
Paradox Quotes

There are 3312 quotes

"Our society has a somewhat paradoxical relationship with creative works."
"You do not tolerate intolerance. That is the paradox of intolerance."
"Paradox is not proof of our failure here; paradox is actually evidence that we've succeeded."
"It's a very paradoxical thing about infinity. It's not a bug, it's a feature."
"If you seek authenticity for authenticity's sake, you are no longer authentic."
"You caused the very event that you thought you were preventing."
"The fundamental paradox that all my work tries to grapple with is that human beings have nature for good and for bad...we need to get to know the destructive impulses in order to strengthen the positive impulses."
"All of these economies have stock markets at all-time highs, they all have extremely low unemployment, and they are all officially in recession."
"The happiness paradox being the more you strive for happiness by direct means, the more you end up less happy than if you forget about happiness altogether and focus on other goals."
"The Abilene Paradox is a situation in which a group makes a decision that is contrary to the desires of the group's members because each member assumes the others approve of it."
"Is it possible to design a game to be worse and yet in doing so actually make the players' long-term experience of it better?"
"In France, we now have the paradoxical situation where the burqa has been banned, but face masks will be compulsory."
"It's odd to think that you can have two infinite sets of objects, like the set of odd numbers and the set of even numbers, which, when added together, yield a set which is exactly the same size as each of them."
"In the Kena Upanishad, the one who says he knows does not know, the one who says he does not know knows."
"The ability to appreciate paradox and ambiguity is a characteristic of spiritual maturity."
"The closer you get to experiencing something that we might call our own deeper nature or reality or truth, the more paradoxical our experience becomes."
"I'm fascinated with the idea of a higher power that cares but simultaneously makes sociopaths and dumb people."
"The truth is built off paradox: everything's its own thing, but it's also the opposite at the same time."
"Yellow enjoys paradox and uncertainty and is adept at resolving paradoxes."
"So symbolizes existence both true and false simultaneously."
"The bootstrap paradox is a paradox of time travel that questions how something that's taken from the future and placed in the past could ever come into existence in the first place."
"Each side of the dichotomy contains and implies the other side. You can never deny the other side."
"Rationality itself, when it takes to its full limit, must eat itself, break itself down, and ultimately devolve into paradox."
"The Fermi Paradox is more paradoxical than ever before."
"If you want a good idea of that, it's somehow the smartest people...actually have some of the most backward thinking."
"Paradoxically, real magic is fake magic, and fake magic is real magic. The only real magic in the world, produced by magicians, is the fake magic."
"You can actually accomplish something by doing nothing."
"So you can see how paradoxically, giving in to current comfort, can lead to future discomfort."
"The paradox of tolerance...what do you do when somebody's intolerant but you want to be tolerant of them?"
"It's absolutely ironic but to save the planet we are going to need more mines. You wouldn't think it possible, you wouldn't think that's sensible or reasonable, but that's actually the fact of the matter."
"That is terrifying but also beautiful at the same time."
"Paradox is inherent to reality; there cannot be reality without paradox."
"The very reality of 'I' comes into question. Follow this thread far enough, and you run smack into a paradox."
"The ultimate paradox of experts is that they are supposed to be independent and objective, yet for some reason, each party's expert always says what that party wants that expert to say."
"Having anyone in charge of free speech is antithetical to free speech."
"You can't deny objective truth without asserting it at the same time because saying there is no objective truth is an assertion of an objective truth."
"Unemployment's at 40%, but happiness is at an all-time high."
"When you embrace failure, success comes. It's the biggest paradox in the universe."
"Love as... is in part captivity, but in a kind of paradoxical sense, it's also an amazing freedom."
"Water, water all around, and not a drop to drink."
"What is more American than a Super Bowl parade and yet what is more American than a mass shooting?"
"All truths are half-truths, and all paradoxes may be reconciled."
"You can't be guilty and innocent at the same time, just like you can't be hungry and full or tall and short or British and happy."
"Jesus was a paradox; He was fully God and fully man."
"Planet Fun was a ton of fun, but sometimes fun is not fun, you know, Sunny?"
"Humanity is advancing in so many different ways, yet it feels like we're getting worse."
"Simpson's paradox is the confusing phenomenon that arises when we find different directions of association between small groups and overall totals."
"That to find ourselves requires we must first lose ourselves is, I believe, life's greatest paradox."
"This might not make any sense, but Pongormeh is a very memorable character that I cannot remember."
"Christianity is filled with paradoxes... it's this weird set of paradoxes to live: you have to die to live, that death brings life."
"They experienced abundance by giving, which seems opposite."
"Every girl wants a bad boy that'll be good just for her, and every boy wants a good girl that will be bad just for him."
"You can't really have a cat which is dead and alive at the same time."
"The uselessness of work actually adds to its value in some perverse way."
"Capitalism came to grief because it was undermined by the rise of capitalism."
"The most insignificant person in this whole story is also the most important."
"Luka Doncic is just quite literally a man that has everything and nothing at the same time."
"This intelligence thing is a double-edged sword."
"Hawking believed that the interconnectedness of the modern world while providing a platform for unprecedented progress and convenience also presents us with a terrifying Paradox."
"Because the devil believes he's doing something that's advancing his agenda, his kingdom, but ultimately all that ends up doing is advancing the kingdom of God."
"It's difficult to talk about the cross because it's both totally on the inside... but it's also at the edge of the world."
"Peace in essence through superior firepower."
"Paradox is only a conflict between reality and your feeling of what reality ought to be."
"It is crazy that both thoughts can exist at the same time in a chat room."
"Sometimes worse things can feel better than better things."
"The pluralist enjoys paradox and contradiction without needing to eliminate them."
"Paradox can be seen as delicious and beautiful. It's the core feature of reality."
"Paradox may be the key... apparently opposing statements that are both true."
"You're the happiest angry-looking guy I've ever seen."
"It's a kind of a lie that has helped us realize the truth."
"They both won, which is another way of saying they both lost."
"...the foolishness of God is stronger than the wisdom of humans and Christ is the foolishness of God..."
"It's terrible and beautiful all at the same time."
"Your speed and dexterity is only furthered by the fact that holding a one-handed weapon with both hands increases swing speed."
"This person has like an actual aura of positivity despite being a freaking hitman."
"All must be woke enough, but you can never be woke enough."
"Can something be tasty but bland at the same time?"
"The only way to stop discrimination is more racial discrimination."
"The mafia has a habit of doing good things for legitimate people as well."
"This idea of sacrifice, it should be a race so who can raise the other one to the bottom."
"Thirteen Reasons Why is constructed around a catch-22."
"The Fermi paradox has become only more paradoxical."
"Faith is believing in things even when common sense tells you not to."
"Opposites can't occupy the same space at the same time."
"It's like to go through the door, you have to not want to go through the door too much."
"Surprise is when if you can't really think of something that surprises you because obviously if you're thinking of it doesn't surprise you anymore."
"Nothing will fundamentally change except a bunch of things that will fundamentally change."
"If he's all-powerful, can he make a rock so big he can't lift it?"
"SCP-999 might seem harmless and it is, but it is unironically one of the strongest SCPs in existence."
"Something can't both exist and not exist at the same time in the same way that's impossible, that's why we would call it a paradox."
"Hate, harassment, and toxic behavior have no place in games... except they do."
"I think most selfish is actually being the most selfless."
"It's like saying the ball is blue and red at the exact same time. It can either be blue or red but it cannot be blue and red at the exact same time."
"Recognizing yourself as the locus of evil... actually, in some sense, gives you far more respect for yourself strangely enough."
"To put it simply, when someone says to you 'there is no truth', the response of is that true should tie them up in knots."
"Catastrophic success has the roots of its own destruction."
"This is the paradox of destiny and free will... destiny and free will walk hand in hand."
"Honestly, you know, it's such a double-edged sword because even those artists that you don't like sometimes they influence things in a positive way."
"Good people do stupid things, stupid people do good things."
"Constraints can have a negative connotation but choosing self-imposed constraints is paradoxically incredibly liberating."
"Does owning a car make you feel more free or does it do the opposite?"
"Because while life is long, it's also short."
"Anything you say about God is always wrong, it's a compromise."
"Sometimes less is more, and sometimes more is less."
"Kanye defended the Second Amendment, which made sense though it made no sense that he was making sense."
"In losing my freedom I discovered my freedom." - Unknown
"Socialists are supported by the rich and the powerful."
"It would be like if firemen literally started fires."
"Actions speak louder than words, but at the same time words speak louder than action because sometimes it's the right thing to do right."
"It's weird they kind of can have the alternative effect."
"Expanding slavery was the first step toward the eventual extermination of slavery."
"They realize that they can be clean and dirty at the same time."
"You need to be deeply asleep to be deeply awake."
"The hospital is simultaneously the building where most people leave without entering and also the building where most people enter without leaving."
"The paradox about Joni's life is she wanted to keep her boys safe so she gave them money and things that they wanted but in truth, nobody was saved, people's lives were destroyed."
"There is an inherent paradox to being human: every moment of every day we are both individuals and members of groups."
"Spiritual balancing is the art of resolving paradoxes within oneself."
"The closer you are to danger, the further you are from harm."
"The paradox here is that we have to continue making these premises in order to accept the logic of a syllogism. So the structure of the logical argument is illogical? Pretty much."
"My worst investments were also my best investments because they taught me I know nothing about investing."
"I couldn't be more glad. It's like I'm tied up but at the same time I've never felt more free."
"There's almost an irony or a paradox in the fact that your pain caused disconnection but then the pain caused connection deep."
"Pokemon is the ultimate failure that just keeps succeeding."
"The crazier he got, the more sane and logical the people who began to follow him were."
"Object fixation is useful and 'nearly as good as true' but when paradxoes loom, we should remember that while chairs exist, they aren’t made out of matter and can’t be touched or or felt or tasted."
"I'm bad and that's good, I will never be good and that's not bad."
"For 24 hours all crimes are legal, what crimes will you be committing? None because they're now legal."
"The more you try to control your life, the more out of control you will feel."
"Your greatest strength is your greatest weakness."
"The only thing that a tolerant society cannot tolerate is intolerance."
"If nothing is true, this statement must also be false."
"It's heartwarming and heartbreaking at the same time."
"So, sometimes the case is that the worst the numbers, the bigger the thing can run."
"The minute someone comes in that is that kind of [__] or wants to bring bigotry to the environment you now have the paradox of tolerance."
"Can you be motivating and demotivating at the same time? Oh, say no more."
"The truth can come from a liar but that doesn't mean that it's not the truth."
"It's perfectly possible to be critical of something yet love it at the same time."
"Two seemingly contradictory things can both be true simultaneously."
"Faith doesn't often make sense to common sense."
"Truth is stranger than fiction because truth kind of at least doesn't have to make any sense."
"The Paradox of Tolerance: unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance."
"Stop wanting it so bad, do you ever notice the people that don't want anything are the people that got all of it."
"Momentum isn't a real thing but it's definitely a real thing."
"The more satisfying the taste, the less satisfying it was."
"The biggest lies hide behind the greatest truths."
"Everything is good and terrible at the same time."
"There's nothing faster than slow. That's what makes no sense."
"Step number six: don't get greedy but get greedy."
"Recognize that reality is deeply paradoxical."
"If you don't want change, you won't stay the same."
"Westview is for the children, yet it is devoid of children."
"There's a war with no fighting. How is that even possible?"
"Even the devil can tell the truth once in a while when he wants to."
"How is it possible that Jack hired at the beginning of the film as an off-season caretaker and what the audience is left to assume is the present day could also show up in a photograph from a Time long before he was born"
"Avatar is talked about all the time, even if it's just people saying nobody talks about Avatar."
"Despite KILLING a man, you still pass with flying colors!"
"Very few people believe the idea that you can love someone and still hurt them."
"It's the perfect strategy to successfully dance by not dancing." - "It's the perfect strategy to successfully dance by not dancing."
"I always say more is less, so I would want a nice, chunky ring."
"I'm a great person that being bad if that even makes sense."
"Literally the only thing that we can't tolerate is intolerance."
"How was this killer so calculated and yet so careless at the same time?"
"There's good in the world despite God being maximally evil."
"The Grammys don't matter. But the Grammys matter to me."
"Expectations not high, expectations are quite high though."
"Something so good can actually be so bad for you."
"You mean you can only do things that you don't have the authority to do..."
"There's so much life in the absence of life."
"Maybe if it's so bizarre, it has to be true."
"If you dedicate your life to never being unhappy you will paradoxically actually avoid happiness."
"It's wild that the winner of every golf tournament played the least golf."
"It's possible for tolerance to be intolerant of intolerance."
"We can have two things be true at the same time."
"Just because it's a hoax doesn't mean it's not real."
"I believe in the saying never say never, but I gotta say never."
"There are no absolutes... are you absolutely certain?"
"If one believes in immortality and divine reward and punishment, how can that make any sense?"
"This is like a fever dream, nothing makes sense, but in a way, everything makes sense."
"Monty's plan is explained: resolve the paradox, create a new reality free of Apothicons."
"He's got both, but somehow they still deemed he was unqualified."
"How can you be top and first but still get finessed?"
"Can something be logical and insane at the same time? Absolutely."
"The end is the beginning, therefore creating a perfect strange loop."
"Two things can be true: offended and impressed."
"The rejection of truth will always contradict itself."
"It's amazing how I know people who love him, you know, and he was viewed to be radical and is still viewed to be radical yet they'll vote Democrat. It just doesn't make any sense."
"It is a paradox, it is a mystery wrapped in a riddle that you know you can't really understand fully without diving into the complexity here."
"This here is the friendship paradox, now it is called a paradox but really it's just mathematical truth that isn't obvious at first."
"There's a paradox of intolerance... If you're tolerant of the intolerant, your society is going to fail."
"It's strange. I have people that subscribe to me that don't like me. That's weird."
"I know it sounds crazy, but it sounds too crazy for it not to be true."
"Sometimes stillness comes from a body in motion."
"Things are us things incorporated we can't both be things but you've managed it."
"The Japanese had all these problems, but they had a lot of success early on, don't they?"
"Be selfish and selfless at the same time. Those are not contradictions."
"INFJs and ENFJs: Navigating the social introvert paradox."
"Funny how it can be one thing and another at the same time."
"Will save you whole bunch of money now this is going to sound kind of counterintuitive but I promise you it's not doing high maintenance things to be low maintenance."
"90% of women may hate Andrew, but 99.9% of women would like a man like Andrew."
"They are more and less similar at times, with incredibly similar start and end points."