
Reverence Quotes

There are 3256 quotes

"The most illustrious artists, musicians, and movie stars are often among the most revered people in the world."
"The most joyful thing in my life is my marriage, and therefore, I will treat it with the reverence it deserves."
"If you want to learn anything and have knowledge, you must have the fear of the Lord at the very outset of the learning process."
"The fear of the Lord is what gives us longevity."
"Friendship with the Lord is reserved for those who fear Him. With them, He shares his Secrets."
"By the fear of the Lord, one departs from evil."
"God lives in silence; the Lord is in his holy temple, let everyone be silent in his presence."
"Humanity during this time would hold science in the highest esteem above all things, science during the Golden Age essentially was humanity's religion."
"There's a particular type of reverence to this connection with our greater existence... whether it's God, the universe, or nature."
"O Lord, O Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!"
"The church, which is presently despised or at best ignored, will again be reverenced and admired."
"People can experience awe and reverence about virtue."
"Spirituality is not just love and light... there's learning in all of it, and in that experience, there's a deep reverence and respect."
"The character shown by these people, the actions they took, the risk to personal life and limb to ensure that others could live, because they'd already seen so many die, that's where it goes from being in awe to being in reverence."
"Educators must convey a sense of enlightened patriotism that equips each generation with a knowledge of America's founding principles, a deep reverence for their liberties, and a profound love of their country."
"I fear Jesus Christ far more than I do Joshua Chavez or anyone else for that matter."
"In that day, man will have regard for his Maker and his eyes will look to the Holy One of Israel."
"Fear of Heaven... can also be awe. When you're in awe of something, not that you fear it like you fear a thief or you fear the night, but you're in awe of it."
"I think of that as the virtue of reverence, and I think reverence is to properly realize the relevance of something that should be given a priority even over yourself."
"Let us show gratitude by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe."
"How could we not be reverent, what God has given us in this Eucharist is beyond unfathomable."
"I took that tradition and actually researched into why we do it. The reverence behind it... it really humbles me."
"Entities that he encounters seem to revere him in a way."
"If we don't have a reverence for truth, there's no way to fix this culture."
"God alone is due worship. Good angels should be given reverence... and bad angels, they should be avoided."
"We spent three days up there processing that scene with dignity, as if we were walking on hallowed ground."
"The Latin Mass does have more built-in reverence into it and that reverence spills over into the congregation."
"It's not very often you hear the words 'pioneer' uttered in any art context, the word carrying with it a certain weight and reverence."
"How precious also are Thy thoughts unto me, O God!"
"I have a reference for you that's how much reverence I have for you."
"A person should certainly fear Allah as much as they are able."
"SubhanAllah, a person needs to fear Allah as much as they can."
"The Ganges is the most venerated river on earth."
"Mankind has always feared and worshiped the same thing."
"Ancient Egyptians regarded the Nile as a Divine gift from the gods."
"It certainly lives up to the godlike moniker."
"There's one fear in scripture that's actually good and that's the fear of the Lord."
"The fear of the Lord instead is an awe and reverence for who God is and what he has said."
"It's more reverent I think than it could have been... it takes most of the themes quite seriously."
"At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow."
"Honoring the temple is really honoring the potential and the purpose that God has for us."
"When the Quran is recited, listen to it and be silent that you may receive mercy."
"It's almost like there's magic, right? We revered them, we put them in museums, and because they tell the story of who we are."
"Man should tremble, the world should quake, all heaven should be deeply moved when the Son of God appears on the altar in the hands of the priest." - Saint Francis of Assisi
"Take off your shoes, America. This is our burning bush."
"I always feel like I'm reading the bible or something with this intro, just a holy intro so inspirational."
"The sacredness of all life will be intimately recognized and appreciated, an open-ended consciousness will feel its connections with all other living beings."
"When you pray, say our father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name."
"Take off your shoe, for the ground you stand on is holy."
"Jesus is big. So big that every knee is going to bow."
"Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, there's just something about that name."
"Let's make way for the most High's time, got us on assignment, gotta pay homage."
"Tolkien stuff to me is sacred. It is [expletive] amazing."
"Arachnids of all sorts are to be revered, and anyone who mistreats or kills a spider must die."
"The place that you're standing is holy ground."
"Respect for God's presence is an awesome thing."
"Knowledge of this is revered in every culture."
"But this knowledge should do more than leave us in awe; it should help us to fear the Lord."
"The tried and true burials, man, are godlike."
"This is one of those games that's like sacred in the world of board gaming."
"Hanuman symbolizes true devotion and unconditional surrender, making him one of the most revered gods of Hinduism."
"The fear of the Lord... it's the sense of reverence and awe... which is the beginning of wisdom."
"This is the sacred place within the sacred place."
"We don't want to lose biblical principles of sanctity and reverence in worship."
"When you come before God, respectfully acknowledge that you are dealing with a God that operates in a dimension higher than the scope of men."
"In a world that is deeply distressing at times, incomprehensible in various ways, shocking in other ways, to me, that kind of reverence injects something that is vital and valuable."
"None are more special than Gettysburg, Lincoln called Gettysburg hallowed ground consecrated in the blood of the soldiers who struggled there."
"Respect Tolkien. It's sacred text, not just a book with hobbits with hairy feet."
"All are sacred in Hindu culture: the stone, the animal, the river, the tree. Everything is sacred."
"Mary... one of the greatest women who lived in human history."
"I pray that I may live a God-centered life that will honor you, that will bring honor to your name."
"I think the theater is actually, you know, the one true church."
"The bottom line is, Haiti is sacred. Haiti is our people."
"No one speaking by the spirit of God will curse Jesus."
"What was sacred for our fathers is sacred today and it cannot be cast aside."
"These three here are kind of like the holy trinity, like god itself."
"Let us restore the crown to our Lady Mary most holy queen and mother of the church."
"If you don't esteem His word, then you don't esteem Him."
"Approach the Word of God with awe and humility."
"The only person you're supposed to fear is God."
"Nobody, no one, and I mean absolutely no one should take God's word for granted."
"Fear is not from God; the only one you should fear is God, in reverence."
"At the beginning of each time of prayer, remember who it is you're talking to."
"Isn't it wonderful that once a year God invites us to come and bend the knee and worship in the stable at the manger, the newborn King?"
"Jesus reigns above everything, he is the king, he is love."
"The Torah is described as the most beautiful, wonderful thing in the planet."
"God is greatly to be feared in the Assembly of the Saints." - Psalms 89:7
"We use all the set apart names, most high sovereign."
"The ancient manner of receiving in the hand was much different and would look much more reverent than what is done today."
"Receiving our Lord on the tongue while kneeling reinforces that reverence for our Eucharistic Lord."
"The fragments of the consecrated host are crushed by feet. This is horrible, our God in our churches is trampled by feet." - Bishop Schneider
"In Wilds Beyond they speak your name with reverence and regret, for none could tame our Savage Souls."
"They are going to tremble at who God is, they are going to tremble, and the LORD is preparing His people because it's His people who He wants to stand firm."
"The fear of the Lord causes you to want to please Him."
"No one would do that any more than they would say Washington or Jefferson."
"Jesus is Lord, He always was and He always will be, and we honor that before you today."
"Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom, period."
"We shouldn't throw away what looks like God - let's treat this as a holy and reverent thing."
"Reverence for the infinite, contacting the infinite power, that's the answer."
"That's what that's about, you know? Y'all reading out the scriptures, and I'm gonna tell you, God's word is nothing to be played with."
"How could I be against it? How can I insult God?"
"Fear of God means to recognize the awesomeness of God."
"The fear of Yahweh is the beginning of knowledge." Proverbs 1:7.
"How do we inspire and persuade others to have reverence for the authority of God's word?"
"Walking in the presence of Sidney Poitier... was like walking in the presence of a king or a queen."
"We are still living by and under the authority of probably the single greatest document ever written, and that's our Constitution."
"Approach her energy with the utmost respect and reverence."
"The perfect master is not an object of blind worship, but one to reverence, to love, and to imitate."
"As humans, we don't mind things being big, per se, we don't mind being humbled, so long as the things we are bowing to deserve homage."
"They're just the oldest living things on the planet, they're the gods."
"Every time you use that word your lips should tremble. What does it mean? Redemption."
"Thank you for being sanctified over all things, for being sovereign over all things."
"This is going to be looked back and revered even more than it is right now."
"His name is sacred. It is holy. It is not to be tampered with."
"The Bible says: 'Praise the Lord, blessed is the man who feared the Lord...'"
"You know, it's revered at this point. It's a classic."
"Worship is an act of reverence and humility."
"It's time to look at those expressions differently, time to give it more reverence."
"I have no issue with honoring the spirituality of a place."
"It is something that you need to treat with the greatest reverence and respect. It is a treasure, it’s more valuable than any earthly treasure that you can ever possess."
"Tremble, O earth, at the presence of the Lord, at the presence of the God of Jacob."
"God is not to be played with, and God is not mocked."
"Fear of God is the beginning of wisdom."
"A knowing that does not destroy the sacredness and mystery of life but contains a deep love and reverence for all that is."
"How can words of a mere individual ever be able to accurately convey the characteristics of Allah's best creation?"
"These scriptures... ought to be read, studied, prayed over, honored, and obeyed as the very words of the Living God."
"What a powerful name it is, the name of Jesus Christ my King."
"My admiration for you is second only to the Holy Spirit."
"This body is the temple of God. I honor You by taking good care of myself."
"I sat her on a higher plane than myself so that she can feel as the queen, and in this setting, she is the queen."
"It's a film made by people who clearly revere the Godzilla IP and have lovingly crafted a film that doesn't just do justice to the character but for filmmaking in general."
"Fear Jehovah, all you holy ones, for those who fear Him lack nothing."
"I walk into that building and I want to take my shoes off; this is sacred ground."
"The only person you need to fear is God Almighty."
"I was approaching this like a sacred object, like nuclear material, like the Ark of the Covenant."
"At the name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in heaven, things in Earth, things under the Earth."
"You're coming into his presence, into the presence of God, into the presence of the angels."
"Our worship should be like gravy, no. It should be marked by a certain gravity."
"Worthy art Thou, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power."
"Oh Lord, our Lord, how excellent is Your name in all the earth!"
"I'm so grateful for this opportunity; from the very bottom of my heart, I bow to the Divine in you."
"It contains the words of God himself."
"I bow to the Divine in you and I cherish this beautiful connection that we share."
"Oh messenger of Allah, you are beautiful in life and you are as beautiful in death."
"It's like the Bible and just as holy."
"Worship the Lord with reverence and rejoice with trembling."
"When one loses reverence for the mythological essence of human heroic stories, he then renders his own work unfinishable."
"It's Hallowed Ground, right? I mean just look at these images."
"The church is the one object upon which God bestows in a special sense his supreme regard."
"He is called 'thrice-great' because he was the greatest philosopher, the greatest priest, and the greatest king."
"The place on which you stand is holy ground."
"The place that you're standing on is Holy Ground."
"Honoring the seasonal changes, honoring the deities of nature, connecting to the gods that are all around us."
"The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life."
"The Bible is something you don't play with, you can't play with it."
"Treat as holy the Christ as Lord in your hearts."
"It is a great grace to be in the presence of a relic, doubly so when that relic belongs to an apostle."
"...when we fly these airplanes we are doing it in honor of the veterans that have gone before us I think they're with you all the time."
"The traditional Latin Mass... gives the impression that it's being taken seriously."
"Your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit."
"You were bought at a price; therefore honor God with your bodies."
"Respect that God Factor within you."
"Demons tremble at the sound of Your Name."
"God, you are so big, you are just so big, you're so powerful."
"There's no better feeling of Grace, of power, of intimacy, to hear the words of the priest."
"We send complete blessings and salutations upon Muhammad, Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, the best of creation, the most noble of all prophets."
"Old magic is sacred. What's the sacred part? Sweating into plants instead of going to lunch?"
"Worship is giving to God honor and reverence and homage and adoration and glory and obedience."
"Nature in and of itself is a sacred thing."
"We are to worship God in spirit and in truth."
"When we come together to worship the Living God, we are coming there to ascribe to Him glory."
"Take your shoes off, you are standing on holy ground."
"Hallelujah! Lord, how we bless you, how we honor you, how we reverence you."
"You are perfect in all your ways; we stand in awe of Who You Are."
"My lord has wisdom like that of an angel of God."
"The fear of the Lord is Jesus's delight."
"Unite my heart to fear your name."
"Praise our God, all ye His servants, and ye that fear Him, both small and great."
"Every knee should bow of things in heaven, and things in Earth, and things under the earth."
"Heaven is His throne, and the earth is His footstool."
"Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, riches, wisdom, strength, honor, glory, and blessing."
"Prayer is sacred communication between you and God."
"I have seen him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps; they have builded him an altar in the evening dews and damps."
"You are worthy of all of our worship."
"The Fremen revere the sandworm as the embodiment of their Earth God."
"Use his name wisely, but don't blaspheme against it"
"May thy judgment Emperor descend upon us as great as our devotion to thee"
"Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ."
"The Book of Revelation exalts Christ like nobody's business."
"Christ is also worthy of worship because in his person and work, he makes us worthy to offer him worship that is worthy of him."
"Virtue, moderation, and reverence. Reverence is knowledge of God."
"The ultimate standard is reverence from which goodness follows."
"Sacred is Bianca Renee approved. Hallelujah!"
"If we choose to have reverence for the design of nature and then align ourselves with that."
"Plato's truth is like a cathedral which we humbly bow to enter. It encloses us; we do not enclose it."
"The closest thing that we have on earth to God's love for us, is a mother's love for her child."
"Reverence is a grace that animates your sense of the sacredness of life."
"When asked what the Virgin Mary looked like, Alice smiled and said she was dressed in radiant white robes."
"Immaculate Mary, Mother of God, blessed are you."
"You are the king of kings and the Lord of lords."