
Spiritual Connection Quotes

There are 1780 quotes

"Stop doubting your intuition because you're very connected with your spiritual team."
"True happiness comes from connecting with divine love, which transcends earthly love."
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me."
"You take me beyond this lifetime, and I often feel the blissful emotions of past lives that we've shared together."
"I recognize this connection from a past life."
"Not just a meeting of minds, but a meeting of energy... your divine counterpart coming in."
"One of the most fascinating aspects of their culture is their deep spiritual connection to nature."
"Black women... have a power to speak directly to your spirit molecule, to shift something inside you, to awaken something inside you."
"You have a strong bond with fairies and your life purpose involves helping Mother Nature."
"You have a very strong connection to source here, and you can trust that information that you receive."
"I understand that many people want to feel connected to a higher power and that astrology can feel really good and refreshing and inclusive to people who have left a certain religion or are typically excluded from certain religions."
"Father, draw me to yourself. This is requesting God to pull you closer to Him, even when you have no ability to come close to Him."
"Genius is more than talent. Talent may merely be one faculty developed out of proportion to other faculties, but genius is the union of man and God in the acts of the soul."
"The gesture of namaste intimates the following: the God in me greets the God in you, the spirit in me meets the same spirit in you."
"They really got your back and help you out so much. And the more that you're open to me, the more I can come in and help you out in your reality, on your path."
"It's almost like they were bringing this avatar in to remind people of the true connection to whatever is out there."
"Pay attention to who you're in communication with on the 16th because I strongly feel for you this person or these people are part of your soul family."
"Your divine masculine, your soulmate energetically right now, is going through a huge transformation."
"This beautiful soul union, this beautiful coming together, this soul mate connection, past life connection."
"Your heart has a heightened connection with the higher realms of consciousness and light. A blessing, empowerment, and positive omen shall enter your world."
"This is a strong psychic or spiritual connection; you may feel like you've known this person before."
"Believe it or not, this person is part of your soul family."
"The better we are, the more we like each other. Wouldn't that be a kind of union under something approximating God that all good men could see in each other?"
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me."
"It's your destiny to meet this person; it's your destiny to meet this soulmate."
"Your soulmate is true love on an emotional, spiritual, mental, physical, financial, and social level."
"You've got an angel here as well... This connection is somehow protected."
"Lift my spirit with you high is all I'm feeling."
"If you're drawn to it, don't bother watching any videos you don't feel called to watch because the ones that you really feel drawn to or readers you feel really connected to and tuned into, those are usually the videos that are meant for you."
"I feel like you guys are being connected to your divine purpose."
"It is my spirit that addresses your spirit; just as if both had passed through the grave, and we stood at God’s feet, equal — as we are!"
"If you feel compelled, drawn, pushed towards your mission every single day, that is a sure sign your spirit guide is nearby helping you."
"Let me tell you, I get so excited when I get the opportunity to just sit before God, to sit with Jesus, and to think about you."
"Do not give your power away to anyone or anything, even to a connection that you consider to be divine."
"The Lord Jesus Christ extends to each of us the invitation to abide in Him."
"You're going to go, the world will leave you behind. So, your best bet is to develop that link."
"This is amazing; we have a soulmate card here. That's just beautiful."
"Mental health coping mechanisms: talking to people, taking long walks, helping people, and linking your life to your spiritual life."
"They hear when you call their name and when you speak to them."
"Your loved ones are always with you they truly are just a thought away."
"A branch cannot produce fruit of itself unless it’s connected to the vine."
"It had roots, it had a spirit already, it had bones."
"The heart is the connection directly to our higher self, it's also the access to the plant world, to the nature spirits."
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere, they're in each other all along."
"You have to connect with a church community where God is God."
"Ruth and Boaz isn't about Ruth and Boaz, it's about Jesus and us."
"Nature talks to us continually; we need only open our hearts and minds."
"My deepest travel has been in my bedroom in stillness. If you can just be still, that's where I learn to have a very intimate relationship with myself and a very intimate relationship with the higher source."
"It's not about the information... It's about the connection not with the words, but with Him who is behind those words."
"There's a lot of reasons that we can feel connected to the earth and a lot I think what a lot of people mistake for feeling connected to the earth is it's feeling connected to the creator of the earth."
"God has designed someone out there who loves you and who will value you."
"Why do we love Him? Because He loved us first."
"Connect to the blue flame, which is the light of pure love within you."
"Your spirit guides want you to trust your inner voice, instincts, and intuition."
"Your generosity cannot be disconnected from your fast."
"This is two souls that are meant to be for each other coming back together in peace and harmony."
"They're realizing your Divine Mary just Twin Flames."
"You share a soul connection; trust in the strength of your bond."
"Your connection is written in the stars, I feel you've known each other in other dimensions."
"When I'm connected to my joyful presence, I attract support from the universe."
"Sometimes when I pray for people, I feel my prayers coming back at me."
"They have a magical, almost spiritual connection with you."
"They were more close to the source than we were."
"I felt like I knew I'd known this being for a long time."
"Complete the bond spiritually first, then it reflects physically."
"This person is definitely your soulmate... you recognize each other at the soul level."
"In every sound and every moment, God is with us, speaking to us, guiding us ever closer to Him."
"It is with human beings that we find not just our greatest challenges but also potentially our greatest consolation and our paths to God."
"The body of Christ is the best fraternity and sorority yeah on the planet right I've literally traveled around the world and I'm hugging a brother or a sister right there's no feeling like that in the whole wide world."
"Your goal... is to keep your mind clear... preventing you from connecting with your higher self."
"Emotional and spiritual connection is more important than just being in love."
"Your connection is like the community of spirits, soul family, like angels around you, trying to help you both with this connection."
"There's just like the world's like a big rubik's cube and you have like a tiny little line through it I just want to try to like connect the colors in my line and just you know eventually die chill with God."
"I am deeply connected to the magnetic energy of the universe."
"In this new paradigm, relationships become less about fulfilling egocentric needs and more about mutual growth and soulful connection."
"They finally started connecting with their higher self, deciding it's time to bring light to whatever needs to be dealt with inside."
"This is the romans of your life. It's not just about emotional connection, it's also about spiritual connection."
"It's like getting a spiritual high five from the big guy himself."
"The universe is bringing something back, there's a lesson here."
"Listening to your gut means tuning into your intuition, your Divine self, and your divine connection to your higher power."
"You've never been closer than you are right now."
"This connection, whether existing or yet to come, is instrumental in an activation spiritually and awakening spiritually for you, for them."
"The most important part is that connection to Jesus Christ."
"You are connected to source you are loved all the time you are protected all the time."
"Every day became a greater confirmation of the fact that we were in the presence of the one God had preserved for both of us."
"I cannot explain how this how you just know it's like you're knowing in your spirit and your mind suddenly understands it in your heart it's like I know him and he knows me and we're related we're Made In His Image."
"We are a family of light, soul brother, soul sister. That's why we love each other."
"It's a level of consciousness that is powerful, that connects to lots of people."
"Twin flame connections are meant to trigger you in order to heal the things within you that have not been processed."
"This connection is deeply spiritual and feels euphoric."
"Confirmation again, they feel you are their twin flame or soulmate, a divine love beyond the social matrix version of love."
"They feel heaven on earth with you because the connection really is multi-dimensional."
"They feel like your connection is in the high Realms."
"You've got a Divine counterpart coming towards you, holy crap, this is highly spiritual, this is a Divine connection, this is divinely guided, this is fate."
"I want to take the initiative when it comes to my own healing, my own spiritual connection. Who I love, what I love, I am interested in that right now."
"A spiritual connection is ruled by the element of water, so this Mystic rectangle pulls in all the other elements so it's like you're perfectly balanced."
"Your mitochondria will come online and you will be Mother Earth would talk to you like you talking like me and like we are now."
"Part of the hadith scholars and indeed the jurist's task is to try and recreate something of the unique spiritual immediacy of the early days of the ummah."
"Some of you are attracting or getting closer to a twin connection. This is a balanced connection, divinely guided from the universe."
"So many different ways to heal and you don't have to have a degree to know how to be a healer or to connect with source who is all-knowing."
"You have a real deal soulmate, a spiritual flame that is going to align with you in a romantic way this lifetime."
"Your person is hypnotized by you, they feel this calling, this spiritual calling as well to be more of who they are, live more heart-centered."
"Your connection is like heaven on earth for them."
"He will bring you to the Son and the Son will bring you to the Father. Hallelujah!"
"They feel like this connection is highly spiritual, it's awakened them massively."
"A deep bond... part of each other's spiritual expansion."
"Take some time away from the drama and just really make your own personal connection with source creator."
"Your soul is longing to experience what it's like to be with that person."
"Love makes you more authentically yourself, and your passion is divine."
"Nessie knows from experience that life is not fair, but she is inspired by Lou and Leo every day. Way up in the stars, they are inspired by her."
"We've created a new spiritual relationship with Lulu and Leo. We've shown Nessie and Felix and Linus how to do the same."
"You share a very strong astral connection. You may know how each other feels from a distance."
"They know that they're your divine masculine."
"Your ancestors are strongly present around you."
"Believe in the impossible. Spirit knows you, the Divine energy knows you, and they know what they have in store for you."
"I'm forever grateful for every one of you guys. I can't wait to meet all of you in eternity."
"Maintain that connection to something beyond the obvious."
"If you feel you want to embrace the whole world you have felt God."
"Beautiful sweet outcomes... there's such a sweet energy here... sweetened with another worldly eternal love."
"God loves you, I dare you to shout right there where you are, 'God loves me!'"
"After Korra made a connection to Aang and the past avatars, she learned how to enter the Avatar State at will."
"You are a badass... You were picked by the creator to come here."
"This person is kind of preparing you to kind of get through the gate very interesting very interesting actually this person is a kindred spirit and option number two got that as well."
"The purpose of clearing each energy center is to allow that meeting place to occur at the indigo ray vibration, thus making contact with intelligent infinity and dissolving all illusions."
"I am the Vine, ye are the branches. Without me ye can do nothing."
"What draws me closest to Christ is repentance."
"In order to manifest a beautiful sacred union, be sure you feel that within your heart already."
"When you bring Heaven down to earth through the women then the women's frequency elevates and then the men frequency elevates."
"This connection literally makes them remember Heaven."
"Perhaps a lost soul who feels comfortable with me and my family for some reason."
"Spurgeon's sense of spiritual reality gripped me. This is a man who's speaking to my experience and my heart."
"Sovereignty is our direct connection with source—it's about reclaiming our power and leading by example."
"The sun in Leo has a direct connection to the sun's neutrinos, to the strength of the sun's life force."
"This connection between the two of you with the lovers energy as well as the two of cups, very spiritual type of energy."
"God always makes history with those who have history with him."
"Through my meditations, I start to realize this is a great way to reconnect back with my spirit guides."
"I shall cherish the sweet hope of meeting you in a better world."
"Our purpose to help everybody stay grounded during these difficult times... to help everyone find their sense of purpose, happiness, joy, love, and connection to the divine."
"You met this person because you needed more understanding of divine feminine energy."
"Some people have devotion to their work, what they do in a lifetime. Yes, but again, I think there are cases where someone's job or their work is connected to something deeply spiritual for them."
"The most beautiful thing about Islam is the reconnection with the creator of the heavens and the Earth."
"When you're connected with God, you're going to have righteous indignation."
"Saying things people already know out loud is tight."
"Trust in yourself, trust in your ability to connect with something much higher."
"The great power is being connected to Jesus and remaining connected to Jesus."
"Abide in me, stay connected to me moment by moment, and you will live your purpose."
"A new moon is just a time to connect in with the possibilities."
"I pray that these people would all find their purpose and that would pull them closer to you."
"Love is the greatest connection for me to spirituality."
"Your soulmate is already with you in spirit, believe this."
"This connection is the key to transformation within you both."
"Thank you so much for joining me in beautiful Costa Rica, I send you all my love, all my light. May you have a beautiful rest of your day. Namaste, see you soon."
"In reality, we're never separated from the Divine, but it appears so based on our perception."
"The mystery of sex is that whomever you engage with sexually, you become one with them. This is beyond the physical joining that occurs but also the spiritual."
"In Islam, prayer is our daily dose of connection with God. Every day, if you're separated from prayer, you're separated from connecting with the Creator."
"Dreams are the closest we get to feeling and seeing our loved ones."
"We are one, bound by the Force, and we will not be broken."
"You have the ability to both exude and tap into that universal love."
"You have a guy who, by your own admission, was different than everybody you've ever known, spiritually connected to him unlike any other."
"This moon is a powerful, dedicated moon to you."
"You are one with the creator, with no limits to what you can achieve."
"There's definitely a strong connection here, a spiritual connection."
"I can't love what I don't know, I can't live who I don't know."
"I feel closest to God when I am making a difference in someone else's life."
"When two twin flames are in harmony they can change the world."
"When the noise of life becomes quiet enough, you could hear the still voice of the Lord."
"I might not know him like you know him, but I know him."
"I see all that, you know, and then I... I can read the frequencies."
"Prayer becomes our lifeline, connecting us to the source of our strength and peace amidst busy times."
"They felt the connection, they know you're a soulmate."
"Know that you are as connected as ever on a soul level, on an energy level, through the subconscious mind."
"Separation itself is only an illusion. This is the person, the other soul you have been intricately connected to, intertwined with, not just this lifetime, but this is the person you've been in a kind of eternal dance with."
"Twin flames not only remain just as aware of each other as when they were physically together in this life or in other lifetimes."
"You feel the fate, you feel the destiny that you share with this person at a sole level."
"You both see each other as a gift from the divine, as something like a beautiful opportunity."
"You're being initiated and only a soul family member would ever get you to even... would be able to get this out of you. That's how you know they're soul family."
"You know that someone is part of your soul star family when you feel like you know and remember them from the moment you meet."
"Your truth will resonate with you when you know it, and when that truth connects to your spirit, you're going to know how to heal, how to nurture."
"Your name carries a vibration, tune into its energy."
"They consciously realize that spirit is watching over your connection."
"There's someone in spirit who's going to give you a sign that they're so proud of you."
"You recognize someone's your twin flame when you can have a lot of depth with that person."
"You don't have to chase a twin flame; they will always be drawn back to you."
"When you are with your twin flame, you feel at one with the universe."
"It's not a game, it's an energetic exchange of two people knowing that they have met the person that is their twin flame."
"They feel your soul mates or twin flames if they know that label they know the divine brought you together with these rays of light."
"Your soul remembers this intense connection."
"Music is energy, you know saying you got to align your energy correctly and right with god you know you don't want to be listening to this crap."
"If you're really ready and really interested in manifesting your sacred soulmate relationship then please check out the link."
"A soul mate is an ongoing connection with another individual that the soul picks up again in various times and places over lifetimes."
"They view you as their soulmate. Your soulmate is already with you in spirit, believe this, and they will manifest physically."
"Your greatest love on this planet is the love of Christ."
"Recognize the Divine Essence in yourself and others fostering a sense of connection and compassion."
"Meditate: clear your mind and connect with spirit."
"Focus on you right now, focus on what you can control, start nurturing that connection with Source."
"Your soulmate is already with you in spirit."
"I always meet you on your highest vibrational timeline."
"You see what others can't, you see beyond the mask of people, which really has this spirit animal time highly connected with the high priestess."
"Spirit will connect with you and me in multiple ways."
"This connection is going to ascend, rise up, like a heavenly connection."