
Restrictions Quotes

There are 480 quotes

"Choose the form of restriction that feels least restrictive to you."
"I originally wasn't going to cover this week's boss, but I noticed that the restrictions were pretty interesting."
"There's nothing fair about having people locked out of our state and having Melburnians locked into their homes."
"The communist government continues to explore ways to interfere with and restrict the lives of its citizens."
"I will just say absolutely no to wishes that are targeted at other players in a particularly vindictive sense."
"We're in a war situation here; it's time to stop enjoying yourself outside for a period of time."
"Yes, life is getting increasingly stupid and restrictive."
"Even if the card is on the battlefield, all of a sudden you can't cast spells."
"It's too early to make those judgments [on lifting restrictions], and so the position as of this weekend, and the most important message for everybody this weekend, is to stay at home because that's what saves lives."
"Unity is what we do together as fellow Americans. Because if we don't stay vigilant and the conditions change, then we may have to reinstate restrictions to get back on track."
"Now is not the time to be lifting restrictions."
"It's not like a light switch on and off. It's a gradual pulling back on certain restrictions to try and get society a bit back to normal."
"Imagine buying a game just to not be able to play as much as you want."
"Football fascism: Manchester United are not allowed to sign wingers."
"It smells like lockdown. If it walks like a lockdown, acts like a lockdown, and sounds like a lockdown, then it's probably a lockdown."
"People look directly to government for handling...where we are talking about pretty significant restrictions on everyday life."
"The interests of children were apparently disregarded in favor of restrictions."
"Intense restrictions are necessary, but so is a path back to a more normal life."
"Quotas fundamentally restrict creative freedom."
"The game has a very powerful ability to strongly incentivize that you don't do whatever you want."
"Can't lie, a pretty large stretch between getting disowned and getting forced to stay at home."
"It's the taboo subject that you're not allowed to discuss."
"They want you to have no place to shoot, including gun ranges."
"For a game subtitled Forbidden West, it remains forbidden for only the tutorial section of the game."
"Free yourself from any limitations or expectations."
"It breaks my pop culture heart because the licensing deal that almost brought my childhood heroes back home with me is the same deal that prevents them from ever coming here in the future."
"Ultimate as well as Brawl and Smash 4 have undeniable restrictions on gameplay that hinder the depth of play that Melee has."
"You are not allowed to have boundaries or anything to some extent."
"Yo, best secret of the set dude, Ash Blossom and Joyous Spring and a common Orifice Scorpio, this card wasn't a common in this set, this card wasn't a common in this set, was it?"
"It is the world's first lockdown for the unvaccinated."
"You're not allowed to have certain thoughts or question things."
"Hitman levels shine when they tread a difficult line between freedom and restriction."
"Household restrictions and gatherings...identified as a driver of transmission."
"Speech is power, and if you're not able to talk to your supporters... that's a major step in... an extremely wrong direction."
"Adults get annoyed that kids are having fun and have some arbitrary reason to ban it."
"Can I hit a jewel when I get out there? No, why not?"
"The cultural left in the United States has a longer list of rules for how you can date, how you can [], how you can feel sexual attraction for somebody, then the [] Pope has with his encyclicals."
"Can I just leave? I can't actually leave the location."
"The gag order violates the First Amendment because it is vague, overbroad, unduly restrictive, and not narrowly drawn."
"What's the point of being creative if there are all these rules you have to follow?"
"There's certainly a long way to go, but it's definitely a good thing that we managed to lift all restrictions."
"We are not allowed at the house when jim bob is there... jim bob has not allowed jill at his house but he will allow josh and he will have josh live on his property."
"You weren't able to pick what you wanted to play but instead you had playlist."
"The stoner is disgusting if you have not used it let me put it in perspective this gun has been banned in most custom game warzone tournaments because of how incredibly powerful it is."
"That's all cut out, that's all shut down, and so that has kind of affected our destination much more than many out there."
"Imagine not creating something and thinking that you can tell other people that they can't use it."
"Despite the restrictions placed upon her, Jennifer managed to find opportunities to still spend time with Daniel whenever possible."
"There's very few things I think that you should be restricted from doing as an individual."
"If fun isn't allowed, then we've got no fun allowed."
"Crises of this nature are often opportunities to impose greater social restrictions but similarly they're an opportunity to bring about social change."
"This is not a blanket ban on sexually explicit content."
"Children under the age of 17 were not allowed out alone... it wasn't supposed to be out of the house."
"It's sick, it's sick. Deciding in some states that you cannot bring water to people standing in line waiting to vote."
"You won't be able to shop anymore, you won't be able to go to the grocery store anymore."
"We need to stop being as a community so restrictive to just these... I think everyone's on board for that type of stuff."
"It's often restrictions and limits which push us into being our most creative."
"None of the Switch Online controllers are eligible for system-level button remapping."
"They are restricting buying for U.S retail investors more than they ever had."
"This is what I'm talking about, a Porsche 911 gt2rs Club sport, amazing driver's car that you can't unfortunately drive on the road."
"This is a moment where there are restrictions and things, but the opposite of ecstasy is feeling like there's nothing worth feeling happy about."
"The world is our oyster, but what if there are places we're just not allowed to go?"
"Russia and the USA aren't really being restricted by anyone. The only countries I could see restricting them from doing this are really India and China."
"I realized I'm a pescetarian, so I can't actually eat those."
"The laws on the books right now restricting abortion are very clear about what is being banned and restricted."
"China will probably struggle to maintain its rapid advances in AI Quantum and cloud computing without access to U.S technology."
"The zone for freedom of speech is rapidly closing."
"It's like the color itself has been restricted."
"Kids can't really decide for themselves. You don't let a kid drink alcohol or smoke drugs."
"Zuckerberg and Apple don't let their children have any of their devices or apps until they're about 14 or 15."
"Places where it's expressly forbidden to enter are some of the most interesting."
"Are you ready to be told what you can and can't buy, what you can and can't consume, what you can spend your own money on..."
"No representatives from the UK or the United States are allowed."
"In countries with democracy and freedom, creation can be free from restrictions."
"Let's defrag your brains now with an aio that didn't conform to all of the stupid like patent restrictions and stuff."
"Prohibit officers from shooting at moving vehicles."
"Don't not do your dream because we happen to be stuck indoors right now."
"You can't work, you can't go to school, you can't get on the plane, you can't do anything."
"It's almost like imagine Conor's like I'm not throwing left hands to your body that's how wonder boy is restricting himself."
"The first few months we weren't allowed to get our own waters out of the fridge."
"I don't believe creativity should have rules because it forces people to do things in a certain strict way."
"Preventing activity seen as socially harmful could be a restriction on people's freedoms."
"We don't want to be able to move past that border which is in the middle of the screen."
"Unvaccinated people can't have indoor gatherings. It's like, yeah, no, they can lick my sweaty butt."
"Institutions, feminism, cultural Marxists, regulations, are all criticized based on how much they supposedly restrict that innate natural and Timeless individuality."
"The original judge would not allow that affirmative defense."
"I've played a lot with the card in goat format and while it is strong and obviously you play it, the reason it was banned is because it creates unfun game states."
"They pretty much told him he can't continue making videos about what his channel was built on: football."
"We're not gonna allow our sheep to move outside of these bounds."
"I'm sick and tired of the media saying, 'Oh, you can't talk to this person or you can't put a human face on that person.'"
"Criticism of the judicial system is now off limits?"
"The world should be free to roam, you know, it shouldn't be no, 'Oh, you got this so you can now have your a**' or something."
"In a world where we have a borderless economy, some countries are saying, our people can't do that. Is that not control to the max?"
"Restriction can be a very good thing, it breeds creativity."
"Some programs will not be available due to licensing restrictions."
"In cases like that you’d obviously want the place found, but might only want it to happen at a certain point, or for it to be unlocked in stages, restricting access to certain knowledge."
"Corporate blocking: Apple's App Store restrictions on NFTs."
"In The Phantom Pain, however, there was a constant desire to mess around with more strategies than the game seemingly wanted me to."
"The Phantom Pain, sadly, ends up feeling like the most restrictive MGS game to date."
"So, it's like kinda you guys breaking this uh this restriction like the thing that's kept you bound for so long it's like they are about to be freed from that."
"We have much more of a freedom today to be able to circumvent all these restrictions that are being put up against us."
"Reparations, it's going to have so many restrictions on it."
"It makes a couple hundred more horsepower than the current fuel-injected cup engines because NASCAR has them so choked off these days."
"My name is Jack Frost and I'm a sex offender, I can't go 50 ft of children anymore."
"This is so dystopian, you cannot leave unless you've picked up every crayon."
"It is my expectation that we will be able to end the last domestic restrictions including the legal requirement to self-isolate if you test positive a full month early."
"It's to stop you from defending yourself and your community."
"I wasn't even allowed to watch Power Rangers or anything."
"What is not being able to give someone water or snacks going to do to quell the notion of voter fraud?"
"It sure feels like we're a little bit under socialism when you can't go places."
"Once you get so comfortable with being independent, it's kind of hard to go back under someone's rules."
"This new restriction poses a new danger as advanced U.S weapons are almost entirely reliant on rare earth materials."
"We want to lean towards being restrictive on the content that can be posted to prevent a negative associate experience."
"Crypto being a fad? Paypal allowing people to buy cryptocurrency on their platform but not allowing them to withdraw it."
"These kind of provisions will have the result of severely limiting free speech."
"They're not actually allowing you to reach all your followers."
"You can access any region-restricted website... to watch some specific movies and TV shows."
"No Vince won't let me wear it because he's a weird old man."
"Give the people what they want, you're gonna get flagged by YouTube, we gotta have a party."
"Intel has artificially locked down a lot of stuff."
"Unfortunately, I was only allowed to take a picture of the display at the very beginning of the exhibit."
"No, he plays the clip for way too long so I can't show you guys the whole thing without being copyright strike."
"You said that I've helped you build the time machine. We'd use it for whatever I want to do. No do-overs."
"We will not be able to buy, we will not be able to sell unless we take a mark."
"Deal with it. I just don't like the confines of a bathroom."
"Women are literally not allowed to have interests and that is whack."
"You're stifling that imagination and punishing those who want to share it with others when they do it in the way that you have outlined for us creators."
"They're telling you now you're too stupid, that we've got to mandate and control you. We gotta tell you, you can't even go work out, you can't go to restaurants, you can't travel, your babies can't go to school, you can't work."
"They screwed him too. He's barred from running for office."
"They're trying to tell you what you can and can't do with your own property."
"Comedy will always be stifled when that happens."
"Farmland has some weird restrictions that dirt doesn't."
"Water has a long-time ban for the Nether dimension."
"There is absolutely no argument to be made that you need these weapons of war and that there shouldn't be restrictions against them."
"International travel should not be happening unless absolutely necessary."
"It's not pretty. Some big firms putting in blanket bans."
"Sorry, I'm not allowed to answer that, mate."
"We're not allowed Legendary's, we're not allowed ultra beasts or ubers on our team."
"Every time I travel internationally, something horrible happens to me. They don't let me in, they tell me you can't do astrology here, I'm on a red flag list all the time."
"I'm not allowed to do that, that's just like the mindset that I put in my head."
"Disney parks are very strict about where you can and cannot smoke."
"NDAs are basically like, 'look you can't say nothing about everything that went down.'"
"We're not allowed to have doubts. How dare you have doubts?"
"You've just made the case to buy Tesla stock. I can't, of course."
"Set yourself free from self-imposed restriction."
"It's frustrating that you can't talk about race unless you're a certain person, you can't talk about race and hold an opinion about it unless you're a certain color."
"We begin the smart thing to do with it is to grant every liberty and freedom and then begin limiting freedoms and liberties for good reasons."
"No member of Congress may lobby after their tenure in office is over."
"Ronald is never allowed to reveal his true personality."
"So how's your summer been? Kind of boring since we can't really go anywhere."
"It's like literally like they're taking a theme of clay and stuff like that and they're just literally just saying okay this is banned in this tier."
"Making things difficult for people does not stop piracy, it encourages it."
"Unfortunately, there is no filming on the ride."
"We cannot relive the days that we saw in those blue states where you were banned for going to church but people were totally free to go riot and loot at their pleasure."
"Debt prohibits us from being able to multiply, replenish, and subdue."
"We believe there's more restriction coming. What's really driving it is a very strong labor market."
"I think without it there's just this kind of creative constraint."
"You can't shut down the world just because bad people would have a better time."
"It's nice when they restrict you in this way; it just makes you have to try and play smarter and better."
"You're an apprentice, you're not allowed to pencil your [ __ ]."
"The mark of the beast was literally saying you couldn't buy or sell without it."
"I don't even know how much YouTube you're allowed to watch."
"The only limitations that you have are the government powers."
"Challenge: Don't open doors, no saving others, and you're not allowed to open the exit."
"I feel like this individual like they can't pursue you right now or they feel like they can't and it's killing them because they also feel like they have to have you."
"They are going to figure it out, no matter what type of restrictions you try to place on them."
"I remember the ball pit now, that's the wrong, where I remember you can't get in the ball pit as a grown up."
"We cannot allow the president to march to the capitol, it would be criminal jeopardy for everybody involved in that decision and we can't let it happen."
"Will I be going to the next Tanacon? If I'm not banned and my photo is not hung up in the security office, absolutely."
"His crime has been feeding the poor and opening his church in contravention of often arbitrary COVID-19 restrictions."
"Wow, they're so nice. But armpit hair is not allowed inside mermaid land."
"It's sad that we can't talk to kids about the truth about what's going on in the world."
"What's even worse now because the riots started is the domino effect where it just keeps going. COVID hits, people locked in their houses, they're angry, they want to go out, they can't. They're getting arrested for being in the park."
"I wish I could speak about them, but I can't because I signed an NDA."
"No silly string under any circumstances on the premises."
"We're not allowed to leave the tower except for class. I think it's time to get my dad's invisibility cloak out again."
"You're going into restricted areas which are out of public view for a very good reason."
"They don't allow people to bring in Christian literature, and doing any sort of religious work is pretty complex."
"Freedom. We're back, so no restrictions."
"I just want to hang out and do whatever I want I don't want to get age gated"
"When TikTok mutes your video due to copyrighted music."
"You can't just drive through here whenever you want."
"Dogs are not allowed in Crystal River."
"She yearned to go out, she had never been allowed into town."
"Nursing assistants are never allowed to give medications."
"Nobody who curses the Sahab is going to get to preach in my Masjid, you know, nobody who denies an as-said is going to come to my mid and preach."
"Sometimes adding restrictions and getting back to the basics breeds creativity."
"London is not the best city when it comes to bringing liquids back into the country"
"Some venues are very strict and they have a preferred vendor list."
"...you can actually drink alcohol in the sit down restaurants only at Magic Kingdom."
"Basically, such restrictions are probably more of a product of cultural evolution than direct human design."
"The Istari were ordered not to dominate the people of Middle Earth and never to use the full breadth of their magical power."
"Because it is obviously a tight squeeze to get everything in in one day. But that's pretty much how it works on the covered restriction basis."
"No matter where you go in this world, there'll always be some sort of bizarrely specific rule ready and waiting to ruin your fun."
"You cannot fly drones at Disneyland."
"You know you hear, 'Oh yeah, you can't smell weed as a Muslim,' like, 'Oh gosh, you can't link girls, oh gosh, you can't get drunk.' So what's the point of life then?"
"With COVID still rearing its ugly head, travel to far-off lands remains on hold for most of us."
"It's very strict nowadays the female cannot walk by herself on the streets she cannot go to the store."
"If you're against deed restrictions, you definitely won't like it here."
"Freedom is pretty cool. If you call having a curfew and strict dorm regulations freedom."
"You can't go on Depop, you can't go on Poshmark's."