
Foundational Principles Quotes

There are 184 quotes

"The brain is continually learning. It's not something we said, 'Oh, we can add that later.' That's something that was upfront, had to be there from the start."
"Rule zero is mental health. If you want to improve your financial situation, rule zero: mental health."
"If you want to improve your dating life, rule zero: mental health."
"These three things are, they're the pillars."
"Our country was founded on the self-evident idea and truth that every man and woman is endowed by their creator with a certain set of unalienable rights and so deserves the chance to achieve his or her god-given potential."
"I really appreciate you guys sticking in there with me. I hope all of this stuff made sense."
"At some point, you have to have some foundational moral level where you say, 'This is what we're going to consider right or wrong,' and then you have to operate from that foundation."
"America is not built on ethnicity, religion, geography; we're the only nation in the history of the world built on an idea."
"America was founded on freedom: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of assembly."
"Our Declaration of Independence is based on natural law and natural rights which come from the Creator."
"These documents don't give us our rights; we were born with natural rights."
"All men are created equal, endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
"If you want to build your financial house, the first thing you've got to build it on is solid ground, based on principles and values."
"Values, faith, family, freedom. These are the things that I think are building blocks for our society."
"The more fundamental of proposition is, the more other propositions depend on it, and then you might say it's those most fundamental propositions that have to be transmitted from generation to generation."
"Science depends on the free exchange of ideas. That's who we are, and our country is founded on that very principle."
"The beauty is our country is founded on the very principle of free speech; it's in the First Amendment for a reason."
"The West is founded on the principle that the individual is sovereign."
"Let's restore the basic idea of the American bargain, go back to the Declaration of Independence, its founding principles, and the basic ideas that brought America together as a country."
"Elections are the bedrock principle of democracy."
"Freedom of speech is a principle pillar of a free government."
"Free speech is not just another value, it is the foundation of Western civilization."
"Not current media, not current supreme court, not current person in office, but our founding documents, the constitution, the declaration of independence."
"This is a nation that was founded by people who were open to immigration."
"Give up your freedoms and your rights for society? That's the exact opposite of the ideas that lay at the foundation of this country."
"In the end, it's our ideals, our values, that built America."
"One of the bedrocks of our countries that no person is above the law."
"We are a nation founded on the truth that all of us are created equal."
"The cornerstone of our system is based on confidence in that system."
"A relationship is supposed to be an open line of communication between the two."
"The framework for building a revolutionary movement and in my view that that framework is truth freedom and health now underneath that you can start looking at policies."
"Our principles did not create these virtues but they laid the groundwork for them to grow and spread and forge America into the most just and glorious country in all of human history."
"America was built on the idea of recognizing a power higher than government."
"America is great because of its original promise; the founders built the constitution to be amended."
"America was designed for the people... for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"We have a second amendment because this country was it was founded on courage."
"We're building a university that will be located in Austin, Texas, that will be founded on the principles of academic freedom, intellectual Freedom, as well as meritocracy."
"Faith, family, a society based on faith, family, and freedom will happen one way or the other."
"But if you don't have this last one, none of these matter. That's integrity."
"Just because something is hard doesn't mean that it can't be done. If that had been the case, the United States of America would never have come into being."
"The reason I call it the physics of progress is I really believe that it is foundational."
"That's the whole foundation everything's built upon: those are coach Bennett's five pillars."
"I absolutely believe that one of the founding principles of our nation is that justice is blind."
"The institution of the family is the cornerstone of every society."
"The family is the bedrock political institution."
"I believe that the way we will unite this country is by being uncompromising about the principles that set the country into motion in the first place."
"The right to free speech, this is literally the foundation that this country was founded upon."
"Government was there to protect our liberties."
"Reason from first principles rather than by analogy... boil things down to the most fundamental truths."
"The greatest commandment: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself."
"America is an idea, an idea that goes back to our founding principle that all men are created equal. It's an idea that's stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than a dictator."
"Having these 10 c's as a foundation gives you a good solid layer to build on top of."
"The key to order is law; order brings success."
"The Constitution, our structure of government, the separation of powers between the branches... is the genius of the founders."
"Family over everything: health, love, prosperity, loyalty, respect."
"If we do not foster a society of free speech, a society in which we are able to openly communicate with each other, we are in a sense swimming against this foundational reality."
"Trust is the foundation of society. Without trust, what do we have?"
"If you don't have honesty, Integrity, loyalty and pride... you have nothing."
"The Constitution exists because the founding fathers knew your inalienable god-given rights could be infringed upon."
"Adam Smith laid the foundation for economic rules and principles that guide the decision-making of nations."
"If anyone ever forgets about bodybuilding and what they should be doing like you can just watch blood and guts over and over again and it just reminds you of all the basic stuff."
"Reason requires faith for its first principles... Faith bolstered and checked by reason, and reason supported and checked by faith."
"What America should be is the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence."
"The true administration of justice is the firmest pillar of good government."
"You want to have a couple of those like first principles things because that entrepreneur is going to need them."
"You can't have rights without the force to guarantee them."
"Real success heartfelt humble genuine success."
"And if we can basically just, I mean the real answer is just go back to the founding documents, that's it, go back to the founding documents."
"Freedom has to be the pillar of what we stand on as far as American values."
"As the decline continues... the foundational principles of this country do not exist anymore."
"Those three principles form a really strong Foundation to ensure success."
"The bedrock of a republic is an honest and accurate voting system."
"Truth, freedom, health: the foundation of a bottoms-up movement."
"This country was founded on the principle that all men are created equal."
"The Declaration of Independence is a list of 'here's who we're going to be,' and it's founded on Christian principles."
"Bitcoin is going to have to revert to its social contract to decide a direction in the future."
"At the end of the day, you've got to go back to the basics."
"We hold this truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal."
"We are very fortunate that we get along as well as we do... I think there are some very rigid, I'll say, baseline concrete concepts that you can apply to any relationship."
"The truth shall set you free. This is obviously the anchoring Cornerstone of our program."
"The Constitution is within our core, within our spirit As Americans."
"The Constitution is the foundation. If we don't have a good foundation for this country, this country will crumble." - Emphasize the importance of constitutional principles.
"Now is that time, and the convention on founding principles is our chance."
"America is the only country founded on an idea."
"Building a case is like building a house. You've got to have the right foundation."
"That all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights."
"Establish justice, ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty."
"Compliance with the law is not excellence, it's the price of admission to the playing field of commercial reality."
"The story matters because it's not just about two men... it's about the future of our Republic and the principles that we stand for."
"There's a necessity for shared values... establish common first principles... cosmos evolution non-aggression."
"The resurrection really happened, that is the foundation."
"The real solution is going to be had when we decide as a society it's time to return to that original founding bargain."
"The reason it's the first is it's the most important."
"Folks, the constitution was not written to keep you safe. The constitution was written to keep you free."
"I know that if I celebrate God, family, country, constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, work ethic... that would probably be enough."
"Thank God or whomever you pray to that we live in a country founded on the principle that I am free to live by my faith."
"As long as you respect these basic tenants that bring us together."
"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You're quoting Thomas Jefferson, not the Quran."
"Why not just go back to basics when the constitution wasn't working?"
"Security is foundational. Every product, every process, everything needs to be built on a foundation with a security-first mindset."
"It's the foundation of everything we do in property investment."
"Beliefs are like the train tracks that underpin our lives."
"The vote is the cornerstone of the American democracy."
"Free and fair elections: the bedrock on which everything that matters to us rests."
"Intent matters, it's the core of any and everything."
"We really need Unity, but the bonds that create Unity are principles preserved by agreement of all."
"We're the only nation in the history of the world built on an idea."
"Without a solid foundation, your house is nothing. You cannot build it, it cannot stand, it cannot stay the test of time. And your wardrobe is exactly the same way."
"The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded." - Baron D. Montesquieu
"The foundational thing is always at 10. Yeah, you know, and we're finding new tens every day."
"If we ever as an ecosystem want to reach that stability, scale, and Trust, we too must stay true to the principles we were founded on."
"The government is instituted among men to secure god-given rights."
"Business can be built by anybody following those principles."
"This is not how America was founded. It's not how most people think the country operates."
"The first amendment is the most important. We have the second amendment to protect the first amendment."
"Freedom of conscience and belief and opinion and religion is the most important freedom. It is the building block, the strategic freedom upon which the others stand."
"Values that Josh Shapiro and John Fetterman stand for, values that Joe Biden stands for, values that were enshrined in our founding documents." - Barack Obama
"You gotta start with a strong foundation. You just can't have any and on everybody."
"Your rights don't come from an entity called government, your life, your liberty, your property."
"Self-building, self-economics, you know, knowledge of self, these are foundational principles that you must have. And then once you have that for yourself, then you can relate to somebody else who got it." - RZA
"What America was founded on... the Constitution and the Bill of Rights."
"I think the foundational piece, the core values, they're the same."
"When I see a cryptocurrency not founded on the foundational principles of this industry, including decentralization and immutability, I take issue with that."
"A rediscovery of our shared identity rooted in our founding principles is the path to a renewed American unity and a confident American future."
"Minimalism is a tool, not the end result. So when you think about life, you think about building a house, you have to lay the foundation first."
"All men are created free and equal before the law."
"I think the divisions in this country are the divisions between those who support the founding and those who don't." - Thomas G West
"Freedom of Association is fundamental to the founding."
"Patience is key, everything starts from your brain."
"Our system was built to do three things in essence: protect life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"If bitcoin goes down, it's because people forgot why it was created."
"Solid foundations and building blocks, thinker. Communication is key."
"If all men are created equal that's final. If they are endowed within inalienable rights that's final. If governments derive their just powers from the consent of the governed that's final." - Calvin Coolidge
"We want to create a better world based on these principles that are well founded and well laid out."
"The Constitution is the Bedrock of our democracy."
"Don't limit your ambitions, go back to first principles."
"Decentralization is a foundational concern for resilience and philosophical reasons."
"Ultimately what really matters is learning these foundational or fundamental principles and just learning those skills."
"Every scientific theory is predicated upon certain unprovable statements known as axioms."
"This is the foundation of what we do."
"Your belief must have some substance upon which your faith rests."
"Stick to the rules. Stick to the basics."
"It's about principles, not techniques."
"There are three pillars that are holding the world: one is judgment, two is the truth, and three is peace."
"Security from day one, that's key to us."
"Justice is the foundation; when there is no justice, you won't attain peace, when there's no peace, you won't have development."
"The breath is the foundation of yoga practice."
"This is a lesson for life: you need a strong foundation. It's also a lesson for structural engineering."
"Promoting safety, calmness, self-efficacy, connectedness, and hope are the foundations of psychological first aid."
"The Constitution actually does have a deeper foundation in the natural law."
"Safety begins at design; that's where it starts."
"America wasn't North and South; America was an idea, and the idea was embedded in the founding documents."
"We have foundational principles that have enabled us as individuals to excel, and as we as individuals excel, our country excels."
"So why is count and normalize a reasonable thing to do? It is actually based on very firm foundational principles, this idea of maximum likelihood."
"The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms starts with the words 'Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law'."
"We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness."
"Schrodinger's equation is sort of like F equals MA in Newtonian mechanics; it's a starting point."
"Heritage and Liberty are our foundation."
"The way we are able to develop complicated systems is by building out of simple ones."
"Everything we do here is first based on the foundation principle."
"We have to respect the democratic process that was set in place by our founding fathers."
"We need to put first principles first."
"A country was founded upon basic principles and rights, chief among them is the right of free speech and the right to assemble peaceably."
"This is what we have to accept as mathematicians, right? An axiomatic system, for example, it's just the way it is."
"Maxwell's equations and boundary conditions are the foundation of understanding electromagnetic fields."
"It's the foundation you can derive all the electrical equations electrical engineers use."
"The Ten Commandments represent the laws of nature and of nature's God upon which our nation began."