
Winning Quotes

There are 2578 quotes

"Winning is not what I once thought it was. I have found it to be much more complex than our traditional definitions of success."
"Connection and balance. You have those two things, you win."
"It's called winning, it's called enjoying it. If you can't enjoy winning and you can't have a laugh, then what's the bloody point?"
"You want me to be your coach? You're going to win."
"Anytime you win, I mean, I feel like I'm lucky."
"To win in life meant no more backing down, no more shortcuts, no more compromises, no more lies, and no more cons."
"I think anyone who's a dedicated professional footballer always wants to win."
"Winning can be part of happiness, but it doesn't have to be. That's not happiness."
"There is a wonderful feeling of completion and accomplishment when you win, and it's Second To None."
"It's not all just about winning. It's the impact I can make on my teammates' lives, on people that I come in contact with."
"You're going to win either way if you're a winner."
"We got to stop worrying about 'game manager' or 'elite quarterback'; this dude is in the Super Bowl and he wins."
"It don't matter if you're a game manager or elite; none of that matters if you're finding ways to win."
"Winning requires you to do and use everything because you don't know from minute to minute if winning is going to wear a halo or it's going to meet you with fangs."
"You kick field goals, you lose games; you score touchdowns, you win championships."
"Are you going to be okay? It sounds like you're allergic to winning."
"This is what makes the difference. You're pushing the limits. It's just you and the clock, and the fastest wins."
"Winning is about taking risks, learning, and challenging yourselves."
"If you're a boss, you want to see somebody that you can look at and you know is as committed as you are to winning."
"I'm thinking about winning all of that money right now. I'm probably going to give most of it to my family."
"Winning is more fun than fun is fun, man. Dude, that's a fcking hey, write that sht down."
"Accuracy is the most important stat because if you do your abilities as you're meant to you've actually got a chance of winning."
"Winning has so much responsibility. Losing is easy; all you had to do to lose is just let go."
"For me, one of the biggest things that really changed in my life is this idea of winning and what does winning mean."
"I reframed what winning was to me, and I was a much happier person after that."
"I don't want to play other people's games because you're just never gonna win somebody else's game, in my opinion."
"Winning is hard in this league, and you have to learn how to win."
"We win these, we win these, yes, obliterated."
"Reading the word 'win' makes you think more like a winner. It changes your physiology to be more like a winner."
"Knowing how to win is a skill. It's not necessarily quantifiable."
"We're the type of organization where winning is paramount. It is undeniably the most important thing to our organization, not just for our League of Legends team but across the board."
"There can only be one winner, and you're looking at him. Let's go."
"If you're enjoying yourself playing it, even if you lose, you win, and even if you win, then you win. So, it's all a win."
"Winning is generally fun; everybody can kind of relate to that. But winning while having fun is even more fun."
"I think the game is won and lost with [Pep]. He just finds a way to beat teams."
"You can't say that you're a winner if you ain't lost."
"I just gotta grab the bull by the horns and drag home a win."
"At the end of the day, the most important thing is winning."
"It's about playing football, going out there, and winning games."
"Here's the first thing you actually need to know about JJ McCarthy: he's a winner. All he does is win."
"The people who run the government are no better than you; they're no worse than you. And that means that you're gonna get your fair share of stupidity and corruption."
"If we now go on a good run, the excuses will stop. The only thing that will set us free is winning."
"Defense wins you championships; offense wins you games."
"I won $5500. It was a huge win in a massive game."
"Everyone else is playing paper you have scissors you're just going to win."
"Do what the winners do, shut the [__] up and do what the winners do."
"Winning requires focus, intention, and discipline."
"The only way to win this game is to stop playing."
"The guy that's first wins, nobody gives a [ __ ] about who coming in second."
"I ended up winning the competition this year for the eighth time in ten years."
"Players who celebrate scoring their penalty instead of playing it cool were more likely to be on the winning team."
"How you deal with losing is equally as important as how you deal with winning."
"When you've got either of those two in your team you can win the Champions League."
"The goal is for every box to open 3 fetches you get 3 fetches you win."
"Coming second is nowhere, so it's all about winning."
"I always win, baby. Winning is all that matters to me."
"Let's play with confidence and win some games."
"Winning fixes every bad, doesn't fix it all."
"Winning doesn't mean that someone else has to lose."
"You need guys like him... who will sacrifice to win."
"It'd be nice to win like a Bugatti or something like that."
"If you balance this all out, what's the easiest way to get into the playoffs? Win your division."
"At a certain point you got to start winning these games and good job by Dak Prescott and the offense running up points against Seattle."
"When most people are losing, contrarians win."
"Winning cures all they say, that's not just in the building, that's in your life."
"Your only job is to win, and I'm pretty sure that's all every Liverpool fan would accept."
"Trust me, these tactics are amazing, they got me 20 and0 on the main account and a 19 and1 on the RTG."
"Strikers score your goals, goals win your games."
"I'm winning because I'm stating my truth and living in it."
"I always get to have fun cuz I keep on winning."
"You have to win, you have to be competitive."
"Winning probably isn't everything in terms of fulfilling that happiness."
"In order to win playoff games in order to win championships, it takes a hard mindset. It takes a calloused team."
"So we've seen this a bunch, Kiki-Jiki and Zealous Conscripts, you can make infinite copies and swinging for the win."
"Attacks win your games, defense wins your titles."
"I think you get the idea that this guy pretty much is an insta win once you get it."
"The player with the most lands at the end of the game won the game 42 percent of the time. Wow."
"I'm not in competition with anyone, I want everyone to win."
"There are three types of people: winners, losers, and winners who have not discovered how to win."
"Winning is a habit, so the more games you win regardless of how you do it, I think the feeling then when you go into training the next week is always so much better when you've got a win under your belt."
"In a true competition, there's no such thing as a tie. You win or you lose. That's the only thing that matters."
"New York man defied lottery odds after winning 10 million dollars from a scratch-off game."
"Dimension Fusion functionally just reads win the game."
"Winning tonight, it's about winning in style."
"The teams that get along the best usually win the most."
"You don't play to not lose, bro. You play to win."
"Every night he has found a way to win, and even on good nights, even on bad nights, he has found a way to win."
"Victory Dragon: Auto win effect for a duel that hasn't even taken place yet."
"Ride the momentum off any win, especially if you're struggling. It's a win, yeah? You want to get those."
"As long as [Thomas Novo] does not make a mistake, he's all for the win here, no question about it."
"Is it true that defense wins championships? That's true."
"Get it, come on, there it is, times two, 19 credits, boy, you're a winner, 450, you guys wanted me to take 35 credits, we got 90."
"It don't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning is winning."
"We're winning and we're winning all over the place because I happen to think, I just say what I want."
"576 dollars, did you just witness this? It actually happened!"
"You just want to carry on the tradition of winning and success."
"Matt Fraser wins again, his seventh event win."
"Once you start winning and that self-belief and that confidence comes both from the rider and the team, it’s easier to repeat it."
"It's not enough to lose with dignity. Winning is better."
"He's got to step his game up if he's going to come out on top."
"We won on like every level that you can win."
"Title races are won by teams who keep their cool."
"The player who has the most points by the end of the game will be declared the winner."
"We watched you, we were at an event with Dan... I said we're gonna win."
"Finishing second is not a good season winning stuff that is a good season slash great season."
"A successful season is when you win something."
"We are winning that game by any means necessary."
"Anytime you come out with more cards than you entered, that's a win."
"Now we're winning, we're just straight up winning."
"Champions win matches in which they play badly."
"Winning is number one priority for me. It always has been, always will be."
"This deck slaps. We are not losing today with it and it feels fantastic."
"A win's a win, people, a win's a win, that's how it is done."
"Shout out to all the winners guys shout out to all the homies that won you guys are MVPs."
"No one circles the wagons like the Buffalo Bills, don't apologize for winning."
"I win, I win, a halo all right one all right all right you win."
"Topping it with no losses, that's a good way to start."
"Sing when you're winning; that's what it's all about."
"That's what Mike Ferguson does, son – he wins."
"Winning is a good thing, isn't it? Winning is a good thing."
"That's the only way we're winning this game, yeah, yeah, one condition, yeah, absolutely."
"Not losing is a pretty important part of winning."
"Politics is about being a winner rather than a loser."
"You take the opportunities the opponent presents you. This is how PA wins."
"It's like a proven fact that when you win you now more yes like just because the winning attitude oh yeah for sure it's proven."
"Whatever school I go to, you know I'm a big-time winner, so I want to go to a winning pool of course."
"I envision a lot of different things happening, but at the end, I always envision me winning."
"People love gambling, people love the lottery, people love winning things."
"A W's a W man, I don't care, I don't care how it has to happen, I took the 'dub."
"The guys that end up winning the world championships, they're the ones that figure out how to do it day in and day out."
"I am ready to change my attitude and beliefs about winning."
"You need depth to win the league titles, it's just the reality."
"I feel like I just won a million dollars. Let's go!"
"I'll show you how not to lose at Hearts of Iron IV."
"We're winning, but the only way we win is we keep fighting."
"I am so happy and grateful that I have now won the lottery."
"Why would I be scared of winning? That's like what I try to do."
"Winners never cheat, and cheaters never win."
"I won because I'm the last person you found."
"People still do that and you can still win against those if you play right."
"We don't race to stay safe or to come in second, we race to win."
"I really would like to win, second place doesn't matter."
"You've got to win. You've got to keep the fans happy."
"That's the one thing that's to regret is not to know what it feels like to walk off the last game in a year and know that you're a Super Bowl champ."
"We will win so much you’re going to get sick and tired of winning."
"When a liberal calls you a racist, you know you've won the argument."
"The fun is in the winning, but it's how you win that matters the most." - Dabo Swinney
"We're winning, be with us and you'll be winning too."
"Football is a game. Our business is winning."
"Once you get the first win, you carry on winning."
"That's a jackpot, shut the front jar, win win in a row."
"Winning breeds, at some point we have to start winning these tournaments."
"It's never a competition, but unless you win."
"Ronaldo is us because we want to win titles."
"When you're winning, you're under pressure late on, and these cup competitions that are coming up... it's about that winning mentality."
"If we can win trophies here and keep winning in here, like you said, it's like our second home."
"Winning, of course. You wake up every day like, 'I'm gonna win.' That's the mentality. Like, win."
"First one to three wins is actually that guy, pal."
"Everything in moderation, including just having fun or putting a lot of time and energy into the relationships. Don't forget about you."
"Winning is a mindset, and my mindset is that of a winner."
"Winning is pretty important, but today we are just going to have a lot of fun."
"Sometimes, you win by adapting to the situation."
"At two hours and 54 minutes, team nonstop is the winner."
"It's almost like having good players makes it more likely for you to win titles."
"Ultimately, winning is paramount in football. You've got to deliver, you've got to win."
"He always finds a way to win. He really, really does, and that's what makes him a champion."
"Kaito... it's hard to see anyone going against Kaito in a fair match and coming out with the W."
"This will never ever wear off... every single one feels as phenomenal as the one before it."
"A win is a win, there's no such thing as an ugly win, right? No, it's a win, that's all that matters. That's all that matters."
"Celebrate a win just like you get pissed off with a defeat."
"I think winners are winners and they keep winning and they get addicted to it."
"We're just winning championships with whoever and whatever."
"Winning feels kind of nice. First time ever."
"We gotta play to win, just plain and simple."
"We are winning. It's no longer we're going to win, we are winning."
"I know how to play the game. Maybe I don't know every answer, but I know how to win, and there's a difference between those things."
"I like winning, yeah, I'm just gonna keep doing that."
"Winning is so much more important, even to the guys getting the stats and the accomplishments."
"That's the best possible way you could possibly be mocked. That's a win."
"Three phases baby, that's how you win 3-0 in the division."
"You gotta live like you win and learn like you lost."
"Stampedes are always good. We've had some huge wins on this game."
"Although when you are the imposter, you usually win."
"There's no point in being nervous when you know you're going to win."
"If you want to learn anything from that guy, he's a winner."
"Everything he touches go, he wins in card games, you know, everybody wins at life."
"Winning is everything, and it is the only thing."
"If you've got a team that scores goals, you're gonna win more games than you lose."
"The point of the game is not to never take damage, the point of the game is to win."
"Winning is Everything, so if they had to win with a fist, with a knife, with a gun, with a Fiber Wire, with a Sucker Punch, whatever it was, a w is a w."
"Life is a game. Understand the game. Learn how to win the game."
"Liquid came back and just went back to winning again."
"We’re winning. Because we’re the piggy bank."
"He just transformed the whole club back into what I would call a fierce winning team."
"Hey, I'm in the mood today to play this game. I'm in the mood to get myself some wins."
"Unbelievable, guys. I got two majors and then a thousand dollars from Brock. What is happening right now?"
"It's time to clutch up and make this end game take this W all the way home."
"Count on this card to bring the duel to a rapid end."
"The old winning when you're not playing well adage is obviously very important."
"You win the midfield battle, you win the game."