wants to rest on the laurels of their past."
"Don't just settle with that or don't settle on the fact, 'Oh well, I guess what Tyler said.'"
"Complacency is the same as just accepting that you're dead already."
"Comfort and 'this is what we've always done' became more important than our final end, which is Union with God in heaven."
"There's not a lot of concern out there, just a lot of complacency."
"Success makes you stupid. You've got to stay hungry."
"I hope that I inspire you to stop being complacent in your life."
"Most people will be choosing the blue pill in 20 years."
"People don't really realize how bad it is until it's too late and often will actually welcome in their oppressors."
"Losing market share is very annoying but it happens often when the leader is content, is happy, and no longer competes like they once used to."
"Why people are not more worried about it is just baffling."
"Choosing the blue pill means settling for something safer instead of pursuing what you truly want."
"Career tanks have a very, very hard time climbing the guild ladder because it's all rooted in complacency."
"Running is not an option, you guys. Stepping back and staying in complacency is not an option."
"You gotta challenge yourself. Most of us are complacent."
"Strong swimmers have drowned in calm conditions."
"WWE is not offering any of that in my eyes, that is worth much more than whatever WWE can throw at you to basically sit complacent and content and do nothing."
"The moment we stop talking about a threat that is so dangerous to the U.S is the moment that complacency will enable fascism to rise and it is fascism."
"As long as no one's bugging me I'm okay but slowly the world changes around them and slowly their freedoms dissipate if they don't partake in trying to protect them."
"You cannot be as a person, as an individual, as a corporation, you cannot be complicit in this stuff."
"For evil to conquer, it takes good men doing nothing."
"We cannot allow workers to doze off or become complacent, those mistakes may sneak into the workflow pipeline."
"We tend to take the ones that we care about the most for granted."
"Adversity is good. Becoming comfortable makes you complacent."
"It's so easy to be quiet, it's so easy to be complacent." - Unknown speaker
"What do you do now right after you've been in the military a while or even if you just want to adopt the infantryman's mindset you think about complacency."
"If we don't push back and talk about these kind of things, then we're complacent."
"Overfed Christians produce nothing, they're on life support."
"No champions were ever made going prone in a bathtub."
"Stay curious, stay hungry. Do not be complacent."
"We are the frog in the boiling pot of water."
"Most people never achieve greatness because they react to the resistance and retreat to fine."
"Complacency breeds contentment, and contentment is an enemy to growth."
"Americans will just go right back to sleep. So the only question is, will we?"
"There was this complacency and a belief that things can't be better."
"We can't allow ourselves to become complacent. We are so close to losing everything we take for granted, the freedoms that define us."
"Some of you have been complacent with being saved but you're not free."
"Most Christians today are living decaffeinated lives... like a hamster on the wheel... never arriving anywhere."
"Complacency is death in any creative career."
"Never get comfortable and feel like that's never going to change and never feel too safe, never be complacent."
"We're in a war. We're not taking this like it's a war. We're taking this like, oh, we're in a presidential election."
"This is a hopeful moment, not to become complacent."
"Everyone is acting as if it's business as usual. What's even scarier is that those of us that are still taking it seriously are the only ones watching you guys talk about this."
"We live in a culture where there's a bunch of Saved people and that's as far as they've gone."
"Don't let the negative things make you feel hopeless... don't let the fact that it's getting better make you complacent."
"A modern day inquisition happening and people are just asleep."
"Hey! Honest uptight confrontation beats false delusional sense of complacency any day."
"United States sleeping on their faces... becoming complacent... in huge trouble."
"This is good, because what Black Folk have demonstrated is that if these people don't become so blatant, we're just going back to sleep."
"Once you are happy with where you are, that is where you stop improving."
"I don't think you ever want to be complacent."
"Don't get complacent just because you understand that thing... you still gotta take care of all the other crap in your life."
"Complacency is probably one of our most dangerous aspects to our management of the virus."
"For as the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving and marriage until the day that noah entered into the ark."
"Complacency kills. I've seen so many police officers on the streets like, 'I don't need my vest, I've been working for 33 years, I've never been shot.' What kind of thinking is that?"
"Don't complain about problems you're not doing anything to fix."
"Don't ever think like oh I'm the best and I don't need to practice anymore because then you're going to start sliding and it's going to get worse and worse."
"People sitting at the top of the tree very rarely decide to suddenly wake up one day and say, 'I've seen the light.'"
"Stay mad, okay? Stay angry. Don't allow yourself to sink into complacency. Alright, your anger might be politically useful at some point in the future."
"Twitch is becoming complacent and I think that is a bad thing for the website."
"Silence really is compliance, and it is scary."
"I kind of feel that we're kind of we're sleepwalking..."
"The only thing needed for this evil to succeed is just that good people do nothing."
"We're so rich, we're so safe, everything is so powerful that we think that the gods of the copybook headings can't come back with fire and sword but they can and they always do."
"Silence is complicity, yeah, just sitting back chilling."
"Just because you were number two doesn't mean [__]! Don't get comfortable, please. Don't be comfortable. Take yourself seriously over the next few days."
"Once you really start to get complacent is when you start to get lazy."
"It makes you feel so complacent, it's like they almost want you to be comfortable."
"Most people want to take the safe path. The safe path leaves you stuck in quiet desperation."
"Because life's so short man, we get one shot. I think we just got complacent."
"The tragedy of life is often not in our failure but rather in our complacency, not in our doing too much but rather in our doing too little."
"If you sit your ass at home, then you are clearing the way for the folks who hate you to do whatever it is they want."
"There is nothing worse than being number one for a long time and not having anybody compete against you."
"Why are we as women so comfortable with taking our husbands' desire for us for granted?"
"Don't let a false sense of security put your fire out."
"Eventually turns into arrogance and arrogance turns into complacency."
"You're a sitting duck there's no way that you can sit in the same spot and expect opportunities to hit you."
"If you're not worried about nothing was gonna change."
"When bad things happen and when something is anomalous or not going as it should but nothing bad happens, it's easy to get into a mode that it's okay."
"We haven't pushed enough, we've kind of acquiesced. Well alright, well I guess I gotta feel like that."
"People come complacent and stuck, oh yeah, people do."
"Don't rest on lazy laurels like 'hey my boss likes me or I get good reviews who cares who cares.'"
"It's extremely smug and complacent to think civilization has peaked."
"It's almost our fault... for allowing that complacency and deference to not standing on the shoulders of her achievements."
"People that don't want to do anything with their lives... will always just end up on the sideline."
"The allagans quite literally became bored with life."
"The most dangerous thing for us as a people is comfort, because comfort breeds complacency."
"Normalization of deviance occurs when people become accustomed to deviations from standard practices or norms over time to the point where they no longer perceive these deviations as problematic or abnormal."
"Our default is to just let the ship sail, our default is to simply survive."
"We have been lulled into a trance."
"When you walk past something substandard and do nothing about it, it becomes the new standard."
"Complacency is a close cousin of slow death."
"Because we were fools, arrogant complacent fools."
"We have to address complacency, the driving factor of the society's progress."
"The rebellious part of it is very important because uh people get too complacent."
"I'd rather lose trying to get up and do something than being too complacent."
"Confidence is good, but you don't have to be too complacent."
"Nature and in life complacency leads to death."
"I worry that complacency exists in the face of certain issues."
"You're always pushing yourself to learn, grow, evolve more when actually things are good because a lot of us, we do the opposite when things are good. We get complacent."
"I'm not comfortable being comfortable."
"Complacency is the enemy of creativity and hard work."
"I don't actually think about the finish I can't think about it because if I think about it I get complacent."
"Clubber Lang: a reminder that complacency can lead to defeat."
"Complacency is going to turn into culpability."
"We became a little complacent and the urgency to move on gradually faded."
"Facing yourself, facing what needs to be altered, what needs to be changed, and not being complacent, choosing to change."
"When blessing comes, complacency comes. Many people wouldn't have a prayer life if they had no problems."
"It's dangerous to become content."
"Most of us drift not so much because of what we have done but because we've stopped doing certain things."
"Only the weak rest on their laurels and dote on past triumphs."
"Don't be complacent or rest on your laurels."
"Some confidence is good but complacency and arrogance is a trap."
"Nothing about God says complacency."
"Nothing in the Bible tells you to be complacent."
"Cabaret is a cautionary tale against complacency, against willful ignorance, against lazy acceptance of the status quo."
"Ain't nowhere in the Holy Bible say you could be complacent ain't nowhere in the Holy Bible say you could be lazy ain't nowhere do God say he going to meet you in your complacency meet you in your laziness."
"That’s what happens when you get too comfortable in the AO."
"Sometimes we tend to get comfortable."
"The minute you hire for luxury, you get complacent in your position."
"He's a virtuoso in his prime. Only complacency truly can endanger him."
"One of the biggest mistakes that we can make is becoming complacent."
"When somebody is being complacent, they will begin to suffer."
"The greatest enemy to tomorrow's success is sometimes today's success."
"God is coming for that today because our adjacency to God will make us complacent with God, and that is the most dangerous position to be in."