
Symbols Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Whenever you see feathers, it's your spirit guides reminding you of your self-worth."
"The pyramids, especially the Great Pyramids of Giza, stand as enduring symbols of the engineering prowess of the ancient Egyptians."
"Throughout the many different versions of this story, there is a potent image that comes back again and again: swords play a central role in the Arthurian legends."
"And there's a symbol that we use for this number, it's called n factorial."
"These are the secret origins of everyday symbols."
"The power symbol is simply a combination of these two characters: the 0 as the base, and the 1 at the top."
"The symbols we know today were first printed in 1489, and slowly gained in popularity."
"Why is it that the Nazi swastika is deservedly seen as a horrendous symbol of evil and oppression but the hammer and sickle people just shrug their shoulders?"
"It's really important for us to understand signs and symbols. Just like we have ABCD in our phonetics in our alphabet well, there is also another mode of communication, which is through signs and symbols."
"The flag means everything to me. It means life, it means freedom. It also means unity and it means love."
"So we have some archaeological evidence that suggests the fish and specifically the ichthus acrostic was already a Christian symbol at the turn of the 3rd century."
"Symbols and monuments these are mementos of racism."
"It's kind of obvious that Pokémon isn't promoting fascism, this symbol is known as a manji in Japan which is a very peaceful symbol in much of Asia."
"The secrets of the universe lie in symbols and decoding."
"So we're all convinced that my grandpa is sending white pigeons from heaven"
"Drop your crowns, your elephants in the chat."
"That's the ether symbol. They call it space energy, dark matter energy."
"Mankind is much bigger than all of these primitive symbols."
"Those are the symbols from the three-door room. Okay, so you got upside-down J, weird S, upset MJ, S, S, S, and a lot of burning bodies that we're now setting ablaze."
"What's the best thing about Switzerland? Well, the flag's a big plus."
"The swastika symbol has a bad reputation today because of who and what it became associated with during the 20th century."
"Zarland had its own stamps, currency, and flag."
"Twitter Rex, then it might actually be a gang sign."
"The pentagram started to be seen as a symbol of evil and black magic."
"The numbers on recycling symbols actually have a very important meaning for categorizing recycling based on their chemical makeup."
"What's extra cool is now we can start playing with the power of symbols."
"These symbols deliver a clear message to us aliens, natives of this land, but this is not our land. We are not indigenous to this land. You are not owners of your Homeland, you are visitors."
"It's the cross and the flag, and it's the most patriotic thing imaginable."
"It's impossible to convince conspiracy theorists that these symbols aren't in any way meant to deceive anyone since they're usually already skeptical of anything that the government does."
"The medium of Animation makes the homogenization of certain symbols much more seamless."
"The symbols were like nothing I'd ever seen before and they seemed to pulse with an otherworldly energy."
"The main symbols you'll be seeing in this video are V for volts, A for amperes which is the unit of current, and the capital Greek letter Omega which stands for ohms or the unit of resistance."
"Rule number one: the emblem I'm finding for each Club must be the one on their back."
"They trying to steal our bloodline. Of course they're going to do that. They stole our symbols, right? They stole our colors, and they misappropriated, they infiltrated us at every level."
"Religious practices have also developed as a result of these appearances, such as the wearing of The Miraculous Medal and scapular medal, both of which bear images of Mary."
"I got the tattoo, I got the chain, man, that's my brother."
"Didn't you see the signs, the symbols, and the synchronicities that I sent you?"
"So now three of them, each one is a symbol of his what country, each one of them a symbol of his country."
"There's a continuity of thought that flows around the symbols and the mythical archetypes."
"Just because someone posts a swastika doesn't mean that they hate Jews."
"Your vibe is that you see life in metaphors and symbols. You're always trying to find deeper meanings."
"All symbols are but keys to doors leading to truths."
"Honestly, as long as you're being careful and not using symbols that are related to some sort of closed practice, I think it's perfectly fine."
"Symbols in a linear order equal language."
"Once you have symbols and put them in an order, that's language."
"Symbols in alchemy kind of pull you in, they have a special attachment to them."
"Symbols like the raised fist, the buy power solution, and the American flag were used as catalysts sparking debate about the country's treatment of its African-American citizens."
"The rays of light are the symbols of graces that I pour upon all those who ask for them."
"Maybe his sigil is suggesting that these will be his weapons."
"The thing was about four feet across, with a thick rim adorned by writhing indecipherable figures deeply etched as if by acid."
"Appealed to a wide Audience by drawing on various cultural symbols"
"Instead of dismissing them as mere coincidences, we can choose to see them as symbols of the wealth that's waiting to manifest in our lives."
"These symbols will tell him precisely the rate at which his real-world basis vectors are changing with respect to changes in his coordinate system."
"Symbols can inspire us, they can provide comfort, they can instill in us hope, joy, love and perhaps even a sense of belonging."
"Bottom row is backwards charlie, question mark, star."
"I felt my pulse quicken, my senses sharpen, and then it happened. Each symbol within the formation lit up one by one as if activated by my presence."
"The symbol is deeply participatory, it allows you to hold in mind, activate, and bring back up insight into complex concepts like justice."
"Symbols do this sort of double job, they exemplify by getting you to participate in that to which they refer. They invoke participatory knowing because they have to do ultimately with getting down to the machinery of the agent-arena participatory relationship."
"...these are just status symbols for people that just dont know better."
"It's not exactly clear how these symbols reached Western Europe."
"Symbols developed before written language and have even been used throughout history to identify spiritual, significant locations."
"No non-human animal has any idea what these symbols mean."
"You see drawing is not actually my hobby Miss Carol, but these symbols, they are the real hobby."
"The symbols matter in politics a lot. If you can have a royal family that can exempt itself from the law, you can be born into this position, you can avoid paying taxes...that sends a message out there to the country that is acceptable."
"The most effective revolutions were the ones which left all the buildings standing and all the symbols still in place but changed everything."
"Each render contains its own symbol. For instance, the point layer we just looked at contained a simple render with a picture marker symbol as its symbol."
"Just as Nephi understood Isaiah, we can understand symbols better with a little background knowledge."
"Symbols are like languages. Sometimes, we need to learn to speak them."
"All of the symbols of Halloween there's one that's the most important and most enduring"
"And so we have these different symbols of things that are being sacrificed all pointing to Jesus."
"Steve Rogers always looked at the mantle of Captain America as something that was designed to be a symbol."
"Because there always has to be a Batman for everyone, like a contrast."
"No doubt you are here because you've looked at these symbols and you think, 'Oh my god how do I learn all of these?'"
"If you see the symbols don't get intimidated and think, 'I need to learn them.'"
"It's a good way to practice finding different symbols."
"Symbols are simply vehicles of communication and they must not be mistaken for the final thing."
"Symbols are universal and just by understanding symbols, we can start working magically with them."
"Always asking us to question our looking, to question the way we see signs, symbols, ciphers, everyday objects."
"Learning new symbols and what they mean, yeah, it's just, it is, it's like a language barrier."
"These symbols are all apparently demonic signs."
"Proofs could be a string of symbols that mechanically certifies a theorem is true."
"When it comes to note-taking there's two different fronts that you want to tackle: techniques and symbols."
"It's inevitable that those symbols will end up on t-shirts, tattoos, and all over the world."
"Symbols for note-taking should be based on meaning."
"The walls had various symbols painted on them in a deep crimson, in the middle of the floor there was what seemed to be a..."
"They say the reason the Chinese Mandarin is so hard to learn is because there's no alphabet. It's symbols. So they have like 8,000 symbols for the words."
"The symbols are the language of the primes."
"Strange symbols adorned the walls and chants echoed in the air."
"All nations have symbols, they have constitutions, they have flags, they have football teams."
"Using symbols allows information to be transferred across cultures from one side of the veil to the other and down through the generations of mankind."
"Our language, our generation of symbols, our invitation to interpretation and exchange is intrinsic to this picture of Consciousness."
"Whenever you see the symbols on our tummies, you know you have a friend."
"It says 'Happy Birthday' and then there's the upside down M with the top hat. What does that mean?"
"I think I have an idea of what these symbols might mean."
"It looks like we got little clan symbols. Crows, yes. I mean, Black Clover is a pretty cool name."
"The most remarkable fragment was a short piece of I-beam which was covered with strange symbols."
"The idea of symbols instead of words allows many cultures of different languages to use the same diagram."
"We don't think this is a debate about museums... what we think this is about is the active and ideological use of symbols in political life, in public life."
"We don't just believe that offensive symbols cause offense, we believe that these symbols are a way in which we can position ourselves historically."
"There is nothing inherent in a symbol that is directly relevant to your right to participate in a discussion or a democracy."
"Chief of Defense staff General Lucky Irabor went on a news program and said... the military does not mind ordinary people using their symbols for good causes."
"National symbols are important; they are a way to demonstrate national identity and our shared allegiance."
"A division symbol is just a fraction with dots replacing the numerator and denominator."
"The pound symbol is also called an octothorpe."
"Language is a code of visual-auditory symbols that converts abstractions into the mental equivalent of concretes."
"The Canadian ensigns started to be used more and more as a symbol of Canada's status as a separate country."
"Ancient cultures around the world have left behind strange symbols and unusual carvings."
"Ritual is a teaching tool. Symbols are teaching tools that convey ideas from one mind to the other mind and carry out the intergenerational transmission of the body of wisdom that the ancestors have discerned."
"A normal distribution is denoted using these symbols, so X is the random variable, N stands for the fact that this is a normal distribution."
"The clues to the location of the philosopher's stone were encoded in these arcane symbols."
"Could they be symbols belonging to an extraterrestrial civilization?"
"These symbols cross language barriers."
"Once you start picking up and recognizing the symbols, you quickly breeze through these diagrams with enough practice."
"Silver, gold, or kangaroos. What else could be more Australian?"
"There's an actual strategy behind her glyphs."
"The alphabet, a small collection of symbols that represent the sounds of language."
"This stone was truly fascinating, perhaps this was thanks to the strange marks and symbols that were etched onto it."
"The square root symbol is called a radical because I could have like the cube root of something."
"Words are glyphs that represent meanings."
"Throughout history, various symbols have been used to represent the concept of peace."
"We can't understand ourselves, we can't understand others, and others can't understand us without signs and symbols."
"One of the theories that Jung had about symbols which I really like is different than the Freudian idea."
"That's the atomic symbol for tungsten, W."
"It is thus on account of an increasingly defective understanding of symbols... that tradition has felt obliged to verbally explicate symbols which at the origin were in themselves fully adequate to transmit metaphysical truths."
"You have to think about both symbols together; it's really clever."
"Charles Bliss died in 1995, but his universal symbols live on."
"The use of symbols for magical or cultic purposes has been widespread since at least the Neolithic era."
"Look for these four symbols within your clothes; they give an indicator as to whether they should go in the tumble dryer or not."
"Symbols are used to focus mental intention."
"Polynomials are just symbols on which we are going to define an addition and a multiplication law."
"What I really want you to do is to be able to use symbols and words together to be able to go back and forth between the numbers and the words."
"X's aren't actually a perfect cross, so the best way to do it is actually use the plus symbol."
"There'll be a smiley face somewhere around that."
"The symbols on the Stargate are pictographs of the constellations in the sky as seen from Earth."
"The stone's labyrinth of symbols defies easy interpretation, suggesting a blend of cultures and knowledge."
"What letters mean kisses and hugs? X's and O's."
"Through shared symbols, we become conscious of the correct ways of acting."
"It's the cool S, you know, from middle school."
"Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols by means of which a social group cooperates."
"I have no idea what these symbols mean but one day I will."
"Symbols are graphics or groups of graphics that get reused throughout our document."
"The most important thing which humanity invented was the primitive symbol, which gave us the ability to store and share information."
"Crystallographic symbols may look very simple, okay, but they are unique. There is no doubt, there is no misinterpretation, as long as you know the conventions."
"If we work with the symbols proactively, we can greatly increase the likelihood of these more beneficial circumstances to make themselves manifested in our life."