
Personal Branding Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Business, as well as any other domain of life, evolves. If you get trapped in a paradigm and don't realize the power of personal brands and the emergence of the creator economy, then you're eventually going to get left behind."
"Lead with your strongest work. It's your portfolio. You're in control of what people are seeing. It's how they're perceiving you."
"You have to give them something to remember you by."
"The only way to make a personal brand last is for it to be you."
"Focus on the people that love your message and love who you are and love what you're about."
"Everybody knows something. All you have to do is package the thing that you're doing."
"It's not about what I think is cool; it's about helping you reach your own brand so you can become somebody one day."
"Starting a personal brand is the future. If you're not already on the train, I don't know where you've been."
"Mike Israetel, you guys probably know from my channel, he has a PhD in sports physiology."
"When you can get people to know, like, and trust you at scale... they understand that I'm not going to take their money and run."
"It's my business, it's my reputation, it's my food. I'm the chef and I'm the owner. That's what I want."
"What you do there's loads of people doing it, but not like you. No one's got your DNA, they ain't got your fingerprints."
"Your goal is to both be known by the right people, and to be known for the right things."
"Campaigns have always had to be a balance between...here's what I'll do, here's who I am, here's who I'm fighting for."
"She keeps it very positive, that's a smart move."
"Being able to understand how best to present yourself so you have a better chance in the dating world."
"Dating in the 21st century is brand management."
"Aloha everyone, welcome to Skincare with Hyram. If you don't know who I am, my name's Hyram and I'm passionate about teaching you how to perfect your skincare routine."
"You have to build your brand. But you don't build your brand with 140-character long opinions."
"I'm trying to be as real as I physically can. I don't know how to be anything else."
"Insure a future income... Make yourself recession-proof by continuing to learn new skills and building a strong personal brand."
"The power of social media whether it's to sell consumer goods or services or to expand one's personal brand or to go into politics, there's nothing like it."
"I realized I found that my brand is bigger than all the brands I was trying to be a part of."
"People don't want to follow businesses; they want to follow other people."
"I've made 2.5 million dollars in the last 10 months from personal branding."
"The name you give yourself is important. It helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you want to be."
"Everything you present should mirror everything you are."
"Putting myself out there. Like, I had a photo shoot done, and a lot of these pictures are actually being used for my album, and they're like, I look hot. Like, I had no idea that I could actually look good like that."
"Be authentic. Be your brand. There's something so special about you that stands out."
"You realize leaving in more of your personality, doing a Q&A every now and then... is better for your brand and your community as a whole."
"Hey guys, welcome back to the channel, it's Monae here!"
"Your top of funnel should be broad and large so that you can actually be you, which is the most profitable niche."
"The burgeoning social media platforms enable ordinary people like you and me to create an online persona through the narration of their daily lives via social media."
"Make it personal, share something that you are passionate about and share it in a personal way."
"If you want to stand out from the competition or you want to build connections in your industry and establish yourself as an expert, building a website for yourself is a great first step."
"The way you come across, your personal brand can make a big difference."
"The product that defines our future is smartphones. This is the thing we are most attached to. It's also highly branded. You likely pick your phone based on what you want to say about yourself in terms of the model and the brand."
"All of these are really cool... it's totally my brand, it's blue."
"I'm here to just give my people game. If you rock with me, you rock with me; if you don't, it's all love."
"Whether you have one follower, one subscriber, or 100 million, if you have any sort of presence online, you have a personal brand."
"Social media is free, posting valuable content is free. Everything you need to get started with your personal brand is going to be at zero cost."
"Personal branding is the conscious and intentional effort to create and influence public perception of an individual by positioning them as an authority, elevating their credibility, and differentiating themselves from the competition."
"Being a good girl is now a business decision for her."
"My advice would be to just do something different. Don't do what everybody else is doing. Find out what is different about yourself and the way that you make content, and then just be different, be unique."
"Appearance, behavior, communication, digital footprint – these are the four parts of an image."
"Do not include objectives in your resumes; they don't really help you distinguish yourself."
"Trump has effectively created shares of himself."
"This is my superpower, this is what I would say I'm better than anyone at: fucking taking everyday fucking people... into fucking look like movie stars."
"You are your own representative; the way you present yourself aesthetically tells people who you are, what value you place on yourself, and the extent to which you regard yourself."
"This is a scent that like people know me for; they'll smell this and they'll be like, 'Oh yeah, that's you.'"
"We're left with two options: status, which I have the check mark and nearly 300k followers, and looks."
"If there's one thing that my audience knows about me, Daddy don't play it safe."
"If people like me anyway, they're gonna Google me or whatever and they'll find me. I'm not hard to find."
"Social media is the new resume. Social media is an intrinsic part of our life."
"I think that doing something as reckless and possibly embarrassing as publicly posting an SNL audition to TikTok is a wildly fearless and strangely charming thing."
"In the meantime, thanks for watching. As always, I am Tim Cory."
"You need to specialize in something. You need to become the go-to person for something."
"Positioning yourself as the go-to person for something and driving all of your marketing focusing on that thing is going to get those leads coming in the door."
"Having my own line of something that I make and that is a representation of my taste in some field would be pretty sweet."
"Hello beautiful and welcome back to my channel."
"I make enough money... personal brand has been just like invaluable."
"You can escape competition through authenticity."
"Your uniqueness is you. Finding it may seem mundane to you, but it's what sets you apart."
"Gravitas by Mr. Smelly, a great guy, great YouTuber, and awesome fragrance."
"People should look at me as a symbol of strength."
"Girls take social media seriously, bro. If your IG is subpar, it's gonna hurt you more than help you."
"Any sponsorship should be like a little accent into your big picture of what you're doing."
"I'm like a B-list food personality, but like an A-list writer, and like a C-list human being."
"2021 will be known as the year of Chico Crypto."
"I create content about artificial intelligence and artificial intelligence ethics." - Paige Lord
"Best friend, girl! That's me relating to that person viewing the website."
"Will miss out on Impact Theory Founder's Key, this was originally code named the Full Meal Deal, and it will be your ultimate key to unlocking all the things."
"It's not just about the pictures... you guys are real entrepreneurs."
"We will make a unique coupon code in your name so your audience can get an exclusive discount on our store."
"This is shame, pure shame, but also my brand."
"Who gives away as much stuff as I do? Dude, nobody. Alright, nobody does."
"Welcome to the Emily Show! Badass lawyer and everyone's favorite legal commentator."
"That's what I do, Juju doing Juju Smith Shuster last year, Super Bowl to played at the flag."
"The ultimate position is to be irreplaceable, one of a kind, original."
"Your reputation is everything. It's what precedes you and it's what people are gonna know about you after you're gone."
"His popularity took off around the year 2014, and nowadays, the brand carrying his name has a special place in people's minds."
"Chavez, who was born into poverty, rose the ranks of the military... during his military career, he developed leftist sympathies."
"I'm aware, because I am only, I think a lot of the times people can get caught up in my sizzle but it's the steak that I'm most proud of."
"Tell W that's so SL. Yeah, you have such good names for all your products."
"My first book was called Unfuck Yourself and when I wrote that book when I came up with a title everybody that I spoke to says change the title."
"She is definitely someone that you're going to want to follow."
"His whole brand is about just believing in yourself to the umpteenth degree."
"His industries were so solidly and completely built around his personality."
"I started my channel to flex how good I was at Splinter Cell right like I wanted to show how I'm good you know I want a team I want to be able to play this."
"If you're struggling to find your brand, realize that whatever your interests are is that brand."
"And you can follow me personally at Tim Cast."
"The Hollywood bailout plan is... showing my starfish off to the internet and collect my own money."
"Build your personal brand and your network so that you're in those deals ahead of time, positioning yourself for success."
"For now, my name's been Daz, you didn't really care, and I'll see you in a bit."
"Everywhere things get posted, they have to feel like a genuine Mr. Ballin post."
"You taken the Grant Cardone brand everywhere yeah."
"I love you, hey, as always, I'll see you next video. Peace out, two more [] rings, two rings, baby. I'm about to be LeBron in this [], I'm going for the three pieces."
"She's so familiar and so good at turning any type of publicity into good publicity."
"We like to consider ourselves the mom and pop of YouTube at this point."
"You gotta watch my yellow music video... I'm like, yellow did that!"
"I'm the people's champion, and I'm just getting started."
"If my name's big enough, they put it on a website."
"Having a personal brand is a massive advantage that can help you no matter what path you decide to take. It's honestly overpowered."
"Elvira owned her sexuality and wasn't afraid to joke about her assets."
"Check out some of my other videos, check out Tesla cat man he interrupts almost every single video he's actually sleeping on the couch right now so I'll give him a day off."
"Getting gold is Jake Paul, getting gold is Logan Paul, getting gold is Andrew Tate."
"I haven't only fans so yeah, same [ __ ] more."
"Where's the moisturizer... that's just becoming a tagline on my channel."
"A personal brand is simply you, is how people perceive you, what they remember about you, the reputation that you've built."
"None of these betas could match my alpha vibes."
"Customize your resume, that is going to be the single biggest thing that you can do to increase your chances of getting the callback."
"Until next time it is me, Jack, and I will talk to you guys in a bit, I'm out."
"The power of image with social media: how others perceive you has become something you can completely control. A wolf in sheep's clothing."
"Insert your unique personality into the formula and you will be successful guaranteed."
"I got some new merch in case you didn't tell new mugs new shirts and of course there's always coffee check that out link below network chuck dot coffee."
"I'm a big believer in building thought leadership and building up your personal brand."
"You are the Wolfman Jack of stocks. Big fan group, the great work. Thank you man, I appreciate that."
"Believe your own hype, and if you don't have that messiah hype, I want you to [ __ ] create it."
"You gotta be different. You gotta stand out."
"Death Stranding was sold entirely on Kojima's name and the brilliance with which he crafts his games."
"Even without the hair, I still got the guru shine."
"Thanks for watching, this has been Mumbo and I'm out, I'll see you later."
"I'm unfuckable okay like I'm killing it in all these areas."
"My real name is Celvin but my nickname comes from Peanut's character before I was famous."
"People know you and they gravitate toward you. They're there for you not because of the platform. The audience relationship is much more authentic."
"The About section is going to display our personality, we're going to use headshots, we're going to use icons of our interest or personal interests."
"Brand is what others say about you when you leave the room."
"Not only do you get to rep me if you want to be an Omni fan, but if you just like the term 'Omni,' which means all, you get to do both."
"Authenticity... people know that's you right that's authentically you stuff you put out that's authentically you."
"I have no reason to flex, trust me. It's just for pure SEO." - Faze Rain
"Overlays aren't the content you are the content I highly recommend you find one or maybe two really cool and unique elements that can go on your stream that make it feel like you put effort into it and then leave it there."
"The main thing that will set you apart is knowing something and putting yourself out there as an expert."
"Personal branding is for everyone, not just for professionals."
"Social media platforms offer diverse opportunities for personal branding."
"Define your aspirations, determine your unique value proposition, effectively communicate your brand."
"I typically work with women very similar to myself where there's small one-person creative companies."
"Elon sure knows how to keep himself in the news."
"Meet Gary Simon: crafting beautiful web experiences."
"Welcome back to the YouTube channel, my name is Kim also known as the econ King."
"There's a reason we know Winona's name because she's awesome and she turned whatever weirdness people thought she had into a prolific film and TV career."
"I don't want to sacrifice my brand and integrity just to make a living off of YouTube."
"Haley has this sort of hustle mindset to her, this sort of like 'I am a business woman, like I'm going to create an empire' mindset about her."
"Health is not why people follow Sam, it's the personality, it's the non-nonsense attitude."
"What happens is, I'm Stephen A. and for better or worse, over the, you know, knock on wood, it could end tomorrow, it can end next month, whatever, but I've been number one for 11 years. I'm box office."
"When Jim Sterling calls his shot, he very rarely misses."
"Tai Lopez's 'Here in My Garage' video became a viral sensation and meme."
"I don't falter anyone for divorcing, but when your brand is your coupleness, something must have really happened."
"Nikkie has always tried to stand behind an image of being positive and promoting self-love."
"Danny Hillman is a modern-day Indiana Jones."
"That's all I've got for you, follow me on Patreon, all social media, follow my science channel and join my discord."
"Put your camera where your mouth is, put your face where your work to go."
"Liver King would have never been Liver King if Brian Johnson didn't make his first millions by understanding the Amazon algorithm."
"I wanted to be able to work on my own with a talent manager and an agency, create my own content, build my own brand."
"The first for your title should be the XYZ statement...I help X to achieve Y so they can have Z."
"I'm Gregory and on this channel, I turn you into a blockchain master."
"I don't need drama to stand out. I don't need to start something with anyone to get my name out there. It's not me."
"You are gonna be hard-pressed to find anybody that is more real, more vulnerable, more honest, more effective at building businesses."
"I've had a lot of people in my emails asking me to do sponsorships... first of all, your product [ __ ] second of all, I know my worth."
"You're destined to do something big in your career and your online persona. This is the time to project who you want to be known for."
"That's what it is and then they realize this guy's hot I gotta stick around for this I gotta ring that MF and bell."
"Let me tell you about the power of a strong personal brand. It is the essence of who you are."
"I saw a tick tock yesterday that was talking about all the trademarks she owns and it is insane."
"Russell Brand is obviously the king of Charisma."
"If the content creators create pointless content, the only thing left is the personality, the influencer, the transitory fame of a human billboard."
"Consistency and showing up is the most important part because in this particular world, people view you as a friend."
"Now you can say a lot of things about me, but the one thing that you can't say is that I don't give a yearly Akinator video."
"That's what we will be doing, and of course, we're going to be starting with the most important YouTuber in the entire world: myself."
"You don't mention AEW without hearing Swerve involved."
"I had to do something to make myself stand out."
"Image is power, and today I want to bring it home as one of the few actual image consultants on YouTube as a black man."
"Updating my profile is something that I do periodically if I come up with a new idea, have new accolades to add to it, or if I just want to try something different."
"When I got started I had a window and a web cam, and those videos generated millions and millions of views for me."
"Every single big name in this industry has some sort of offer that is fueling the fact that they have a personal brand around them."
"Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel! I'm Danny, your crazy neighborhood DIYer."
"Figure out what makes you different from the other people in your niche and do it."
"Congratulations on one million subscribers from Anthony Fantano... Keep on speaking truth to power and messing up your hair and stuff. You're the best, good job buddy."
"I feel like your time is coming to be noticed to be recognized for who you are."
"Danger is the man and he makes it look good."
"Be yourself, people gonna notice you if you're genuine, if you're positive, if you're speaking facts, if you're being you 100 always telling the truth."
"You're meant to stand out, be noticed, be respected, and be inspirational to people."
"Hey besties, welcome back to my channel! If you guys are new here, my name is Jada, commonly known as Joji."
"It's so much easier to create a following behind a person rather than a brand."
"I love that I've got my little peach Rudi's on my peach squad."
"Welcome back to my channel and welcome back to coffee and crime."
"You really have to be authentic, you have to be honest, you have to be true to what you're showing, what you're selling out there."
"Do what you can to be creative and stand out."
"And there'll be people that look at me and say, 'well, he's the kind of guy that gets censored by YouTube'. It's a kind of black mark that's placed on you."
"It makes so much more sense to just use my platform to be sort of a super affiliate for businesses that I really, really, really believe in."
"Hitler understood that his role was to sell an idea... to convince the audience that he and the Nazi Party was their best and only choice."
"Brand first. Manny Pacquiao's brand is incredibly strong. He's known as a person of integrity."
"I'm a crypto guy, but I don't want to be known as a crypto person; I want to be known as a problem solver."
"Subscribe, goddammit! Remember to stay weird."
"Shkreli declined an interview with CNBC and sent them a handwritten letter instead."
"I've been one of their best goodwill ambassadors."
"I developed a catchphrase 'but I digress' during my Sonic 3 & Knuckles playthrough."
"Help people all over the world stand out, win trust, gain credibility."
"T.I. ain't an internet comic. T.I. is a boss who's trying something new."
"Mike Lindell is awesome, and he knows how to make a [My Pillow]"
"Building an email list gives me some control back and gives you the viewer some control back in terms of how you want to reach me."
"JoJo Siwa is a media genius. She knows how to market herself."