
Existential Reflection Quotes

There are 919 quotes

"We should be thinking about what we want to leave behind when, as a species, we're no longer here."
"The reality is, because my time is finite, because my time is limited, how do I want to spend my time? How do I want to live my life?"
"The flame of human consciousness... there does seem to be something quite special about us humans."
"The fundamental truth when you look into an abyss is that you don't see the abyss. If you look long enough into an abyss, then the abyss looks into you."
"Art is a reflection of our desire for meaning in this universe."
"Life is pretty amazing. I think you and I are pretty lucky we get to live on this nice little Earth."
"What if life were given back to me? What infinity! And it would all be mine! Then, I’d turn each ‘minute’ into a whole age; I’d lose nothing, I’d reckon up every minute separately, I’d let nothing be wasted."
"There are forces in this world that remind us of how fragile we are."
"On the day when a man will observe what his hands have put forth, and the disbeliever will say, 'Oh, I wish that I were dust.'"
"Life was never intended to be about just paying bills and being here."
"Living is not meant simply for having. Having is a part of life, correct, but living is what life is for."
"It makes us realize how incredibly unlikely it was for life, especially intelligent life, to emerge here on Earth."
"We are in a transit lounge, my dear. We are going to exit from here sometime, and the life here is temporary."
"The universe is flying apart and is everything will be gone. It's better, it makes the fact that you and I are here chatting so much more amazing to me."
"Just the fact that we could know anything at all is mind-blowing."
"Everything moves so [__] fast, and I'm with Scatman John; I want to be a human being, not a human doing."
"To quote the great Stephen Hawking, 'Life on Earth is about us. Life on Earth is about a six.'"
"We may never not have tomorrow. Tomorrow may never happen."
"Facing your mortality is something that confronts everyone who ditches religion and goes through that process of doing away with the supernatural."
"Scientists switch between going, 'You're incredibly special,' and 'You're not special.'"
"This life, the life on earth, is absolutely temporary. It is not going to last long."
"Here we are, though. I'm alive, you're alive. Who knows how long we'll stay that way."
"I'm hanging in the balance of a perfect finished plan, like every sparrow fallen, like every grain of sand."
"It's a miserable, you know, living knowing what I know when everyone said you were insane. It's really tough. But I think we go through this life, don't we, and we wonder why we're here. I know why I'm here now."
"It's the difference between being alive and actually living."
"I think one of the big depressions is, it's like, you grow up and you have these dreams and these goals, and you kind of achieve it, then you sit back and think to yourself, 'Oh, is this it?'"
"Life is short, this life is very short, it's transitory, it's passing quickly."
"Our gravestone has a day when you were born and a day when you die, and they got a dash in between. And that dash defines what your legacy is."
"Something that had survived somehow the advance of humanity had emerged terrifically, betraying a scale of life still monstrous and immature."
"We are not just simply alive in the universe; the universe is alive within us."
"Now is the time for us to have this deep existential reflection, even to have a deep existential breakdown. It is a part of this death and rebirth of the paradigm in which we are living."
"In the end, just like a world with no heroes left to defend it, we all end up losing."
"When people accept the inevitability of their death, it allows them to have a much more meaningful life."
"We are all brothers and sisters on this tiny little rock, you know, this pale blue dot that's hurtling through space."
"You just never know what's going to happen in this life."
"In the blink of an eye, it's all gone... We're a blink, man. Something hits, but we don't think that way."
"This life that we live is beautiful. It's rare. We're lucky that we even get to live it."
"Like the man who said, 'I was dying to finish high school so that I could go to college. I was dying to finish college so that I could start my career. I was dying to get married so that I could start a family...only to discover now I'm just dying, and the sense of purpose is gone.'"
"Like everything in life, nothing lasts forever."
"I just had this moment that I realized that if I got hit by a bus tomorrow I would want her to know how I felt today."
"If you only have one day left to live you might as well wear a Prada."
"Understanding our place in the world and our place in the universe."
"The fact that we are going to die gives you focus and gives you meaning."
"Most people are leading lives of quiet desperation and go to the grave with the song still in them."
"We all have a unique song and I think most people are leading lives of quiet desperation."
"If you’re alive, hearing this now, then in my opinion you’ve a better than 50/50 chance of having your name remembered and recorded until long after this bright star we live around burns out."
"Life is short, it's beautiful but it's short."
"To be born at all is a miracle so what are you going to do with this life now that you have it."
"You're left with about 13,000 days into which you have to cram all of the people you'll ever know, all of the love, the joy, the pain, the laughter, and internet memes."
"The second you reach maturity, you exit adolescence and become an adult. You start dying."
"The strongest feeling was a solace in a dark uncaring world."
"Studying Supernova is not only about understanding the spectacular events but also about understanding our place in the universe"
"I always go for the assumption that intelligence of the variety that we have is very rare."
"Humanity has existed for only an eyeblink of time compared to the Universe as a whole, and it is still quite young."
"London is alive. London is a testament to just how real alive is."
"But life looks like it goes on until it doesn't..."
"That means we are ephemeral; we're not going to last forever. But it also means we are interesting."
"Be born, go to school, get a job, work for 40 years, retire, die, realize you forgot to live."
"A new appreciation for life and for loved ones."
"Embracing and realizing how cool it is that someday I will just be an idea."
"When all is said and done, what will matter is what we did for eternity."
"All these moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Smell the flowers while you can."
"You're telling me for all the impossibilities it took for you to be here breathing this air, the sum of all these insurmountable impossibilities led to this."
"The only thing worse than losing your life is wasting your life."
"Death, the final ticket at the end of life, makes it all incredibly precious."
"Life really is a switch one second it's on the next second it's off."
"Your own life is your most precious possession."
"We are nothing special and our solar system is one out of so many others."
"It's truly a legendary endeavor and we, as a species, will have taken leaps forward in finding not only our place in the world but our place in the universe."
"The more diversity you know it's again a reason to support biodiversity because we actually need biodiversity in our bodies as well as we need biodiversity out in nature."
"They say you die twice, first time is when they put you in your grave and the second time is the last time somebody mentions your name."
"We have forgotten our own place in the scheme of things."
"When you think about it really, if we allow ourselves to succumb to all this mistrust and fear, we'll be stuck on this small ball of dirt and water we call home and deny ourselves all the wonder that goes with that."
"Death is something that we will all go through and so will everyone we know so it makes sense that we'd want to know more."
"Don't waste the suffering, because you'll never get it back."
"The reality that we're going to die opens up the fierce urgency of living."
"At a certain point, we're all going to expire, but we all got to have something to leave behind; this is our testimony."
"Ultimately, the film is about the value of human life, no matter how inconsequential you may seem to others or even to yourself."
"That's life, and that's the thing that for me is like so tough about this, there's no meaning, it just is."
"We're all on Earth during this time... it is going to likely end up dictating the direction of the human race."
"The unconsidered life, the life not thought about and chosen, is not worth living."
"You only exist for as long as you're remembered."
"I'm the only person here in this experience I'm sharing with you who's ignorant of when I'm going to die."
"This series draws so many parallels to our own existence."
"You have to move. You have to return to his things."
"Every ash come back together to formulate that same man is saying water so they can stand before the judgment seat of God."
"Because I could not stop for death, he kindly stopped for me. The carriage held but just ourselves and immortality."
"Open your eyes, look up to the skies, and see."
"His life is worth more than what we dispose of every day."
"The feeling of emptiness, the feeling of depression, all that... I felt free."
"He realized the true peace could never be established in a world where humans still existed."
"Stanley felt the cool breeze upon his skin, the feeling of liberation, the immense possibility of the new path before him. This was exactly the way right now that things were meant to happen."
"I remember touching his head, his hair, and he wasn't there. It was a shell, but it wasn't him."
"Tomorrow could be my last day on Earth, and I'll be damned if I die 'cause when I do die, your life doesn't stop."
"Everyone's got to end, even two-hundred-year-old question askers."
"If it does indeed turn out that life is incredibly precious, then I guess that just really reemphasizes my original point about how precious human beings are on this Earth."
"We are made from earth and we will return to earth, some of us sooner than others."
"Man's greatest burden: his unfulfilled potential."
"We live on one of the many little rocks that make up this infinite Cosmos; there must be more than just what we see."
"Every man’s life ends the same way and it is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguishes one man from another."
"I've touched into something bigger than me and beyond me."
"Life is over in a blink, quality of life absolutely yes."
"We may just be a product of a series of unlikely events that just all happen to happen quicker than usual."
"If God preserves me... I will not have come in vain."
"Everything on planet Earth is either growing or dying."
"I realized that cancer is much too much for one person, that it's something that I had to give back to the universe."
"Life is worth living, you know. And if I have to be terrified, you know..."
"The greatest regret for anyone is to die in disbelief, knowing that the life you led was not in accordance to the wishes of your Creator."
"Near-death experiences often lead to an existential crisis."
"Individuals that bleed, cry, worry, ponder, and ultimately die."
"Clarity: emptiness is form, form is emptiness."
"Our life is but a vapor, only lasts one second and then it's over."
"Do you ever feel like a plastic bag, drifting through the wind, wanting to start again."
"Do something in life care about yourself from now on care about people from now on care about the world care about all the problems that we have focus more on yourself and on on everything that is actually real and everything that you can see."
"Life is short, you know, we don't have a long time on this earth realistically so why not live it to the best that we can."
"What's your life going to mean if you go through it by yourself until the grave?"
"We are creatures of matter who long to matter."
"Human beings are the most remarkable product of the universe that we know."
"You only live this life once. It's not going to be a political party or a ballot booth that judges you; it's going to be something much higher."
"Not everything is meant to last forever. Very few things in this world are."
"If it dies with me, then it's all for nothing."
"We're pretty lucky, aren't we? We get to be alive."
"I just wish that I... we'll get to a place where people just appreciate people while they're here, you know I'm saying?"
"Life is short, man, like we will all be dead one day and your day might be sooner than you know so just [ __ ]."
"It is death that gives us the preciousness of life it is the scarcity that makes it really valuable and actually embracing that and understanding that allows you to align yourself to truth in a way an appreciation for what that experience is."
"Time becomes really important. It comes crashing into your psyche how important it is."
"Don't want to have to overly explain things to an audience... so impactful."
"He tried so hard, and they got so far, but in the end, it didn't even matter."
"My prayer for you is that you don't have to get to a place of death before you value what you had in life."
"Life is about living mate. In a hundred years time, no one will remember me, no one will remember you, no one remember this community. We're here for a short time, not a long time."
"The time we have here is brief and fleeting and occasionally cruel but I think it's at all times precious to stare death in the face and live despite that, I think is a noble existence."
"The background is the universe, and so much more."
"It's like I am just an expression of my creator, period."
"Life and death, man, like that's what happens to all of us."
"We're all going to die... but we're going to die full."
"It's the saddest thing to see a person who exists but doesn't really live."
"Time is your greatest friend until it becomes your fiercest enemy."
"You can't take it to the graveyard with you, yet we're in constant pursuit of material possessions."
"Perhaps I'm an echo of dreams lost in the captivity of reality or something else entirely."
"He had not foreseen this. All his life he'd had the comfort of knowing what would happen next, but now he was utterly powerless."
"Awareness of death is just the tax that we pay for the gift of being self-aware. It's like it sucks, but that's the price we pay to be able to be human."
"Death isn't a novel concept. It's just having the ability to face it."
"Truth is out there, right? Truth is out there anyway."
"Nobody appreciates life like a man who has cheated death."
"Life's but a walking shadow... all the world's a stage."
"I think, I probably quoted Mark Twain as saying I was dead for billions of years before I was born and never suffered the smallest inconvenience."
"None of it changes what a speeding rock does to a body. We all die."
"Every review is a screenshot, right? Reviews never really apply to anything that happens after the day the review comes out because the game changes every day."
"Imagine your whole life feeling like you're a star with nothing to base it on at all really it's kind of a net day."
"Cars will be here longer than you, a house will live here longer than you, a building will live here longer than you. What's gonna outlive that house, that car, and that building is your legacy."
"A world of dew, and within every dewdrop, a world of struggle. Breathless."
"Out out brief candle life's but a walking shadow a poor player that struts and frets his hour upon the stage."
"Look at the speed of total oblivion of all and the void of endless time."
"People get the exact kind of life they want whether they like it or not."
"One of the tragedies is that so many people live their lives with no purpose."
"All he can do is stand there and behold and be beheld."
"Whenever we start looking at our life from this perspective, that's when it becomes clear that everything that we experience in this life, we really did agree on before we came here."
"We are visitors, imposters maybe, paying someone who is already here a visit."
"The truth while we're here is really important."
"Primary gratitude should be for our lives—we receive something priceless at every moment that we don't earn, own, or deserve."
"We don't have the joy, we don't have the peace, we are not touched by heaven."
"Each Breath You Take is a testament to the miraculous nature of existence."
"I feel like the meaning of life, why we're here, is to find our spark or the purpose which leaves that impact."
"I can only come to one conclusion, this is all spiritual."
"I promise you, all of it does not matter at the end of the day."
"There need to be reasons to get up in the morning."
"Time is given to you as a gift, and we live time according to seconds."
"Life is not hurrying on to a receding future nor hankering after an imagined past."
"What we're really seeking is the experience of being alive."
"A lot of people, unfortunately, they don't really live, they just exist, they just on the hamster wheel."
"We can wish all we want, but the fact is... we want to honor that effect so that in life, it ends but our effect doesn't end."
"...time will keep moving forward if I don't get help and then at the end of my life, I'll still be waiting for my life. That's such a haunting but like beautiful way to word that. I'm not a professional. Link's in the description. Live your life."
"A man, when all that's left to do is die, it matters how you do it."
"If you put things into perspective, life as far as we know, we get one life."
"The advice for the people is live your life. You've only got one at bat. Do something with it."
"Life is so fragile, it's so easy to die, it's also kind of hard."
"This is crazy, it feels like an eternity and less than it at the same time."
"I want to live a long life. I don't want to die. I can't die in a place like this. Never."
"Men having loving relationships and not being afraid to express their feelings for each other."
"God is shaking us up, trying to wake us up so that we will look up, folks. Believers are aliens in a foreign land. This world is not our home."
"The miracle is that you're alive right now the universe your God or whatever you believe in did its part now it's time to do yours."
"There will never be a moment in your life more precious than the one you're living in, your heart beating in your chest, the air in your lungs, the blood in your veins."
"That feeling the full stop at the end of this existence that I do want to talk about because that is the feeling that will give us this sense of urgency."
"The value of life does not consist in its length but in its depth."
"You can't take it with you though, Anna. So you know, I mean we could all try but you can't."
"I don't care what nobody has, if you don't have God, you don't have nothing."
"There's a thin line that divides heaven and hell."
"This pandemic has showed us to appreciate what we have."
"The universe is kind of knocking and saying, hey buddy, how's it going over there?"
"Reality: we all think we have infinite possibilities but when you really analyze it every question and answer is constrained by previous choices."
"We're all Spiritual Beings having a human existence."
"We're not alone in this universe, never have been."
"We are at a point where we're seeing ourselves in the universe in a new way."
"It's a well-written gem about all the people in the world that don't even realize that life is passing them by."
"That's what it means to be alive and... the church... will destroy those things."
"Those people who realize that life is short but art is long."
"And it really, at the very deepest level, is about survival of our species."
"I was like having a whole existential crisis."
"Consider again that dot that's here, that's home, that's us."
"Relationships are choosing to put effort in and make conscious decisions every day to be a good partner."