
Signs Quotes

There are 939 quotes

"Are you noticing the signs of synchronicity that the spirit world has been sending to you?"
"Wherever you are, this is a message that may also be a confirmation to what you may have been seeing or hearing. And so if you are seeing signs or numbers or certain messages, it's not by coincidence."
"It's time to let signs have their place. They illustrate scripture all the while pointing to Jesus, the Son of God."
"Your spirit guides are sending you a lot of signs."
"God is protecting you and God will send you signs of this person."
"Open your conscious awareness to the signs that are all around you."
"Do not discount the signs, the synchronicities, your own intuition."
"Sometimes when good things are going to happen in your life, the universe will give you signs."
"You guys are getting the signs you're on the right path."
"God respects the nature that He gave us, and He gives us reasonable proofs like Vatican I taught, that He confirms His word with miracles, with signs, with prophecies."
"Once you accept a sign that the universe gives you, you speak universe now. Everything is a sign, and you live synergistically with the universe."
"God will orchestrate these signs in the heavens to announce that he will now intervene in human affairs."
"A synchronicity is a strategically placed sign from your higher self and the universe that helps guide you down here in this material world."
"If this isn't a sign of spring, I don't know what is."
"That's not a good sign... that's the sign that he's probably a love bomber."
"Keep an eye out for all the signs that your loved ones are sending you."
"I'm at a point now where there's so many signs that just steer me towards you. I want a reason to celebrate here between us."
"For centuries man has believed that an end of this world as we know it would come, an event preceded by signs and wonders mysteriously shrouded in the pages of prophecy."
"Behavioral signs: running away from home, cruelty to animals."
"Just one more sign that's pointing us to the truth."
"Pay close attention to the signs to the synchronicity divine timing is in order in the next four to five weeks definitely a message coming through."
"The closer we get to our final destination, the more signs there will be."
"The signs are looking pretty good right now."
"A great sign in the Sun to bring unbelievers to faith."
"There shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars."
"We're starting to see new signs of hope in our economy."
"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved. These are the signs that follow those who believe."
"Call upon me, I will show you signs, synchronicities, I will speak to you through numbers, through song lyrics, everything you need."
"There's someone in spirit who's going to give you a sign that they're so proud of you."
"God's thoughts towards your relationship are of good and not evil, so you should know that once God is giving you signs not to be with someone it is for good reason."
"The signs are out there, if you know what to look for."
"A long-awaited sign is going to be here... everyone's been waiting for."
"If you are frequently seeing this number, this is a direct message from the universe."
"Finding a feather is a sign your guardian angels are by your side."
"As soon as a man believed these signs were to accompany him."
"Expect synchronicities, double numbers, names popping out of nowhere."
"They received some kind of sign or signal from you or from the Universe."
"There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and distress of nations with perplexity."
"Trust yourself; when you see something that you really know deep down into your gut, that it is a sign, then it is to you."
"Visions and signs are for you; they're personal."
"Something biblical going on with the signs of the second coming of Christ."
"Trust your spiritual guidance, trust the signs, everything."
"Keep staying optimistic and keep looking for those signs."
"Isn't that something when you really ask for a specific sign from the universe and they will show you?"
"Blessings are coming to the collective. Pay attention to the signs in July."
"The Bible is clear. The number one indication Jesus will return soon is all of the signs appearing at the same time."
"There are over 800 signs of the second coming of Christ in the Bible, folks."
"If you needed a sign that what you were doing or thinking is right, this is it."
"The feathers you see are signs; your guardian angels are by your side."
"Wooden signs? Yes, we need signs, we need signage, we need signs so we can put instructions."
"Don't ignore the warning signs because they're there."
"Step into an energy alignment, and watch for signs."
"When you start seeing Ace unintentionally in your life, that's gonna be your cue that the money is gonna start coming to you."
"At times when memories come up... someone or something out there sends me a reminder."
"Pisces: 'If they're letting you into the part of their world they hold close, odds are they're crushing on you.'"
"One of the signs that God has better is the lack of edification."
"When these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near."
"There will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places."
"Cogs in a wheel are going to be signs and symbols that you will see over the next six weeks."
"The sign of my return is this lightning going from east to west."
"It's going to bring you a very important sign."
"Pay attention to signs and especially if you see numbers repeating."
"Some people see that you see synchronicity signs."
"If they still haven't picked up their stuff or if they still have some of your stuff... it's a good sign that they're pretending to be over you but they still have one foot in the door."
"We quickly realized that we had never experienced this before and that until you start to go through something it's really hard to pick up on those subtle signs."
"Volcanic eruptions are usually preceded by an increasing number of earthquakes."
"Listen to your intuition and watch for signs, you're being supported."
"False messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive if possible even the elect."
"All the signs Jesus talked about are happening and they're like birth pains."
"If you can't stand going to work, that is a pretty good sign that you should retire early."
"Sometimes they'll be disregulated without any outward signs."
"Trust in these signs from the universe for they are beacons leading you on your path to rediscovery."
"Tune into the signs, the universe is supporting you."
"Paying attention to your dreams, to your signs, at synchronicities; there are no coincidences for you these next two weeks."
"It was being open to the next thing that's going to happen, the next possibility, the next possibility and sometimes it is actual signs that you have to kind of pay attention to."
"Jesus does not allow us to be date setters, but he said I'm going to give you a handful of signposts."
"Listen out for that song, 'Airplanes,' it's a sign that something you have been yearning for is coming towards you."
"I do believe that whatever you call it, the universe, coincidence, god, I do believe god or the universe gives us signs."
"Maintaining an ideal state of mind reveals signs and synchronicities distinct to our interpretation."
"All of these signs... are happening in our lifetime."
"Be consciously aware of the signs and synchronicities that are around you."
"Pay attention to signs along the way as nature works to assist you."
"One of the best indicators for the Lord's return is watching Israel."
"Be patient, great things are coming in for you. Look for signs, the universe is probably showing you signs about this person."
"Good luck is on the way. If you see a ladybug, this is a sign from the Divine."
"Signs of prosperity are starting to show up in your world."
"You can ask the universe for signs. This could be anything – animals, names, places, colors, symbols, words... Anything that's going to help anchor these messages in truth for you."
"This is often also where twin flames experience even more just an avalanche of spiritual signs."
"It's important to acknowledge and try to look out for the signs."
"Sometimes your higher self communicates through external signs like repetitive numbers animals or symbols pay attention to these signs they carry personal significance and guidance."
"You're on the right path, your prayers are being answered, so pay close attention to the signs."
"Look for signs and synchronicities showing you the way forward towards your blessings in the direction of this new leveling up for you."
"Jesus is coming soon. We see the evidence everywhere."
"While a building or destroyed terrain is always a sign of life, signs are kinda special because they are an actual message somebody typed out."
"Pay attention to the signs because it ain't going to go the way you thought, I promise you."
"I want to believe this if I'm supposed to believe this what sign are you going to give me?"
"Believe what the signs that the universe is showing up for you guys."
"God will give you indicators, don't ignore the signs."
"If she's chatty towards you and she's chatty towards everyone else, you don't have a sign on your hands."
"Pay attention, there are signs, symbols, and messages guiding you."
"Life is full of surprises and mysteries, and sometimes the universe tries to communicate with us its own unique way. It's not always about loud warnings or clear directions; more often it's in the subtle signs that we might easily overlook."
"When you get a sign, when you get a symbol, when you sing, get a synchronicity, they will be heard, they will come back to you amplified."
"The signs are everywhere if you guys pay attention to it."
"In the skies and the Earth, there are miraculous signs for people."
"More than a coincidence, number patterns, signs, fated destiny."
"Look for the signs, and if you know it's a sign, it's a frigging affirmative sign."
"The signs are always there. We tend to ignore the signs and dismiss them but it was always there."
"We need to listen. We can ask for signs and symbols. We can say, 'I surrender'."
"Lean into the spiritual signs and messages."
"You might be receiving signs from the universe."
"Signs, synchronicities, repeating numbers, feathers, butterflies."
"There will always be signs to guide you on your true path."
"Pay attention to the coincidences you experience."
"Messages from the universe... I just got 'Mutual' very clearly."
"Conversation is a two-way street, and your loved ones in spirit love hearing from you."
"Trust in the signs that you're getting."
"Talk to your loved ones, say 'Dad I know that was you,' or 'Mom, was that you?'"
"They always say the sign is there for a reason. Somebody did something to make them have to make a sign."
"Look around for some signs, the universe is speaking to you."
"Pay attention to those synchronicities, pay attention to those signs."
"All signs point to something, and in our case, we are surrounded with signs that point to a person."
"Please notice my feelings for you and understand my signs."
"This person is getting all of these messages, they're seeing signs, they're seeing synchronicities that this is a wish being fulfilled for them."
"When you ask God for a sign and then she brings you to this restaurant."
"I'm waiting for your signs to take action."
"Universal signs coming to you, you have opportunities, you have synchronicities, serendipities, coincidences, and you're not going anywhere to get it, they're coming to you."
"When you see the signs, know that this is the universe trying to tell you to keep going on your journey because we have a plan for you."
"You're starting to see signs of progress."
"Nothing is a coincidence, everything you will be seeing or experiencing is a sign."
"You will receive a major sign or a major glimpse of your dream life."
"When it's time to walk away from something, there will be a lot of signs and synchronicities showing you that this is not for you."
"Yeah, because the whole thing is based on the idea of increasing daylight or decreasing daylight."
"There are pretty clear signs that this will not be wanting if the lady is willing."
"It contains signs of what will come."
"And I guarantee you, you will recognize some of these signs of healing in yourself."
"It's obvious, you're seeing the signs. You're seeing the signs that this person is abusive."
"When you see this happening, know that it is near and it is at the door."
"Intensified synchronicities are one of the most palpable signs."
"If she's laughing at your joke, touching your arm, and playing with her hair, those are all signs that she's interested."
"You're seeing a lot of incoming blessings, opportunities, you're also seeing signs all around you through the universe."
"I'm seeing you having a lot of fun with your guides this year too, like really connecting with them. And they're kind of like playfully showing you signs too, like whether it's repeating numbers or symbolism in dreams."
"Warning signals are signs that the future is not right."
"That's one of things that I want you guys to know and then what's amazing is is that how many times have you guys been nervous scared stressed out and then you see something that tells you it's going to be okay."
"You are unforgettable, I see signs of you everywhere I go."
"Absolutely, I think it is a sign. Jesus made it clear in Matthew chapter 24 he gave us certain signs connected with the second coming."
"Yeah, absolutely. I think it is a sign. Jesus made it clear in Matthew chapter 24 he gave us certain signs connected with the second coming."
"Magic is rising again. One of the signs of that is that the glass candles are burning again in the house of Urathon Nightwalker."
"Biggest sign you're lonely is drinking alone."
"Have patience, recognize synchronicities as signs of breakthroughs, and allow Spirit to guide the process."
"If you're part of this crew and you're part of this group, you know the signs but nobody else does and it's just hidden in like Plain Sight."
"Prompt me at 11:11 or 1:11 and sure enough, something will prompt me to look at the time."
"God has covenanted with us that His presence will continually produce signs and wonders."
"Our loved ones used signs like dragonflies, repeating numbers, dreams, intense feelings, to reach us every day."
"When all of a sudden you see a sign and then all of a sudden they pop into your head, you know that it's them."
"Not every sign means it's absolutely a bad thing and you have to stay away from it."
"Recognize the signs of drowning: head tilted back, submerged mouth."
"You angels are all around you, so be open to the signs and synchronicities that confirm this."
"When you get your sign, tell us what it was and how it showed up in your life."
"If a situation is unhappy, you're asking for a sign. A sign to get out."
"There are times where the Lord just puts something in front of me over and over and over again."
"We didn't see any signs. Even now, three and a half years later, something will come up and we'll go, 'Do you think that's why?' If you don't know, you perceive a victim of domestic abuse to be a shrinking violet. Key wasn't a shrinking violet."
"Your angels are really coming through here and they want you to start paying attention to outward signs they try to send you whether through numbers or even animals."
"There's a lot of signs of things that are coming."
"He will Allah will show us signs in the S and on the horizon in the self and on the horizon until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth."
"You will be receiving lots of these messages and signs."
"The universe is always giving us signs."
"You're being asked to pay attention to some signs and synchronicities."
"So if you're one of those lucky women that experiences it during implantation, then that could be a good sign that you're pregnant."
"You're never going to get a massive green light from the universe unless you're in tune enough to hear the signs."
"Signs follow Believers. I'm a Believer, so why shouldn't I expect signs?"
"These signs are profound indicators of a Soulful Journey intricately woven into the fabric of our existence."
"Your souls are connected, and that's how you get the signs."
"These signs and wonders are going to be so great that if it were possible they would deceive even the elect."
"It was like somebody from the other side is trying to tell me something or let me know that they are here"
"There are non-verbal physical signs that this person is into you."
"It may be a good omen that we still see no one else out there."
"Didn't you see the signs, the symbols, and the synchronicities that I sent you?"
"Maybe this person is someone who's already getting synchronicity signs."
"Sign number five, guys. This is your spiritual awakening."
"Don't ignore the signs from the universe."
"I keep getting signs that remind me of you. I can't ignore them anymore."
"So my friends, if you recognize these signs that we discussed in the video answer the call it's a sign from a higher power urging you to fulfill a mission during your stay on Earth."
"One of the most profound signs of God rewriting your story is experiencing a supernatural peace and joy that surpasses understanding."
"Jesus did this as the beginning of his signs in Cana in Galilee and so revealed his glory, and his disciples began to believe in him."
"I thought it was a sign from God because it was a very overly spiritualized thing that happened."
"See the signs, believe in your potential, you have a very favorable outcome."
"An intensification of the signs, an increasing level of fear amongst men, and a radical return to religion."
"Regardless of what category you fall into, there will be little signs for you, things that are making it obvious that some sort of decision has been made."
"Somebody spans beyond their means and they keep getting everywhere they turn, more signs and synchronicities that their circle just isn't right, their choices just aren't right."
"You have a literal puppy. What else of a sign do you need?"
"...signs can come from anywhere numbers Dreams Music synchronicities hearing the same word or seeing the same word over and over again hearing random sounds hearing doorbells hearing knocking seeing butterflies seeing cats like honestly anything can be a sign."
"Just because you have a sign that maybe no one else has heard of or seen doesn't mean that it's not a sign it can just be specifically for you."
"Every time I think that, he always gives that sign, whether it's through me or through someone else who loves me. He always gives me that."
"Your loved ones are always listening, but sometimes it's not that they're not sending us signs, it's that we don't know what to look for."
"Numbers are one of the easiest ways that they can communicate with us."
"Do not worry about misreading or misunderstanding the signs and making a wrong turn. Just as your navigational system calculates a new route, the universe will keep gently guiding you."
"Magic in the air...pay attention to the signs and synchronicities. The universe is helping you and communicating to you through other people, experiences, and what you might call coincidences."
"Until next time I'll see you soon in trust in the signs."
"The universe is handling it right now. Pay attention to the signs to see what must be done next."
"Watch for the signs and synchronicities."