
Life Achievements Quotes

There are 177 quotes

"Every single moment, every day leading up to the show and I win, all those moments, that's winning. That's like winning in life continuously every day."
"Whether you agree or not, she was an amazing woman who led an amazing life."
"Getting a kill with the Flying Guillotine is just as satisfying as living a long, successful life with the love of your life and dying peacefully in your sleep of old age."
"Everything that I've been able to accomplish in my life has stemmed from me really being in touch with what's truly important."
"This is the honor of my life, and it means everything to us."
"Celebrate your successes and the happiness in your life."
"Yes, we are so happy me and Elise scored big time, especially like nowadays finding a place like this on seven acres was like a diamond in the rough."
"The only thing about death that scares me is that I won't do enough before it."
"Julie Andrews: At the age of 85 Julie Andrews conquered the world as an actor and a singer."
"Once you just kind of find your space in the world, amazing things happen."
"As the audacity left me in my younger years the knowledge picked up where that left off and I have continued to make some really amazing things in my life that I am incredibly proud of."
"If I left here and got hit by a bus, I'd be like, 'It's fine. I did a special, I wrote a book, I bought my mama house, like I did the things, I found love.'"
"The most important thing I've done in my life was keep going."
"Good news about a Visa, good news about a book publishing contract."
"God can very easily handle my anger thank you all is fine but also this appreciation that the way that I feel about my faith is fundamentally different because of having to have my faith tested."
"What do you do when your life exceeds your dreams? You dream bigger dreams."
"To work, to create, to grow and to give of yourself, that is one of the chief aims in life. To have experienced it once, that’s a great experience. To do it 101 times, well, that’s really a small miracle."
"What an incredible person with an incredible life."
"This song is like one last shout to say I did everything in my life to try to make you proud."
"This is the culmination of a lifetime of heroic deeds."
"There's so many times when you pinch yourself, you're like how did I get here?"
"Life is short, and fortunately, our brother Nipsey got a lot of stuff done at a young age."
"Your life is inspiring people, so keep it up."
"If you take everything I've accomplished in my entire life and condense it down into one day, it looks decent."
"I wouldn't change a thing, I'm grateful for what I've done and what I've made."
"The realization of a lifelong dream had surpassed all expectation."
"It's the peak of something and it's gonna be a very positive experience."
"Anything in life worth having there are going to be sacrifices."
"Your ass has figured out how to raise children, have a career, retire, and manage lymphedema all in this time."
"We are going to do amazing things with our existence."
"You are a high vibrational being capable of amazing things in your life."
"The fact that I have a real relationship with Stevie Wonder is like on my list of accomplishments just goes far beyond like any award or any that."
"A Fit Body, a calm mind, and a house full of love. These are things that cannot be bought, they must be earned."
"Life is measured in achievement, not in years alone."
"He did so much in his lifetime for better for worse."
"Stanley lived an amazing life and he has one hell of an amazing story."
"Remembered for what you do, not how you do it."
"I like being a sideline spectator and watching your big life. I'm just proud of you."
"Getting elected as president was the biggest day of my life, but this one was bigger."
"Cindy has completed the housewife aspiration."
"Everyone has their own clock, like their own life, that certain achievements that you get will be different."
"Wrinkled skin, like Beauty, like you're, like look at, like it's like wow. Congratulations, like you're getting through this life. Where we look at it."
"Everyone around you seems to be consistently checking off all of the things they hoped, wished, and dreamed for."
"Speed running real life, thank you to [list of additional supporters] for their support in addition."
"I retired my mom, like early. And I bought my dad a house, and you know, I was like bought my mom a car."
"You did so well in this lifetime and you paid off a lot of the karmic debts and you learned a lot of good karmic lessons."
"Feeling like I've done something with my life were those days as well."
"I didn't have anything else to achieve... there's no like party at the top of the mountain."
"Up until her death in February of 2005, Gita Angara's life was an inspiring American success story."
"When you get older, this becomes your biggest Flex."
"That was one of the most proudest moments in my life."
"It's amazing to be fearless and what you can get done in life."
"Ruby just graduated and got a job. It was like one of the best days of my life."
"This could also be a culmination of something you've been working on building toward, really refining and defining not just in this lifetime, but over the course of many many lifetimes."
"She is indeed a winner in all aspects of life for having an enviable family career fortune and social status."
"Father, husband, veteran, millionaire, teacher, leader, entrepreneur, and all-around top bloke."
"It's very humbling... doesn't happen in life normally."
"Working adopt me is probably the best thing I've ever done in my life."
"It's really important for them to accomplish their missions and goals in life."
"If Hodan was here today, she'd say, 'Don't be sad because I did what I wanted to do.'"
"His diverse life marked by success in racing and a deep commitment to philanthropy leaves a legacy that will continue to inspire."
"I am successful now for the first time in my life through this YouTube thing."
"That's often the difference between great people and people who just live long lives: great people strive to achieve something that seems almost unachievable."
"There is truly nothing you cannot be, do, or have in this world."
"Jaime’s death was a failure, but he did great things in his life – and maybe that’s what matters in the end."
"It's less about how these characters died but more about what they were able to accomplish in life."
"You keep on abandoning yourself here, not seeing your worth, especially tied up to what it is that you've built as part of your Empire, your life."
"Hopefully while we're alive we do amazing things and we do amazing things together."
"I just wanna be able to look back and be like everything we did was was positive."
"No great deed has been done in life without taking risks."
"Achieving something in life is only satisfying if it requires a decent amount of effort. If producing a baby through natural means is the biggest achievement in your life, then for the love of God, man, reevaluate things."
"So many great things have happened in my life, I feel very blessed."
"Even if you win a World Series or any great accomplishment, it is truly meaningless apart from first knowing who you are in Christ."
"I'm grateful for Pacha guiding us to this fertile land. Plant seeds and see them grow. You don't expect a dream come true at my age."
"Literally a blessed chapter of your life right now."
"You already manifested everything you are and have."
"It feels like a culmination of everything I've worked so hard for. I'm living out my wildest dreams."
"At long last, I finally have a complete and happy family."
"Small victories, my friend, small victories."
"Honestly it's one of the greatest moments of my life." - "I'd like to say thank you so much for this award... honestly it's one of the greatest moments of my life."
"If you make a macaron right you've won life."
"It's the best thing I've ever done in my life even having my children. I think this tops that."
"Only the successful in life will admit that they are self-made."
"I feel like such a winner of life because I've done it all."
"He died feeling satisfied with what he had tried to do."
"It's that dash on your headstone that's the most important thing. What have you done between this and this?"
"Me when someone asks how your 5-year plan is going: 'I have slept with two former presidents, I speak four languages, and I own two Monets. I'm just a regular everyday normal mother duck.'"
"You get to define in life what your own WrestleMania moments are."
"It's crazy how much I have manifested all of the things in my life."
"One of the best things I've ever done, except get married obviously."
"Absolutely amazing, one of the best things I've ever done in my life, except get married obviously. Whoops."
"It's a verification of everything that you've accomplished and what your goals were in life."
"The big accomplishments in life are like the little ones: doing things you like to do, hanging out with loved ones."
"I'm proud of you for whatever you're doing in life."
"Sammy, Nobody's Fool either, obviously he didn't get to where he was in life without having balls and brains."
"And in this way, within just 5 years of starting his investment journey, Mr. Jhunjhunwala earned so much money from this market that many people couldn't even earn in their entire life."
"These are moments in life which when you're a kid, you don't even dream of."
"People look back on their lives and accomplishments, they develop feelings of contentment and integrity."
"The most rewarding and meaningful things you can accomplish in your lifetime take patience and perseverance and hard work over years and even decades."
"My life has exceeded a bucket list."
"I'm going to let you guys in on a really big one here, okay? You want to know how I've been able to achieve the things I've achieved in my life?"
"I see a man who seized and took all the opportunities that he was afforded."
"Before you die, what are the things that you want to accomplish? What do you want to say you have done?"
"I've really lived out all those dreams."
"If it weren't for them, I wouldn't be where I am."
"The things that have transpired in my life have been so much bigger and greater than anything I could have even dreamed of."
"Tell me your favorite thing you've ever made in your life."
"I wouldn't be here... in the life that I have if it weren't for my education."
"I really truly think this is the culmination of everything I've done in my life."
"Isn't retirement wonderful? You have time for yourself to relax and reflect on all your personal and professional achievements."
"A life well-lived, of service to his community, earning the respect of respectable people."
"He lived a life that he earned, and that's respectable."
"It felt like she won, like she did win in life."
"One wife, one job, one school. How many people can say they can accomplish that in life?"
"What an amazing life you have led so far."
"I like people, and I'm very proud of what I've done in my life."
"We have to understand what is success."
"The higher he climbs in life, the more he realizes that nothing is more important than family."
"I just hope that I can step back and kind of look at everything that I've done in my life."
"We are going to lay our trophies, our pride, everything we've ever tried to accomplish or work for in this life, at the feet of Jesus one day because it doesn't matter to Him."
"It's not so much of what you accomplished in life as what you put into motion."
"She's lived an amazing life and she's always done amazing things. She's such a good role model for so many people."
"Shaquille O'Neal has officially completed the campaign of life and is now doing side quests."
"He's one of those really inspirational guys, I like what he's done with his life."
"You had to do something right in your life, despite all of the hiccups."
"Thank you for all the music that you've made, for the life that you have lived, for the exemplary life that you have lived."
"I hope Shaquille O'Neal has officially completed the campaign of life and is now doing side quests."
"I've done a lot in life and I genuinely just want to give back more."
"If you strip everything else away from it, all the thoughts, all the ego, all the bills, families, whatever... you're left with that state, the conscious state that did all the best things in your life."
"What do you want to achieve before you die? Travel the world."
"Everything now is just a blessing, like you know what I mean, because I never thought it would actually get to this point in my lifetime, but here we are."
"Snoop Dogg and Jack Black are two people who have finished the main quest of life and are now just doing side quests."
"Walt was by no means perfect, but what a life he led."
"It's given me the life that I have now, it's given me a job, it's given me a dream job, it's given me a dream business, it's given me a life, it's given me the friendships that I have."
"God, these things are just the peak of my life."
"I've always wanted to be able to look at all the things I've done in life."
"I've been able to do a lot of things in life through his being the musical genius that he is."
"It is going to be one of the most fulfilling things that you do in your lifetime."
"Innocence, purity, and redemption, success, a special connection with the divine."
"I regard the most successful thing I've done in life is to build a good relationship with my family."
"By far the top three things I've done in my entire life."
"I'm so happy for you that your life has really turned out spectacularly."
"I'm unbelievably grateful for everything I got this year."
"The player who wins is the one who at the end of their long and successful life looks back over their life achievements and has the greatest sense of satisfaction over having accomplished so many great things in life."
"He was a good man... any mother would be proud of a son like that who lived the righteous life, worked hard, was successful."
"This is a resting place where people should be remembered for their lives and the things that they've done."
"She will do so much in her life that would be enough for three average lives."
"I should be the happiest guy on the planet right now."
"You're the only thing in my life I'm proud of."
"She's been an incredibly good mother and has done some amazing work through her life."
"I feel good about who I am and what I've done my entire life."
"Of all the things I've done in my life, this is without a doubt the most important."
"You're building a lot of things that are amazing in your life or you're getting very close to living a dream life."