
Human Intelligence Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"It's our brain that's the only thing. We are the only species on this planet that's built a model of the world that extends beyond what we can actually sense."
"The strongest person on earth can't survive up against even a chimpanzee. So what do we do? Our mind is our tool, right? It's our only advantage."
"It's adaptive up to a certain point. It's useful to think about what's going on and to plan ahead. That's what makes humans the most powerful animal on earth."
"Begin to think of the untold and undiscovered riches all around you, waiting for the intelligence of man to bring them forth."
"To build a system that grows into intelligence the way a human does, that starts like a baby and learns like a child."
"Human intelligence is nothing like general; it's very, very specialized. We think it's general because we're general over all the things that we can apprehend."
"There's a magic to that creative process. And we, humans, are smart enough to notice the magic."
"AI will surpass human intelligence and when that happens it may decide that humans are no longer necessary."
"You know, that’s sort of the idea behind Neuralink, is to try to more tightly couple collective human will to digital superintelligence."
"What steps may be taken to bridge the gap between AI's current capabilities and our own human intelligence, and if those steps should be taken?"
"People always way more intelligent than anybody gives them credit for. I think people for the most part no [expletive]."
"In the vastness of the cosmos, our planet is but a speck of dust, yet it's home to a species capable of understanding the universe itself."
"I would say that we are less than three years from that point where AI could be smarter than the smartest human at anything."
"At some point in the near future, artificial intelligence will supersede human intelligence and outperform us on every possible task."
"Our intelligence is what makes us human, and AI is an extension of that quality."
"Our entire civilization, everything that we value, is based on our intelligence. And if we had access to a lot more intelligence, then there's really no limit to what the human race can do."
"It's very likely that as we make progress towards understanding the principles behind human intelligence, we will be able to build machines that are actually smarter than us."
"Our biological intelligence, what our minds are capable of, has not been surpassed by our intellectual achievements in terms of our technological innovation."
"My main fear is not from artificial intelligence; it's from natural stupidity."
"Human intelligence certainly has a lot of things we envy; it's also got a lot of problems too."
"It's an interesting idea that as AI systems become smarter and smarter, it is one way to ensure our survival is to expand the capacity of the human mind to communicate with AI and with the AI to communicate with the human mind."
"We are both too smart and not smart enough... we are very good at solving near-term problems."
"The singularity refers to the hypothetical point at which artificial intelligence passes human intelligence."
"Ultimately, producing all of the wonders that modern society has to offer in cohesion with women monogamy and relationships between pair-bonded couples is ultimately what allowed for the prosperity of human intelligence to flourish."
"I love humans. I love life, and I want to share that love with others."
"Don't run away from failure; face it, learn from your mistakes, and go forward."
"We're never going to understand human intelligence until we can understand that."
"What is work going to be in this world if the machines are smarter than the people?"
"Robotic intelligence doesn't compete with human intelligence, it completes it."
"Humans will start to become less intelligent."
"This lawsuit is indicating that we've already passed that point where AI is smarter than humans."
"The point at which machines equal or surpass the intelligence of humans... by 2045, machines are going to be smarter than humans."
"We don't understand how our own intelligence works."
"If AI continues to develop along the same path that it is currently on, AI will surpass human intelligence."
"I generally think they look at us and we are peasants. I will always remember Neil deGrasse Tyson saying, if aliens exist, our brain is like 1 percent more advanced than theirs."
"AI basically will amplify human intelligence."
"Since the beginning of recorded time humans have been getting smarter."
"You cannot replace a human mind anytime soon."
"The vast majority of the human race is stupid."
"The permeation of knowledge amongst humans is crazy."
"We have this brain that can grasp these things and have these reflections."
"Pattern-seeking is a double-edged sword, wimp slayer. It's a big part of what makes humans the smartest species on the planet."
"AI could surpass human intelligence and even threaten Humanity."
"If Humanity could not find intelligence, they would create it."
"You are the resistance and your human intelligence promoting things is amazing."
"The brain is smarter than any supercomputer."
"Humans are the smartest animals on the planet."
"Human beings are the first species on the earth smart enough to wipe themselves out but are we smart enough not to?"
"I never thought that was possible. The humans are actually becoming dumber than they ever were."
"It is absolutely amazing that we, as the most curious, most intelligent species we know of thus far in the universe, have this ability to understand our place in nature."
"The most remarkable quality of human cognition is the ability to take any two objects and select from an infinite set of possible abstractions."
"We must rely on humans to backfill with their broad knowledge of the world to accomplish most day-to-day tasks."
"AI was about developing artificial analogues of human intelligence."
"Artificial intelligence plus human intelligence equals enhanced intelligence."
"Artificial intelligence plus natural intelligence equals enhanced intelligence."
"Limitless augments, not replaces, human intelligence with artificial intelligence."
"The combination of human intelligence and artificial intelligence is powerful in this area of commerce as in others."
"The uniquely human strength is arriving at heuristic rules and principles."
"It's not human competitive intelligence, it's what happens after AI gets smarter than human intelligence."
"AI has been defined as the theory and development of computer systems that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence."
"You are much smarter than an AI... you can build a much better script with more nuance and context than an AI could ever provide for us."
"What exactly makes us so unique? What makes human intelligence so different from anything else on the planet?"
"One way of thinking about it is to think more concretely about human intelligence and build machines that can match human intelligence."
"Machines learn and think like people."
"It's about understanding the technology and understanding the ways that human intelligence is differentiated from artificial intelligence."
"I never imagined that computers would rival or let alone surpass human intelligence. And in principle, I thought they could rival human intelligence, I didn't see any reason that they couldn't."
"We live on planet Earth and we have one moon, and we call it 'Moon'. How clever of us."
"Moving from autonomous to hybrid intelligence."
"It's not magic. What is happening is that a lot of human intelligence is driving the behavior of these systems."
"Moment to appreciate how smart we are as humans and feel better than the machines for a moment."
"I hope not, but I do believe to your core of your question that, in a world where there is, let's say, an abundance of artificial intelligence, what's going to be scarce is real intelligence or human intelligence and human qualities like empathy."
"I think a human intelligence... draws from like basically their whole life experience contributes to how they're going to draw something."
"...as fascinating as it is to have these neural networks that are able to learn and to do these amazing capabilities the truly amazing part is the analysis you perform the work that you do and the human intelligence that you applied to these concepts."
"I think human-level intelligence is a lot more complex than people realize because a lot of its unconscious you know we don't experience a lot of our intelligence consciously."
"We are trying to build one intelligence that is smarter and more capable than humans in every way."
"I don't think we captured all the useful utility of human intelligence in 1958 when we created the perceptron."
"We're smart, humans are smart, and we're social creatures. When you put a bunch of brains together, you come up with some good solutions."
"What if humans are actually more intelligent than most aliens?"
"Humans have had quite a lot of success at thinking cognitively and reasoning about our environment."
"AI is also very, very, very scary because at some point, AI actually becomes cleverer than humans."
"Rather than searching for extraterrestrial intelligence, I think we should search for terrestrial intelligence."
"The ability to be successful across multiple sets of dominance hierarchies accounts at least in part for our cognitive flexibility."
"We're not contributing anything new but to my mind we really are because we have a way of inspecting and enhancing the human intelligence rather than the statistics."
"We are a remarkable species of mammal that has evolved big brains and keen intelligence and consciousness and the ability to work in groups."
"Humans are intelligent and capable of reasoning in a way that makes them superior to the entire animal kingdom."
"AI's founded on the idea that human intelligence can be described so precisely... that a machine can simulate it."
"Given the right inputs, our brains can do some pretty amazing things."
"The understanding that sets man above the rest of sensible beings and gives him all the advantage in dominion which he has over them."
"Humans are very good at a kind of one-shot learning."
"Humans just for whatever reason just got a lot smarter and we don't quite know why."
"I've always thought that human beings are very intelligent but not intelligent enough."
"By doing this, we can create a symbiosis between artificial intelligence and human intelligence."
"What's unique about humans in our intelligence is that we can actually build tools and build instruments and then actually become self-aware."
"It's something we humans are really, really good at."
"We are a lot smarter than animals, which makes us both powerful and vulnerable."
"It's a fallacy to think that a machine could be 'smarter than humans in all respects' and still lack any common sense understanding of humans."
"This is a tool, not as a replacement for our brains."
"We are no longer the alpha intelligence."
"If we're the top of the chain, the top species of intelligence, we're all doomed."
"We already have an installed base of seven billion human equivalent intelligences out there and they're self-sustaining for the most part; that is really a remarkable resource."
"We're not really smart enough to deal with it... at least a conflict-free way."
"The reality is that humans are the most intelligent animals on the planet, it is up to us to find solutions."
"You have a supercomputer way up here in between your ears, and that is not artificial intelligence; that's the real stuff right there."
"We're like as we are right now, this will probably be the last time in human history where humans are smarter than robots."
"It's an amplifier for human intelligence, really."
"Human intelligence is a physical evolution of ideas that came through humans."
"Don't just rely on AI, rely on the brain too."
"Humans are clever; humans can come up with so many amazing ways of bending language."
"Human intelligence is the original design; it's always going to be the greatest."
"I believe that humans are smart creatures and that we can recognize when something is good."
"Ask yourselves whether these activities are not also important for our intelligence and for being well-rounded human beings."
"People are still the most important links in most spy networks."
"Human intelligence is one of the cornerstones of our activity."
"Don't underestimate people's intelligence."
"Human creativity and intelligence is far more interesting than any robot or any form of artificial intelligence."
"It can be really smart but its limit is going to be the smartest humans as opposed to smarter than the smartest humans."
"Everything I love about civilization is the product of human intelligence, so if we can amplify that with AI... that is incredibly inspiring."
"We need to remember that humans can and must prove the theorems, the computer is not doing that for you."
"Artificial intelligence tries to simulate, that is mimic human intelligence into a machine."
"God made us the most intelligent beings on Earth."
"CAPTCHA is a program that can generate and grade tests that most humans can pass but current computer programs cannot."
"We're humans and we need to use our intelligence to recognize what's going on and adapt."
"Human level intelligence is still out of reach."
"Digital intelligence will probably exceed all human intelligence combined."