
Personal Virtue Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"I find it hard to believe in karma when I know how good I've been to people, how nice I am inside, and the way I've been treated."
"I'm very patient. I really pride myself on my patience."
"Gratitude is the mother of goodness, there are no good ingrates."
"The one thing that you can control is the amount of virtue that you yourself pour into your life."
"Being a good person to the people around you is deeply worthwhile."
"He did it selflessly and does not ask for anything in return."
"Forgiveness is the highest expression of your mercy."
"You don't really need a religion for that, do you? It's called being a good fucking person."
"It's never you can never have too much humility."
"There's so much power in being able to genuinely desire to be a good person regardless of any existential consequences."
"Class is a virtue, something that not everyone has."
"You genuinely, in my heart of hearts, I believe you are a genuinely good person. You're just genuinely trying hard to make the world a better place."
"Virtue is to poison oneself with the antidote." - Blitz
"Humility is a very powerful characteristic, it emulates the Christ."
"Self-control is probably the most underrated fruit of the Spirit."
"Rockefeller was a really good guy. Like, in every way."
"The indispensable quality to live a good life is courage."
"Being busy can be a virtue, but so can waiting."
"He's one of the nicest men on the planet, genuinely cares for people."
"He didn't do it no uh and then to forgive the people that were doing this to him he prays father forgive them yeah."
"So that's meekness which is strength under control that's a great definition."
"You can be someone who does good, who does great, who's happy, and to fight for what's right."
"It is easy to be loyal when you are loved, adored, and glorified, it is another to be loyal when you are despised, shunned, and forgotten."
"You are not kind because other people are kind to you, you are kind because you are a kind person."
"I don't necessarily think you need to be Christian in order to be a good person."
"You know what you are, a very nice human being."
"Charity does not make you a good person. Charity does not fix these structures."
"Patience right now is one of the best things you can have in your life."
"Being a good person is so much more than what you look like."
"Humility is obviously the big one, you gotta be humble."
"Humility is freedom from arrogance and unjustifiable pride."
"Conscientiousness is really what it all comes down to."
"You're just an only decent good person I can think of."
"You also have to be extremely humble."
"He's unselfish almost to a fault."
"The one thing everybody always said about John Fairbanks was he was honest."
"You love her, trust your goodness."
"I forgive. I'm a vessel of forgiveness."
"He was not just a good king, not just a great king, but a great person."
"Forgiveness is something that we all should take on board."
"Forgiveness is the obligation of being forgiven."
"David was faithful in the small things, and that's what I see in Sher's life."
"Vulnerability, the ability to express my heart, the ability to express myself to other people, to express what's real, that became one of my top virtues."
"That seems to me really what Integrity is."
"You'll truly be happy if you have the virtue of humility."
"It never seems to hurt being a better person."
"You operate with a lot of forgiveness."
"There's a bit of honesty left in the world, and it goes by the name of Edna Miller."
"Whatever anyone does or says, I must be good, just as if the gold, or the emerald, or the purple were always saying this."
"I think you are a good person with a very very kind heart."
"Gratitude is a nice antidote to pride."
"He had that virtue which the Arabic sources called helm."
"He's a really good guy, and his heart is always in the right place."
"The virtue of courage... is an important one to attend to."
"Be kind, practice an amount of kindness."
"Mrs. Harrison is a very kind-hearted and generous woman."
"Humility is something that only you can do. It's an attitude of the heart."