
Self-alignment Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"Feel in alignment with the highest version of your self-identity. You feel like, 'Oh, I match where I want to be.'"
"Do you want to make it to the end of your life with all of the public accolades that anybody could want, feeling completely unfulfilled internally, let alone and alone lost, or do you want to dial back what you do in the real world so that it actually matches up with who you are and move both of those people forward?"
"You also can't align yourself with your authentic self when you don't understand who you authentically are."
"Being in alignment with my god-given assignment is how I understand my path."
"This life is about abundance. Your soul's purpose in this life is to align with the truth of who you are."
"Finally getting into alignment with your purpose, getting into alignment with your destiny."
"True joy is only obtained by living in accordance with one's own blessing."
"The highest Paradigm of all is the being paradigm. When you become the right person, the right action simply flows through you as a result of alignment."
"Am I living in alignment with the way I want to be living?"
"Having the capacity to not be alienated from your soul is going to be just as necessary as food, shelter, leisure, pleasure, rest, and water."
"Align to yourself, do things for yourself that make you feel good, that nourish you inside and out, and it will align you to the right person or the right people."
"When someone shifts their life into alignment with their own wants, needs, values, priorities, passions, and desires, the less they will abandon a sense of themselves for a sake of confluence."
"Set a target for yourself that's aligned with the person that you are and strive for success."
"Don't measure your success by how much you have or make, but by how in tune you are with yourself."
"Get aligned with what you truly need and want for yourself."
"Make how you feel the most important thing in your life."
"Move towards things that align with your higher self."
"You are matching up perfectly with your higher self."
"If you get that feeling in your stomach that what you're doing is not aligned with who you are, probably isn't."
"You guys are just gonna start feeling more inspired because you are in alignment with who you really are."
"You made the decision aligned with your happiness, and I think that's a really wonderful thing."
"Never do something that your soul does not agree with."
"Achieving a state of inner peace is crucial in aligning oneself with the right relationships."
"We need that connection now, and it is through the steps of spiritual surrender that you realign with that connection to the universe."
"The further you get away from what you're naturally inclined to do and designed by nature to do, the worst you're going to feel."
"You're not gonna ruin anything by living your life in a way that is in alignment with yourself."
"The way you start fixing it is uh start aligning yourself with uh actual higher truths and not the ones that just make you feel comfortable."
"Your Universe picks your Direction; every decision either aligns with your higher self or your ego."
"What is aligned with me will find me, will take action towards me, will communicate with me. I will not have to go out and find the love that is meant for me."
"Confidence that is truly so deep, that is authentic, that comes from a space of being aligned radically with your own core Soul frequency."
"Manifest things from a place of your higher self and values."
"Trust in your vision; you're remaining true to yourself."
"The road becomes clear and the confusion, the clouds separate, the mist just disperses as we come more into alignment with this is who I am, what I believe, where I need to work right now."
"The more you align your energy from within, the more magnetic ability you will have."
"You're healing, you're aligning... being honest with yourself, being honest with others."
"I thought it was gonna benefit me but I had no idea it was going to radically shift my life and knock me back into alignment like I've never been in before."
"Live with integrity, in alignment with who you want to be."
"Potential is always going to reward you with harmony, with things that are in alignment with you."
"Whatever is in alignment with your truth, your inner fire, your soul song, your passions, desires, that's always the place you should be choosing from."
"You have to align with integrity and dignity."
"We know deep down we need to release and let go of things in our life that are no longer in alignment with ourselves and who we are becoming."
"Living in the end of what you want to create is a really relaxed state of being."
"You're going into a new version of yourself in order to manifest. You have to genuinely align to that version of yourself."
"Authentic power is aligning your personality with your soul, with those intentions of your soul. We're in new territory."
"Your true power lies in caring about what truly aligns with your goals and values."
"You are saying no to things that are no longer in alignment with you."
"Each of us can make decisions that are in alignment with what feels good to us without calling into question whether or not those different choices are right for other people."
"The more inner work you do, the more alignment you will be with the way things actually are in the world."
"It's just time to get back in alignment with yourself, in alignment with those things that bring you peace, harmony, love, freedom."
"I'm a testimony of this. You don't have to sell your soul to do it. It is truly aligned. You can be your true authentic self."
"Your actions must be in alignment with all the goodness and strengths that you know to be true about yourself."
"Moving towards purpose and actually aligning with it...is not something that is elusive."
"You're aligning yourself with your center. Healing yourself and moving forward with hope."
"You want to do something that is in line with your life's purpose."
"Align your actions so that they match your values and inner knowingness of what's right for you."
"Don't spend all your time trying to keep up with what your dream once was. Spend some time making sure that your dream is keeping up with who you are becoming."
"The way you feel is your indication always one hundred percent of the time of whether you are in tune with the way the larger part of you sees this."
"It is in the healing of the trauma that we purify ourselves into alignment with our purpose."
"The only person who has a completely aligned interest with you is future you."
"When I choose fear instead of faith, I'm violating my design."
"Stop chasing what may not be meant for you; focus on what truly aligns with your path."
"I'm gonna force myself to only do something that I actually care about and care deeply about."
"When you feel bad, it is because you are not aligning with who you are."
"You're only going to be successful and you're only going to achieve the most out of life if you only do things that make sense to you."
"We become this really powerful example of that alignment and that connection to our inner self."
"If you've connected with this video, you are living in such beautifully close alignment."
"Following your passion is essential, even if you can't see its logical conclusion, because the passion in itself is indicating to you that you are living in alignment with more of your core Soul blueprint."
"Your dreams will lead you to the happy spot."
"Success is living in alignment with your true self, creating positive energy that attracts opportunities and abundance."
"It's not about them, it's about lining you with you."
"You are getting back in alignment with yourself."
"Being a vibrational match for peace, you yourself have to be at peace."
"Realigning with what truly feels balanced and fulfilling for you."
"I'm tapped in, I'm tuned in. When you are in alignment with who you are, you can see everything."
"You deserve great love, align with that vibration and attract the person who mirrors it back to you."
"This portal here is aligning you to your truth, to your purpose."
"In 5D, our actions are not driven by compulsion but by alignment with our true selves."
"You are on the right path towards being in harmony with your heart's desire."
"If your thoughts are positive and really aligned with yourself, your life will follow."
"Being centered in yourself is really important."
"When all of us, I mean all parts of us, are not on board with the direction that we're going or with a goal, it's obvious that we're not going to get there very fast."
"It's like you're just getting into alignment with yourself, and that's what's going to be bringing love or whatever into your life."
"You're never alone but by yourself, wanting to be by yourself and wanting to align with the energy that you're giving out."
"This is probably where the peace strategy is coming in because it's like I know that I'm operating out of my highest alignment. I'm grounded and I'm aware."
"Acting in full alignment with ourselves actually is the most selfless thing we can do."
"Cultivate a state of inner alignment and coherence, aligning your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and actions with the reality you wish to create."
"You're waving goodbye to things that are not authentically aligned for yourself."
"When you are in alignment with your truth... your peace cannot be disrupted."
"Trust your intuition, align yourself to the path that you need to be."
"Honoring your body and energy is crucial for feeling aligned to yourself."
"As within so without. If you want to match the frequency of a successful relationship, you have to align with your own highest good first."
"It's important to ask yourself: Am I in alignment?"
"Link up the thoughts, emotions, and habits of the version of you."
"When you reach the point in your life when how you appear to the world is who you really are, that level of transparency takes no effort."
"Maybe your soul desires the ability to just have more freedom and to make money in the way that you see fit or in alignment with your truth and integrity."
"Choosing the actions that I know is aligned with the person that I need to be."
"Align yourself with your core truth and goals."
"You are here to seek joy. As you think thoughts that feel good to you, you will be in harmony with who you really are."
"I choose to move forward here towards something that feels right for me."
"Being in alignment with yourself and moving forward."
"You're completely in alignment with yourself."
"You are in alignment with your dreams and if you just take one step forward, you will be on the path to pursuing them."
"I think it's also really important as an investor, but investing is just a microcosm of life in any pursuit, to do it in a way that's aligned with who you are in this deep sense."
"Align yourself with that version of you."
"Align with yourself in a way that feels true."
"It's a helpful way to keep a connection between your outer and inner self at the same time."
"Do what you feel is right. I want you to get spiritually in tune with yourself so that you know what aligns with you and what does not. It's not my business to tell."
"Your life is your life, your body is your body. Do what you feel is right. I want you to get spiritually in tune with yourself so that you know what aligns with you and what does not."
"Making sure I'm living in a way that is intentional and aligned with what makes me happy."
"Congruence is a practice where the inside matches the outside."
"It's really about asking yourself - is what I'm doing in alignment with what I feel is right?"
"It's all about you, realigning yourself, getting back to who you are."
"You need to be aligned with yourself, honest with yourself about what you want."
"You have to live in congruence with what your heart knows."
"If you take time to do things that do not feel in alignment with you, you are wasting valuable time."
"When your words, your actions, and your thoughts are all aligned, that's when you really feel like you can love yourself the most."
"You are on the right path: higher self alignment, authenticity."
"The true soulmate is not something you search for, the more in alignment you are with yourself, the more you are able to see your true soulmate."
"Are you living in alignment with your ideals? That's what matters most."
"All you must do is align with that version of you that already has all that you are currently desiring."
"For me to neglect my desire and not take myself into consideration is living out of alignment with myself and what I desire."
"This is you aligning with your higher self and overcoming tremendous darkness and obstacles in your life to fulfill your destiny."
"You are heading in the direction of this star, the whole sense of aligning with yourself."
"Wherever you are, you belong, you're in alignment with yourself."
"Shifting my energy and focus to what I'm most excited about is what is right for me."
"Pause and downward facing dog, take a moment here, align yourself from the inside out."
"Our happiness lies in being fully aligned to what we actually are."
"I need to stay true to what feels right to me."
"What I get from being here and the opportunities that I seek align with my why."
"If the relationship between you and who you really are is primary to you, then everything else will fall into place."
"I have to be true to my purpose and I have to be true to myself."
"It's all about alignment to your purpose."
"It feels very much so that this month is about aligning yourself through new beginnings, through new approaches to a life that is more authentic to your soul."
"Whatever is happening there, it is about pushing you to align with something more authentic to you."
"Living authentically does not merely strip away the exhausting layers of pretense; it aligns your actions with your true beliefs."
"I value my relationships, I value integrity, I value striving to align the public version of myself with the private version."
"Are you in alignment with the life that you're living?"
"Get what you really need, look ahead and see, does this align with my truest highest self?"
"Setting goals that are in line with our own values is already our strong point."
"Passion aligns with your personality."
"Aligning with your truth is aligning with what you're here to do."
"You're being called to the front line of your life to truly step into alignment with your higher self."
"Recover from something in your heart space and try to realign with yourself."
"You're just energetically and emotionally aligned with your truth and values, and everything else is irrelevant."
"What do you need to do to get back aligned? What do you need to do to get back on your path?"
"Burnout means when you are not being who you were designed to be."
"The price of living in a way that feels unaligned with my core soul is too heavy."
"If it don't fit what you trying to do, why associate? That's not you."
"The ego's task would be to align itself with its own deeper nature and in so doing, be in service to the universe."
"Every moment of every day is an opportunity to align with your highest truth and most radiant self."
"As individuals begin to align with their highest selves and release old patterns of fear, doubt, and limitation, they often experience a deep knowing of their true calling and mission in life."
"No one can control your thoughts, no one can control your perspective, no one can control your alignment, only you."
"Satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfaction, because when you tune yourself to who you are, so that you are not affecting any contradiction within you, that's the satisfaction of life that you came to live."
"Hold yourself in the vibration you want your relationships to be in."
"You're actually in alignment with your higher self."
"Happiness comes from between, from getting the right relationship between yourself and others, yourself and your work, and yourself and something larger than yourself."
"Make sure that all of your decisions in your life... are absolutely resonating with who you are to the core."
"I want to occupy my seat... I want to align with the person who is divinely aligned with me."
"It's not about creating an image for others, it's more about wholeness, coming into integrity, into alignment with oneself."
"One being in alignment with their higher self is worth a million who are not."
"And as we begin to ask these questions and let go of the extra in our lives, now we are flowing with who it is we are."
"You're in your alignment and you're living there like this is where you're meant to be."
"I feel free when you're in alignment with yourself and what you want in life."
"I would like to start making more content with stuff that aligns more with who I really am."
"You are in alignment with your destiny."
"You're finally feeling empowered and preparing yourself for the future and what's to come."
"Be yourself because you want it to match your career goals."
"You want to be congruent; what's on the outside has to match on the inside."
"When you're reaching for alignment or mutuality with your inner being, you'll find it easily."
"It doesn't make moral and ethical life any simpler, but you have much more confidence that the decision that you've made is going to be more aligned with who you really want to be through thick and thin."
"You're in alignment with your destiny, which means you're in alignment with your higher self."
"Stay in alignment with your higher self."
"You really have to be in tune with different harmony with yourself to really feel, is this what I truly desire? Do I enjoy doing this?"
"Here's me being honest to you from the get-go in my appearance; this is me on the inside and the outside, so now they align."
"Stay in alignment with myself and what I know to be true for me."
"The Lovers represents a soulmate connection; it could also represent a choice that really represents your higher self versus your lower self."
"It's about aligning within yourself first."
"Live authentically, follow your desires, align with your true self."
"If I knew exactly what I wanted, does that map to that? Yes or no."
"What's most important to you? What do you value more than you value anything else? And how do you align your day-to-day behaviors to reflect that?"
"When you align fully with yourself, you know exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it."
"Remember, enlightened focus, aligning with your higher self in a more authentic way."
"Choose freedom; the more you feel free in your mind and spirit, the more you will be aligned with creating your own happiness."
"You're pretty much fully aligned with your higher self, with who you truly are."
"You can always orient yourself North to the morning star and be assured that you will make the decision that is in alignment with your highest good."
"Making decisions that are aligned with you, who you are when you are in your state of stability, connection, equilibrium."
"As you release anything that you're not in alignment with anymore, you're going to be expanding your Consciousness."
"Continue to be in harmony with yourself."
"When you align truly with yourself and with your best interest."
"Make sure that whoever you choose to deal with, that person aligns with your higher self."
"When you come back in alignment with yourself, you're going to attract all sorts of great energies."
"You're in perfect harmony with yourself, and the atmosphere has already shifted for you."
"Once you're in alignment with you, whatever you understand to be correct for you is indeed correct for you."
"Aligned: Walking your path, living your purpose, going the right direction."
"I resolve to make a new beginning that's in alignment with my higher self and I will do what excites my soul."
"Align with the things that you really want for yourself, and there is so much power at this time."
"You need to listen to your heart and be in alignment with yourself emotionally."
"Focus on who you want to be and aligning with the man that you want to be."
"As long as you're right with yourself and your karma, then it doesn't matter."
"Align yourself with energies who have, like you, had to fight through all of this hurt."